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翻译 2.17翻译

OpenJudge - 19:Duplicate Number19:Duplicate Number查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given a sequence of N numbers, find a number A that the count of A in the sequence is at least two.给出N个数,找出一个数A,A在序列中至少出现两次。输入First line: one..

2022-02-17 19:51:44 115 1

翻译 2.16翻译

OpenJudge - 18:Coins18:Coins查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述There are N kinds of coins. Each kind of coins has a value V and a weight W. Tony wants to go traveling. Unfortunately, he can only carry coins of which the total weight..

2022-02-16 21:38:00 111

翻译 2.15翻译

OpenJudge - 17:The Largest City Nearby17:The Largest City Nearby查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述There are N cities, the length of edges between cities is given. Please find the city with the largest index id satisfying that there..

2022-02-15 21:22:00 134

翻译 2.14翻译

OpenJudge - 16:Maximum Sum Not Exceeding K16:Maximum Sum Not Exceeding K查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given N numbers, find two different numbers from them such that the sum of the two numbers is maximum but not exceeding K.给..

2022-02-14 20:45:28 146

翻译 2.13翻译

OpenJudge - 15:Sum is K15:Sum is K查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given a sequence of N numbers. Find different numbers A and B in the sequence so that the sum of A and B equals to K.给出N个数。在序列中找出不同的A和B,使得A加B的和等于K。输入First line...

2022-02-13 20:41:34 60

翻译 2.12翻译

OpenJudge - 14:Children's Apples14:Children's Apples查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述There are N children. Each child has a positive number, and the numbers are different from each other. Given the sum of all numbers of children. ..

2022-02-12 19:51:26 64

翻译 2.11翻译

OpenJudge - 13:Same Remainder13:Same Remainder查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given A and B. Find the smallest X that X is greater than 1 and A modulo X equals to B modulo X.给定A和B。找到最小的比1大的X,使得A对X取模等于B对X取模。输入Two positive in..

2022-02-11 20:41:40 72

翻译 2.10翻译

OpenJudge - 12:Maximum Product of Sequence12:Maximum Product of Sequence查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Find a sequence of M positive numbers with the maximum product, while the sum of them is N.寻找M个和为N的正整数,使他们的乘积最大。输入Two p..

2022-02-10 21:33:43 116

翻译 2.9翻译

OpenJudge - 11:Goldbach Conjecture11:Goldbach Conjecture查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given the sum of prime A and prime B, find A and B.给定素数A和素数B的和,求A和B。输入One positive integer indicating the sum (<= 10000).一个不超过1000..

2022-02-09 20:02:59 72

翻译 2.8翻译

OpenJudge - 10:Chickens and Rabbits10:Chickens and Rabbits查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述In the yard were C chickens and R rabbits. Each chicken has one head and two legs. Each rabbit has one head and four legs. There are total ..

2022-02-08 20:19:44 71

翻译 2.7翻译

OpenJudge - 09:Least Common Multiple09:Least Common Multiple查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given A and B. Find the least positive M which is a common multiple of both A and B.给定A和B。找到A和B的最小公倍数M。输入Two positive integers A an..

2022-02-07 19:44:33 51

翻译 2.6翻译

OpenJudge - 08:Greatest Common Divisor08:Greatest Common Divisor查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given A and B. Find the greatest D which is a common divisor of both A and B.给定A和B。找到A和B的最大公约数D。输入Two positive integers A and B..

2022-02-06 20:10:03 72

翻译 2.5翻译

OpenJudge - 07:Shortest Path07:Shortest Path查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述There is a graph with N nodes. Given the length of each edge between the nodes. Find the shortest path from S to E.有一个图有着N个节点。给定节点之间的所有边的长度。找到从S到E的最短路径..

2022-02-05 19:49:32 102

翻译 1.28翻译

OpenJudge - 06:N Queens06:N Queens查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Determine the columns of N queens should be place on. Columns should be greater than 1 and less than N. Columns should be all different. Each column plus its index..

2022-01-28 20:04:49 123

翻译 1.27翻译

OpenJudge - 05:Grocery Problem05:Grocery Problem查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Find the prices of 4 items so that the sum of prices is 711 and the product of prices is 711000000. The prices of items are in ascending order.求四个物..

2022-01-27 21:22:45 70

翻译 1.26翻译

OpenJudge - 04:0/1 Knapsack04:0/1 Knapsack查看 提交 统计 提问总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given the weights and values of N items, put a subset of items into a knapsack of capacity C to get the maximum total value in the knapsack. The total weig..

2022-01-26 20:23:22 82

翻译 1.25翻译

OpenJudge - 03:Magic Sequencehttp://noi.openjudge.cn/english/03/03:Magic Sequence总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Find a sequence of N numbers. Each number is equal to the count of (its index minus 1) in the sequence.寻找一个N个数的数列。每个数等于数列中其下标减一的个数。

2022-01-25 20:56:57 60

翻译 1.24翻译

OpenJudge - 02:Cake Bakinghttp://noi.openjudge.cn/english/02/02:Cake Baking总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述A banana cake takes 250 flour, 2 bananas, 75 sugar and 100 butter, and a chocolate cake takes 200 flour, 75 cocoa, 150 sugar and 150 butte.

2022-01-24 21:49:43 170

翻译 1.23翻译

OpenJudge - 01:Map Coloring01:Map Coloring总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given edges of a graph with N nodes. There are three colors that can be used for coloring nodes. Determine the color of each node so that the colors of nodes of each edge s

2022-01-23 21:06:01 91

翻译 1.22翻译

OpenJudge - 40:Distinct40:Distinct总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Select some of N values. The selected values are all different and the number of the selected values is maximum.从N个值中选择一些值。这些被选择的值都不相同,并且选择的值的数量最多。输入First line: one positive

2022-01-22 20:57:29 151

翻译 1.21翻译

OpenJudge - 39:Apears an Odd Number of Times39:Apears an Odd Number of Times总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given a sequence of N numbers. Find X that the number of X's in the sequence is odd.给定一个N个数的序列,找出X,X在序列中出现次数是奇数。输入First line: one po

2022-01-21 19:50:16 73

翻译 1.20翻译

OpenJudge - 38:Minimum Prime38:Minimum Prime总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Find a minimum prime which is greater than N.寻找一个最小的比N大的素数。输入One positive integers N (N <= 100000).一个不超过100000的正整数。输出One integer.一个整数。样例输入26样例输出

2022-01-20 20:11:48 70

翻译 1.19翻译

OpenJudge - 37:Primehttp://noi.openjudge.cn/english/37/37:Prime​​​​​​​总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Is the given N a prime number?给出的N是素数吗?输入One positive integers N (N <= 100000).一个不超过100000的正整数。输出One integer, 1 if N is a prime, or

2022-01-19 19:44:40 54

翻译 1.18翻译

描述Given a sequence S of N numbers. How many pairs of indexes I and J are there satisfying that I is less than J and S[i] is greater than S[J]?给定有N个数的序列S,有多少对下标I和J,满足I小于J并且S[i]大于S[J]?输入First line: one positive integers N (N <= 100).第一行:一个正整数N(N

2022-01-18 18:10:21 90

翻译 英语翻译作业

OpenJudge - 26:The Nearest Number总时间限制:1000ms内存限制:65536kB描述Given a sequence of N number and K. Find the nearest number X in the sequence that the absolute value of (X minus K) is minimum.给出N个数和数字K。在这N个数中找到一个数X,使得(X-K)的绝对值最小。输入First line

2022-01-17 18:55:39 60



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