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原创 Jvm超级武器机器码如何生成

assembler_x86.cppJvm中很多内置的例程,以及为java method生成的例程,使用了一下这些指令,这段就是generate_call_stub 这个方法的一小段,用来生成c语言到java过渡的一个例程,保存c执行的现场,准备进入java世界的上下文// call Java function__ BIND(parameters_done);__ movptr(rbx, method); // get Method*__ movptr(c_rarg1, .

2020-05-19 11:19:37 465

原创 Redis 命令映射表

Redis 命令映射表初始化redis 命令映射表存储,使用hashTablestruct redisServer { dict *commands; /* Command table */}redis command结构体最重要的是处理函数,以及name属性typedef void redisCommandProc(client *c);typedef int *redisGetKeysProc(struct redisCommand *cmd, robj **

2020-05-09 20:33:08 391

原创 Flight Record使用

Flight Record使用1、查找被监控的JVM进程号执行jcmd或jps或其他查找Java进程的命令,如ps等等2、用cmd检查是否已经放开许可执行 jcmd VM.check_commercial_features如果未放开,显示字样:Commercial Features are locked.如果已经放开,显示字样:Commercial Features are unlocked.只有放开许可才能做飞行记录。3、放开许可执行jcmd VM.unlock_commerci

2020-05-09 18:06:15 810

原创 Nginx-静态资源Web服务器

静态资源Web服务器静态资源Web服务器创建web目录配置nginx.conf配置访问日志使用nginx搭建姿态资源Web服务器静态资源Web服务器创建web目录root@andre:/home/nginx/sbin# ls -al ../myweb/total 136drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 4月 13 08:45 .drwxr-xr-x 12...

2020-04-13 08:56:45 141

原创 Nginx命令行常用参数(2)

Nginx - 命令常用参数执行sbin/nginx -h 列出nginx命令支持的参数说明root@andre:/home/nginx# sbin/nginx -?nginx version: nginx/1.16.1Usage: nginx [-?hvVtTq] [-s signal] [-c filename] [-p prefix] [-g directives]Options...

2020-04-12 11:11:52 135

原创 Nginx - 下载安装(1)

Nginx - 下载安装下载-安装Nginx下载Nginx下载安装相关依赖lib安装nginx下载-安装Nginx本节我们介绍在Linux下源码编译安装Nginx下载Nginx进入Nginx网站http://nginx.org ,找到右下方download,选择最新稳定版本,有Stable version标识的版本 ,nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz下载安装相关依赖lib安装p...

2020-04-12 10:28:39 172

原创 HotSpot 源码阅读 - 进入Java世界的桥梁0

从C进入Java的桥梁- 1jni_invoke_static一级目录一级目录二级目录三级目录先抓住主线来分析,如果从C语言进入Java方法的,继续分析CallStaticVoidMethod (*env)->CallStaticVoidMethod(env, mainClass, mainID, mainArgs);从上节知道CallStaticVoidMethod实际就是stru...

2020-04-10 15:05:58 687

原创 HotSpot 源码阅读 - JavaMain方法(2)


2020-04-03 11:19:04 559

原创 HotSpot 源码阅读 - 初步启动(1)

下载源码选择openjdk官网下载从github获取代码,在Github有很多维护了跟openjdk的镜像仓库,但是我们可以使用最常用的git来获取代码,地址 https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk-build阅读源码工具C/C++ ,推荐使用VSCode ,免费也好用main方法入口src\java.base\share\native\la...

2020-04-01 16:40:44 1179

原创 Vue2集成AdminLte 后台模板

# Vue2集成AdminLte 后台模板前提条件 安装最新版的nodejs创建vue工程npm install --global vue-clivue init webpack vue-adminltecd vue-adminltenpm install npm run dev 此时可以验证 http://localhost:8080/#/ 默认的demo2 引入jQuery , 创

2017-11-10 16:00:17 15777

原创 算法 - 素数

问题判断整数n是不是素数定义素数只能被1以及自身整除的整数 , 例如2 ,3 ,5, 7 , 13 #算法 如何加快素数的判断 , 只需要从2判断到n的平方根 ,即2-sqrt(n) , 我们假设n = x * y , sq = sqrt(n) , 如果x < sq , 那么y > sq , 所以如果 2-sq 都不能被整除 , 那么自然知道不对对应的y , 所以不需要继续判断 > sq的数

2016-08-09 10:22:47 483

原创 Velocity兼容$符号

当我们服务器端使用velocity模板来渲染前端页面的时候 , 而前端使用jquery,vue,angular等等也使用$运算符渲染变量,那么就会产生冲突,在velocity1.7版本,加入新的指令#[[您前端不需要让velocity处理的内容]],完美解决了这个问题,以下是java验证逻辑Velocity.init();VelocityContext velocityContext = new V

2016-05-23 10:30:44 3026

原创 Java Virtual Machine Specification

private and static methods in interface at the class file level

2016-04-06 22:08:21 729

原创 Unicode

Hellothis is hello world

2015-12-14 12:53:48 443

翻译 Sockets, protocols, and ports 经典图

Figure  depicts the logical relationships among applications, socket abstractions,protocols, and port numbers within a single host. There are several things to note about theserelationships. First

2014-09-18 17:46:56 490

Low-Level Programming.pdf

This book aims to help you develop a consistent vision of the domain of low-level programming. We want to enable a careful reader to • Freely write in assembly language. • Understand the Intel 64 programming model. • Write maintainable and robust code in C11. • Understand the compilation process and decipher assembly listings. • Debug errors in compiled assembly code. • Use appropriate models of computation to greatly reduce program complexity. • Write performance-critical code. There are two kinds of technical books: those used as a reference and those used to learn. This book is, without doubt, the second kind. It is pretty dense on purpose, and in order to successfully digest the information we highly suggest continuous reading. To quickly memorize new information you should try to connect it with the information with which you are already familiar. That is why we tried, whenever possible, to base our explanation of each topic on the information you received from previous topics. This book is written for programming students, intermediate-to-advanced programmers, and low-level programming enthusiasts. The prerequisites are a basic understanding of binary and hexadecimal systems and a basic knowledge of Unix commands.



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