
Option Explicit
'   PingVB
'   This application implements a TCP/IP network ping
'   using the ICMP.DLL provided as part of Windows 95 and
'   Windows NT.

'option information for network ping, we don't implement these here as this is
'a simple sample (simon says).
Private Type ip_option_information
        TTL             As Byte     'Time To Live
        Tos             As Byte     'Type Of Service
        Flags           As Byte     'IP header flags
        OptionsSize     As Byte     'Size in bytes of options data
        OptionsData     As Long     'Pointer to options data
End Type

'structure that is returned from the ping to give status and error information
Private Type icmp_echo_reply
        Address         As Long             'Replying address
        Status          As Long             'Reply IP_STATUS, values as defined above
        RoundTripTime   As Long             'RTT in milliseconds
        DataSize        As Integer          'Reply data size in bytes
        Reserved        As Integer          'Reserved for system use
        DataPointer     As Long             'Pointer to the reply data
        Options         As ip_option_information    'Reply options
        Data            As String * 250     'Reply data which should be a copy of the string sent, NULL terminated
                                            'this field length should be large enough to contain the string sent
End Type

'declares for function to be used from icmp.dll
Private Declare Function IcmpCreateFile Lib "icmp.dll" () As Long
Private Declare Function IcmpCloseHandle Lib "icmp.dll" ( _
        ByVal IcmpHandle As Long _
        ) As Long
Private Declare Function IcmpSendEcho Lib "icmp.dll" ( _
        ByVal IcmpHandle As Long, _
        ByVal DestinationAddress As Long, _
        ByVal RequestData As String, _
        ByVal RequestSize As Integer, _
        RequestOptions As ip_option_information, _
        ReplyBuffer As icmp_echo_reply, _
        ByVal ReplySize As Long, _
        ByVal TimeOut As Long) As Long

Private Const WSADESCRIPTION_LEN = 256
Private Const WSASYSSTATUS_LEN = 256
Private Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1

Private Type tagWSAData
        wVersion            As Integer
        wHighVersion        As Integer
        szDescription       As String * WSADESCRIPTION_LEN_1
        szSystemStatus      As String * WSASYSSTATUS_LEN_1
        iMaxSockets         As Integer
        iMaxUdpDg           As Integer
        lpVendorInfo        As String * 200
End Type
Private Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "wsock32" ( _
        ByVal wVersionRequested As Integer, _
        lpWSADATA As tagWSAData _
        ) As Integer
Private Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "wsock32" () As Integer
Private CurIp As Long
Private CurIpDes As String

'   btnPing
'   This routine is called when the button is clicked. The Ip address to be pinged
'   is taken from the text box and converted to a long value for the Icmp call
Public Function Ping(ByVal strIPAddress As String, _
                    Optional ByVal lngTTL As Long = 10, _
                    Optional ByVal lngTimeOut As Long = 1000) As String
    Dim hFile       As Long             'handle for the icmp port opened
    Dim lRet        As Long             'hold return values as required
    Dim lIPAddress  As Long
    Dim strMessage  As String
    Dim pOptions    As ip_option_information
    Dim pReturn     As icmp_echo_reply
    Dim iVal        As Integer
    Dim lPingRet    As Long
    Dim pWsaData    As tagWSAData
    strMessage = "Echo this string of data"
    iVal = WSAStartup(&H101, pWsaData)
   'convert ip address to long
    ConvertIPAddressToLong strIPAddress
   'convert the IP address to a long, lIPAddress will be zero
   'if the function failed. Normally you wouldn't ping if the address
   'was no good to start with but we don't mind seeing bad return status
   'as that is what samples are all about
    lIPAddress = CurIp
   'open up a file handle for doing the ping
    hFile = IcmpCreateFile()
   'set the TTL from the text box, try values of 1 to 255
    pOptions.TTL = lngTTL
   'Call the function that actually does the ping. It is a blocking call so we
   'don't get control back until it completes.
    lRet = IcmpSendEcho(hFile, lIPAddress, strMessage, Len(strMessage), pOptions, pReturn, Len(pReturn), lngTimeOut)

    If lRet = 0 Then
      'the ping failed for some reason, hopefully the error is in the return buffer
       Ping = "Faild to ping : ''" & CurIpDes & "'' Error code : " & ErrorCodeToDes(pReturn.Status)
       'the ping succeeded, .Status will be 0, .RoundTripTime is the time in ms for
       'the ping to complete, .Data is the data returned (NULL terminated), .Address
       'is the Ip address that actually replied, .DataSize is the size of the string in
        If pReturn.Status <> 0 Then
            Ping = "Faild to ping : ''" & CurIpDes & "'' Error description : " & ErrorCodeToDes(pReturn.Status)
            Ping = "Success to ping : ''" & CurIpDes & "'' Completion time is " & pReturn.RoundTripTime & "ms."
        End If
        If pReturn.RoundTripTime > lngTimeOut Then
           Ping = "Faild to ping : ''" & CurIpDes & "'' Error code : " & ErrorCodeToDes(11010)
        End If
    End If
   'close the file handle that was used
    lRet = IcmpCloseHandle(hFile)
    iVal = WSACleanup()
End Function

'   ConvertIPAddressToLong
'   Converts a dotted IP address (eg: "") to a long
'   integer for use in sending a ping. This routine converts
'   the string as required by an Intel system.
'   Essentially we take the 4 numbers, flip them around and make
'   a long by shifting all the parts into the correct byte. We
'   do it here by making a hex string and converting it to a long.
'   Not pretty but it works (most of the time<g>).
'   When we get in "a.b.c.d" what we want out is Val(&Hddccbbaa).

Private Sub ConvertIPAddressToLong(ByVal strIPAddress As String)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim strTemp             As String
    Dim lAddress            As Long
    Dim iValCount           As Integer
    Dim lDotValues(1 To 4)  As String
   'set up the initial storage and counter
    strTemp = strIPAddress
    iValCount = 0
   'keep going while we still have dots in the string
    Do While InStr(strTemp, ".") > 0
       iValCount = iValCount + 1   'count the number
       lDotValues(iValCount) = Mid(strTemp, 1, InStr(strTemp, ".") - 1)    'pick it off and convert it
       strTemp = Mid(strTemp, InStr(strTemp, ".") + 1) 'chop off the number and the dot
   'the string only has the last number in it now
    iValCount = iValCount + 1
    lDotValues(iValCount) = strTemp
   'if we didn't get four pieces then the IP address is no good
    If iValCount <> 4 Then
       CurIp = 0
       Exit Sub
    End If
   'take the four value, hex them, pad to 2 digits, make a hex
   'string and then convert the whole mess to a long for returning
    lAddress = Val("&H" & Right("00" & Hex(lDotValues(4)), 2) & _
               Right("00" & Hex(lDotValues(3)), 2) & _
               Right("00" & Hex(lDotValues(2)), 2) & _
               Right("00" & Hex(lDotValues(1)), 2))
   'set the return value
    CurIp = lAddress
    CurIpDes = strIPAddress
End Sub

Private Function ErrorCodeToDes(lngCode As Long) As String
    Dim Ret As String
    Select Case lngCode
        Case 0
            Ret = "Success"
        Case 11001
            Ret = "Buffer to small"
        Case 11000
            Ret = "Status base"
        Case 11002
            Ret = "Destination network unreachable"
        Case 11003
            Ret = "Destination host unreachable"
        Case 11004
            Ret = "Destination protocol unreachable"
        Case 11005
            Ret = "Destination port unreachable"
        Case 11006
            Ret = "No resources"
        Case 11007
            Ret = "Bad option"
        Case 11008
            Ret = "hw error"
        Case 11009
            Ret = "Packet to big"
        Case 11010
            Ret = "Requested IP timed out"
        Case 11011
            Ret = "Bad request"
        Case 11012
            Ret = "Bad route"
        Case 11013
            Ret = "Time to live expired transmition"
        Case 11014
            Ret = "Time ti live expired reassem"
        Case 11015
            Ret = "Param problems"
        Case 11016
            Ret = "Source quench"
        Case 11017
            Ret = "Option too big"
        Case 11018
            Ret = "Bad destination"
        Case 11019
            Ret = "Address deleted"
        Case 11020
            Ret = "Spec mtu changed"
        Case 11021
            Ret = "Mtu changed"
        Case 11022
            Ret = "Unloaded"
        Case 11023
            Ret = "Address added"
        Case 11050
            Ret = "General failure"
        Case 11255
            Ret = "Ip pending"
        Case Else
            Ret = "Unindentified"
    End Select
    ErrorCodeToDes = Ret
End Function

'// 功能:判断IP地址是否有效
Public Function ValidIP(ByVal strIPAddress As String) As Boolean
    Dim strIPSegments As Variant
    Dim lPos As Long
    strIPSegments = Split(strIPAddress, ".", , vbBinaryCompare)
    If UBound(strIPSegments) <> 3 Then
       ValidIP = False
       Exit Function
       For lPos = LBound(strIPSegments) To UBound(strIPSegments)
           If IsNumeric(strIPSegments(lPos)) = True Then
              If (strIPSegments(lPos) < 0) Or (strIPSegments(lPos) > 255) Then
                  ValidIP = False
                  Exit Function
              End If
              ValidIP = False
              Exit Function
           End If
    End If
    ValidIP = True
End Function


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