Dav_笔记2-管理自动负载存储库 之 AWR




Enter value for directory_name: DATA_PUMP_DIR


3.Specify the number of days for which you want to list snapshot IDs.

Enter value for num_days: 2

4.Define the range of snapshots for which AWR data will be extracted by specifying a beginning and ending snapshot ID:

Enter value for begin_snap: 30

Enter value for end_snap: 40

5.A list of directory objects is displayed.

Specify the directory object pointing to the directory where the export dump file will be stored:

Enter value for directory_name: DATA_PUMP_DIR

6.Specify the prefix for name of the export dump file (the .dmp suffix will be automatically appended):

Enter value for file_name: awrdata_30_40


1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


2.Specify the directory object pointing to the directory where the export dump file is located:

Enter value for directory_name: DATA_PUMP_DIR

3.Specify the prefix for name of the export dump file (the .dmp suffix will be automatically appended):

Enter value for file_name: awrdata_30_40

4.Specify the name of the staging schema where the AWR data will be loaded:

Enter value for schema_name: AWR_STAGE

5.Specify the default tablespace for the staging schema:

Enter value for default_tablespace: SYSAUX


Enter value for temporary_tablespace::TEMP


7.将在加载AWR数据的位置创建名为AWR_STAGE的分段模式。 将AWR数据加载到AWR_STAGE模式后,数据将被传输到SYS模式中的AWR表中:

Using Automatic Workload Repository Views

通常,您可以通过Oracle Enterprise Manager或AWR报告查看AWR数据。 但是,您也可以使用以下视图查看统计信息:


该视图显示活动的数据库会话活动,每秒采样一次。 请参阅第5-3页的“活动会话历史记录”。

■V$metric 视图提供度量数据来跟踪系统的性能

度量视图被组织成各种组,如事件,事件类,系统,会话,服务,文件和表空间度量。 这些组在V $ METRICGROUP视图中标识。


DBA_HIST视图显示存储在数据库中的历史数据。 这组意见包括:


















显示按文件类型和函数汇总的历史I / O统计信息









To generate an AWR report:

1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


To generate an AWR report on a specific database instance:

1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


To generate an AWR report on a specific database instance in an Oracle RAC environment:

1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


To generate an AWR report for a particular SQL statement:

1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


To generate an AWR report for a particular SQL statement on a specified database instance:

1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


Generating Automatic Workload Repository Compare Periods Reports





AWR比较期报告分为多个部分。 HTML报告包含可用于在部分之间快速导航的链接。



如有可能,您应该使用Oracle Enterprise Manager生成AWR比较期报告,如Oracle数据库2日+性能调优指南中所述。


To generate an AWR Compare Periods report:

1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


2.Specify whether you want an HTML or a text report:

Enter value for report_type: html

In this example, an HTML report is chosen.

3.Specify the number of days for which you want to list snapshot IDs in the first time period.

Enter value for num_days: 2

A list of existing snapshots for the specified time range is displayed. In this example, snapshots captured in the last 2 days are displayed.

4.Specify a beginning and ending snapshot ID for the first time period:

Enter value for begin_snap: 102

Enter value for end_snap: 103

In this example, the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 102 is selected as the beginning snapshot, and the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 103 is selected as the ending snapshot for the first time period.

5.Specify the number of days for which you want to list snapshot IDs in the second time period.

Enter value for num_days2: 1

A list of existing snapshots for the specified time range is displayed. In this example, snapshots captured in the previous day are displayed.

6.Specify a beginning and ending snapshot ID for the second time period:

Enter value for begin_snap2: 126

Enter value for end_snap2: 127

In this example, the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 126 is selected as the beginning snapshot, and the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 127 is selected as the ending snapshot for the second time period.

7.Enter a report name, or accept the default report name:

Enter value for report_name:

Using the report name awrdiff_1_102_1_126.txt

In this example, the default name is accepted and an AWR report named awrdiff_1_102_126 is generated.

To generate an AWR Compare Periods report in an Oracle RAC environment:

1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


2.Specify whether you want an HTML or a text report:

Enter value for report_type: html

In this example, an HTML report is chosen.

3.Specify the number of days for which you want to list snapshot IDs in the first time period.

Enter value for num_days: 2

A list of existing snapshots for the specified time range is displayed. In this example, snapshots captured in the last 2 days are displayed.

4.Specify a beginning and ending snapshot ID for the first time period:

Enter value for begin_snap: 102

Enter value for end_snap: 103

In this example, the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 102 is selected as the beginning snapshot, and the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 103 is selected as the ending snapshot for the first time period.

5.Specify the number of days for which you want to list snapshot IDs in the second time period.

Enter value for num_days2: 1

A list of existing snapshots for the specified time range is displayed. In this example, snapshots captured in the previous day are displayed.

6.Specify a beginning and ending snapshot ID for the second time period:

Enter value for begin_snap2: 126

Enter value for end_snap2: 127

In this example, the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 126 is selected as the beginning snapshot, and the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 127 is selected as the ending snapshot for the second time period.

7.Enter a report name, or accept the default report name:

Enter value for report_name:

Using the report name awrracdiff_1st_1_2nd_1.html

To generate an AWR Compare Periods report on a specified database instance:

1.At the SQL prompt, enter:


2.Specify whether you want an HTML or a text report:

Enter value for report_type: text

In this example, a text report is chosen.

3.A list of available database identifiers and instance numbers are displayed:

Instances in this Workload Repository schema


DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host

----------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------

3309173529 1 MAIN main examp1690

3309173529 1 TINT251 tint251 samp251

Enter the values for the database identifier (dbid) and instance number (inst_num) for the first time period:

Enter value for dbid: 3309173529

Using 3309173529 for Database Id for the first pair of snapshots

Enter value for inst_num: 1

Using 1 for Instance Number for the first pair of snapshots

4.Specify the number of days for which you want to list snapshot IDs in the first time period.

Enter value for num_days: 2

A list of existing snapshots for the specified time range is displayed. In this example, snapshots captured in the last 2 days are displayed.

5.Specify a beginning and ending snapshot ID for the first time period:

Enter value for begin_snap: 102

Enter value for end_snap: 103

In this example, the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 102 is selected as the beginning snapshot, and the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 103 is selected as the ending snapshot for the first time period.

6.Enter the values for the database identifier (dbid) and instance number (inst_num) for the second time period:

Enter value for dbid2: 3309173529

Using 3309173529 for Database Id for the second pair of snapshots

Enter value for inst_num2: 1

Using 1 for Instance Number for the second pair of snapshots

7.Specify the number of days for which you want to list snapshot IDs in the second time period.

Enter value for num_days2: 1

A list of existing snapshots for the specified time range is displayed. In this example, snapshots captured in the previous day are displayed.

8.Specify a beginning and ending snapshot ID for the second time period:

Enter value for begin_snap2: 126

Enter value for end_snap2: 127

In this example, the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 126 is selected as the beginning snapshot, and the snapshot with a snapshot ID of 127 is selected as the ending snapshot for the second time period.

9.Enter a report name, or accept the default report name:

Enter value for report_name:

Using the report name awrdiff_1_102_1_126.txt

In this example, the default name is accepted and an AWR report named awrdiff_1_102_126 is generated on the database instance with a database ID value of 3309173529.

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