【贪玩巴斯】带你一起攻克英语语法长难句—— 第五章——尾声的凯旋:状语和状语从句 ——2022年2月25日-3月17日





1.1 形容词(短语)

  • 形容词短语的主要作用:
    • 放在系动词后面作表语, He becomes tough these days.
    • 放在宾语后面作补语, The reality makes him tough these days.
    • 放在名词(短语)前作定语, He has become a tough man these days.
  • 总结:
    • 我们发现了一个规律,无论形容词(短语)做什么成分,都是围着名词(短语)/ 代词转,也就是说——形容词(短语)无论作什么成分都是修饰名词(短语)/代词的

2.2 副词(短语)

  • 副词(短语)
    • 修饰动词 He smiles sweetly.
    • 修饰形容词 He looks pretty sweet.
    • 修饰副词 He smiles especially sweetly.
    • 修饰整个句子 Luckily,he passed the examination.
  • 总结:
    • 副词(短语)可以修饰——实义动词(词组)、形容词(短语)和整个句子,副词甚至还可以修饰副词。
    • 副词在句子中主要做状语。


2.1 状语的含义

  • 状语就是在一个句子中,用来修饰实义动词(词组)、形容词(短语)、副词或整个句子的成分。
  • 其实英语中的修饰成分一般就是定语和状语
  • 定语修饰名词(短语)。
  • 状语修饰 —— 除名词(短语)以外的所有成分。

2.2 状语的成分

  • 副词
    • He smiles sweetly.
  • 副词短语
    • I tried again and again.
  • 介词短语
    • He runs fast like a crazy dog.
  • 分词、不定式
    • He leaves, crying.
  • 从句
    • I will return the book as soon as I finish it.

3.3 位置

  • 状语的位置极其灵活,可以随意放置在句中,但是放在句首或句末的情况居多。(放在句首,常用逗号隔开)


3.1 构成

  • 状语从句可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。
  • 构成如下:
    • 引导词 + 状语从句 + “,” + 主句 (状语从句放在主句前,通常加逗号)
    • 主句 + 引导词 + 状语从句 (状语从句放在主句后,可以加逗号,也可以不加逗号)
  • In Chongqing,I am now working.
  • I am now working in Chongqing.
  • I am now in Chongqing working.

3.2 引导词

  • 名词性从句的引导词按照从句的类型来进行分类——有三类——从句句子是陈述句时:that;从句是一般疑问句时:whether/if(whether引导所有,if只引导宾语从句);从句是特殊疑问句时:副词:when,where,why,how;连词:who,whom,what,which,whose.
  • 定语从句的引导词是按照先行词的种类来进行分类的——有五类——先行词是人时:that,who,whom,whose;先行词是物时:that,which,whose;先行词是时间:that,which,when;先行词是地点:that,which,where;先行词是原因时:that,which,why;
  • 注意:所有的从句,都是“引导词+主语+谓语”的顺序。
  • 状语从句的分类
    • If 引导 —— 条件
    • When 引导 —— 时间
    • Because引导 —— 原因
  • 状语从句引导词的分类标准——按照引导词本身的意思进行分类。
  • 一共分为九类:
  • 时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、让步、方式、比较状语从句。
  • 因为状语从句的引导词是按照引导词本身的意思来进行分类的,所以状语从句可以说是最简单的从句,每个引导词都有确定的意思。

3.3 时态

  • 1.当主句谓语为过去时,从句谓语使用相应的过去时态。
    • Before I went home,my mother had slept.
    • 两个动作都为过去发生,但是主句的动作发生在从句之前,所以使用过去完成时态。
  • 2.当主句谓语为将来时,从句谓语使用一般现在时,用现在表示将来。(主将从现)
    • I will treat you if I manage to pass the examination of postgraduates.
    • 这是由if引导的条件状语从句,主句表将来,但从句中的谓语动词应该用一般现在时,绝不可用will manage.



  1. 时间状语从句的引导词
  • 普通引导词:
    • when、as、while(在…期间)、once(一旦)、as soon as(一…就…)、before、after、since(自从…以来)、not…until(直到…才)、until/till(直到…时)等。
  • 名词短语:
    • the moment(一…就),every time(每当),the day(那一天),the instant(当…的时候)等
  • 副词:
    • immediately,directly,no sooner…than,hardly…when,scarcely…when 意思都为 “一…就” 等

  1. When,while 和 as 作引导词的区别
  • When 引导从句的谓语动作可以是连续性动词,也可以是短暂性动词。通常表示“当…时”(指的是从句里的谓语)
    • when the teacher came in,we stopped talking.
    • when I lived in the countryside,i used to live a tough life.
  • while引导的从句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,多用于进行时态,表示“在…时”,强调时间段的延续性;也可强调主从句的对比。
    • while my mother was reading the newspaper,I was watching TV.(reading延续性动词,两个动词同时发生)
    • I like playing football while you like playing basketball.(对比)
  • as引导的从句的谓语动词是延续性动词,表示“一边…一边”,一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生的情况,as也可表示“随着…”
    • We always sing as we walk.(一边…一边)
    • As familes moved away from their stable community,the informal flow of information is cut off.(随着)

  1. no sooner…than 和 hardly…when做引导词的用法
  • 含义:表示“一…就…”
  • 时态:主句用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时。
    • No sooner had I begun to take a shower than the water was unavailable.
    • Hardly had they arrived at the bus stop when the bus left.

  1. When引导时间状语从句,如果从句和主句 主语一致,并且从句的谓语中有be动词,那么从句的主语和be动词可以一起省略。
  • 简单说,从句主句的主语一样,且从句谓语有be动词,省略从句中主语和be动词
  • When I was alone, I would often weep. ——省略后:when alone,i would often weep.

  1. 区别until和not…until
  • I will wait here until you come.
  • I will not leave until you come.
    • not…until 虽然有否定词not,但并没有翻译成否定的意思
    • 区别在于:主句的谓语动词的延续性,如果是短暂性动词——使用not…until,如果是延续性动词,使用until。


  • 常用引导词:where
  • 特殊引导词:wherever,anywhere,everywhere等。


  1. 区别
  • 两者容易混淆,并且在从句的翻译方法上是一样的,但是语法上千差万别。
  • 区分两种句子的关键就是看where是否指代前面的先行词,如果指代,那就是定语从句,否则就是地点状语从句!
    • 当where引导地点状语从句的时候,从句修饰主句的谓语动词,where是连接副词,前面没有表示地点的先行词。
    • 例句:I find my phone where i had lost it.(where引导的从句修饰find这个动词)
    • where引导定语从句的时候,从句修饰先行词,where是关系副词,在从句中做地点状语,前面有表示地点的先行词。
    • 例句:These is the house where i lived two years ago.(where引导的从句修饰house这个名词)
  • 主要看修饰的是名词还是动词!!!
  1. 转换
  • 一般在状语从句前加上——“in/at/from the + 地点”,就可以改写成定语从句。
    • 例句:We will start where we left off. ——转换:We will start from the point where we left off.


  • 常用引导词:because,since,as,for等。
  • 特殊引导词:seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that等等
  • 需要注意的是,一些介词短语,也翻译成:“因为”,但他们后面只能跟着名词(短语),because of, due to, owing to, thanks to, for the sake of, as a result of等。
  • 需要注意的是,这批介词短语中,due to 通常放在句末,不放在句首;owing to通常放在句首,不放在句末。其他短语则可前可后。
  • Because he was careless, he had a car accident yesterday.
  • Because of his carelessness, he had a car accident yesterday.


  • 常用引导词:so that, in order that 等。
  • 常见的动词不定式也可以表示目的:to, in order to, so as to 等,后跟动词原形。
  • 需要注意的是,用 in order to 一定确保前后主语一致,主语不一致只能用 in order that。

5. 结果状语从句

  • 常用引导词:so that, so…that, such…that 等。
  • 特殊引导词:to the degree that, to the extent that, to such a degree that等

so that, so…that 和 such…that 的区别

  1. so that 既可以引导目的状语从句,也可以引导结果状语从句。引导目的状语从句的时候,会和情态动词连用,引导结果状语从句时,则不和情态动词连用。
  • 目的状语从句:I hurried through my work so that i could be on time for the TV. (后接情态动词)
  • 结果状语从句:We moved to the country so that we were away from the crowded city.(后没有接情态动词)
  1. so…that 的用法
  • so + 形容词/副词 + that
  • The movie was so boring that i gave up watching it halfway through.
  • 太…以至于
  • so + many/much/few/little + 名词 + that
  • He got so little money that his family had to live on welfare.
  • so + 形容词 + a/an + 可数名词单数 + that
  • Liu is so nice a teather that everyone loves and respects her.
  1. such…that 的用法
  • such + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + that

  • It was such a terrible show that none of us would pay for watching it again.

  • 注意 so…that 和 such…that 两个结构可以互换,但要调整冠词的位置。

  • such + 形容词 + 可数名词复数/不可数名词 + that

  • They are such adorable babies that we all love them

  • This was such wonderful music that is deserved to replay.

6. 条件状语从句

  • 常用引导词: if, unless(if not)等。

  • 特殊引导词:as/so long as (只要), only if (只要), providing/provided that(假如), supposing (that) (假如), in case that (以防), on condition that(如果) 等等。

  • I will never give up so long as there is a ghost of a chance.

  • You can borrow the album, on condition that you don’t lend it to anyone else.


  • 常用引导词:though,although,even if,even though等。
  • 特殊引导词:as, while(虽然,用在句首), no matter… (无论), in spite of the fact that(虽然,尽管), whatever, whenever, however, whichever 等。
  • 让步状语从句是作文中的经典表达,当我们表达过于绝对的时候,用上表示让步的引导词,如although 效果会很好。
  • Although/Though he failed again and again, he still holds on to his dream.
  • The regular physical examination must be given to a patient whoever has recuperated from hepatitis.
  • As automatic machines have many advantages, they can only do the jobs they have been told to do.
  • 扩展练习句子。
  • Liu is a beauty although she has a pair of small eyes.
  • Worshipping stars blindly will waste a lot of time and energy although they may work hard and set a good example.
  • Pollution remains serious although a sea of adults realize it.
  • Pets indeed bring much delight to my grandma although taking care of them needs time and energy.


  • 常用引导词:as, as if, as though(好像,似乎)等。
  • 特殊引导词:the way (方式) 等。
  • 除此以外,有些介词(短语)也表示方式:by, through, in…way, in…manner(以…的方式)等。
  • She talks with me as she were my mother.
  • The password was decoded by him in a dis passionate and objective manner.
  • I can still remember the whole thing in great detail as though it happened yesterday.
  • They are talking as if they had been freinds for years.
  • Always do to the others as you would be done by.
  • When the spaceship leaves the earth in a tremendous speed, the astronauts feel as if they were being crushed against the spaceship floor.


  • 常用引导词:as, than 等。

  • 特殊引导词:the more… the more… , more than, more… than… ,not so much… as… 等。

  • 例句:

  • The youth of today are better off than we used to be.

  • She is not so energetic as she used to be .

  • The result of this experiment is better than that of the last one.

  • 具体引导词

    1. as…as… 和…一样…
  • English proves as assential as air and water, which plays a key role in our daily life.

  • 总结: as … as … 的用法 和 so… that… 一样,有形容词(短语),副词(短语)的地方都可以考虑该句型。

    1. the more… the more… 越… ,越…
  • The harder one works , the luckier he will feel.

  • The higher one climbs, the farther he will look.

    1. more than 的用法
  • ①后加名词(短语),翻译成“不仅仅是”。

  • He is more than a teacher. In fact, he writes some poems in his spare time.

  • ②后加形容词(短语),翻译成 “非常”。

  • Americans are more than hospitable when facing strangers.

  • ③后加数词,翻译成 “多于,超过,比…多”

  • I have more than 10 friends.

  • ④后加动词(词组),翻译成 “不仅仅是”

  • They may teach very well and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.

    1. not so much as = not even 甚至不/没有
  • He cannot so much as sing a song.

  • He did not so much as ask me to have a cup of tea when i visited his lab.

    1. not so much A as B 与其说A,倒不如说B
  • He is not so much a teacher as a poet.

    1. more A than B 与其说B, 不如说A
  • He is more a poet than a teacher.



  • If winter comes, spring will arrive soon.
  • ① 去掉状语从句最明显的标志——引导词 if
  • ② 逗号不能连接两个句子,考虑把其中一个变成不是句子。只需要把动词变成——非谓语 即可实现。
  • ③ 看前后主语是否一致,如果一致,分词的主语省略,不一致保留。
  • Winter coming,spring will arrive soon.
  • 总结:
  • 如果分词的主语和主句的主语不一致,叫做独立主格;如果分词的主语和主句的主语一致,叫做非谓语结构作状语。
  • 例子:
  • 状语从句:After the job was finished, we went home respectively.
  • 分词作状语:The job finished, we went home respectively.
  • 状语从句:Because I am fat, i feel delighted.
  • 分词作状语:Being fat, I feel delighted.


  • 不是,只要是类似于用逗号连接的两个句子的情况,都可以把那个次要的句子变成分词作状语。
  • The old lady sitting in the corner, her eyes are filled with tears.
  • Being a positive attitude, self-confidence enables many miracles to happen.
  • 要学会掌握分词作状语的句式,应用到作文中更出彩。



  • 定语可以把句子拉长增色,而状语是最好的拉长增色的工具。任何一个句子都可以增加状语成分。
  • 比如:
  • I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan.
  • ① 加副词:I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan diligently.
  • ② 加时间状语: I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan at the moment.
  • ③ 加地点状语: I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan on the playground.
  • ④ 加原因状语: I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan because it is so interesting and attractive.
  • ⑤ 加让步状语:Although I don’t want to take part in any examination, I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan.
  • ⑥ 加结果状语——必须出现形容词或副词:I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan so crazily that I forget to sleep at night.
  • ⑦ 加目的状语:I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan in order that I can improve my grammar as quickly as possiple.
  • ⑧ 加比较状语:I am reading the book written by Liu Xiaoyan as diligently as a bee.


  • 长难句分析的关键 是要学会识别 状语,并且能把它通顺的翻译出来。
  • 识别:一个句子中的以下成分,一般都是状语:副词、时间、地点、方式、目的、条件、结果、原因、比较。根据位置也可以判断,虽然灵活,但通常都放在句首或句末,只要见到主语前面有一部分,那这一部分通常都是状语
  • 翻译方法:一般的状语都是直接翻译,但是通常把表示时间、原因、方式、目的、条件的状语放在句首翻译,或放在主谓之间翻译。如果原因状语比较复杂,也可以放在句末翻译为“之所以……是因为……”。


  • she smiled when she saw me. ——when后是状语。
  • The woman who saw her son smiled immediately. ——who后是定语。
  • I loved the man when I met him. ——when后是状语。(定语从句中,如果先行词是人,引导词不可能是when)

6.1 区分介词短语又像定语又像状语的情况

比如:I like a boy in the kindergaten.

6.2 区分when引导的是定语从句还是状语从句

I was singing when she came in.
I still remember that day when you promised you would love me forever.



  • 句子主干成分:主语、谓语、宾语、表语;

  • 句子修饰成分:同位语、定语、状语、补语;

    1. 总结一
  • 主干成分是句子必须具备的成分,修饰成分则可有可无。修饰成分可以使得句子显得丰满美观。

  • 虽然充当主语的成分很多,但事实上充当主语的成分多数情况下都是——名词(短语),充当宾语的成分多数情况下也是名词(短语)。

  • 分析长难句和写作是两个完全相反的过程,分析长难句是先把修饰限定成分去掉,暂时不看,去寻找句子主干。而写作是给基本的句子主干部分加修饰成分,把句子写长写复杂。、

  • 英语的句子的基本形式如下:

  • (状语),主语(定语/同位语/插入语) + 谓语(通常具有时态、语态或单复数变化,不一定只是一个动词) + 宾语/表语 (定语/同位语/状语)

  • ——小扩号的内容代表可有可无。

    1. 总结二
  • 每个句子都有不止一种写法。
  • 主干成分:主语、谓语、宾语、表语。
  • 修饰成分:同位语、定语、状语。
  • 能够充当以上句子成分的总共有:
    • 名词(短语)、代词、动词(词组)、形容词(短语)、副词(短语)、介词短语、非谓语结构、从句。
  • 具体来说,可以承担的相应的角色:
    • 主语:名词(短语)、代词、非谓语结构、从句;
    • 谓语:动词(词组);
    • 宾语:名词(短语)、代词、非谓语结构、从句;
    • 表语:名词(短语)、代词、非谓语局结构、从句、形容词(短语)、介词短语;
    • 同位语:名词(短语)、代词、非谓语结构、从句;
    • 定语:名词(短语)、代词、非谓语结构、从句、形容词(短语)、介词短语。
    • 状语:副词(短语)、介词短语、非谓语结构、从句。
  • 举例1: 他一句都没说就离开了
  • He left saying nothing.(分词作状语)
  • He left without a word.(介词短语作状语)
  • When he left, he said nothing.(从句作状语)
  • He left silently.(副词作状语)
  • 举例2: 嘲笑别人是不对的
  • Laughing at others is not right.(非谓语结构做主语)
  • That you laugh at others is not right.(从句作主语)
  • You are not right if you laugh at others.(代词作主语)
  • 距离3: 一盏美丽、可爱的小油灯照亮了屋子。
  • A pretty and lovely lamp lit up the room.(形容词短语作定语)
  • A lamp which looks pretty and lovely lit up the room.(从句作定语)
  • A lamp looking pretty and lovely lit up the room.(非谓语结构作定语)
  • 注意:
    • 分词作定语,虽然表达被动,但是系动词没有被动形式,所以只能加ing。

  • 总结:
  • 除了谓语必须是动词(词组),其他各个成分的词性都很灵活。在写作中,前一个名词(短语)已经补充定语,后面的这个名词(短语)就可以使用其他词作定语。


  1. as + 名词(短语)
  • 此时as是介词,as后跟名词(短语)时,一般译为“作为”。
  1. 动词(词组)+ 名词(短语) + as
  • 此时as仍然是介词,意思取决于前面动词(词组)的意思。一定注意动词(词组)和as中间应该有名词(短语)。当发现没有名词(短语)的时候,可能是名词(短语)被放到其他地方去了。
  • 常见结构:regard…as…; view…as…; define…as…; classify…as… 等;
  1. as引导定语从句
  • as可以引导修饰整个句子的定语从句,which也可以,但which只能放在所修饰的句子后面,as可前可后。
  1. as引导状语从句
  • as应当怎样翻译是由前后句子的意思决定的。
评论 3




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