Wi-Fi 6E Standard and Channels – 802.11ax Operation in the 6 GHz Band

国内有关WiFi 6E的资料较少,搬运一篇文章进来供参考学习,原文链接:https://www.litepoint.com/blog/wi-fi-6e-standard-and-channels/

LitePoint’s Eve Danel has developed this three-part blog series on Wi-Fi 6E and testing challenges. Throughout this series of blog posts, you’ll learn the basics of operating rules for Wi-Fi 6E in the 6 GHz band, the challenges when validating Wi-Fi 6E designs and what testing solutions LitePoint has available for Wi-Fi 6E.

Wi-Fi 6E Standard and Channels – 802.11ax Operation in the 6 GHz Band
In my previous blog post, I explored the FCC’s decision to open the 6 GHz band for Wi-Fi 6E standard operation, as well as the rules the FCC put in place to protect incumbent users in that space. Today I want to explore the IEEE 802.11ax rules of operation in the 6 GHz band and how they differ from operation in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.

Background on Wi-Fi Standards
Two main groups are responsible for shaping Wi-Fi’s evolution. The IEEE 802.11 defines the technical specifications of the wireless LAN standard. The IEEE 802.11ax standard for high efficiency (or HE) covers MAC and PHY layer operation in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz bands. It is scheduled to be finalized by the end of 2020.

The Wi-Fi Alliance focuses on certification of Wi-Fi devices for compliance and interoperability, as well as the marketing of Wi-Fi technology. To improve consumer understanding of the various IEEE 802.11 standard generations, the Wi-Fi Alliance decided to create consumer friendly names. The IEEE 802.11ax standard is now referred to as Wi-Fi 6 or the 6th generation of Wi-Fi and operates the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Wi-Fi 6E operates in the 6 GHz frequency band. Thousands of devices have received Wi-Fi 6 certification since the program started and the Wi-Fi 6E certification is planned to start sometime in early 2021.

IEEE Rules of Operation
Decisions made by the IEEE 802.11ax group and added to the standard will make Wi-Fi 6E even more efficient.
Arguably one of the most important decisions made by the IEEE 802.11ax group is that it disallows older generation Wi-Fi devices in the 6 GHz band, which is important because it means that only high efficiency 802.11ax devices will be able to operate in this band.

Historically, newer Wi-Fi standards have always provided backward compatibility with older generations. This proved to be a great strength to win over consumers, since network equipment doesn’t need to be completely overhauled at each new generation. This has also been a source of congestion, since older slower legacy equipment is sharing available resources (i.e. spectrum) with newer devices. In the 6 GHz however, only new high efficiency devices will be allowed to operate.

When using the analogy of a freeway to describe Wi-Fi, the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz band can be compared to congested freeways allowing both fast and slow vehicles, while the 6 GHz band is the equivalent of a new, large freeway that only allows the fastest cars.

With 1200 MHz of spectrum and 59 new 20 MHz channels, a station with a dwell time of 100 ms per channel would require almost 6 seconds to complete a passive scan of the entire band. The standard implements a new efficient process for clients to discover nearby access points (APs). In Wi-Fi 6E, a process called fast passive scanning is being used to focus on a reduced set of channels called preferred scanning channels (PSC). PSCs are a set of 15 20-MHz channels that are spaced every 80 MHz. The APs will set their primary channel to coincide with the PSC so that it can be easily discovered by a client, and clients will use passive scanning in order to just scan PSCs to look for an AP.
To further improve the efficiency of the 6 GHz operation, the standard is also segregating most of the management traffic to other bands. So, a multi-band AP that has 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz will be discoverable by scanning the lower bands. The client will first go into the lower bands, discover the AP there and then move to the 6 GHz band. This way, no probe request frames will need to be sent in the 6 GHz band. This will reduce the probe requests that are sent by stations just trying to find APs because it will not be allowed unless it is a PSC channel.

Wi-Fi 6E Channelization
The 802.11ax standard also defines channel allocations for the 6 GHz band. This allocation determines the center frequencies for 20 MHz, 40 MHz, 80 MHz and 160 MHz channels.

Channels begin at the start frequency of 5950 MHz, leaving just 25 MHz of guard band between the first 6 GHz channels and the upper range of the U-NII 4 band.

If a U-NII band is not allowed in a specific regulatory domain or operates under different rules, then the regulatory specs take precedence over IEEE and channels that are falling on frequencies or overlapping on frequencies that are not supported, are not allowed.

The FCC is providing this pristine new highway of spectrum and the Wi-Fi 6E standard’s rules of operation are ensuring that we can remove the slowest vehicles on the highway. The question now is how do you build the next generation, high performance device that can really take advantage of this new spectrum? There are many challenges to overcome.

In the next post, we’ll explore what testing solutions LitePoint has available for Wi-Fi 6E. In the meantime, please visit the replay of my webinar on this topic.

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### 回答1: 华为wi-fi 6(802.11ax)技术白皮书是一份详细介绍华为wi-fi 6技术的技术文档。wi-fi 6是一种新一代的无线局域网技术,也被称为802.11ax,它具有更高的速度、更大的容量和更好的性能,可以满足不断增长的无线网络需求。 华为wi-fi 6技术白皮书首先介绍了wi-fi 6的特点和优势。它采用了多项技术创新,包括OFDMA调度、TWT省电技术、BSS色块管理、MU-MIMO等,这些技术的引入使得wi-fi 6能够同时处理更多的设备连接,并提供更稳定和高效的网络连接。 接着,白皮书详细解释了wi-fi 6的性能改进。它提供了更高的峰值速率,最高可达10 Gbps,可以满足高速数据传输的需求。同时,wi-fi 6还采用了更好的调度算法和资源管理,可以更好地应对高密度的设备连接。这意味着在拥挤的网络环境下,用户可以享受到更稳定、低延迟的连接。 此外,华为wi-fi 6技术白皮书还介绍了wi-fi 6在不同场景下的应用。无论是家庭、办公室还是公共场所,wi-fi 6都可以提供更好的网络体验。它可以支持更多的设备同时连接,同时能够更好地应对视频流、在线游戏、远程办公等高带宽应用的需求。 最后,白皮书还详细介绍了华为wi-fi 6解决方案和产品。华为提供了一系列支持wi-fi 6的产品,包括路由器、接入点和芯片等。这些产品可以广泛应用于不同的场景,并且能够满足各种不同规模和需求的网络部署。 总的来说,华为wi-fi 6技术白皮书详细介绍了wi-fi 6的特点、性能和应用,为用户了解和应用wi-fi 6技术提供了有价值的指导。通过采用华为wi-fi 6解决方案,用户可以享受到更快速、稳定和高效的无线网络连接。 ### 回答2: 华为wi-fi 6 (802.11ax) 技术白皮书是华为公司发布的一份关于wi-fi 6技术的详细介绍和解释。wi-fi 6是一种新一代的无线网络技术,也被称为802.11ax。该技术的目标是提供更高的传输速度、更好的网络容量和更低的延迟。 该白皮书首先介绍了wi-fi 6技术的背景和发展。随着移动设备的普及和无线网络的快速发展,用户对更快、更稳定的网络连接的需求也逐渐增加。为了满足这一需求,wi-fi 6技术应运而生。 白皮书接着介绍了wi-fi 6技术的核心特点和优势。首先,wi-fi 6采用了全新的调制技术和信道利用方式,可以实现更高的数据传输速度。其次,wi-fi 6可以在更多的设备连接下保持网络稳定,大大提高了网络容量。此外,wi-fi 6还引入了OFDMA技术,可以将一个信道分割成多个子信道,使得网络传输更加高效。 白皮书还详细介绍了华为wi-fi 6产品的技术架构和关键技术。华为的wi-fi 6产品包括基站、终端设备和管理平台等多个方面。华为采用了一系列创新的技术,如动态清除信号干扰、多用户接入控制、网络智能调度等,以提供更好的用户体验和网络性能。 最后,白皮书总结了华为wi-fi 6技术的前景和应用场景。wi-fi 6技术将广泛应用于各种场景,如家庭、企业、公共场所等。华为的wi-fi 6产品将为用户提供更高效、更快速和更稳定的无线网络连接,为数字化社会的发展做出贡献。 总之,华为wi-fi 6 (802.11ax) 技术白皮书是一份详细介绍和解释wi-fi 6技术的文档。通过阅读此白皮书,读者可以了解wi-fi 6技术的核心特点、优势和华为产品的创新技术,以及其在各个应用场景中的前景和意义。 ### 回答3: 华为wi-fi 6 (802.11ax)技术白皮书全面介绍了华为的wi-fi 6技术及其在实际应用中的优势和创新之处。wi-fi 6是当前最新一代无线局域网技术,它继承了前一代wi-fi 5的优势,并在速度、容量、覆盖范围和连接密度等方面进行了重大改进。 华为wi-fi 6技术白皮书详细介绍了wi-fi 6的三个关键特性:OFDMA(正交频分多址)、MU-MIMO(多用户多输入多输出)和BSS色彩复用(基站服务集色彩复用)。这些特性使得wi-fi 6能够更好地处理多设备同时连接时出现的拥塞和延迟问题,提高网络效率和性能。 白皮书还强调了华为在wi-fi 6技术领域的创新,例如引入了自适应频谱估计和分配技术,使wi-fi 6能够更好地应对各种不同的信道环境。此外,华为还提出了自适应翼形天线设计,可根据不同场景自动调整天线形态,提供更好的信号覆盖和链接稳定性。 华为wi-fi 6技术白皮书还介绍了wi-fi 6在各个行业的应用场景,包括智能家居、智能交通和LTE-WLAN融合等。通过wi-fi 6技术,用户可以在高密度设备连接的环境下,获得更快的速度和更可靠的连接。 总结来说,华为wi-fi 6技术白皮书详细介绍了wi-fi 6技术的特点、优势和创新之处,以及其在不同行业的应用场景。该白皮书为用户和行业提供了深入了解和应用wi-fi 6技术的重要参考,助力网络的升级和创新。


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