Find latch holder



Session 1 SID:137


v_string varchar2(100) := 'alter system flush shared_pool';
msql varchar2(200);
execute immediate v_string;
for i in 1 .. 70000 loop
msql:='select object_id from lichao.t where object_id='||i;
execute immediate msql;
end loop;
end loop;

Session 2 SID:74


v_string varchar2(100) := 'alter table t parallel 1';
msql varchar2(200);
execute immediate v_string;
for i in 1 .. 70000 loop
msql:='select object_id from t where object_id='||i;
execute immediate msql;
end loop;
end loop;

使用latchprof获取当前系统中latch hold信息:

SQL> @latchprof name % % 100000

NAME                                      Held       Gets  Held %     Held ms Avg hold ms
----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----------- -----------
shared pool                                749        749     .75     219.083        .293
row cache objects                          161        161     .16      47.093        .293
kks stats                                   97         97     .10      28.373        .293
shared pool simulator                       68         68     .07      19.890        .293
enqueues                                    40         40     .04      11.700        .293
hash table column usage latch               23         23     .02       6.728        .293
enqueue hash chains                         18         18     .02       5.265        .293
cache buffers chains                        12         12     .01       3.510        .293
active service list                          2          2     .00        .585        .293
resmgr:schema config                         1          1     .00        .293        .293
SQL memory manager workarea list la          1          1     .00        .293        .293

获取shared pool相关latch的信息:

       SID NAME                                      Held       Gets  Held %     Held ms Avg hold ms
---------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----------- -----------
       137 shared pool                               1123       1123    1.12     341.504        .304
       137 shared pool simulator                       68         68     .07      20.679        .304
       197 shared pool                                 17         17     .02       5.170        .304
        74 shared pool                                  3          3     .00        .912        .304
       190 shared pool                                  3          3     .00        .912        .304
       134 shared pool                                  2          2     .00        .608        .304
       197 shared pool simulator                        1          1     .00        .304        .304
       190 shared pool simulator                        1          1     .00        .304        .304

8 rows selected.

使用snapper获得当前session的统计信息,可以有个大致判断,比如我的测试用例中hard parse肯定很高。

SID, USERNAME  , TYPE, STATISTIC                                 ,     HDELTA, HDELTA/SEC,    %TIME, GRAPH
137, SYS       , STAT, opened cursors cumulative                 ,      4.01k,     667.67,
137, SYS       , STAT, recursive calls                           ,      16.9k,      2.82k,
137, SYS       , STAT, recursive cpu usage                       ,        471,       78.5,
137, SYS       , STAT, pinned cursors current                    ,         -1,       -.17,
137, SYS       , STAT, session logical reads                     ,        284,      47.33,
137, SYS       , STAT, CPU used by this session                  ,        521,      86.83,
137, SYS       , STAT, concurrency wait time                     ,          2,        .33,
137, SYS       , STAT, non-idle wait time                        ,          2,        .33,
137, SYS       , STAT, non-idle wait count                       ,         12,          2,
137, SYS       , STAT, session pga memory                        ,     65.54k,     10.92k,
137, SYS       , STAT, enqueue requests                          ,      3.93k,     655.67,
137, SYS       , STAT, enqueue releases                          ,      3.93k,     655.67,
137, SYS       , STAT, consistent gets                           ,        284,      47.33,
137, SYS       , STAT, consistent gets from cache                ,        284,      47.33,
137, SYS       , STAT, consistent gets from cache (fastpath)     ,        147,       24.5,
137, SYS       , STAT, consistent gets - examination             ,        137,      22.83,
137, SYS       , STAT, calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss         ,      4.01k,     667.67,
137, SYS       , STAT, no work - consistent read gets            ,        147,       24.5,
137, SYS       , STAT, table fetch by rowid                      ,         38,       6.33,
137, SYS       , STAT, cluster key scans                         ,         49,       8.17,
137, SYS       , STAT, cluster key scan block gets               ,         71,      11.83,
137, SYS       , STAT, index fetch by key                        ,         49,       8.17,
137, SYS       , STAT, index scans kdiixs1                       ,         38,       6.33,
137, SYS       , STAT, sql area evicted                          ,      3.69k,      614.5,
137, SYS       , STAT, session cursor cache hits                 ,         83,      13.83,
137, SYS       , STAT, buffer is not pinned count                ,        234,         39,
137, SYS       , STAT, workarea executions - optimal             ,         13,       2.17,
137, SYS       , STAT, parse time cpu                            ,        359,      59.83,
137, SYS       , STAT, parse time elapsed                        ,        379,      63.17,
137, SYS       , STAT, parse count (total)                       ,      3.94k,     656.33,
137, SYS       , STAT, parse count (hard)                        ,      3.94k,     656.83,
137, SYS       , STAT, execute count                             ,      4.02k,     669.67,
137, SYS       , STAT, sorts (memory)                            ,         48,          8,
137, SYS       , STAT, sorts (rows)                              ,        793,     132.17,
137, SYS       , TIME, hard parse elapsed time                   ,      2.45s,   408.34ms,    40.8%, |@@@@@     |
137, SYS       , TIME, repeated bind elapsed time                ,     3.47ms,    578.5us,      .1%, |          |
137, SYS       , TIME, parse time elapsed                        ,      4.12s,   685.94ms,    68.6%, |@@@@@@@   |
137, SYS       , TIME, PL/SQL execution elapsed time             ,   463.67ms,    77.28ms,     7.7%, |@         |
137, SYS       , TIME, DB CPU                                    ,      5.85s,   974.73ms,    97.5%, |@@@@@@@@@@|
137, SYS       , TIME, sql execute elapsed time                  ,      6.04s,      1.01s,   100.6%, |@@@@@@@@@@|
137, SYS       , TIME, DB time                                   ,      6.04s,      1.01s,   100.6%, |@@@@@@@@@@|
137, SYS       , WAIT, latch: shared pool                        ,    14.06ms,     2.34ms,      .2%, |          |
End of Stats snap 1, end=2012-04-14 21:56:53, seconds=6



       SID NAME                                SQLID               Held       Gets  Held %     Held ms Avg hold ms
---------- ----------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----------- -----------
       137 shared pool                         bqh67d48k8ufy        433        433     .43     125.743        .290
       137 shared pool                                              107        107     .11      31.073        .290
       197 shared pool                                               21         21     .02       6.098        .290
        74 shared pool                         c20zmr5d5u1h3          5          5     .01       1.452        .290
       137 shared pool                         64p598m3da1m0          5          5     .01       1.452        .290
       137 shared pool simulator                                      5          5     .01       1.452        .290
       137 shared pool simulator               bqh67d48k8ufy          3          3     .00        .871        .290
        74 shared pool                                                2          2     .00        .581        .290


SQL> select*from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('&sql_id','','ALL'));
Enter value for sql_id: bqh67d48k8ufy

SQL_ID  bqh67d48k8ufy, child number 0

declare v_string varchar2(100) := 'alter system flush shared_pool';
msql varchar2(200); begin loop execute immediate v_string; for i in 1
.. 70000 loop msql:='select object_id from lichao.t where
object_id='||i; execute immediate msql; end loop; end loop; end;

NOTE: cannot fetch plan for SQL_ID: bqh67d48k8ufy, CHILD_NUMBER: 0
      Please verify value of SQL_ID and CHILD_NUMBER;
      It could also be that the plan is no longer in cursor cache (check v$sql_plan)

以上sql正是SID 137中执行的。


Session 1 SID:73


msql varchar2(200);
for i in 1 .. 75000 loop
msql:='alter table t parallel 1';
execute immediate msql;
end loop;

Session 2 SID:12


msql varchar2(200);
for i in 1 .. 75000 loop
msql:='select object_id from t where object_id='||i;
execute immediate msql;
end loop;

抓取相关latch hold信息:

NAME                                      Held       Gets  Held %     Held ms Avg hold ms
----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----------- -----------
cache buffers chains                        35         35     .04       2.013        .058
row cache objects                           25         25     .03       1.438        .058
kks stats                                   14         14     .01        .805        .058
redo copy                                    7          7     .01        .403        .058
shared pool simulator                        6          6     .01        .345        .058
enqueue hash chains                          4          4     .00        .230        .058
call allocation                              3          3     .00        .173        .058
SQL memory manager latch                     3          3     .00        .173        .058
enqueues                                     3          3     .00        .173        .058
SQL memory manager workarea list la          1          1     .00        .058        .058
redo allocation                              1          1     .00        .058        .058

12 rows selected.


ID, USERNAME  , TYPE, STATISTIC                                ,     HDELTA, HDELTA/SEC,    %TIME, GRAPH
73, LICHAO    , STAT, opened cursors cumulative                ,      4.35k,     725.33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, opened cursors current                   ,         -3,        -.5,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, recursive calls                          ,     15.88k,      2.65k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, recursive cpu usage                      ,        241,      40.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, pinned cursors current                   ,         -3,        -.5,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, session logical reads                    ,     15.45k,      2.57k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, CPU used by this session                 ,        243,       40.5,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, concurrency wait time                    ,         62,      10.33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, user I/O wait time                       ,         22,       3.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, non-idle wait time                       ,         85,      14.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, non-idle wait count                      ,        356,      59.33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, session uga memory max                   ,      2.09M,    348.28k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, messages sent                            ,        163,      27.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, session pga memory max                   ,      1.25M,    207.53k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, enqueue requests                         ,        737,     122.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, enqueue releases                         ,        737,     122.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, physical read total IO requests          ,         17,       2.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, physical read total bytes                ,    155.65k,     25.94k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, cell physical IO interconnect bytes      ,    155.65k,     25.94k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, db block gets                            ,        539,      89.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, db block gets from cache                 ,        539,      89.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, consistent gets                          ,     14.91k,      2.48k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, consistent gets from cache               ,     14.91k,      2.48k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, consistent gets from cache (fastpath)    ,     12.27k,      2.05k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, consistent gets - examination            ,       2.3k,      382.5,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, physical reads                           ,         19,       3.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, physical reads cache                     ,         19,       3.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, physical read IO requests                ,         17,       2.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, physical read bytes                      ,    155.65k,     25.94k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, db block changes                         ,        835,     139.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, change write time                        ,          4,        .67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, free buffer requested                    ,        133,      22.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, dirty buffers inspected                  ,         11,       1.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, hot buffers moved to head of LRU         ,        158,      26.33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, free buffer inspected                    ,         67,      11.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, commit cleanouts                         ,        208,      34.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, commit cleanouts successfully completed  ,        208,      34.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, switch current to new buffer             ,        104,      17.33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, physical reads cache prefetch            ,          5,        .83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, shared hash latch upgrades - no wait     ,        328,      54.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, calls to kcmgcs                          ,         12,          2,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, calls to kcmgas                          ,        426,         71,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, calls to get snapshot scn: kcmgss        ,      4.01k,        668,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, redo entries                             ,        520,      86.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, redo size                                ,    236.62k,     39.44k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, redo ordering marks                      ,         10,       1.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, redo subscn max counts                   ,         10,       1.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, file io wait time                        ,     95.11k,     15.85k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, Batched IO vector read count             ,          1,        .17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, Batched IO vector block count            ,          4,        .67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, Batched IO single block count            ,          1,        .17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, Batched IO block miss count              ,          7,       1.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, Batched IO double miss count             ,          2,        .33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, Batched IO same unit count               ,          2,        .33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, undo change vector size                  ,      70.3k,     11.72k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, no work - consistent read gets           ,     12.27k,      2.05k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, deferred (CURRENT) block cleanout applic ,        208,      34.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, table scans (short tables)               ,          4,        .67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, table scan rows gotten                   ,      1.51k,        251,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, table scan blocks gotten                 ,        216,         36,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, table fetch by rowid                     ,        525,       87.5,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, cluster key scans                        ,      1.89k,     314.33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, cluster key scan block gets              ,         5k,     833.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, rows fetched via callback                ,        205,      34.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, index fetch by key                       ,        968,     161.33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, index scans kdiixs1                      ,      3.59k,     597.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, HSC Heap Segment Block Changes           ,        208,      34.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, sql area purged                          ,        103,      17.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, sql area evicted                         ,         13,       2.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, CCursor + sql area evicted               ,          1,        .17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, session cursor cache hits                ,      3.75k,      624.5,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, session cursor cache count               ,          2,        .33,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, cursor authentications                   ,          3,         .5,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, buffer is pinned count                   ,        384,         64,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, buffer is not pinned count               ,      9.75k,      1.63k,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, workarea executions - optimal            ,         40,       6.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, parse time cpu                           ,         33,        5.5,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, parse time elapsed                       ,        136,      22.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, parse count (total)                      ,      2.86k,     475.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, parse count (hard)                       ,        211,      35.17,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, execute count                            ,      4.42k,     736.83,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, sorts (memory)                           ,         64,      10.67,
73, LICHAO    , STAT, sorts (rows)                             ,        257,      42.83,
73, LICHAO    , TIME, hard parse elapsed time                  ,   675.08ms,   112.51ms,    11.3%, |@@        |
73, LICHAO    , TIME, repeated bind elapsed time               ,    18.01ms,        3ms,      .3%, |          |
73, LICHAO    , TIME, parse time elapsed                       ,   957.39ms,   159.57ms,    16.0%, |@@        |
73, LICHAO    , TIME, PL/SQL execution elapsed time            ,   645.44ms,   107.57ms,    10.8%, |@@        |
73, LICHAO    , TIME, DB CPU                                   ,      2.72s,    452.7ms,    45.3%, |@@@@@     |
73, LICHAO    , TIME, sql execute elapsed time                 ,      6.21s,      1.03s,   103.4%, |@@@@@@@@@@|
73, LICHAO    , TIME, hard parse (sharing criteria) elapsed ti ,     4.72ms,   786.83us,      .1%, |          |
73, LICHAO    , TIME, DB time                                  ,      6.21s,      1.03s,   103.4%, |@@@@@@@@@@|
73, LICHAO    , WAIT, db file sequential read                  ,       94ms,    15.67ms,     1.6%, |@         |
73, LICHAO    , WAIT, db file scattered read                   ,     1.11ms,   184.83us,      .0%, |          |
73, LICHAO    , WAIT, db file parallel read                    ,   126.78ms,    21.13ms,     2.1%, |@         |
73, LICHAO    , WAIT, latch: shared pool                       ,    25.33ms,     4.22ms,      .4%, |          |
73, LICHAO    , WAIT, library cache lock                       ,   153.11ms,    25.52ms,     2.6%, |@         |
73, LICHAO    , WAIT, library cache load lock                  ,   446.16ms,    74.36ms,     7.4%, |@         |
73, LICHAO    , WAIT, library cache: mutex X                   ,       75us,     12.5us,      .0%, |          |
--  End of Stats snap 1, end=2012-04-14 22:58:00, seconds=6

抓取cache buffers chains相关sql:

NAME                                SQLID               Held       Gets  Held %     Held ms Avg hold ms
----------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----------- -----------
cache buffers chains                c20zmr5d5u1h3         26         26     .03        .746        .029
cache buffers chains                1mkmz2c6nr80d         25         25     .03        .718        .029
cache buffers chains                771fxqca8q3qb          3          3     .00        .086        .029
cache buffers chains                8cc6ny309xt6b          2          2     .00        .057        .029
cache buffers chains                gyusama37nbcw          1          1     .00        .029        .029
cache buffers chains                92s9jym52r04q          1          1     .00        .029        .029
cache buffers chains                aypbk27fmmntf          1          1     .00        .029        .029
cache buffers chains                dqm554mzcqq2f          1          1     .00        .029        .029
cache buffers chains                64qbk8b6ndvmf          1          1     .00        .029        .029
cache buffers chains                2839y91kq7ukw          1          1     .00        .029        .029
cache buffers chains                02gjwu2ap25jm          1          1     .00        .029        .029
cache buffers chains                                       1          1     .00        .029        .029
cache buffers chains                784q868rp5tmv          1          1     .00        .029        .029


SQL> select*from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('c20zmr5d5u1h3'));

SQL_ID  c20zmr5d5u1h3, child number 0

alter table t parallel 1

NOTE: cannot fetch plan for SQL_ID: c20zmr5d5u1h3, CHILD_NUMBER: 0
      Please verify value of SQL_ID and CHILD_NUMBER;
      It could also be that the plan is no longer in cursor cache (check v$sql_plan)

8 rows selected.




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