



<?php/** * GDBasic.php * description GD基础类 */ namespace test\Lib;  class GDBasic{    protected static $_check =false;     //检查服务器环境中gd库    public static function check(){        //当静态变量不为false        if(static::$_check)        {            return true;        }         //检查gd库是否加载        if(!function_exists("gd_info"))        {            throw new \Exception('GD is not exists');        }         //检查gd库版本        $version = '';        $info = gd_info();        if(preg_match("/\\d+\\.\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?/", $info["GD Version"], $matches))        {            $version = $matches[0];        }         //当gd库版本小于2.0.1        if(!version_compare($version,'2.0.1','>='))        {            throw new \Exception("GD requires GD version '2.0.1' or greater, you have " . $version);        }         self::$_check = true;        return self::$_check;    }}


<?php/** * Image.php * description 图像类 */ namespace test\Lib; require_once 'GDBasic.php'; class Image extends GDBasic{    protected $_width;    protected $_height;    protected $_im;    protected $_type;    protected $_mime;    protected $_real_path;         public function __construct($file){        //检查GD库        self::check();        $imageInfo = $this->createImageByFile($file);        $this->_width = $imageInfo['width'];        $this->_height = $imageInfo['height'];        $this->_im = $imageInfo['im'];        $this->_type = $imageInfo['type'];        $this->_real_path = $imageInfo['real_path'];        $this->_mime = $imageInfo['mime'];    }      /**     * 根据文件创建图像     * @param $file     * @return array     * @throws \Exception     */    public function createImageByFile($file){        //检查文件是否存在        if(!file_exists($file))        {            throw new \Exception('file is not exits');        }         //获取图像信息        $imageInfo = getimagesize($file);        $realPath = realpath($file);        if(!$imageInfo)        {            throw new \Exception('file is not image file');        }         switch($imageInfo[2])        {            case IMAGETYPE_GIF:                $im = imagecreatefromgif($file);                break;            case IMAGETYPE_JPEG:                $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($file);                break;            case IMAGETYPE_PNG:                $im = imagecreatefrompng($file);                break;            default:                throw  new \Exception('image file must be png,jpeg,gif');        }         return array(            'width'     => $imageInfo[0],            'height'    => $imageInfo[1],            'type'      => $imageInfo[2],            'mime'      => $imageInfo['mime'],            'im'        => $im,            'real_path' => $realPath,        );     }     /**     * 缩略图     * @param  int $width 缩略图高度     * @param  int $height 缩略图宽度     * @return $this     * @throws \Exception     */    public function resize($width, $height){        if(!is_numeric($width) || !is_numeric($height))        {            throw new \Exception('image width or height must be number');        }        //根据传参的宽高获取最终图像的宽高        $srcW = $this->_width;         $srcH = $this->_height;         if($width <= 0 || $height <= 0)        {            $desW = $srcW;//缩略图高度            $desH = $srcH;//缩略图宽度        }        else        {            $srcP = $srcW / $srcH;//宽高比            $desP = $width / $height;              if($width > $srcW)            {                if($height > $srcH)                {                    $desW = $srcW;                    $desH = $srcH;                }                else                {                    $desH = $height;                    $desW = round($desH * $srcP);                }            }            else            {                if($desP > $srcP)                {                    $desW = $width;                    $desH = round($desW / $srcP);                }                else                {                    $desH = $height;                    $desW = round($desH * $srcP);                }            }        }         //PHP版本小于5.5        if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '<'))        {            $desIm = imagecreatetruecolor($desW, $desH);            if(imagecopyresampled($desIm, $this->_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $desW, $desH, $srcW, $srcH))            {                imagedestroy($this->_im);                $this->_im = $desIm;                $this->_width = imagesx($this->_im);                $this->_height = imagesy($this->_im);            }        }        else        {            if($desIm = imagescale($this->_im, $desW, $desH))            {                $this->_im = $desIm;                $this->_width = imagesx($this->_im);                $this->_height = imagesy($this->_im);            }         }         return $this;    }      /**     * 根据百分比生成缩略图     * @param int $percent 1-100     * @return Image     * @throws \Exception     */    public function resizeByPercent($percent){        if(intval($percent) <= 0)        {            throw new \Exception('percent must be gt 0');        }         $percent = intval($percent) > 100 ? 100 : intval($percent);         $percent = $percent / 100;         $desW = $this->_width * $percent;        $desH = $this->_height * $percent;        return $this->resize($desW, $desH);    }      /**     * 图像旋转     * @param $degree     * @return $this     */    public function rotate($degree){        $degree = 360 - intval($degree);        $back = imagecolorallocatealpha($this->_im,0,0,0,127);        $im = imagerotate($this->_im,$degree,$back,1);        imagesavealpha($im,true);        imagedestroy($this->_im);        $this->_im = $im;        $this->_width = imagesx($this->_im);        $this->_height = imagesy($this->_im);        return $this;    }      /**     * 生成水印     * @param file $water 水印图片     * @param int $pct   透明度     * @return $this     */    public function waterMask($water ='',$pct = 60 ){        //根据水印图像文件生成图像资源        $waterInfo = $this->createImageByFile($water);        imagecopymerge();        //销毁$this->_im        $this->_im = $waterInfo['im'];        $this->_width = imagesx($this->_im);        $this->_height = imagesy($this->_im);        return $this;     }       /**     * 图片输出     * @return bool     */    public function show(){        header('Content-Type:' . $this->_mime);        if($this->_type == 1)        {            imagegif($this->_im);            return true;        }         if($this->_type == 2)        {            imagejpeg($this->_im, null, 80);            return true;        }         if($this->_type == 3)        {            imagepng($this->_im);            return true;        }    }     /**     * 保存图像文件     * @param $file     * @param null $quality     * @return bool     * @throws \Exception     */    public function save($file, $quality = null){        //获取保存目的文件的扩展名        $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);        $ext = strtolower($ext);        if(!$ext || !in_array($ext, array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png')))        {            throw new \Exception('image save file must be jpg ,png,gif');        }         if($ext === 'gif')        {            imagegif($this->_im, $file);            return true;        }        if($ext === 'jpeg' || $ext === 'jpg')        {            if($quality > 0)            {                if($quality < 1)                {                    $quality = 1;                }                if($quality > 100)                {                    $quality = 100;                }                 imagejpeg($this->_im, $file, $quality);            }            else            {                imagejpeg($this->_im, $file);            }            return true;        }         if($ext === 'png')        {            imagepng($this->_im, $file);            return true;        }     }}


3.然后是ajax类封装的文件 ajax.js​​​​​​​

let $ = new class {     constructor()    {        this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();        this.xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {            if (this.xhr.readyState == 4 && this.xhr.status == 200) {                // process response text                let response = this.xhr.responseText;                if (this.type == "json") {                    response = JSON.parse(response);                }                this.callback(response);            }        }    }     get(url, parameters, callback, type = "text")    {        // url = test.php?username=zhangsan&age=20        // parameters = {"username": "zhangsan", "age": 20}        let data = this.parseParameters(parameters);        if (data.length > 0) {            url += "?" + data;        }        this.type = type;        this.callback = callback;"GET", url, true);        this.xhr.send();    }     post(url, parameters, callback, type = "text")    {        let data = this.parseParameters(parameters);        this.type = type;        this.callback = callback;"POST", url, true);        this.xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");        this.xhr.send(data);    }     parseParameters(parameters)    {        // username=zhangsan&age=20        let buildStr = "";        for (let key in parameters) {            let str = key + "=" + parameters[key];            buildStr += str + "&";        }        return buildStr.substring(0, buildStr.length - 1);    }};


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(2)图片相关功能处理 upload_class.php​​​​​​​

<?php //接收传过来的数据$description=$_POST['description'];//描述$mark=$_POST['mark'];//水印$scale=$_POST['scale'];//比例 800*600$path='';//图片存储路径  //根据比例获取宽高$width=substr($scale,0,3);//800$height=substr($scale,4,3);//600  //上传图片并存储require('UploadFile.php'); $upload = new UploadFile('test_pic');$upload->setDestinationDir('./uploads');$upload->setAllowMime(['image/jpeg', 'image/gif','image/png']);$upload->setAllowExt(['gif', 'jpeg','jpg','png']);$upload->setAllowSize(2*1024*1024);if ($upload->upload()) {    $filename=$upload->getFileName()[0];    $dir=$upload->getDestinationDir();    $path=$dir.'/'.$filename;//图片存储的实际路径    } else {    var_dump($upload->getErrors());}  //根据比例调整图像require_once './lib/Image.php';$image = new \test\Lib\Image($path);//放大并保存$image->resize($width,$height)->save($path); $info = getimagesize($path);//根据不同的图像type 来创建图像switch($info[2]){    case 1://IMAGETYPE_GIF        $image = imagecreatefromgif($path);        break;    case IMAGETYPE_JPEG:        $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($path);        break;    case 3:        $image = imagecreatefrompng($path);        break;     default:        echo '图像格式不支持';        break; }    //添加水印if($mark==1){     $logo=imagecreatefrompng('./uploads/logo.png');    //添加水印    imagecopy($image,$logo,0,0,0,0,imagesx($logo),imagesy($logo));    //header('Content-type:image/png');    imagejpeg($image,$path);} $dst_image=imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);//拷贝源图像左上角起始imagecopy( $dst_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height );imagejpeg($dst_image,$path); //存入数据库$servername = "localhost";$username = "root";$password = "123456";$dbname = "pic"; try {$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$servername;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);// 设置 PDO 错误模式,用于抛出异常$conn->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);$sql = "INSERT INTO pic(`path`, `mark`, `scale`,`info`)VALUES ('$path', '$mark', '$scale','$description')";// 使用 exec() ,没有结果返回$conn->exec($sql);    exit("<script>alert(\"图片上传成功!\");window.location=\"index.php\";</script>");}catch(PDOException $e){    echo $sql . "<br>" . $e->getMessage();}

(3)封装好的文件上传类 UploadFile.php

<?php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: JasonLee * Date: 2018/11/11 * Time: 22:01 */ class UploadFile{     /**     *     */    const UPLOAD_ERROR = [        UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE => '文件大小超出了php.ini当中的upload_max_filesize的值',        UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE => '文件大小超出了MAX_FILE_SIZE的值',        UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL => '文件只有部分被上传',        UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE => '没有文件被上传',        UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR => '找不到临时目录',        UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE => '写入磁盘失败',        UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION => '文件上传被扩展阻止',    ];     /**     * @var     */    protected $field_name;     /**     * @var string     */    protected $destination_dir;     /**     * @var array     */    protected $allow_mime;     /**     * @var array     */    protected $allow_ext;     /**     * @var     */    protected $file_org_name;     /**     * @var     */    protected $file_type;     /**     * @var     */    protected $file_tmp_name;     /**     * @var     */    protected $file_error;     /**     * @var     */    protected $file_size;     /**     * @var array     */    protected $errors;     /**     * @var     */    protected $extension;     /**     * @var     */    protected $file_new_name;     /**     * @var float|int     */    protected $allow_size;     /**     * UploadFile constructor.     * @param $keyName     * @param string $destinationDir     * @param array $allowMime     * @param array $allowExt     * @param float|int $allowSize     */    public function __construct($keyName, $destinationDir = './uploads', $allowMime = ['image/jpeg', 'image/gif'], $allowExt = ['gif', 'jpeg'], $allowSize = 2*1024*1024){        $this->field_name = $keyName;        $this->destination_dir = $destinationDir;        $this->allow_mime = $allowMime;        $this->allow_ext = $allowExt;        $this->allow_size = $allowSize;    }     /**     * @param $destinationDir     */    public function setDestinationDir($destinationDir){        $this->destination_dir = $destinationDir;    }     /**     * @param $allowMime     */    public function setAllowMime($allowMime){        $this->allow_mime = $allowMime;    }     /**     * @param $allowExt     */    public function setAllowExt($allowExt){        $this->allow_ext = $allowExt;    }     /**     * @param $allowSize     */    public function setAllowSize($allowSize){        $this->allow_size = $allowSize;    }     /**     * @return bool     */    public function upload(){        // 判断是否为多文件上传        $files = [];        if (is_array($_FILES[$this->field_name]['name'])) {            foreach($_FILES[$this->field_name]['name'] as $k => $v) {                $files[$k]['name'] = $v;                $files[$k]['type'] = $_FILES[$this->field_name]['type'][$k];                $files[$k]['tmp_name'] = $_FILES[$this->field_name]['tmp_name'][$k];                $files[$k]['error'] = $_FILES[$this->field_name]['error'][$k];                $files[$k]['size'] = $_FILES[$this->field_name]['size'][$k];            }        } else {            $files[] = $_FILES[$this->field_name];        }         foreach($files as $key => $file) {            // 接收$_FILES参数            $this->setFileInfo($key, $file);             // 检查错误            $this->checkError($key);             // 检查MIME类型            $this->checkMime($key);             // 检查扩展名            $this->checkExt($key);             // 检查文件大小            $this->checkSize($key);             // 生成新的文件名称            $this->generateNewName($key);             if (count((array)$this->getError($key)) > 0) {                continue;            }            // 移动文件            $this->moveFile($key);        }        if (count((array)$this->errors) > 0) {            return false;        }        return true;    }     /**     * @return array     */    public function getErrors(){        return $this->errors;    }     /**     * @param $key     * @return mixed     */    protected function getError($key){        return $this->errors[$key];    }     /**     *     */    protected function setFileInfo($key, $file){        // $_FILES  name type temp_name error size        $this->file_org_name[$key] = $file['name'];        $this->file_type[$key] = $file['type'];        $this->file_tmp_name[$key] = $file['tmp_name'];        $this->file_error[$key] = $file['error'];        $this->file_size[$key] = $file['size'];    }      /**     * @param $key     * @param $error     */    protected function setError($key, $error){        $this->errors[$key][] = $error;    }      /**     * @param $key     * @return bool     */    protected function checkError($key){        if ($this->file_error > UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {            switch($this->file_error) {                case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:                case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:                case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:                case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:                case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:                case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE:                case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION:                    $this->setError($key, self::UPLOAD_ERROR[$this->file_error]);                    return false;            }        }        return true;    }      /**     * @param $key     * @return bool     */    protected function checkMime($key){        if (!in_array($this->file_type[$key], $this->allow_mime)) {            $this->setError($key, '文件类型' . $this->file_type[$key] . '不被允许!');            return false;        }        return true;    }      /**     * @param $key     * @return bool     */    protected function checkExt($key){        $this->extension[$key] = pathinfo($this->file_org_name[$key], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);        if (!in_array($this->extension[$key], $this->allow_ext)) {            $this->setError($key, '文件扩展名' . $this->extension[$key] . '不被允许!');            return false;        }        return true;    }     /**     * @return bool     */    protected function checkSize($key){        if ($this->file_size[$key] > $this->allow_size) {            $this->setError($key, '文件大小' . $this->file_size[$key] . '超出了限定大小' . $this->allow_size);            return false;        }        return true;    }      /**     * @param $key     */    protected function generateNewName($key){        $this->file_new_name[$key] = uniqid() . '.' . $this->extension[$key];    }      /**     * @param $key     * @return bool     */    protected function moveFile($key){        if (!file_exists($this->destination_dir)) {            mkdir($this->destination_dir, 0777, true);        }        $newName = rtrim($this->destination_dir, '/') . '/' . $this->file_new_name[$key];        if (is_uploaded_file($this->file_tmp_name[$key]) && move_uploaded_file($this->file_tmp_name[$key], $newName)) {            return true;        }        $this->setError($key, '上传失败!');        return false;    }     /**     * @return mixed     */    public function getFileName(){        return $this->file_new_name;    }     /**     * @return string     */    public function getDestinationDir(){        return $this->destination_dir;    }     /**     * @return mixed     */    public function getExtension(){        return $this->extension;    }     /**     * @return mixed     */    public function getFileSize(){        return $this->file_size;    } }

(4)搜索功能实现 search.php​​​​​​​

<?php // 接收请求数据$pageNo = $_GET['page'] ?? 1;$pageSize = 9; // 接收查询参数$keywords = $_GET['keywords'] ?? ''; $data = [];//模拟加载中的图标sleep(3);try {    $pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost:3306;dbname=pic',        'root',        '123456',        [PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION]    );     // 请求mysql 查询记录总数    $sql = 'SELECT count(*) AS aggregate FROM pic';    if (strlen($keywords) > 0) {        $sql .= ' WHERE info like ?';    }    $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);    if (strlen($keywords) > 0) {        $stmt->bindValue(1, '%' . $keywords . '%', PDO::PARAM_STR);    }    $stmt->execute();    $total = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)['aggregate'];        // 计算最大页码,设置页码边界    $minPage = 1;    $maxPage = ceil($total / $pageSize); // 3.6    $pageNo = max($pageNo, $minPage);    $pageNo = min($pageNo, $maxPage);    $offset = ($pageNo - 1) * $pageSize;      $sql="SELECT `path`,`info` FROM pic ";    if (strlen($keywords) > 0) {        $sql .= ' WHERE info like ?';    }    $sql .= 'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?, ?';    $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);    if (strlen($keywords) > 0) {        $stmt->bindValue(1, '%' . $keywords . '%', PDO::PARAM_STR);        $stmt->bindValue(2, (int)$offset, PDO::PARAM_INT);        $stmt->bindValue(3, (int)$pageSize, PDO::PARAM_INT);    } else {        $stmt->bindValue(1, (int)$offset, PDO::PARAM_INT);        $stmt->bindValue(2, (int)$pageSize, PDO::PARAM_INT);    }    $stmt->execute();    $results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);    $data = [        'code' => 1,        'msg' => 'ok',        'rows' => $results,        'total_records' => (int)$total,        'page_number' => (int)$pageNo,        'page_size' => (int)$pageSize,        'page_total' => (int)$maxPage,    ];    } catch (PDOException $e) {    $data = [        'code' => 0,        'msg' => $e->getMessage(),        'rows' => [],        'total_records' => 0,        'page_number' => 0,        'page_size' => (int)$pageSize,        'page_total' => 0,    ];} header('Content-type: application/json');echo json_encode($data);

4.最后数据库格式 ​​​​​​​

/*Navicat MySQL Data Transfer
Source Server         : localhostSource Server Version : 80012Source Host           : localhost:3306Source Database       : pic
Target Server Type    : MYSQLTarget Server Version : 80012File Encoding         : 65001
Date: 2020-01-14 16:22:49*/ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- ------------------------------ Table structure for pic-- ----------------------------DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `pic`;CREATE TABLE `pic` (  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `path` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,  `mark` tinyint(3) DEFAULT NULL,  `scale` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,  `info` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- ------------------------------ Records of pic-- ----------------------------INSERT INTO `pic` VALUES ('1', './uploads/5e1d788084cc5.jpg', '1', '800*600', '这是测试图片1');INSERT INTO `pic` VALUES ('2', './uploads/5e1d789766591.jpg', '1', '600*450', '这是测试图片2');
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