/* ansi-unicode conversion */
BOOL AnsiToUnicode16(CHAR *in_Src, WCHAR *out_Dst, INT in_MaxLen)
/* locals */
INT lv_Len;
// do NOT decrease maxlen for the eos
if (in_MaxLen <= 0)
return FALSE;
// let windows find out the meaning of ansi
// - the SrcLen=-1 triggers MBTWC to add a eos to Dst and fails if MaxLen is too small.
// - if SrcLen is specified then no eos is added
// - if (SrcLen+1) is specified then the eos IS added
lv_Len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, in_Src, -1, out_Dst, in_MaxLen);
// validate
if (lv_Len < 0)
lv_Len = 0;
// ensure eos, watch out for a full buffersize
// - if the buffer is full without an eos then clear the output like MBTWC does
// in case of too small outputbuffer
// - unfortunately there is no way to let MBTWC return shortened strings,
// if the outputbuffer is too small then it fails completely
if (lv_Len < in_MaxLen)
out_Dst[lv_Len] = 0;
else if (out_Dst[in_MaxLen-1])
out_Dst[0] = 0;
// done
return TRUE;
BOOL AnsiToUnicode16L(CHAR *in_Src, INT in_SrcLen, WCHAR *out_Dst, INT in_MaxLen)
/* locals */
INT lv_Len;
// do NOT decrease maxlen for the eos
if (in_MaxLen <= 0)
return FALSE;
// let windows find out the meaning of ansi
// - the S