英文版资料[庖丁解牛—纵向切入Asp.net 3.5控件和组件开发技术]

英文版资料[庖丁解牛—纵向切入Asp.net 3.5控件和组件开发技术]



. Carving Up an Ox





*       Book Name

     Carving Up an Ox: In-depth Analysis intoASP.NET 3.5 Controls and Components Development Technology


*       Author

      Zheng Jian


*       Table of Content   


Chapter 1  Introduction of Server Control and Deployment Process  1

1.1  Custom Server Control 1

1.2  Usage of Server Control 1

1.3  Improve In Control Development 2

1.4  Basis Of Inheritable Base Control 2

1.5  Simple customized control 7

1.5.1  Develop a simple customized control 7

1.5.2  Deployment and Execution. 11

1.6  Lifecycle of custom control

... 12

1.6.1  Overview.. 12

1.6.2  Trace life cycle of customcontrol 14

1.7  Summary17

Chapter 2  Debug In Server Controls  18

2.1  Preset codes example. 18

2.2  Debug Code In Server-Side. 19

2.3  Debug Control In Server-Side. 20

2.3.1  Debug Code in Execution-Model 20

2.3.2  Debug Code in Design-Mode. 20

2.4  Debug JavaScript . 22

2.4.1  Debug JavaScript(1)
... 22

2.4.2  Debug JavaScript(2)
... 23

2.4.3  Debug Un-embedded Javascript 23

2.4.4  Debug Embedded Javascript source file
... 24

2.4.5  Tips of High Performance Debug  24

2.5  Debugging JavaScript In Ajax Library  26

2.6  Summary. 26

Chapter 3  Basis Of Sever Control 27

3.1  Base Classe. 27

3.2  Controls Display Order 28

3.3  Render Method. 30

3.3.1  HTMLTextWriter 30

3.3.2  Output HTML Tags. 32

3.3.3  RenderControl Method
Method. 33

3.4  AddAttributesToRender Method. 34

3.5  CreateChildControls Method. 35

3.6  INamingContainer 36

3.7  Implementation of Combined controls  38

3.7.1  CreateChildControls Method. 39

3.7.2  ChildControlsCreated Property. 39

3.7.3  EnsureChildControls Method. 39

3.7.4  RecreateChildControls Method39

3.7.5  ControlsProperties. 40

3.7.6  HasControls Method. 40

3.7.7  HasEvents Method. 40

3.7.8  FindControl Method. 41

3.7.9  Example Of Composite Control 41

3.8  Common Development Skills. 51

3.8.1  DesignMode Property51

3.8.2  Disable Properties Of SuperClass ControlProperty52

3.8.3  Page.Request.Browser 53

3.8.4  Convention of Control ID setting  53

3.8.5  Improved FindControl 54

3.8.6  Reflect Control Value From Server-side To Client-side  55

3.8.7  Inactive Derive From Sub-control Of CompositeControl
... 56

3.8.8  Attentions of Using CreateChildControls
... 56

3.8.9  DefaultValue In Meta-data 57

3.8.10  Use Base Class Method In Render Method  57

3.8.11  Conditional Compile & Conditional Property  60

3.9  Summary. 61

Chapter 4  Sever Control Properties  62

4.1  Usage Of Sever Control Property  62

4.1.1  System Property62

4.1.2  Custom Property. 62

4.2  Simple Property. 63

4.3  Feature Properties In Design-Mode  64

4.4  Complex Property67

4.4.1  OverView.. 67

4.4.2  Complex Property. 67

4.4.3  Complex Property Analyzer 79

4.5  Custom Property Editor 85

4.5.1  System Property Editor 85

4.5.2  Custom Property Editor 91

4.6  Type Convertor 126

4.6.1  System Type Convertor 126

4.6.2  Custom Type Convertor 128

4.7  Custom Property. 138

4.8  Summary. 145

Chapter 5  PostBackEventHandler And PostBackDataHandler 146

5.1  Overview Of PostBackEventHandler And PostBackDataHandler 146

5.1.1  Event In Asp.net 146

5.1.2  Data Postback147

5.2  PostBackEventHandler And PostBackDataHandler 148

5.2.1  IPostBackEventHandler 148

5.2.2  Postback And Callback. 150

5.2.3  IPostBackDataHandler 153

5.2.4  Using Event In Base Class. 159

5.2.5  Extend KingTextBox Control 161

5.3  Event Handling In Composite Control 168

5.3.1  Event Collection In Composite Control 168

5.3.2  Custom Event And Argument 170

5.3.3  Event In Composite Control    175

5.3.4  SearchControlIntelligent 185

5.4  Summary. 193

Chapter 6  Page State. 194

6.1  Overview Of Page State. 194

6.2  ViewState. 195

6.2.1  IStateManager 195

6.2.2  Load And Save ViewState In Control LifeCycle  196

6.2.3  Primary Type In ViewState. 197

6.2.4  Custom ViewState. 205

6.3  Control State. 217

6.4  ViewState And ControlState. 221

6.4.1  Using ViewState In Disable ViewState Control 221

6.4.2  Using IStateManager In ControlState  223

6.4.3  Rules In ViewSate And ControlState  225

6.5  Encrypt page State. 225

6.6  Clear Page State. 226

6.7  Analyze ViewState Of Dynamic Control 228

6.8  Efficient Serialization Using Customing Type Convertor 231

6.9  Optimization Strategy Of Page State  238

6.9.1  ViewState In Server-Side. 238

6.9.2  Compress ViewState. 240

6.9.3  Block ViewState. 243

6.10  Summary Of ViewState And ControlState  243

6.11  Summary. 244

Chapter 7  Custom Control Theme and Style  245

7.1  Overview Of Control Style. 245

7.2  Using Style In ASP.NET.. 245

7.2.1  Basis Of Style Class 245

7.2.2  Using Style In WebControl 249

7.2.3  Using Style In HTMLTextWriter 252

7.2.4  Ruls In Style Property . 253

7.2.5  Two Convert Method. 256

7.3  Example. 260

7.3.1  Style And ViewState In Composite Control 260

7.3.2  Control Structure And Style.      268

7.4  Summary. 295

Chapter 8  Programming Model Of Client-Side  297

8.1  Using Client-Side Objects In ASP.NET Server Control 297

8.2  Functions Of ClientScriptManager 301

8.2.1  RegisterArrayDeclaration Method  301

8.2.2  RegisterClientScriptBlock Method  302

8.2.3  RegisterClientScriptIncludeMethod303

8.2.4  RegisterClientScriptResourceMethod  304

8.2.5  RegisterStartupScriptMethod. 305

8.2.6  RegisterExpandoAttributeMethod  305

8.2.7  RegisterHiddenFieldMethod. 306

8.2.8  GetCallbackEventReferenceMethod  307

8.2.9  GetPostBackClientHyperlinkMethod  307

8.2.10  GetPostBackEventReferenceMethod  308

8.2.11  GetWebResourceUrlMethod. 308

8.2.12  RegisterOnSubmitStatementMethod  309

8.3  Callback In Client-Side. 309

8.4  Example Of Client-Side Control 323

8.4.1  Encapsulate JS Object In Client-Side  323

8.4.2  Encapsulate HTC Object In Client-Side  343

8.4.3  SignatureOnlineControl . 371

8.5  JavaScript Framework. 385

8.6  Summary. 387

Chapter 9  Custom UserControl 388

9.1  Overview of Custom UserControl 388

9.1.1  Usage Of UserControl 388

9.1.2  System.Web.UI.UserControl 388

9.2  Example of Custom Control389

9.2.1  Simple UserControl 389

9.2.2  Complex DataBind UserControl 394

9.3  Cache Of UserControl 419

9.3.1  Cache In ASP.NET. 419

9.3.2  Cache In UserControl 420

9.4  Summary421

Chapter 10  Validation Control 422

10.1  Principle Of Validation Control 422

10.1.1  Basis Of Vilidate Contro. 422

10.1.2  Mechanism Of Vilidate Control 423

10.2  Custom Validation Control 443

10.3  Summary. 451

Chapter 11  Embedded Resource In Control 452

11.1  Principle Of Embedded Resource In Control 452

11.2  Embedded Resource In Control 453

11.2.1  Embedded Resource In Control 453

11.2.2  Embedded Resource In Control Method  455

11.3  Tools For Browser 460

11.3.1  HttpWatch. 460

11.3.2  IE Develper Toolbar 461

11.3.3  Fiddler 461

11.4  Summary. 462

Chapter 12  DataBind Control Using Template  463

12.1  Template Property In ASP.NET.. 463

12.1.1  Properties Of Template. 463

12.1.2  Using Template In ASP.NET. 464

12.1.3  Template In Repeater466

12.2  Example Of Custom Control 469

12.2.1  Functions Of Template. 469

12.2.2  Example. 470

12.3  Summary. 489

Chapter 13  DataBind And DataSource Control 490

13.1  DataBind Control 490

13.1.1  OverView Of DataBind Control490

13.1.2  Using DataBind Control In ASP.NET  491

13.2  Example Of DataBind Control 501

13.2.1  Methods In Control 501

13.2.2  Example. 502

13.3  Datasource Control 508

13.3.1 OverView Of Datasource Control 508

13.3.2  Using Datasource Control In ASP.NET  508

13.4  Example Of Datasource Control 515

13.4.1  Method In Datasource Control 515

13.4.2  Example. 516

13.5  Summary. 522

Chapter 14  Extensible ControlGridView   523

14.1  Overview Of Extensible Control 523

14.2  Multiple Header In GridView.. 523

14.2.1  Method. 523

14.2.2  Code. 524

14.3  Add Scroller Except For Header In GridView   527

14.3.1  Method527

14.3.2  Code. 528

14.4  Summary. 533

Chapter 15  Programming In Custom Control Design-Mode  534

15.1  Using .NET Framework In Design-Mode  534

15.2  Metadata In Design. 535

15.3  Serialization Of Complex Property  539

15.4  Type Convertor 539

15.5  Property Editor 540

15.6  Base Class for Design-Mode. 541

15.7  Render In Design-Mode. 543

15.7.1  OverView  543

15.7.2  Example. 543

15.8  Auto Format 546

15.8.1  OverView.. 546

15.8.2  Example. 547

15.9  Template UI Editor 551

15.10  List Of Smart Operation. 552

15.10.1  OverView552

15.10.2  Example. 552

15.11  Control Content Edit 558

15.11.1 OverView.. 558

15.11.2  Example. 558

15.12  Summary. 562

Chapter 16  Client-Side Control Using ASP.NET Ajax  563

16.1  Overview Of ASP.NET Ajax Framework  563

16.2  Using Ajax Library In Client-Side Object 564

16.2.1  Namespace,,TypeAnd Function. 565

16.2.2  Interface. 568

16.2.3  Features In Class Type And Object-Oriented  569

16.2.4  Enum Type. 570

16.2.4  Reflect 570

16.3  Common Class Of Ajax Library  571

16.3.1  Extend Base Class In Ajax Library  571

16.3.2  Sys.StringBuilder 576

16.4  Ajax Library Request For Server And WebServices  577

16.4.1  Sys.NET. 577

16.4.2  Process Of Request 578

16.4.3  WebRequest 579

16.4.4  Call Server-Side Method Using Ajax Proxy  581

16.5  Using Ajax Library In Client-Side  584

16.5.1  Member In Client-Side Control 584

16.5.2  LifeCycle In ASP.NET Ajax Client-Side Control 589

16.6  Examples Of Client-side Control   592

16.7  Debugging And Tracing. 603

16.8  Summary. 605

Chapter 17  ASP.NET Ajax Controls In Server-side  606

17.1  ASP.NET AjaxSever ControlsSummarize  606

17.2  AjaxSever Controls. 607

17.2.1  AjaxSever Controls. 607

17.2.2  Extend ASP.NET Ajax Control 612

17.3  Base Class for Server Controls In ASP.NET Ajax  612

17.3.1  Base Class In Ajax Control 612

17.3.2 Example Of Ajax Control 623

17.4  Summary. 636

Appendix A  .NET 3.5 Technology Tutorial Series

Collection/ASP.NET Ajax/ SilverLight/JQuery  646


* Description


     This book is to introduce the underlying principles of ASP.NET control development based on the authors years of development. Over 70 examples are provided in this book to demonstrate the various aspects of ASP.NET control development, as well as to analyze the base source code, to assist developers in understanding the concept of design model. A thorough understanding of the mechanism behind ASP.NET will make it much easier to develop a web-based application. The whole purpose of this book is to help developers build up a full understanding of ASP.NET development and ultimately bring their technical skills to a new level. By finishing this book you are expected not only to experience an upgrade in technical skills but also to have a comprehensive knowledge of ASP.NET development principle.


80% of the developers can only utilize 20% of the ASP.NET functions whilst only 20% are the experts who can manipulate the rest of the 80% functions to build the real excellent programs. The secret of such differences lies with the development of control and component, which will be fully revealed in this book. Those who are not devoted to becoming an expert level ASP.NET programmer please dont attempt to open this book

                    —— Jianmin Hu Market Manager of Microsoft Development Tools, Great China Area


To quote Nourishing the Lord of Life, standing up with the knife in my hand, I look all round, and in a leisurely manner, with an air of satisfaction. I believe this is the exact feelings you will have after finishing this book

                    ——Hongchao Wang Microsoft (China), Chief Internet Architecture Consultant



*         Feedback, Background Of Author, Performance




Background Of Author

2006~2009 Microsoft MVP Global】【MSDN Chinese Technical Forum Moderator】【CSDN Blog Experts, community experts, experts Honor】【CSDN community Asp.netModeratorAsp.net Control / Component Development section Moderators】【Won the "DevWOW 2008/2009 Microsoft blog of two people" prize】【won the "most influential developers" awards, have many years of experience in Asp.net project development



Microsoft’s shown strong support to this book since its conception. With recommendationfrom Jianmin Hu, Market Manager of Microsoft Development Tools, Great China Area, Microsoft headquaters has offered to provide genuine Visual Studio 2008 DVD (learning version) for this book, and has placed an order of 300 copies of it. In addition the copyright for traditional Chinese version had been purchased by a Taiwan-based publisher even before the Simplified Chinese version was published.


Since it came out in April, 2009, the book has been one of the bestselling ASP.NET focused books in many online bookstores.























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