Services and Redirected Drives(服务程序和重定向驱动器)


INFO: Services and Redirected Drives





A service should not directly access local or network resources through mapped drive letters. Additionally, a service should not use the WNetXXXXXXX APIs to add, remove, or query any mapped drive letters. Although the WNetXXXXXXX APIs may return successfully, the results will be incorrect. A service (or any process that is running in a different security context) that must access a remote resource should use the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) name to access the resource. UNC names do not suffer from the limitations described in this article.

服务程序不能直接通过映射驱动器盘符(如:H:)访问本地或网络资源。另外,服务程序也不能使用WNetXXXXXXX APIs添加、移除或查询任何映射驱动器盘符。通过WNetXXXXXXX APIs也许会返回成功,而实际结果却并不正确。服务(或任何运行于不同security上下文的进程)一定要访问远程资源的话,应该使用通用命名规则(UNC, Universal Naming Convention)名称。UNC名不受本文所描述的限制的影响。





When the system establishes a redirected drive, it is stored on a per-user basis. Only the user himself can manipulate the redirected drive. The system keeps track of redirected drives based on the user's Logon Security Identifier (SID). The Logon SID is a unique identifier for the user's Logon Session. A single user can have multiple, simultaneous logon sessions on the system.

系统建立一个重定向驱动器时,它被存储在per-user basis(不清楚,各用户基本信息表?)。只有用户自身可以操作重定向驱动器。系统通过用户登录安全标识符(SID, Security Identifier)信息,保持对重定向驱动器的追踪。登录SID是用户登录会话的唯一标识符,单个用户在系统中可以有多个并发的登录会话。


If a service is configured to run under a user account, the system will always create a new logon session for the user and then launch the service in that new logon session. Thus, the service cannot manipulate the drive mappings that are established within the user's other session(s).




Redirected Drives on Microsoft Windows NT and Microsoft Windows 2000

基于Microsoft Windows NT2000系统的重定向驱动器

On Windows NT and on Windows 2000, drive letters are global to the system. All users on the system share the letters A-Z. Each user does not get their own set of drive letters. This means a user can access the redirected drives of another user if they have the appropriate security access.

Windows NTWindows 2000中,驱动器盘符对于系统是全局的,系统的所有用户共享盘符A-Z。每个用户不保有专属于自己的驱动器集合,这意味着如果拥有适当的安全使用权,用户就能够访问另一用户的重定向驱动器。


If a user tries to redirect a drive letter that is used by another user (such as WNetAddConnection2()), the error ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED will be returned. Although the redirected drive is global to all users, only the user who established it can manipulate it. Another example is if a user tries to remove or query information on a redirected drive that was established by a different user. The WNetGetConnection() function and the WNetCancelConnection2() function will return the following error message:




If a user tries to enumerate the list of redirected drives through WNetOpenEnum() and WNetEnumResource(), the functions only list redirected drives that were established by that user. Drives that were redirected by other users will not be visible.



Windows NT File Manager and Windows NT Explorer can see all the redirected drives because they call the GetDriveType() function on each drive, and they display an icon for each drive that is found. Windows NT File Manager and Windows NT Explorer create an icon for redirected drives that are created by all users because drive letters are global to the system. However, the interactive user cannot use Windows NT File Manager or Windows NT Explorer to disconnect the drive because the drive was created in a different logon session.

Windows NT文件管理器和Windows NT Explorer能“看见”所有的重定向驱动器,它们对每个驱动器调用GetDriveType()函数,并显示所有驱动器的图标。Windows NT文件管理器和Windows NT Explorer为所有用户创建的重定向驱动器都生成一个图标,因为驱动器盘符是全局的。但是,交互用户不能使用Windows NT File ManagerWindows NT Explorer重定向驱动器之断开连接,因为这些驱动器是在不同的登录会话中建立的。


If a service that is running in the LocalSystem security context establishes a drive mapping, only that service or another process running in the LocalSystem account can call WNetCancelConnection2() to disconnect the drive.


Note All processes that are running in the LocalSystem account are running in the same logon session.




Redirected Drives on Microsoft Windows XP

基于Microsoft Windows XP的重定向驱动器

On Windows XP and on Microsoft Windows Server 2003, each logon session receives its own set of drive letters, A through Z. Therefore, redirected drives cannot be shared between processes that are running under different user accounts. Additionally, a service (or any process that is running in its own logon session) cannot access the drive letters that are established in a different logon session. However, drive letters that are mapped from a service that is running under the local System account are visible to all logon sessions.

Windows XPMicrosoft Windows Server 2003系统中,每个登录会话接收它自己的驱动器盘符集,从AZ。因此,重定向驱动器无法在运行于不同用户帐户中的进程之间共享。另外,一个服务(或任何运行于自身登录会话的进程)不能访问不同登录会话中所建立的驱动器盘符。但是,由运行在本地系统帐户下的服务所映射的驱动器盘符,对于所有登录会话都是可见的。




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重定向系统各临时文件夹到另外盘符 首先要在“开始”——“运行”内输入“regedit”打开注册表编辑器,然后要在“文件”下拉菜单中的“导出”功能备份好注册表,以防万一,接着在左侧窗口依次打开: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders 在右侧窗口里,你看到的“名称”就代表那些特殊的文件夹,“数据”就是它们所对应的默认存储路径。修改默认的路径就可以让你的桌面文件夹移动了,下面是所有的. 下面介绍一下各个“名称”所代表的文件夹 名称 含义 默认路径 AppData 应用程序数据目录 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Application Data Cookies Cookies路径 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Cookies Desktop 桌面路径 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\桌面 Favorites 收藏夹 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Favorites NetHood NetHood路径 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\NetHood Personal 我的文档 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\My Documents PrintHood 打印 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\PrintHood Recent 文档项路径 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Recent SendTo SendTo路径 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\SendTo Start Menu 开始菜单路径 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\「开始」菜单 Templates 新建文件目录 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\Templates Programs 程序菜单路径 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\「开始」菜单\程序 Startup 启动路径 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\「开始」菜单\程序\启动 History 网页历史记录 C:\Documents and Settings\ User name \Local Settings\History My Pictures 图片收藏 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\My Documents\My Pictures My Music 我的音乐 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\My Documents\My Music My Video 我的视频 C:\Documents and Settings\User name\My Documents\My Videos Cache Internet临时文件夹 C:\ Documents and Settings\User name \Temporary Internet Files 这些文件夹称为Shell文件夹 其中“User name”为当前用户的名称 了解了对应的文件夹,就可以根据自己的需要去更改对应的路径了。(千万不要在这儿改啊,那样可就瞎忙乎了,系统重起后它会恢复成原来的路径) 在同一层中你可以看到一个“User Shell Folders”的子键,即在HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ User Shell Folders 这里包括了用户定制的所有Shell文件夹的值项。只要通过修改“数据”,就可以改变它们的存储路径。双击需要修改的名称,在弹出的“编辑字符串”的“数值数据”里填上你要更改的完整路径,按下“确定”就完成了。如果没有你需要的,可以在右边窗口单击鼠标右键,选择“新建”菜单中的“字符串值”命令,对应上表,添加一个用于Shell文件夹的字符串值。 在上面的文件夹中,并没有outlook的通讯簿和邮件存放路径,它们分别在 通讯簿路径: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\WAB4\Wab File Name主键下,将


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