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原创 minty_Brit666‘s python practice no.2
minty_Brit666Today’s blog is about the practice of the leetcode.And I’ll give my own answer in this blog.You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. Each digit is stored in reverse order, and only one digit can be st
2021-09-07 00:58:58 131
原创 Here‘s no Duke anymore
minty_Brit666Today’s blog is about the practice of the leetcode.And I’ll give my own answer in this blog.The sum of two numbers**Given an integer array nums and an integer target value target, find the two integers in the array and the target value ta
2021-09-06 01:54:57 179
原创 Python study notes Day 8 ‘class‘
Python study notes Day 8 ‘class’Today’s lesson is the basics of class.To be precise, a class is an abstraction of a class of things in real life that have common characteristics.We can call a group of people a class, we can also call a group of dogs a c
2021-08-08 14:06:27 146
原创 Python study notes Day 7 ‘function‘
Python study notes Day 7 ‘function’Today’s topic is about the function.This is an extremely important part in the world of computer programming.We can define a function by naming it and describe it in detail within the structure defined.def function():
2021-08-06 23:41:19 157
原创 Python study notes Day 6 ‘Dictionaries‘
Python study notes Day 6 ‘Dictionaries’On day six we will touch on something called dictionaries.In dictionary writing, a key corresponds to a value, and the order of the keys in the dictionary is not important.variable = { key : value, key : value, key
2021-08-05 23:51:46 123
原创 Python study notes Day 5 ‘Conditional statements if‘
Python study notes Day 5 ‘Conditional statements if’Today we’re going to talk about the if statement, and the basic form of an if statement is that you take a given condition, you get a 1, you get a 0, you get out of the program.if statements:codesa =
2021-08-04 08:32:28 136
原创 Python study notes Day 4 tuple
Python study notes Day 4 tupleTuples are basically the same as lists, lists use brackets to contain elements, while tuples use parentheses or no parentheses.But yesterday’s list blog about adding, deleting, modifying, and inserting lists does not apply t
2021-08-01 21:23:18 165
原创 Python study notes Day 3 ‘list‘
Python study notes Day 3 ‘list’Today’s topic is list, I’ll talk about the basic knowledge about the list and I’ll take some practice to show how to use the list.A list is an unordered and repeatable sequence of elements, and the sequence of the elements
2021-07-31 21:59:21 119
原创 Python study notes Day 2 ‘for‘ loop and ‘while‘ loop
Python study notes Day 2LOOPIn the day 2, I gonna to study loop. The Loop is a particularly important part in the program compilation.There are two basic loop structures.FORWHILEI’ll explain the uses, differences, and pros and cons of each of the two
2021-07-30 23:41:25 175
原创 Python study notes Day 1 Operators and Variables
Python study note Day 1After the ‘print’ statement, I gonna study the operators and variables.There are some operators when we use Python to write a project.Like+-***///%and so on.OPERATORSIn these two pictures, we can see it clearly that th
2021-07-30 13:29:49 151
原创 Python study notes Day 1 ‘print‘
The first day to learn a new language named Python.It's a widely used language in the world at the moment.I'm going to be a junior, I gonna touch and master this kind of language.The Day 1,I gonna learn how to output a string of code by using 'print'
2021-07-29 22:05:32 103
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