EditPlus What's New
Version 3.30 (2011-04-19)
* Supports TSVN commands ('File'->'TSVN').
* Supports menu bitmaps on Vista/7.
* Highlights all occurrences of selected word ('View'->'Word Highlighting').
* 'Preferences'->'Print' dialog box supports 'Hide line numbers' option.
* 'Min. line number digits' option ('Preferences'->'Layout').
* Internal browser supports displaying the information bar.
* Internal browser now opens new window as a tab.
* Combobox 'auto append' option ('Preferences'->'General').
* 'HTML Color' command on the popup menu.
* Updated toolbar buttons.
* Allows double click on the Change File Format dialog box.
<bug fixes>
* 'Edit'->'Insert'->'Cliptext' commands could cause program crash.
* Using tagged expression for function pattern could cause program crash.
* 'View'->'Matching Brace' option could suspend the program in long lines.
* The Status Bar couldn't display help messages.
* Fixes the Status Bar with the Hex Viewer and the Browser Window.
* Screen update could be wrong with Replace All on folded code.
* 'Monitor Clipboard' didn't work correctly when set on multiple instances.
* Restoring cursor location didn't work with remote files.
* Fixes Japanese composition window location.
* 'Add to Project' command in the Directory Window didn't work correctly.
* 'Use EditPlus in Internet Explorer' option didn't work.
* Size of floating windows could fail to restore correctly.
* Output Window could not capture accented letters correctly.
* Exclucde option on the Find in Files now works only on subdirectories and file names.
* sftp fingerprint uses RSA algorithm by default.
* Cursor location could be incorrect with foreign language fonts.
Version 3.21 (2010-12-20)
* 'Use TR1 regular expression' option ('Preferences'->'General').
开启此选项以使用C++ TR1正则表达式库替代经典EditPlus正则表达式。TR1正则表达式兼容ECMAScript,并支持更强大的功能,但是比经典功能要慢一些。
* Customizable toolbar icon for User Tools.
* 'User tool group' option in the Setting & syntax dialog box.
* Supports floating window for Output Window and Cliptext/Directory Window.
* Allows dropping files on the Directory Window.
* 'Add to Project' command in the Directory Window.
* 'Copy'/'Move' button on the FTP Settings dialog box.
* Allows negative value in the line space option.
* Hides horizontal scrollbar in word wrap mode.
* Allows saving read-only files.
<bug fix>
* 'Color' button on the HTML Toolbar could cause program crash.
* 'Delete Duplicated Lines' command on selected text could cause program crash.
* Selecting 'Open Files'/'Project' from the Directory Window could cause program crash.
* 'Continue to next file' option on the Find dialog box could cause infinite loop.
* sftp keyboard-interactive authentication didn't work if password was empty in the setting.
* File association could cause error message from Explorer.
* Fixes unusually slow regex search in large files.
* Preferences dialog box could drop keyboard input on Korean keyboard.
* Fixes program delay with the Fonts dialog box.
* Fixes memory leak with the 'Preferences'->'Fonts' dialog box.
* Deleting remote directory from the Directory Window could cause memory leak.
* 'Search Cliptext' command could cause memory leak.
* On Directory Window, context menu shortcut key shifted down the selection.
* Changing FTP group in the FTP Setting dialog box from Open Remote did not work correctly.
* Find dialog box didn't work correctly when moving focus to next split pane.
* 'File Open dialog restores previous directory' option didn't work.
* Modifying the file path in the Project dialog box didn't work.
* 'Remove duplicates' option in the Sort dialog box didn't work with descending order.
* 'Larger/Smaller Font Size' command didn't work with Custom 1 - 5 fonts.
* Repeating answer on encoding warning didn't work correctly.
* Restoring word wrap state didn't work with the 'Wrap after format column number' option.
* URL highlighting could broke on '(' or ')'.
* If line space was not 0, Hex Viewer screen could be drawn incorrectly.
* If line space was not 0, URL highlighting could work incorrectly.
* On Windows XP classic theme, some color schemes could draw grayed buttons incorrectly.
* Switching off the 'Sort' option on the Cliptext window restores original order.
* 'Help'->'Feedback and Support' menu command didn't work.
* Makes the Sort option on the Function List case insensitive.
* 'Tile Horizontal/Vertical' command follows Selector Window button order.
* HTML Toolbar state could not be restored in normal documents.
* In the Open Remote dialog box, Alt+A mnemonic didn't work.
Version 3.20 (2010-08-03)
* Hex viewer ('File'->'Open'->'Encoding')
* Supports FTP Groups.
* Windows 7 style File Open/Save dialog box.
* Polished UI elements.
* 'Cliptext' option added to the 'Settings & syntax' dialog box.
* 'Text to Speech' command (Tools menu).
* 'Load project files on selected' option on the Project dialog box.
* ^@ inserts current date in the Cliptext.
* Cliptext supports removing text around the hotspot.
* Restores word wrap status for recent documents.
* Restores window split status for recent documents.
* 'Minimize as Tray Icon' menu option ('Window'->'Others').
* -m command line option for 'run minimized'.
* Supports #NUMBER_PATTERN=pas, #NUMBER_PATTERN=asm in the syntax file.
* 'Insert File' command allows inserting multiple files.
* System code page list shows 'EUC-JP' if available.
* 'Numeric sort' option added to the Sort dialog box.
* Ctrl+Enter key inserts a blank line.
* Toolbar button for 'ANSI to HTML Entity' command.
* Moves the 'Embedded script' color option to the 'Preferences'->'Colors' dialog box.
<bug fix>
* Fixes incorrect maximized window on Windows 7 secondary monitor.
* EditPlus wouldn't start up when toolbar settings were wrong.
* 'Sort' on column selection could cause program crash.
* URL highlight did not work correctly in word wrap mode.
* 'Set Directories' dialog box could not accept environment variables.
* The directory view could not handle Enter key.
* When renaming in the directory tree, Esc key did not work.
* 'Go to URL' command could not handle non-English letters.
* Fixes a bug for the line space option.
* 'Sort' option on the Project dialog box was not persistent.
* Selections in 'Fixedsys' font could not display line breaks correctly.
* When saving new file, if path includes '.', txt file extension could not be added automatically.
Version 3.12 (2009-12-02)
* Restores folding state for recent files.
* 'Continue to next file' option on the Find dialog box.
* Directory window keeps previously opened folder icons.
* Directory Window supports displaying open file list.
* Larger/Smaller Font Size command ('View'->'Screen Font').
* Supports UTF-8 text in the Output Window.
* #NESTED_COMMENT=y syntax file statement for nested comments.
* Color option for marked lines ('Preferences'->'Colors')
* Allows Ctrl+A key in the Window List and Directory Window.
* 'Web server root directory' option accepts https://
* 'Turn off sounds' option ('Preferences'->'General').
* 'Show full path in the title bar' option ('Preferences'->'Layout').
* -s command line option (Syntax directory).
* Toolbar button for Playback Multiple.
* Toolbar button for the 'Document'->'Auto Complete' option.
* Increases max file type number to 50.
* Horizontal scrollbar for the directory pane.
* 'Show Current Folder Only' option (Directory popup menu).
<bug fix>
* Canceling FTP upload could cause program crash.
* 'Delete Blank Lines' command could cause program crash.
* Auto Run user tool could not play keystroke recordings.
* Installer could display a warning message on Windows 7.
* Fixes incorrect cursor movement in Thai language.