芝加哥犯罪记录数据集Crimes-2001 to 2021


1 摘要

该数据集反映了芝加哥市从 2001 年至今发生的已报告犯罪事件(谋杀案除外,其中每个受害者都有数据),减去最近 7 天。数据是从芝加哥警察局的 CLEAR(公民执法分析和报告)系统中提取的。为了保护犯罪受害者的隐私,地址仅在块级别显示,不标识具体位置。 免责声明:这些罪行可能基于举报方提供给警察局但未经核实的初步信息。初步犯罪分类可能会在以后根据进一步调查进行更改,并且始终存在机械或人为错误的可能性。因此,芝加哥警察局不保证(无论是明示的还是暗示的)信息的准确性、完整性、及时性或正确排序,并且信息不应随着时间的推移用于比较目的。芝加哥警察局不对任何错误或遗漏,或使用此信息或使用此信息而获得的结果负责。地图上的所有数据可视化都应被视为近似数据,并且严禁尝试推导特定地址。除了芝加哥市或芝加哥警察局官方网页之外,芝加哥警察局不对本网页引用或引用的任何场外页面的内容负责。用户明确承认,芝加哥警察局不对其他用户、链接或第三方的任何诽谤、攻击性、误导性或非法行为负责,并且因前述行为造成伤害的风险完全由用户承担。

2 数据集概述

共:7.38M rows,22 Columns, Each row is a Reported crime

3 特征含义
Column NameDescriptionTypeData TypeAPI Field Name
IDUnique identifier for the record.NumberNumberid
Case NumberThe Chicago Police Department RD Number (Records Division Number), which is unique to the incident.Plain TextTextcase_number
DateDate when the incident occurred. this is sometimes a best estimate.Date & TimeFloating Timestampdate
BlockThe partially redacted address where the incident occurred, placing it on the same block as the actual address.Plain TextTextblock
IUCRThe Illinois Unifrom Crime Reporting code. This is directly linked to the Primary Type and Description. See the list of IUCR codes at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/c7ck-438e.Plain TextTextiucr
Primary TypeThe primary description of the IUCR code.Plain TextTextprimary_type
DescriptionThe secondary description of the IUCR code, a subcategory of the primary description.Plain TextTextdescription
Location DescriptionDescription of the location where the incident occurred.Plain TextTextlocation_description
ArrestIndicates whether an arrest was made.CheckboxCheckboxarrest
DomesticIndicates whether the incident was domestic-related as defined by the Illinois Domestic Violence Act.CheckboxCheckboxdomestic
BeatIndicates the beat where the incident occurred. A beat is the smallest police geographic area – each beat has a dedicated police beat car. Three to five beats make up a police sector, and three sectors make up a police district. The Chicago Police Department has 22 police districts. See the beats at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/aerh-rz74.Plain TextTextbeat
DistrictIndicates the police district where the incident occurred. See the districts at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/fthy-xz3r.Plain TextTextdistrict
WardThe ward (City Council district) where the incident occurred. See the wards at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/sp34-6z76.NumberNumberward
Community AreaIndicates the community area where the incident occurred. Chicago has 77 community areas. See the community areas at https://data.cityofchicago.org/d/cauq-8yn6.Plain TextTextcommunity_area
FBI CodeIndicates the crime classification as outlined in the FBI’s National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). See the Chicago Police Department listing of these classifications at http://gis.chicagopolice.org/clearmap_crime_sums/crime_types.html.Plain TextTextfbi_code
X CoordinateThe x coordinate of the location where the incident occurred in State Plane Illinois East NAD 1983 projection. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block.NumberNumberx_coordinate
Y CoordinateThe y coordinate of the location where the incident occurred in State Plane Illinois East NAD 1983 projection. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block.NumberNumbery_coordinate
YearYear the incident occurred.NumberNumberyear
Updated OnDate and time the record was last updated.Date & TimeFloating Timestampupdated_on
LatitudeThe latitude of the location where the incident occurred. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block.NumberNumberlatitude
LongitudeThe longitude of the location where the incident occurred. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block.NumberNumberlongitude
LocationThe location where the incident occurred in a format that allows for creation of maps and other geographic operations on this data portal. This location is shifted from the actual location for partial redaction but falls on the same block.LocationLocationlocation
4 数据示例


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chicago_crimes数据集是一个关于芝加哥犯罪事件的数据库,它提供了大量有关该城市不同犯罪类型的详细信息。该数据集包含了从2001年至今的犯罪记录。 这个数据集中包含了许多字段,包括犯罪日期、犯罪类型、定罪结果、犯罪位置等等。通过分析这些数据,我们可以了解到芝加哥市各个区域的犯罪率以及不同类型犯罪的发生情况。 通过对chicago_crimes数据集的研究,我们可以发现一些有趣的趋势和模式。例如,我们可以分析不同时间段内的犯罪率是否有所变化。另外,我们还可以通过分析不同的犯罪类型,了解哪些犯罪行为在芝加哥市比较常见。 通过对这些数据的进一步研究,我们可以洞察犯罪行为的背后因素。例如,我们可以尝试找出不同地理位置和社会经济因素与犯罪之间的关联。这有助于城市规划者和执法机构更好地了解犯罪的产生原因,从而采取更有针对性的措施。 除了对犯罪行为进行研究外,chicago_crimes数据集还可以用于构建犯罪模型和预测犯罪趋势。通过分析历史数据,我们可以发现某些特定因素与不同类型的犯罪行为之间的联系,并用这些信息进行犯罪预测,以便提前采取相应的措施。 总的来说,chicago_crimes数据集提供了丰富的关于芝加哥犯罪事件的信息,通过对这些数据的分析和研究,我们可以更好地了解犯罪行为的特征、趋势和影响因素,进而为城市治理和公共安全提供更好的支持和指导。


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