如何使用 WMI 枚举当前系统进程?

可以自己写一个像 Windows 任务管理器一样的东东,虽然这个东西没有多少用处。下面的代码使用 .NET 的 WMI 部件获取系统的进程参数。使用 System.Process 类也可以,但是获取命令行参数和可执行文件名称存在一些问题。

使用时,需要添加 System.Management 引用,导入命名空间 System.Management。

     Private   Sub WMIProcess()

Dim xItem As ListViewItem, id As String, name As String, arg As String

Dim searcher As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process")
Dim mo As ManagementObject
For Each mo In searcher.Get()
= mo("name")
= mo("CommandLine")
= CType(mo("ProcessId"), System.UInt32).ToString
= ProcListView.Items.Add(id)

End Sub
ProcListView 是一个 ListView。

有关于 Win32_Process 这个 WMI_Class 的更多信息请参阅 MSDN。




The Win32_Process WMI class represents a sequence of events on a Windows® operating system. A descendent or member of this class is a sequence that consists of an interaction of one or more processors or interpreters, some executable code, and a set of inputs, for example, a client application running on a Windows system.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.

class Win32_Process : CIM_Process
string Caption;
string CommandLine;
string CreationClassName;
datetime CreationDate;
string CSCreationClassName;
string CSName;
string Description;
string ExecutablePath;
uint16 ExecutionState;
string Handle;
uint32 HandleCount;
datetime InstallDate;
uint64 KernelModeTime;
uint32 MaximumWorkingSetSize;
uint32 MinimumWorkingSetSize;
string Name;
string OSCreationClassName;
string OSName;
uint64 OtherOperationCount;
uint64 OtherTransferCount;
uint32 PageFaults;
uint32 PageFileUsage;
uint32 ParentProcessId;
uint32 PeakPageFileUsage;
uint64 PeakVirtualSize;
uint32 PeakWorkingSetSize;
uint32 Priority;
uint64 PrivatePageCount;
uint32 ProcessId;
uint32 QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage;
uint32 QuotaPagedPoolUsage;
uint32 QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage;
uint32 QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage;
uint64 ReadOperationCount;
uint64 ReadTransferCount;
uint32 SessionId;
string Status;
datetime TerminationDate;
uint32 ThreadCount;
uint64 UserModeTime;
uint64 VirtualSize;
string WindowsVersion;
uint64 WorkingSetSize;
uint64 WriteOperationCount;
uint64 WriteTransferCount;

The Win32_Process class defines the following methods.

AttachDebuggerLaunches the currently registered debugger for a process.
CreateCreates a new process.
GetOwnerRetrieves the user name and domain name under which the process is running.
GetOwnerSidRetrieves the security identifier (SID) for the owner of a process.
SetPriorityChanges the execution priority of a process.
TerminateTerminates a process and all of its threads.

The Win32_Process class defines the following properties.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Short description of an object—a one-line string.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Command line used to start a specific process, if applicable. This property is new for Windows XP.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Key, MaxLen(256)


Name of the first concrete class in the inheritance chain that is used to create an instance. You can use this property with other key properties of the class to identify uniquely all instances of the class and its subclasses. This property is inherited from CIM_System

Data type: datetime
Access type: Read-only


Date the process begins executing.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Creation class name of the scoping computer system.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Name of the scoping computer system.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Description of an object.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Privileges(SeDebugPrivilege)


Path to the executable file of the process.


Data type: uint16
Access type: Read-only


This property is not implemented and does not get populated for any instance of this class. This property is always NULL.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Process identifier.

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Total number of open handles owned by the process. HandleCount is the sum of the handles currently open by each thread in this process. A handle is used to examine or modify the system resources. Each handle has an entry in a table that is maintained internally. Entries contain the addresses of the resources and data to identify the resource type.

Data type: datetime
Access type: Read-only


Date an object is installed. The object may be installed without a value being written to this property.

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only


Time in kernel mode, in 100 nanosecond units. If this information is not available, use a value of 0 (zero).

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Privileges(SeDebugPrivilege), Units(Kilobytes)


Maximum working set size of the process. The working set of a process is the set of memory pages visible to the process in physical RAM. These pages are resident, and available for an application to use without triggering a page fault.

Example: 1413120

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Privileges(SeDebugPrivilege), Units(Kilobytes)


Minimum working set size of the process. The working set of a process is the set of memory pages visible to the process in physical RAM. These pages are resident and available for an application to use without triggering a page fault.

Example: 20480

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Label for an object. When inherited by a subclass, the property can be overridden to be a key property.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Creation class name of the scoping operating system.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Name of the scoping operating system.

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only


Number of I/O operations performed that are not read or write operations.

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units(Bytes)


Amount of data transferred during operations that are not read or write operations.

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Number of page faults that a process generates.

Example: 10

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units(Kilobytes)


Amount of page file space that a process is using currently.

Example: 102435

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Unique identifier of the process that creates a process. Process identifier numbers are reused, so they only identify a process for the lifetime of that process. It is possible that the process identified by ParentProcessId is terminated, so ParentProcessId may not refer to a running process. It is also possible that ParentProcessId incorrectly refers to a process that reuses a process identifier. You can use the CreationDate property to determine whether the specified parent was created after the process represented by this Win32_Process instance was created.

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units(Kilobytes)


Maximum amount of page file space used during the life of a process.

Example: 102367

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units(Bytes)


Maximum virtual address space a process uses at any one time. Using virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. However, virtual space is finite, and by using too much the process might not be able to load libraries.

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units(Kilobytes)


Peak working set size of a process.

Example: 1413120

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Scheduling priority of a process within an operating system. The higher the value, the higher priority a process receives. Priority values can range from 0 (zero), which is the lowest priority to 31, which is highest priority.

Example: 7

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only


Current number of pages allocated that are accessible only to the process represented by this Win32_Process instance.

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Global process identifier that you can use to identify a process. The value is valid from the time a process is created until it is terminated.

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Quota amount of non-paged pool usage for a process.

Example: 15

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Quota amount of paged pool usage for a process.

Example: 22

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Peak quota amount of non-paged pool usage for a process.

Example: 31

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Peak quota amount of paged pool usage for a process.

Example: 31

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only


Number of read operations performed.

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units(Bytes)


Amount of data read.

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Unique identifier that an operating system generates when a session is created. A session spans a period of time from log on until log off from a specific system.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only

This property is not implemented and does not get populated for any instance of this class. It is always NULL.

Data type: datetime
Access type: Read-only


Process was stopped or terminated. To get the termination time, a handle to the process must be held open. Otherwise, this property returns NULL.

Data type: uint32
Access type: Read-only


Number of active threads in a process. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a processor, and a thread is the object that executes an instruction. Each running process has at least one thread. This property is for computers running Windows NT only.

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only


Time in user mode, in 100 nanosecond units. If this information is not available, use a value of 0 (zero).

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units(Bytes)


Current size of the virtual address space that a process is using. Using virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. Virtual space is finite, and by using too much, the process might not be able to load libraries.

Data type: string
Access type: Read-only


Version of Windows in which the process is running.

Example: 4.0

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only


Amount of memory in bytes that a process needs to execute efficiently—for an operating system that uses page-based memory management. If the system does not have enough memory (less than the working set size), thrashing occurs. If the size of the working set is not known, use NULL or 0 (zero). If working set data is provided, you can monitor the information to understand the changing memory requirements of a process.

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only


Number of write operations performed.

Data type: uint64
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Units(Bytes)


Amount of data written.




The following VBScript example shows how to obtain the owner of each process on a local computer. You can use this script to obtain data from a remote computer, for example, to determine which users have processes running on a Windows 2000 terminal server, substitute the name of the remote computer for "."—in the first line. You must also be an administrator on the remote machine.

strComputer = "." 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//" & strComputer & "/root/cimv2")

Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery( "select * from win32_process" )
For Each objProcess in colProcesses

If objProcess.GetOwner ( User, Domain ) = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo "Process " & objProcess.Caption & " belongs to " & Domain & "/" & User
Wscript.Echo "Problem " & Rtn & " getting the owner for process " & objProcess.Caption
End If


The following VBScript example shows how to obtain the log on session associated with a running process. A process must be running Notepad.exe before the script starts. The example locates the instances of Win32_LogonSession associated with the Win32_Process that represents Notepad.exe. The Win32_SessionProcess class is specified as the association class. For more information, see ASSOCIATORS OF Statement.

On Error Resume Next

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//" & "." & "/root/cimv2")

Set colProcesses = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'Notepad.exe'")

For Each objProcess in colProcesses

ProcessId = objProcess.ProcessId

Set colLogonSessions = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Associators of {Win32_Process='" & ProcessId & "'} " & _
"Where Resultclass = Win32_LogonSession Assocclass = Win32_SessionProcess", "WQL", 48)

If Err <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error on associators query " & Err.number & Err.Description

End If

For Each LogonSession in colLogonSessions
Wscript.Echo " Logon id is " & LogonSession.LogonId



The Win32_Process class is derived from CIM_Process.


Client: Included in Windows XP, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows NT Workstation 4.0 SP4 and later.
Server: Included in Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows NT Server 4.0 SP4 and later.
Header: Declared in Cimwin32.mof.
Namespace: Included in /root/cimv2.

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