MessagesLogged – 该weblogic服务器实例产生的日志消息总数
*       Number of total log messages generated by this instance of the weblogic server. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       SocketsOpenedTotalCount - 返回本服务器上登记的socket的总数
*       Return the total number of registrations for socket muxing on this sever. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       ActivationTime – 返回服务器激活时间
*       Return the time when the server was started. 
*       CachingDisabled -禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       OpenSocketsCurrentCount – 返回本服务器上当前登记的socket数
*       Return the current number sockets registered for socket muxing on this server. 
*       AdminServerListenPort – 返回管理服务器监听的端口
*       Return the port on which admin server is listening for connections. 
*       RestartsTotalCount – 返回自群集上次激活后本服务器重启的总次数
*       Return the total number of restarts for this server since the cluster was last activated. 
*       ListenPort – 返回当前服务器监听连接的端口
*       Return the port on which this server is listening for connections. 
*       ExecutionTimeAverage – 返回所有servlet自被创建后被调用的平均数
*       Returns the average amount of time all invocations of the servlet have executed since created. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       ExecutionTimeHigh – 返回servlet自创建后耗时最长的一个交易调用的时间
*       Returns the amount of time the single longest invocation of the servlet has executed since created. 
*       ReloadTotalCount – 返回servlet被重载总次数
*       Returns the total number of times the servlet has been reloaded. 
*       PoolMaxCapacity – 返回单线程模式下servlet的最大能力
*       Returns the maximum capacity of this servlet for single thread model servlets. 
*       InvocationTotalCount – 返回servlet被调用的总次数
*       Returns the total number of times the servlet has been invoked. 
*       ExecutionTimeLow – 返回servlet自创建后单次最短调用消耗的时间
*       Returns the amount of time the single shortest invocation of the servlet has executed since created. Note that for the CounterMonitor, the difference option must be used. 
*       ExecutionTimeTotal – 返回servlet自被创建后所有被调用的总时间数
*       Returns the amount of time all invocations of the servlet has executed since created. 
*       SessionsOpenedTotalCount – 返回该服务器上打开的会话总数
*       Returns the total number of sessions opened in this server. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       OpenSessionsHighCount – 返回本服务器上打开会话总数的最大值
*       Returns the high water mark of the total number of open sessions in this server. The count starts at zero each time the server is activated. Note that this is an optimization method for a highly useful statistic that could be implemented less efficiently using change notification. 
*       OpenSessionsCurrentCount – 返回当前component打开的会话总数
*       Returns the current total number of open sessions in this component. 
*       Stateless – 如果mbean代表无状态会话bean,返回true,否则返回false。
*       Returns true if the mbean represents a Stateless Session Bean, otherwise returns false (for Entity Bean and Stateful Session Bean). 
*       TransactionsCommittedTotalCount – 返回bean的Home接口提交的交易的总数
*       Returns the total number of transactions committed by beans of this Home. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       TransactionsInFlightTotalCount - 返回bean的Home接口正在运行的交易总数
*       Returns the total number of in-flight transactions by beans of this home. 
*       CachedBeansCurrentCount – 返回当前缓存中的bean的数目
*       Returns the number of beans currently in the cache. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       TransactionsRolledBackTotalCount - 返回bean的Home接口提交的交易总数
*       Returns the total number of transactions rolled back by beans of this Home. 
*       TransactionRolledBackTotalCount – 返回回滚的交易数
*       Returns the number of transactions that were rolled back. 
*       SecondsActiveTotalCount – 返回所有提交交易的总秒数
*       Returns the total number of seconds for all committed transactions. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       TransactionRolledBackAppTotalCount – 返回因应用错误回滚的交易数
*       Returns the number of transactions that were rolled back due to an application error. 
*       Registered -如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       TransactionTotalCount – 返回所有处理的交易总数,包含回滚,提交和引发其他交易的交易
*       Returns the total number of transactions processed. This total includes all committed, rolled back and heuristic transaction completions. 
*       TransactionRolledBackTimeoutTotalCount - 返回因超时回滚的交易数
*       Returns the number of transactions that were rolled back due to timeout expiration. 
*       TransactionRolledBackSystemTotalCount – 返回因系统内部错误回滚的交易数
*       Returns the number of transactions that were rolled back due to an internal system error. 
*       TransactionHeuristicsTotalCount – 返回完成的heuristic状态的交易数
*       Returns the number of transactions that completed with a heuristic status. 
*       TransactionCommittedTotalCount – 返回提交的交易数
*       Returns the number of committed transactions. 
*       TransactionRolledBackResourceTotalCount – 返回因资源错误回滚的交易数
*       Returns the number of transactions that were rolled back due to a resource error. 
*       HeapSizeCurrent -返回当前JVM堆中内存数,单位时字节
*       Returns the current size of the JVM heap in bytes. "Current" from this method name. The fact that it is the current value is implied by the Java bean conventions. 
*       HeapFreeCurrent – 返回当前JVM堆中空闲内存数,单位时字节
*       Returns the current amount of free memory in the JVM heap in bytes. "Current" from this method name. The fact that it is the current value is implied by the Java bean conventions. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       Stateless – 如果mbean代表一个无状态bean返回true,否则返回false
*       Returns true if the mbean represents a Stateless Session Bean, otherwise returns false (for Entity Bean and Stateful Session Bean). 
*       TransactionsCommittedTotalCount – 返回bean的Home接口提交的交易的总数
*       Returns the total number of transactions committed by beans of this Home. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       TransactionsInFlightTotalCount - 返回bean的Home接口运行中的交易总数
*       Returns the total number of in-flight transactions by beans of this home. 
*       CachedBeansCurrentCount – 返回当前缓存中的bean数目
*       Returns the number of beans currently in the cache. 
*       Registered -如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       TransactionsRolledBackTotalCount -返回bean的Home接口回滚的交易的总数
*       Returns the total number of transactions rolled back by beans of this Home. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       Status – 返回部署状态。不会使用EJBDeployment 接口中定义的状态集(DEPLOYED, UNDEPLOYED, ERROR),也不必要。
*       Return the deployment's status. The set of status is defined in the EJBDeployment interface (DEPLOYED, UNDEPLOYED, ERROR) was never used, and is not needed. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       WaitingForConnectionHighCount – 返回本JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean 上最大等待连接数
*       Returns the high water mark of waiters for a connection in this JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean. The count starts at zero each time the JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean is instantiated. Note that this is an optimization method for a highly useful statistic that could be implemented less efficiently using change notification. 
*       WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount – 返回当前等待连接的总数
*       Returns the current total waiting for a connection. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       ConnectionsTotalCount – 返回自连接池实例化后的JDBC连接的总数
*       Returns the total number of JDBC connections in this JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean since the pool is instantiated. 
*       MaxCapacity – 返回JDBC池的最大能力
*       Returns the maximum capacity of this JDBC pool. 
*       Registered -如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       WaitSecondsHighCount – 返回等待连接中的最长时间等待者的秒数
*       Returns the number of seconds the longest waiter for a connection waited 
*       ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount – 返回当前活动连接总数
*       Returns the current total active connections. 
*       ActiveConnectionsHighCount -返回本JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean 上最大活动连接数
*       Returns the high water mark of active connections in this JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean. The count starts at zero each time the JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean is instantiated. Note that this is an optimization method for a highly useful statistic that could be implemented less efficiently using change notification. 
*       ExecuteThreadCurrentIdleCount – 返回队列中当前空闲线程数
*       Returns the number of idle threads assigned to the queue. "Current" from this method name. The fact that it is the current value is implied by the Java bean conventions. 
*       PendingRequestOldestTime – 返回队列中最长的等待时间
*       Returns the time that the longest waiting request was placed in the queue. 
*       ServicedRequestTotalCount – 返回被本队列处理的请求总数
*       Returns the number of requests, which have been processed by this queue. "Total" from this method name. The fact that it is the total number is implied by the fact we are talking about a count of things, which have been done. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       PendingRequestCurrentCount – 返回队列中等待的请求数
*       Returns the number of waiting requests in the queue. "Current" from this method name. The fact that it is the current value is implied by the Java bean conventions. 
*       Registered -如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       FragmentsSentCount – 返回本服务器上向集群发出的总广播片断数
*       Returns the total number of multicast fragments sent from this server into the cluster. 
*       PrimaryCount – 返回本地服务器上的基本对象数
*       Answer the number of object that the local server hosts as primaries. 
*       FragmentsReceivedCount -返回本服务器上收到集群发出的总广播片断数
*       Returns the total number of multicast messages received on this server from the cluster. 
*       ResendRequestsCount – 返回因集群中的服务器错过而重发的delta状态的消息的数目
*       Returns the number of state-delta messages that had to be resent because a receiving server in the cluster missed a message. 
*       MulticastMessagesLostCount – 返回向本服务器发送的且丢失的广播消息总数
*       Returns the total number of in-coming multicast messages that were lost according to this server. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       AliveServerCount – 返回当前集群中活动的服务器数目
*       Returns the current total number of alive servers in this cluster. 
*       ForeignFragmentsDroppedCount – 返回源于其他群集而使用相同广播地址的片断数目
*       Answer the number of fragments that originated in foreign domains/cluster that use the same multicast address. 
*       ConnectionsTotalCount – 返回本JMS服务器自上次重置后的总连接数
*       Returns the total number of connections made to this JMS server since the last reset 
*       JMSServersCurrentCount – 返回当前JMS服务的连接数
*       Returns the current number of JMSServers connected to this JMS Services 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       JMSServersTotalCount – 返回自服务器启动后JMS服务的连接次数
*       Returns the number of JMSServers connections made to this JMS Service since the server is up. 
*       ConnectionsCurrentCount – 返回本JMS服务器上当前的连接数
*       Returns the current number of connection to this JMS server 
*       JMSServersHighCount -返回自服务器启动后JMS服务的最大连接数
*       Returns the peak number of JMSServers connected to this JMSService since the server is up. 
*       Registered -如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       ConnectionsHighCount – 返回本JMS服务器自上次重置后的最大连接数
*       Returns the peak number of connections to this JMS server since the last reset 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       ScheduledTriggerCount – 返回当前活动的计划触发器数目
*       Returns the number of currently active scheduled triggers. 
*       ExecutionCount – 返回触发器执行的总数
*       Returns the total number of triggers executed 
*       ExecutionsPerMinute – 返回每分钟触发器执行的平均数
*       Returns the average number of triggers executed per minute. 
*       Registered -如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       ExceptionCount – 返回执行计划触发器掷出异常的总数
*       Returns the total number of exceptions thrown while executing scheduled triggers. 
*       Registered -如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       TimeoutTotalCount -返回客户端从空闲池中获得一个无状态会话的实例而等待超时的总次数
*       Returns the total number of times a client timed-out waiting to get an instance of a stateless session bean from the freepool. 
*       TransactionsRolledBackTotalCount – 返回bean的Home接口回滚交易总数
*       Returns the total number of transactions rolled back by beans of this Home. 
*       TransactionsCommittedTotalCount -返回bean的Home接口提交交易总数
*       Returns the total number of transactions committed by beans of this Home. 
*       CachedBeansInUseCurrentCount – 返回当前使用中的bean数目
*       Returns the number of beans currently in use. 
*       CachedBeansCurrentCount -返回当前缓存中的bean数目
*       Returns the number of beans currently in the cache. 
*       TransactionsInFlightTotalCount - 返回bean的Home接口正在运行中的交易总数
*       Returns the total number of in-flight transactions by beans of this home. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       Stateless – 如果mbean代表一个无状态bean,则返回true,否则返回false。
*       Returns true if the mbean represents a Stateless Session Bean, otherwise returns false (for Entity Bean and Stateful Session Bean). 
*       CachedBeansIdleCurrentCount – 返回定位了但是空闲的bean数目
*       Returns the number of beans allocated but idle. 
*       WaiterTotalCount – 返回客户端从空闲池中获得一个无状态会话的实例需要等待的总次数
*       Returns the total number of times a client had to wait to get an instance of a stateless session bean from the freepool. 
*       ConnectionPoolCount – 返回WLEL连接池配置的数目
*       Returns the number of configured WLEC connection pools. 
*       CachingDisabled - 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       Registered - 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false 
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       UnlockedUsersTotalCount – 返回在服务器上取消锁定的次数
*       Returns the number times we have unlocked a user on this server 
*       InvalidLoginUsersHighCount – 返回具有显著的无效服务器登录尝试的用户的最大数目
*       Returns the high-water number of users with outstanding invalid login attempts for this server 
*       LoginAttemptsWhileLockedTotalCount – 返回锁定用户时尝试对服务器进行的无效登录的累计次数
*       Returns the cumulative number of invalid logins attempted on this server attempted while the user was locked 
*       Registered – 如果已取消注册由该对象表示的MBean,则返回false
*       Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered. 
*       LockedUsersCurrentCount – 返回服务器上当前锁定的用户数
*       Returns the number of currently locked users on this server 
*       CachingDisabled – 禁用代理中的缓存的专用属性
*       Private property that disables caching in proxies. 
*       InvalidLoginAttemptsTotalCount – 返回对服务器进行的无效登录尝试的累计次数
*       Returns the cumulative number of invalid logins attempted on this server 
*       UserLockoutTotalCount – 返回在服务器上进行的用户锁定的累计次数
*       Returns the cumulative number of user lockouts done on this server




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