
输入数据库登录用户:system(管理员)   密码:123456     退出返回命令行:exit

--  以--开头为单行注释

数据库           database  DB
数据库管理系统   Database Management System  DBMS  
数据库管理员     Database Administrator   DBA

关系型数据库:Oracle、Mysql、SQLserver  (用关系模型来组织数据的)
非关系型数据库: Mongolia DB 、Redis  (分布式的)

SQL(Structured  Query Language  结构化查询语言)

语法结构:create user 用户名 identified by 密码 account unlock|lock
create user test  identified by 123456 account unlock;--创建一个test用户并且不锁定

语法结构:grant connect,resource to 用户名
grant connect to test; --给test授权连接权限
grant resource to test;--给test授权访问资源权限

语法结构:revoke 权限 from 用户名
revoke connect,resource from test;--回收test用户连接与访问资源权限

语法:alter user 用户名 identified by 新密码
alter user test identified by 666666;

语法:alter user 用户名 account lock|unlock
alter user test account lock;  --锁定用户
alter user test account unlock;  --解锁用户

语法:drop user 用户名 cascade;
drop user test cascade;--删除test用户

1.新建一个用户tom,密码设置为love, 解锁状态
create user tom identified by love account unlock;

grant connect,resource to tom;

alter user tom account lock;

alter user tom account unlock;

revoke connect,resource from tom;

alter user tom identified by lw;

drop user tom cascade;

char(长度)     固定长度的字符串类型     name  char(10)       最长输入不能超过10个字符,不使用的用空格填充,提高查询速度。
varchar2(长度) 可变长度的字符串类型     name  varchar2(10)   最长输入不能超过10个字符,不使用的会回收,节省磁盘空间。

number    可以输入整数或小数                  age number
number(3) 表示最大只能输入三位整数  <=999
number(5,2) 5代表整数与小数的有效位数,2代表小数的有效位数   123   12.23  1234(x) 23.123>23.12 

 date       birth date 
(4)LOB 数据类型主要存储一些非结构化的数据,例如:图形,声音(最大4G) 

语法:create table 表名(列名1 类型 【约束】,列名2 类型 【约束】,列名3 类型 【约束】......)
create table student(id number,name char(20),age number,birth date); --创建一个student表
select * from student; --查询表中的所有数据

语法:insert into 表名(列名1,列名2,列名3...)values(列名1的值,列名2的值,列名3的值.....)
insert into student(id,name,age,birth) values(1000,'张三',20,'1998-8-5');
insert into student values(200,'李四',21,'2000-2-6')  --如果后面的数据是一一对应的,前面的列名可以省略
insert into student(name,id,birth,age) values('王五',3000,'1999-5-9',22)

商品表 goods
商品编号 gid     商品名称 gname    单价 pic   生产日期 pd   
create table goods(gid number(4),gname char(10),pic number,pd date);
insert into goods values(1000,'花生',5.98,'20230301')
select * from goods;

(1)主键约束    primary key  在一个表中只有一列可以设置为主键约束(不能为空,不能重复)
(2)非空约束    not null     不能为空
(3)唯一约束    unique       内容不能重复,可以为空
(4)条件约束    check        只能输入满足条件的数据
(5)默认约束    default      如果不填值,就给一个默认值
(6)外键约束    references   主表与从表之间的数据完整性约束

create table stu (id number primary key,name char(20) not null,
sex char(10) check(sex='男'or sex='女'),addr varchar2(100) default '宝安区',tel number unique);

insert into stu values(1000,'王小五','男','龙华区',13888888888);

select * from stu;

insert into stu(id,name,sex,tel) values(1006,'李小明','男',13888888883);

create table score(
id number references stu(id),  --外键约束  stu表id字段
course char(10),
score number(3)

insert into score values(1006,'数学',98)

select * from score;

语法:alter table 表名 add constraint 约束名  约束内容
alter table score add constraint ckscore check(score>=0 and score<=100);

insert into score values(1006,'语文',50)

语法:alter table 表名 drop constraint 约束名
alter table score drop constraint ckscore;
insert into score values(1006,'英语',150)

语法:rename 原表名 to 新表名
rename stu to stu1

语法:alter table 表名 add 列名 类型 【约束】
alter table score add ksdate date
select * from score;

语法:alter table 表名 drop column 列名
alter table score drop column ksdate;

create table class_info (
c_id char(20) primary key,
c_type char(6) check(c_type='UI' or c_type='测试' or c_type='开发'),
c_position  char(20) not null,
start_time  date ,
c_status char(6) check(c_status='在读' or c_status='毕业') 

select * from class_info;

alter table class_info modify start_time date not null;
alter table class_info modify start_time date null;
alter table class_info add sex char(3) check(sex='男' or sex='女')
insert into class_info values(1,'UI',45,'2002-1-1','毕业','男')
rename class_info to class_new

语法:drop table 表名
drop table class_new


select *|列名|表达式
from 表名【别名】
where 条件
group by 列名
having 条件
order by 列名 【asc|desc】

* 表示返回表中所有数据
from 要查询的数据用源于哪个表


select * from emp;

select ename,sal from emp;

select ename 姓名,sal 工资 from emp;

select e.ename,e.hiredate  from emp e;

--order by 排序  asc升序  desc 降序
select * from emp order by sal asc;
select * from emp order by sal;  --默认为升序

select * from emp order by sal desc;

select * from emp order by sal desc,comm desc  --先排序第一列,如果相同时才到排序第二个

(1)算数运算操作符:  +   -  *   / 
(2)关系运算符:      >  <   >=   <=  !=   <>
(3)逻辑运算符:   and  or  not
(4)字符串连接符:  ||

select ename,sal*12 年薪 from emp

select * from emp where sal>1500;

select * from emp where sal<>1250;
select * from emp where sal !=1250;

--and  并且(同时满足条件)    or 或者(满足其中一个条件即可)    not 取反
select * from emp where deptno=20 and sal>2000;

select * from emp where deptno=20 or deptno=30;

select * from emp where not sal = 3000

字符串连接符 ||
select '我的姓名:'||ename||','||'我的工资:'||sal  from emp   

select * from emp e where e.hiredate>='2000-1-1'

select * from emp where deptno=30 and sal>2000

select * from emp where ename ='KING' OR ename='SCOTT' order by sal desc;

select * from emp where( deptno=20 or deptno=30 ) and sal>2000

select * from emp where sal>=2000 and sal<=3000;

select * from emp where sal>3000 and deptno!=30;

select distinct deptno from emp;

在查询条件中null值用is null作为条件,非null值用is not null做条件

select * from emp where comm is null;
select * from emp where comm is not null;

(1)null与任何数字算数运算,返回的永远是null    null+1000=null
select ename,sal+comm from emp
select * from emp where null<3;

not in 与in相反

select * from emp where ename in('SCOTT','KING');
select * from emp where ename not in('SCOTT','KING');

select * from emp where sal>=2000 and sal<=3000
select * from emp where sal between 2000 and 3000

% 表示0个或多个任意的字符
_ 表示1个任意的字符

select * from emp where ename like 'S%';  

select * from emp where ename like '%S%'; 

select * from emp where ename like '_D%';

select * from emp where ename like '____';

select * from emp where ename like '%S';

select * from emp where ename like '\_%' escape '\'; --escape \  代表\后面的这个字符不转义

select ename,job from emp where mgr is null order by job asc;

select ename,sal,comm from emp where comm is not null order by sal desc;

select ename from emp where ename like '__A%';

select empno,ename,sal,sal*1.2 from emp

select ename,sal from emp e where sal>1200 order by e.hiredate ;

select * from emp where job != 'MANAGER'
select * from emp where job <> 'MANAGER'
select * from emp where job not in( 'MANAGER')

--查询员工信息,要求姓名中第二个字符是字母A 或者第3个字符是字母A
select * from emp where ename like '_A%' or ename like '__A%';

1.    显示薪水大于2000,且工作类别是MANAGER的雇员信息
select * from emp where sal>2000 and job='MANAGER'

2.    显示年薪大于30000,工作类别不是MANAGER的雇员信息
select * from emp where sal*12>30000 and job != 'MANAGER'

3.    显示薪水在1500到3000之间,工作类别以“M”开头的雇员信息
select * from emp where sal between 1500 and 3000 and  job like 'M%'

4.    显示佣金为空并且部门号为20或30的雇员信息
select * from emp where comm is null and deptno in(20,30)

5.    显示佣金不为空或者部门号为20的雇员信息,要求按照薪水降序排列
select * from emp where comm is not null or deptno=20 order by sal desc

6.    显示年薪大于30000工作类别不是MANAGER,且部门号不是10和40的雇员信息,要求按照雇员姓名进行排列
select * from emp where sal*12>30000 and job!='MANAGER' and deptno not in (10,40) order by ename 

7.    选择在部门 30 中员工的所有信息
select * from emp where deptno=30

8.    列出职位为(MANAGER)的员工的编号,姓名
select empno,ename from emp where job='MANAGER'

9.    找出部门 10 中的经理(MANAGER)和部门 20 中的普通员工(CLERK)
select  * from emp where ( deptno=10 and job='MANAGER') or (deptno=20 and job='CLERK')

10.    找出部门 10 中既不是经理也不是普通员工,而且工资大于等于 2000 的员工
select * from emp where deptno=10 and job not in ('MANAGER','CLERK') and sal>=2000

11.    找出没有奖金或者奖金低于 500 的员工
select * from emp where comm is null or comm<500

12.    显示雇员姓名,根据其服务年限,将最老的雇员排在最前面
select ename from emp e order by e.hiredate asc

13.    找出有奖金的员工的不同工作岗位
select distinct job from emp where comm is not null

14.    找出姓名中不带 R 这个字母的员工
select * from emp where ename not like '%R%'

15.    显示所有员工,按入职年限降序排列,若相同,则按工资升序排序
select * from emp order by  emp.hiredate desc,sal asc;

16.    查找出不属于任何部门的员工
select * from emp where deptno is null


(1)intersect(交集) :返回两个表共同的记录
select * from emp;
select * from dept;
select deptno from emp intersect select deptno from dept

select deptno from emp union select deptno from dept   --emp 10 20 30  null  /  dept  10 20 30 40

(3)union all(并集) :返回各个查询的所有记录,包括重复记录,不去重
select deptno from emp union all select deptno from dept
select deptno from emp minus select deptno from dept;  --null
select deptno from dept minus select deptno from emp;   --40


 select * from emp; 
 select * from dept;
 select * from emp,dept;  --返回左表行数与右表行数相乘的组合行数  17*4=68
select * from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno  

(2)非等值连接:在连接条件中不使用等于号(=)运算符(>=、<= 、< 、> 、!=)

select e.ename,e.sal,s.grade,s.losal,s.hisal   from emp e,salgrade s where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal

--查询出每一个员工的领导姓名,员工的领导编号在emp中,领导的姓名在emp中(e1 员工表   e2领导表)
select e1.ename,e1.mgr, e2.empno,e2.ename  from emp e1,emp e2 where e1.mgr=e2.empno

--1.查询出工作地点在NEW YORK的员工信息,显示姓名,职位,工作地点
select a.ename,a.job,b.loc from emp a,dept b where a.deptno=b.deptno and b.loc='NEW YORK'

select a.ename,b.loc from emp a,dept b where a.deptno=b.deptno and a.ename='WARD'

(1)左外连接(left join ):A表左连接B表,A表的内容全部显示,B表没有的用null代替
语法:select * from A表 left join B表 on 条件
select * from dept d left join emp e on d.deptno=e.deptno

(2)右外连接(right join  等同于 right outer join):A表右连接B表,返回B表所有的内容,A表没有的用null代替
select * from emp e right join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno

select * from emp e left join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno   --左连接
select * from dept d right join emp e on d.deptno=e.deptno  --右连接 

(3)满外连接(full join):返回左表和右表的所有记录
select * from emp e full join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno

create table stu (id number,name char(10));
create table score(id number,sno number,score number);
insert into stu values(1,'张三');
insert into stu values(2,'李四');
insert into stu values(3,'王五');
insert into stu values(5,'刘海');
insert into score values(1,100,60);
insert into score values(2,200,70);
insert into score values(3,300,80);
insert into score values(4,400,90);

select * from stu;
select * from score

select  * from stu a left join score b on

select * from score c left join stu d on


select * from stu s full join score f on


select deptno from dept where loc='CHICAGO'  --30
select * from emp where deptno=30

select * from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where loc='CHICAGO') --子查询
select * from emp a,dept b where a.deptno=b.deptno and b.loc='CHICAGO' --多表查询

select deptno from emp where ename='KING'   --10
select dname from dept where deptno=10

select dname from dept where deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='KING')

2.在内部子查询中可以使用关系运算符(< 、>、<=、>=、<>)

--any子查询  (100  120  150)
<any:小于最高的   小于150
>any:大于最小的   大于100

select sal from emp where job='SALESMAN'  --返回4行记录,最高工资1602
select * from emp where sal<1602

select * from emp where sal<any (1602,1250,1250,1500)

select * from emp where sal<any (select sal from emp where job='SALESMAN')

--all子查询 (100  120   150)
>all  大于最高的    大于150
<all  小于最低的    小于100
select sal from emp where job='SALESMAN'
select * from emp where sal>1602

select * from emp where sal >all(select sal from emp where job='SALESMAN')

select deptno from dept where dname='SALES'   --30
select * from emp where deptno=30

select * from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where dname='SALES')  --子查询

select deptno from emp where ename='WARD'   --30
select loc from dept where deptno=30

select loc from dept where deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='WARD') --子查询

select deptno from dept where loc='CHICAGO'   --30
select sal from emp where deptno=30   --2850
select * from emp where sal>2850

select * from emp where sal>all
(select sal from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where loc='CHICAGO' )) --子查询

create table aaa(id number, name char(10));
create table ccc(id number,sno number,ccc number);

insert into aaa values(1,'a');
insert into aaa values(2,'b');
insert into aaa values(3,'c');
insert into aaa values(4,'d');
insert into aaa values(5,'e');

insert into ccc values(1,100,50);
insert into ccc values(2,100,60);
insert into ccc values(3,100,80);
insert into ccc values(4,200,75);
insert into ccc values(5,200,85);
insert into ccc values(1,300,62);
insert into ccc values(2,400,32);

select * from aaa;
select * from ccc;

select * from aaa,ccc where and'a'  --多表查询
select * from ccc where id=(select id from aaa where name='a')  --子查询

select id from aaa where name='a'  --1
select ccc from ccc where id=1   --50  62
select id from ccc where ccc>62  --3   4   5
select * from aaa where id in (3,4,5)

select * from aaa where id in (
select id from ccc where ccc>all(select ccc from ccc where id=(select id from aaa where name='a'))
) --子查询

select * from aaa a,ccc c where and c.ccc >any(select ccc from ccc where sno=200)  --多表与子查询组合

select id from ccc where ccc<60   --1  2
select * from aaa where id in (1,2)
select * from aaa where id in (select id from ccc where ccc<60)  --子查询

select * from aaa a,ccc c where and c.ccc<60  --多表查询

1.    查询工资在 1500 到 3000 之间,工作类别以B开头的雇员信息
select * from emp where sal between 1500 and 3000 and job like 'B%'

2.    查询出部门 10 中既不是经理(MANAGER)也不是普通员工(CLERK),而且工资大于等于 2000 的员工
select * from emp where deptno=10 and job not in ('MANAGER','CLERK') and sal>=2000

3.    查询与 BLAKE 在同一部门工作的雇员的姓名和受雇日期,但是 BLAKE 不包含在内。
select e.ename,e.hiredate from emp e where deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='BLAKE') and ename!='BLAKE'

4.    查询位置在 DALLAS 的部门内的员工信息。
select deptno from dept where loc='DALLAS'  --20
select * from emp where deptno=20
select * from emp where deptno=(select deptno from dept where loc='DALLAS')  --子查询
select * from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and d.loc='DALLAS'   --多表查询

5.    查询被 KING 直接管理的雇员的姓名以及薪水。
select empno from emp where ename='KING'   --7839
select * from emp where mgr=7839
select * from emp where mgr=(select empno from emp where ename='KING' ) --子查询
select * from emp e1,emp e2 where e1.empno=e2.mgr and e1.ename='KING' -- 自连接    e1 领导表    e2 员工表

6.    查询出与SCOTT一样工资的其他雇员的姓名、受雇日期以及薪水。
select sal from emp where ename='SCOTT'   --3000
select * from emp where sal=3000 and ename!='SCOTT'
select ename,hiredate,sal from emp where sal=(select sal from emp where ename='SCOTT') and ename!='SCOTT'  --子查询

7.    查找出工资等级不为 4 级的员工信息,显示员工名字,部门名字,部门位置
select * from 
(select * from emp e,salgrade s where e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal and s.grade!=4) T 
full join dept d on T.deptno=d.deptno 


语法:create table 表名 as select 语句

create table emp_1 as
select * from emp where sal>2000 order by hiredate asc

select * from emp_1

create table emp_bak as select * from emp;
select * from emp_bak;

create table emp_2 as 
select * from emp where 1=2   --条件不成立,不会复制数据
select * from emp_2

create table emp_4 as 
select a.ename,a.sal,b.deptno,b.dname from emp a,dept b where a.deptno =b.deptno
select * from emp_4

语法:insert into 表名(列名1,列名2,列名3...) values (值1,值2,值3....)
insert into emp_4 (ename,sal,deptno,dname) values ('AAA',8000,10,'SZ')  --按照完整结构插入数据
insert into emp_4 values ('CCC',9000,20,'SZ')  --如果后面的值是一一对应的,前面列名省略 
insert into emp_4(deptno,ename,dname) values(10,'DDD','GD')--如果后面的值不是一一对应的,或者有一些列为空时,必须前面要加上对应的列名

语法:insert into 表名 select 语句
select * from emp_2
select * from emp where sal>3000

insert into emp_2 select * from emp where sal>3000 

语法:update 表名 set 列名1=新值,列名2=新值 where 条件
select * from emp_bak;

update emp_bak set sal=sal+200 where sal<2000  --根据条件修改1列数据

update emp_bak set empno=1000,ename='张三',deptno=8 where ename='KING'  --同时修改多列内容
select * from emp_bak

语法:delete from 表名 where 条件
delete from emp_bak where sal<2000

delete from emp_bak

commit :提交更改(插入数据、修改数据、删除数据)

select * from emp_4;
insert into emp_4 values('王五',20000,60,'SZ');
commit;  --提交并保存数据


create table abc (id number,name char(10));
select * from abc;
insert into abc values(1,'a');
savepoint a1  --1行数据
insert into abc values(2,'b');
savepoint a2  --2行数据
insert into abc values(3,'c');
savepoint a3  --3行数据

insert into abc values(4,'d');
insert into abc values(5,'e');

rollback to a1  --还原a2保存点

insert into abc values(6,'f');
savepoint a6;

insert into abc values(7,'h');

rollback to a6

select * from abc;

--a1   >  a2   >a3
rollback to a2



select 4+5 from dual;

(1)concat(x,y)  连接字符串x和y 
select concat('Hello','World') from dual;   --HelloWorld

(2)instr(x,str[,start][,n])  在x字符串查找str字符,返回第一次出现的位置,可以指定从start开始,也可以指定从第n个开始
select instr('Helloworld','o') from dual  --在指定的字符串中从第1个字符开始找对应字符第一次出现的位置   5
select instr('Helloworld','o',6) from dual--在指定的字符串中从第6个字符开始找对应字符第一次出现的位置   7
select instr('Helloworld','o',3,2) from dual--在指定的字符串中从第3个字符开始找对应字符第2次出现的位置  7

(3)length(x) 返回x字符串的长度
select length('abcd') from dual;
select ename,length(ename) from emp;
select * from emp where length(ename)=6

(4)lower(x) x转换为小写
select lower('AbC') from dual;  --abc
select ename,lower(ename) from emp;

(5)upper(x) x转换为大写
select upper('abc') from dual;   --ABC

(6)initcap(x)  把x的首字符转换为大写
select initcap('abc') from dual;  --Abc
select initcap(ename) from emp;

(7)rtrim(x[,y]) 把x右边截去y字符串,缺省截去空格
select rtrim('   Hell   ') from dual  --截去右边的空格
select rtrim('   Hell?????','?') from dual  --截去字符串右边的?

(8)ltrim(x[,y]) 把x左边截去y字符串,缺省截去空格
select ltrim('   Hell   ') from dual  --截去左边的空格
select ltrim('**** **Hell','*') from dual  --截去字符串左边的*,遇到空格停止      **Hell

(9)trim([a From]x) 把x两边截去a字符串,缺省截去空格
select trim('   Hell   ') from dual  --截去两边的空格
select trim('?' from '????Hell?????') from dual  --截去字符串右边的?    Hell

(10) replace(x,old,new)  在x字符串中把old字符替换成new字符
select replace('HelloWorld','o','8') from dual   --把字符串中的o 替换成8    Hell8W8rld

(11)substr(x,start[,length])  返回x的字符串,从start开始,截取length个字符,length不填时默认到结尾
select substr('Helloworld',5) from dual;  --从第5个开始截取到结尾   oworld 
select substr('Helloworld',6,3) from dual;  --从第6个开始截取3个字符   wor
select ename,substr(ename,1,3) from emp;

(1)abs(x)  求x绝对值
select abs(-6) from dual;   --6

(2)ceil(x)  大于或等于x的最小整数
select ceil(3.25) from dual; --   4
select ceil(-3.56) from dual ; --   -3

(3)floor(x)  小于或等于x的最大整数
select  floor(5.8) from dual;   --   5
select floor(-4.6) from dual;   --  -5

(4)round(x[,y])   x在第y位四舍五入
select round(123.656) from dual;   --取整数,四舍五入        124
select round(123.456,2) from dual;  --取2位小数点,四舍五入  123.46 

(5)trunc(x[,y])  x在第y位截断,不进行四舍五入
select trunc(3.145) from dual;  --截取整数部分
select trunc(3.145,2) from dual; --截取二位小数,不四舍五入    3.14

--日期函数  date

(1)sysdate  显示系统当前日期时间
select sysdate from dual;

(2)last_day  显示本月最后一天
select last_day(sysdate) from dual;
select e.hiredate,last_day(e.hiredate)-2 from emp e
select e.ename,e.hiredate from emp e where e.hiredate between  last_day(e.hiredate)-2 and last_day(e.hiredate)

(3)add_months(d,n)   当前日期d后推n个月
select add_months(sysdate,5) from dual;    --日期月份后推5个月       2023/8/14 16:34:01
select add_months('2008-02-05',5) from dual;   --2008/7/5
select add_months('2008/2/5',3) from dual;   --  2008/5/5

select sysdate+3 from dual;  --在当前日期中加3天
select sysdate-5 from dual;  --在当前日期中减5天

(5)months_between  计算两个时间之间有几个月
select round( months_between(sysdate,'2008-08-08'),1) from dual;  --求2个日期之间相差多少个月
select * from emp where months_between(sysdate,hiredate) >20*12

(1)to_char()  转换成字符串
select to_char(5)||to_char(6) from dual; --把5这个数字转换成字符串后再与后面的字符串连接在一起

(2)to_date()  转换成日期
create table datetype (id date)
select * from datetype
insert into datetype values('2023-5-9')  --标准日期
insert into datetype values('2019/8/9')  --标准日期
insert into datetype values(to_date('2024年8月9日','yyyy"年"mm"月"dd"日"'))  
insert into datetype values(to_date('2025#5#9#','yyyy"#"mm"#"dd"#"'))   --yyyy年份   mm月份  dd 天
insert into datetype values(to_date('2024年8月9日 21:20:30','yyyy"年"mm"月"dd"日" hh24:mi:ss'));  --hh24 24小时制   mi分钟   ss秒  

(3)to_number() 转换成数字
select to_number('123')+100 from dual;

select  to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') from dual;   --获取年份
select to_char(sysdate,'mm') from dual;    --获取月份
select to_char(sysdate,'dd') from dual;    --获取天

select * from emp where to_char(hiredate,'mm')=8 

select * from emp where length(ename)=5   

select substr(ename,3,2) from emp;

select round(5.6789,2) from dual;

select  round(months_between('2020-10-8','2008-11-8')/12,2) from dual;

--把字符串“2008年8月8日 8时18分28秒”插入到表中的时间列
insert into datetype values (to_date('2008年8月8日 8时18分28秒','yyyy"年"mm"月"dd"日" hh24"时"mi"分"ss"秒"'))
select * from datetype

--把emp表中每个员工的入职时间以“XXX年XX月XX日 XX时XX分XX秒”格式显示
select hiredate,to_char(hiredate,'yyyy"年"mm"月"dd"日"') from emp;

select * from emp e where e.hiredate=last_day(e.hiredate)-2     

select * from emp e where to_number(to_char(e.hiredate,'yyyy'))<2000

(3)查询出 25 年前入职的员工信息
select * from emp e where (sysdate-e.hiredate)/365>25  --第一种    按天
select * from emp e where months_between(sysdate,e.hiredate)/12>25;  --第二种  月份

(4)所有员工名字前加上 Dear ,并且名字首字母大写
select ename, 'Dear'|| initcap(ename) from emp

(5)查询出姓名为 5 个字符的员工信息
select * from emp where length(ename)=5

(6)只显示员工姓名的第一个字符,后面用***表示(例如:KING > K***)
select ename,concat(substr(ename,1,1),'***') from emp

(7)查询到 2 月份入职的员工信息
select * from emp e where to_number(to_char(e.hiredate,'mm'))=2 

select * from emp e where to_number(to_char(e.hiredate,'mm')) between 3 and 5

select ename,sal,comm,sal+nvl(comm,0) from emp;

select ename,sal,comm,sal+nvl(comm,100) from emp where sal<2000

select ename,sal,comm,sal+nvl2(comm,comm+100,200) from emp

avg()  平均值
sum( )   求值
min()  最小值    max() 最大值
count()  统计数量
select round(avg(sal),1) 平均工资,max(sal) 最高工资,min(sal) 最低工资, sum(sal)月总工资 from emp  

select avg(sal) from emp where deptno=30

select count(*) from emp where deptno=20   --取表中最多那一列的行数

group by  分组函数
select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno ;

select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal)>2000 ;  --having  分组后过滤

select deptno,avg(sal) from emp where deptno!=20 group by deptno having avg(sal)>1500

select  count(*) from emp where deptno=20

select round(avg(sal),2) from emp where comm is not null and deptno=30

select (select avg(sal) from emp where deptno=10)-(select avg(sal) from emp where deptno=30)  from dual

select count(*) from emp where to_number(to_char(emp.hiredate,'mm'))=4


select rowid, emp.* from emp  --显示数据的磁盘上的物理地址

select rownum,emp.* from emp; --rownum 在查询的时候会给每一行加一个行号,第一行为1,第二行为2.....

select ename,sal,deptno from emp where rownum<=5

select rownum,T.* from 
(select emp.* from emp  order by sal desc) T  where rownum<=3

select A.*   from 
(select rownum R,emp.* from emp) A where A.R between 5 and 10

select rownum,T.* from
(select deptno, count(*) from emp group by deptno order by count(*)desc) T  where rownum<=2

2.查找出部门 10 和部门 20 中,工资最高第 3 名到第 5 名的员工的员工名字,部门名字,部门位置
select C.*  from
(select rownum A,T.*  from
(select e.ename,d.dname,d.loc from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno and d.deptno in (10,20)
 order by e.sal desc) T ) C where C.A between 3 and 5

  when 条件1 then action1
  when 条件2 then action2
  when 条件3 then action3
  when 条件n then actionN
  else action

select e.ename,e.sal,comm,case
when comm is null or comm=0 then '无'
else '有'
end 奖金情况
from emp e

--根据分数显示对应的等级 (>90 A  >80 B   >70 C  >60 D  <60 E)
create table score(sno number,score number);
insert into score values(1,65);
insert into score values(2,76);
insert into score values(3,86);
insert into score values(4,94);
insert into score values(5,24);
select * from score;

select sno,score,case
when score>90 then 'A'
when score>80 then 'B'
when score>70 then 'C'
when score>60 then 'D'
else '不合格'
end 等级
from score;

--显示每个员工入职的月份(1981/05/10 》 5月)
select ename,e.hiredate,case to_char(e.hiredate,'mm')
when '01' then '1月'
when '02' then '2月'
when '03' then '3月'
when '04' then '4月'
when '05' then '5月'
when '06' then '6月'
when '07' then '7月'
when '08' then '8月'
when '09' then '9月'
when '10' then '10月'
when '11' then '11月'
when '12' then '12月'
else '其它'
end 入职月份
from emp e;

select ename,emp.hiredate,to_char(emp.hiredate,'mm')||'月' 入职月份 from emp;


create [or replace] view 视图名
select 语句
[with read only]

create or replace view AABBCC
select ename from emp where sal>=3000;

--调用视图:select * from 视图名
select * from AABBCC

--删除视图:drop view 视图名
drop view AABBCC

语法:create index 索引名 on 表名 (列名1,列名2.....)
create index A_empno_ename_deptno on emp (empno,ename,deptno)
select * from emp where sal>3000;

语法:drop index 索引名
drop index A_empno_ename_deptno

create table testtable as
select rownum as id,
sysdate+ rownum/24/3600as inc_datetime,
    trunc(dbms_random.value(0, 100)) as random_id, 
dbms_random.string('x', 20) random_string 
from dual
connect by level <=1000000;  

select count(*) from testtable   --100W行

select * from testtable where id in (5,500,5000,50000,500000,900000)   --0.172

create index idx_id on testtable(id);

select * from testtable where id in (5,500,5000,50000,500000,900000)   --0.042

create or replace procedure 存储过程名 (参数 in|out  参数数据类型)


create or replace procedure sp_update_sal (name in char)
update emp set sal=sal+1 where ename=name;


select * from emp where ename='KING'

select * from AAA
create or replace procedure sp_delete(no in number)
delete from AAA where id=no;

create or replace procedure sp_insert(no in number,ename in char)
insert into AAA values(no,ename);


select * from AAA 
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


