PGP 加密、解密 和 验证签名 函数 大全


Decrypt and verify pgp data in C# and VB.NET

When we receive a one pass signed and encrypted OpenPGP message we can simply decrypt it or both decrypt it and verifythe authenticity of the sender in a single step.

This tutorial refers to version 1.7.12 or newer of the library. The tutorial for older versions is available here.

The examples below shows how to perform both decryption and verification with DidiSoft OpenPGP Library for .NET:

Decrypt and verify a file

1. with keys located in files
2. with keys located in a KeyStore

Decrypt and verify a file that may contain multiple files inside

3. with keys located in files
4. with keys located in a KeyStore

Decrypt and verify a String message

5. with keys located in files
6. with keys located in a KeyStore

Decrypt and verify password encrypted file

7. with a public key located in a file
8. with a public key located in a KeyStore


A. Exception handling

1. Decrypt and verify file with keys located in files

This example demonstrates OpenPGP decryption and verification of an OpenPGP one pass signed and encrypted file.
We use the public key of the other party to verify the source of this signed file. Our own private key is usually used for decryption.

C# example

using System;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
public class DecryptAndVerify
 public void Demo()
    // create an instance of the library
    PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
    SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = 
                                  "private key password",
   if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare OK");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
	   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
	   Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Public Class DecryptAndVerify
 Public Sub Demo()
   ' create an instance of the library   
   Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
   Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = _
       pgp.DecryptAndVerifyFile("C:\Test\OUTPUT.pgp", _
				"C:\Test\my_private_key.asc", _
				"private key password", _
				"C:\Test\sender_public_key.asc", _
   If signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare OK")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching Then
	Console.WriteLine("The provided public key(s) doesn't match the signature")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound Then
	Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed")
   End If
 End Sub
End Class

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2. Decrypt and verify file with keys located in a KeyStore

In this example the public key of the sender is used for verification and our private key is used for decryption and they both are located in a KeyStore.

C# example

using System;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
public class KeyStoreDecryptAndVerifyFile
 public static void Demo()
   // initialize the KeyStore
   KeyStore keyStore = new KeyStore(@"c:\", "key store pass");
   // create an instance of the library
   PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
   // we should provide the private decryption key password too
   String decryptionKeyPassword = "private key password";
   SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = 
   if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare OK");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
	   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
	   Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Public Class KeyStoreDecryptAndVerifyFile
 Public Shared Sub Demo()
    ' initialize the KeyStore
    Dim keyStore As New KeyStore("c:\", "key store pass")
    ' create an instance of the library
    Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
    ' we should provide the private decryption key password too
    Dim decryptionKeyPassword As String = "private key password"
    Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = _
                pgp.DecryptAndVerifyFile("c:\OUTPUT.pgp", _
					  keyStore, _
					  decryptionKeyPassword, _
    If signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified Then
		Console.WriteLine("Signare OK")
    ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken Then
		Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged")
    ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching Then
		Console.WriteLine("The provided public key(s) doesn't match the signature")
    ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound Then
		Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed")
    End If
 End Sub
End Class

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3. Decrypt and verify a multiple file archive with keys located in files

This sample is useful in cases when the .pgp archive contains multiple files inside. The only drawback is that this we need to invoke two methods instead of one:

C# example

using System;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
public class DecryptAndVerifyMulti
 public void Demo()
	// create an instance of the library
	PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
	// private key to be used for decryption
	String privateKeyFile = @"DataFiles\private.key";
	String privateKeyPassword = "changeit";
	// public key of the sender, to be used for signature verficitaion
	String senderPublicKeyFile = @"DataFiles\public.key";
	string outputFolder = @"DataFiles";
	SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = 
        if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare OK");
	else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged");
	else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
	   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
	else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
	   Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");
	// decrypts the content of the PGP archive
	// and returns array with full file paths of the 
	// exytracted file(s)
	string[] decryptedFileNames =

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Public Class DecryptAndVerifyMulti
 Public Sub Demo()
	' create an instance of the library
	Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
	' private key to be used for decryption
	Dim privateKeyFile As [String] = "DataFiles\private.key"
	Dim privateKeyPassword As [String] = "changeit"
	' public key of the sender, to be used for signature verficitaion
	Dim senderPublicKeyFile As [String] = "DataFiles\public.key"
	Dim outputFolder As String = "DataFiles"
	Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = _
		pgp.VerifyFileWithoutExtracting("DataFiles\OUTPUTse.pgp", _
										privateKeyFile, _
										privateKeyPassword, _
	If signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified Then
		Console.WriteLine("Signare OK")
	ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken Then
		Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged")
	ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching Then
		Console.WriteLine("The provided public key(s) doesn't match the signature")
	ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound Then
		Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed")
	End If
	' decrypts the content of the PGP archive
	' and returns array with full file paths of the 
	' exytracted file(s)
	Dim decryptedFileNames As String() = _
		pgp.DecryptTo("DataFiles\OUTPUTse.pgp", _
					privateKeyFile, _
					privateKeyPassword, _
 End Sub
End Class

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4. Decrypt and verify multiple file archive with keys located in a KeyStore

This sample is similar with the above one, but now the public key of the sender and our decryption private key are located in aKeyStore.

C# example

using System;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
public class KeyStoreDecryptAndVerifyMulti
 public void Demo()
	// create an instance of the library
	PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
	KeyStore keyStore = new KeyStore(@"DataFiles\", "changeit");
	String privateKeyPassword = "changeit";
	string outputFolder = @"DataFiles";
	SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = 
	if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare OK");
	else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged");
	else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
	   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
	else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
	   Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");
	// decrypts the content of the PGP archive
	// and returns array with full file paths of the 
	// exytracted file(s)
	string[] decryptedFileNames =

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Public Class KeyStoreDecryptAndVerifyMulti
 Public Sub Demo()
	' create an instance of the library
	Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
	Dim keyStore As New KeyStore("DataFiles\", "changeit")
	Dim privateKeyPassword As [String] = "changeit"
	Dim outputFolder As String = "DataFiles"
	Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = _
		pgp.VerifyFileWithoutExtracting("DataFiles\OUTPUTse.pgp", _
										keyStore, _
	If signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified Then
		Console.WriteLine("Signare OK")
	ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken Then
		Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged")
	ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching Then
		Console.WriteLine("The provided public key(s) doesn't match the signature")
	ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound Then
		Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed")
	End If
	' decrypts the content of the PGP archive
	' and returns array with full file paths of the 
	' exytracted file(s)
	Dim decryptedFileNames As String() = _
		pgp.DecryptTo("DataFiles\OUTPUTse.pgp", _
					keyStore, _
					privateKeyPassword, _
 End Sub
End Class

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5. Decrypt and verify a String message with keys located in files

If we have an encrypted String message we can decrypt it directly without writing it into a file beforehand.

C# example

using System;
using System.IO;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
class DecryptAndVerifyString
 public void Demo()
   // obtain encrypted and signed message
   String signedAndEncryptedMessage = ...
   String plainTextExtracted;
   // create an instance of the library
   PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
   // decrypt and verify
   SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = 
				new FileInfo(@"c:\my_private_key.asc"),
				"private key password",
				new FileInfo(@"c:\sender_public_key.asc"),
				out plainTextExtracted);
   // print the results
   if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare OK");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
	   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
	   Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");
   Console.WriteLine("Extracted message: " + plainTextExtracted);

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Class DecryptAndVerifyString
 Public Sub Demo()
   ' obtain encrypted and signed message
   Dim signedAndEncryptedMessage As String = ...
   Dim plainTextExtracted As String
   ' create an instance of the library
   Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
   ' decrypt and verify
   Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = _
           pgp.DecryptAndVerifyString(signedAndEncryptedMessage, _
                                     New FileInfo("c:\private.key"), _
                                     "private key password", _
                                     New FileInfo("c:\public.key"), _
   ' print the results
   If signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare OK")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching Then
	Console.WriteLine("The provided public key(s) doesn't match the signature")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound Then
	Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed")
   End If
  Console.WriteLine("Extracted message: " + plainTextExtracted)
 End Sub
End Class

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6. Decrypt and verify string message with keys located in a KeyStore

This example shows how to decrypt and verify a signed and encrypted String message with keys stored in a KeyStore

C# example

using System;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
class KeyStoreDecryptAndVerifyString
 public static void Demo()
    // obtain an OpenPGP signed and enrypted message
    String signedAndEncryptedString = ...
    String privateKeyDecryptionPassword = "private key password";
    // Extract the message and check the validity of the signature
    String plainText;
    // create an instance of the library
    PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
    // initialize the key store
    KeyStore ks = new KeyStore(@"c:\", "key store password");
    SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = 
				     out plainText);
    // Print the results
    Console.WriteLine("Extracted plain text message is " + plainText);
    if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare OK");
    else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged");
    else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
	   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
    else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
	   Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Class KeyStoreDecryptAndVerifyString
 Public Shared Sub Demo()
   ' obtain an OpenPGP signed and enrypted message
   Dim signedAndEncryptedString As String = ...
   Dim privateKeyDecryptionPassword As String = "private key password"
   ' Extract the message and check the validity of the signature
   Dim plainText As String
   ' create an instance of the library
   Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
   ' initialize the key store
   Dim ks As New KeyStore("c:\", "key store password")
   Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = _
           pgp.DecryptAndVerifyString(signedAndEncryptedString, _
                                      ks, _
                                      privateKeyDecryptionPassword, _
   ' Print the results
   Console.WriteLine("Extracted plain text message is " + plainText)
  If signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare OK")
  ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged")
  ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching Then
	Console.WriteLine("The provided public key(s) doesn't match the signature")
  ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound Then
	Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed")
  End If
 End Sub
End Class

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7. Decrypt and verify a password encrypted file with a public key located in a file

This example demonstrates OpenPGP decryption and verification of an OpenPGP one pass signed and password encrypted file. We use the public key of the other party to verify the source of this signed file. The decryption password is the same with the one used for encryption.

C# example

using System;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
public class DecryptAndVerifyPBE
 public void Demo()
    // create an instance of the library
    PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
    SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck =
                                  "encryption password",
   if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare OK");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
	   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
	   Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Public Class DecryptAndVerifyPBE
 Public Sub Demo()
   ' create an instance of the library   
   Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
   Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = _
    pgp.DecryptAndVerifyFilePBE("C:\Test\OUTPUT.pgp", _
				"encryption password", _
				"C:\Test\sender_public_key.asc", _
   If signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare OK")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching Then
	Console.WriteLine("The provided public key(s) doesn't match the signature")
   ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound Then
	Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed")
   End If
 End Sub
End Class

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8. Decrypt and verify password encrypted file when the public key is located in a KeyStore

In this example the public key of the sender used for verification is located in a KeyStore and the same password used for encryption is used for decryption.

C# example

using System;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
public class KeyStoreDecryptAndVerifyFile
 public static void Demo()
   // initialize the KeyStore
   KeyStore keyStore = new KeyStore(@"c:\", "key store pass");
   // create an instance of the library
   PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
   // we should provide the private decryption key password too
   String decryptionPassword = "encryption password";
   SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = 
   if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare OK");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken)
	   Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching)
	   Console.WriteLine("The provided public key doesn't match the signature");
   else if (signatureCheck == SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound)
	   Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed");

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Public Class KeyStoreDecryptAndVerifyFile
 Public Shared Sub Demo()
    ' initialize the KeyStore
    Dim keyStore As New KeyStore("c:\", "key store pass")
    ' create an instance of the library
    Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
    ' we should provide the decryption password 
    Dim decryptionPassword As String = "encryption password"
    Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = _
                pgp.DecryptAndVerifyFile("c:\OUTPUT.pgp", _
					  keyStore, _
					  decryptionPassword, _
    If signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureVerified Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare OK")
    ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.SignatureBroken Then
	Console.WriteLine("Signare of the message is either broken or forged")
    ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.PublicKeyNotMatching Then
	Console.WriteLine("The provided public key(s) doesn't match the signature")
    ElseIf signatureCheck = SignatureCheckResult.NoSignatureFound Then
	Console.WriteLine("This message is not digitally signed")
    End If
 End Sub
End Class

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Appendix A. Exception Handling

The sample code below follows the proposed general exception handling and illustrates the exceptions sub classes ofDidiSoft.Pgp.PGPException that we may expected when decrypting and verifying OpenPGP data in one pass.

C# example

using System;
using DidiSoft.Pgp;
using DidiSoft.Pgp.Exceptions;
public class DecryptAndVerify
 public void Demo()
  // create an instance of the library
  PGPLib pgp = new PGPLib();
   SignatureCheckResult signatureCheck = pgp.DecryptAndVerify ...
  catch (PGPException e)
   if (e is NonPGPDataException)
	// The input data is not an OpenPGP archive or is corrupted
   else if (e is WrongPublicKeyException)
	// The supplied public key is not an OpenPGP public key or is corrupted
   else if (e is WrongPrivateKeyException)
	// The message cannot be decrypted with this private key 
	// or the supplied private key is not an OpenPGP private key or is corrupted
   else if (e is WrongPasswordException)
	// The password for the private key is incorrect
   else if (e is FileIsPBEEncryptedException)
	// The input file is password encrypted
	// We have to use DecryptAndVeifyFilePBE or DecryptAndVerifyStreamPBE
   else if (e is IntegrityCheckException)
	// The encrypted data is corrupted
   { // other OpenPGP error

VB.NET example

Imports System
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp
Imports DidiSoft.Pgp.Exceptions
Public Class DecryptAndVerify
 Public Sub Demo()
  ' create an instance of the library
  Dim pgp As New PGPLib()
	Dim signatureCheck As SignatureCheckResult = pgp.DecryptAndVerify ...
  Catch e As PGPException
   If TypeOf e Is NonPGPDataException Then
	' The input file is not an OpenPGP archive or is corrupted
   ElseIf TypeOf e Is WrongPublicKeyException Then
	' The supplied public key is not an OpenPGP public key or is corrupted
   ElseIf TypeOf e Is WrongPrivateKeyException Then
	' The message cannot be decrypted with this private key 
	' or the supplied private key is not an OpenPGP private key or is corrupted
   ElseIf TypeOf e Is WrongPasswordException Then
	' The password for the private key is incorrect
   ElseIf TypeOf e Is FileIsPBEEncryptedException Then
	' The input file is password encrypted.
	' You have to use DecryptAndVeifyFilePBE or DecryptAndVerifyStreamPBE
   ElseIf TypeOf e Is IntegrityCheckException Then
	' The encrypted data is corrupted
   End If
  End Try
 End Sub
End Class

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In this chapter we have demonstrated how to decrypt and verify in one step a single pass signed and encrypted OpenPGP data.

You may also be interested in analyzing OpenPGP archive and checking the encryption and signing Key ID’s before performing decryption and signature verification.

List of methods used:

PGPLib.DecryptAndVerifyFile Decrypts and verifies the digital signature of an OpenPGP encrypted file
PGPLib.DecryptAndVerifyString Decrypts and verifies the digital signature of an OpenPGP encrypted String message
PGPLib.DecryptAndVerifyFilePBE Decrypts and verifies the digital signature of an OpenPGP password encrypted file




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