Write a function that takes an array of five integers, each of which is between 1 and 10, and returns the number of combination of those integers that sum to 15. For example, calling the function with the array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] should return 1, while calling it with [5, 5, 10, 2, 3] should return 4 (5 + 10, 5 + 10, 5 + 5 + 2 + 3, 10 + 2 + 3).
int ExpectedSumSequence(int* pData, int len, int sum){
int seqCount = 0;
if (len==0 && sum==0){
seqCount = 1;
} else if (len>0){
seqCount = ExpectedSumSequence(pData+1, len-1, sum-pData[0])+ExpectedSumSequence(pData+1, len-1, sum);
return seqCount;
static int ExpectedSumSequence(int* pData, int start, int end, bool contained[], int expectedSum){
int seqCount = 0;
if (start==end && expectedSum==0){
seqCount = 1;
for (int i=0; i<end; i++){
if (contained[i])
cout<<pData[i]<<" ";
} else if (start<end){
contained[start] = true;
seqCount = ExpectedSumSequence(pData, start+1, end, contained, expectedSum-pData[start]);
contained[start] = false;
seqCount += ExpectedSumSequence(pData, start+1, end, contained, expectedSum);
return seqCount;
int ExpectedSumSequence(int* pData, int len, int sum){
bool* contained = new bool[len]; //contained[i]表示第i个元素在不在序列中
int seqCount = ExpectedSumSequence(pData, 0, len, contained, sum);
return seqCount;
Given a set of n integers, each in the range 0 : : :K, partition the integers into two subsets to minimize |S1-S2|, where S1 and S2 denote the sums of the elements in each of the two subsets.