
32 篇文章 0 订阅
8 篇文章 0 订阅


2.统计图组件Statistics .vue代码如下:

    <div :id="idname" :style="{width: '100%', height: allheight+ 'px'}"></div>

export default {
  name: 'Statistics',
  props: {
    statitle: {
      type: String
    idname: {
      type: String
    signlist: {
      type: Array
    colorlist: {
      type: Array
    showDatalist: {
      type: Array
    staradios: {
      type: String
    subtext: {
      type: String
    legendbottom: {
      type: Number
    allheight: {
      type: Number
  mounted () {
  watch: {
    showDatalist: function (nval, oval) {
  methods: {
    refreshpic () {
      var that = this
      var dom = document.getElementById(this.idname)
      var myChart = this.echarts.init(dom)
      // 绘制图表
        title: {
          text: this.statitle,
          subtext: this.subtext,
          left: 'center',
          top: 10
        animation: false,
        tooltip: {
          trigger: 'item',
          formatter: '{a} <br/>{b} : {c} ({d}%)'
        legend: {
          // orient: 'vertical',
          // top: 'middle',
          selectedMode: false,
          bottom: this.legendbottom,
          left: 'center',
          data: this.signlist,
          itemWidth: 20,
          itemHeight: 12,
          formatter: function (name) {
            let target
            let data = that.showDatalist
            let total = 0
            for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
              total += data[i].value
              if (data[i].name === name) {
                target = data[i].value
            let tmptarget = ((target / total) * 100).toFixed(2)
            if (total == 0) {
              tmptarget = total.toFixed(2)
            if (tmptarget < 10) {
              tmptarget = '  ' + tmptarget
            let arr = name + '(' + tmptarget + '%)'
            return arr
        series: [{
          name: '人数统计',
          type: 'pie',
          label: {
            normal: {
              position: 'inner',
              show: false
          radius: this.staradios,
          data: this.showDatalist,
          center: ['50%', '40%']
        color: this.colorlist

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  <div class="mainbody">
        <empty v-show="showEmpty"></empty>
<!--        <loading v-show="showLoading"></loading>-->
    <div class="main-head">
      <div class="main-head-title">
        <el-menu default-active="0"
          <el-menu-item index="0">岗位考核</el-menu-item>
          <el-menu-item index="1" disabled>部门考核</el-menu-item>
      <div class="main-head-search">
        <el-cascader ref="seldatas" separator="年" :options="assessDates" v-model="seldates" @change="seldatesok">
        <el-button type="primary" class="subbtn" @click="downloadData">数据导出</el-button>
    <div class="main-content" v-loading="showLoading">
      <div class="main-body">
        <div class="main-tableHead">
          <ul id="main-treeHeadPro" class="ztree">
              <table class="mainTable">
                  <col class="mainTable-colTitle">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <col class="mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0">
                  <th rowspan="2">考核部门</th>
                  <th colspan="6">考核阶段(人数统计)</th>
                  <th colspan="5">考核结果(人数统计)</th>
        <div class="table_body">
          <my-scroll :ops="ops" ref="mainScroll">
            <ul id="main-treePro" class="ztree"></ul>
      <div class="main-Statistics">

        <my-scroll :ops="ops" ref="mainScroll1">
        <statistics class="stacontent" statitle="考核阶段人数统计" idname="echartstep"

        <statistics style="margin-top:40px" class="stacontent" statitle="考核结果人数统计" idname="echartpeo"

import { apiGet, api } from '@/api/index'
import empty from '@/components/Common/empty'
import loading from '@/components/Common/loading'
import Statistics from '@/components/PA/Task/Statistics'
export default {
  name: 'LeftTree',
  components: { empty, loading, Statistics },
  props: {
    SelectProductDetail: {
      type: Object
    filterText: {
      type: String
  data: function () {
    let $this = this
    return {
      // 饼状图
      allheight: 360,
      staradios: '55%',
      signlist: ['启动考核', '制定目标', '业绩考评', '素质考评', '绩效面谈', '个人总结'],
      colorlist: ['#f4c427', '#1ddef4', '#329dff', '#2f67d6', '#707aff', '#f17f7f'],
      showDatalist: [],
      smalltitle: '',
      subtext: '',
      legendbottom: 50,

      signlists: ['S', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
      colorlists: ['#9249e6', '#f04848', '#ff7700', '#fad000', '#b3b3b3'],
      showDatalists: [],
      smalltitles: '',
      subtexts: '',
      legendbottoms: 70,
      // 头部数据
      assessDates: [],
      seldates: [],
      showLoading: false,
      showNoData: false,
      showEmpty: true,
      keyIndex1: 3,
      keyIndex2: 0,
      keyIndex3: 0,
      keyHistory: '',
      keyarr: [],
      classarr: [],
      comment: '',
      showDetail: false,
      showBuy: false,
      ProductStartYearList: [],
      ops: {
        scrollPanel: {
          scrollingX: false
      hiddenNodes: [],
      testdata: [],
      setting: {
        view: {
          showIcon: false,
          showLine: false,
          dblClickExpand: false,
          addDiyDom: $this.addDetailItem
        check: {
          enable: true
        data: {
          key: {
            name: 'CodeName'
          simpleData: {
            enable: true,
            idKey: 'ID',
            pIdKey: 'ParentID'
        callback: {
          onNodeCreated: function (event, treeId, treeNode) {
            var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj(treeId)
            if (treeNode.children && treeNode.children.length > 0) {
              treeObj.expandNode(treeNode, true, false, false)
          onClick: function (event, treeId, treeNode, clickFlag) {
            $this.subtext = treeNode.CodeName
            $this.subtexts = treeNode.CodeName
            $this.showDatalist = [{
              value: treeNode.StartCount,
              name: '启动考核'
              value: treeNode.TargetCount,
              name: '制定目标'
              value: treeNode.IndexCount,
              name: '业绩考评'
              value: treeNode.QualityCount,
              name: '素质考评'
              value: treeNode.InterviewCount,
              name: '绩效面谈'
              value: treeNode.PersonCount,
              name: '个人总结'
            $this.showDatalists = [{
              value: treeNode.S,
              name: 'S'
              value: treeNode.A,
              name: 'A'
              value: treeNode.B,
              name: 'B'
              value: treeNode.C,
              name: 'C'
              value: treeNode.D,
              name: 'D'
            let treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj(treeId)
            if (!treeNode.hideCheck) {
              if (!treeNode.checked) {
                treeObj.checkNode(treeNode, true, true, true)
              } else {
                treeObj.checkNode(treeNode, false, true, true)
  computed: {
  watch: {
    filterText: function () {
  mounted () {
    if (document.body.clientWidth < 1057) {
      this.legendbottom = 0
      this.legendbottoms = 60
  methods: {
    getProductDetail (flag) {
      let $this = this
      $this.showEmpty = false
      $this.showDetail = false
      $this.showLoading = true
      $this.showBuy = false
      $this.keyarr = ['ID', 'StartCount', 'TargetCount', 'IndexCount', 'QualityCount', 'InterviewCount', 'PersonCount', 'S', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
      $this.classarr = []
      $this.keyIndex2 = 16
      $this.keyIndex3 = 16
      $this.keyHistory = ''
      for (let i = 0; i < $this.keyIndex3; i++) {
        $this.classarr.push('mainTable-colOther mainTable-col0')
        UserID: this.ttknoa.user().ID,
        // UserID: '3129',
        PeriodID: this.seldates[1]
      }).then(response => {
        this.testdata = response.Content
        if (this.testdata.length == 0) {
          $this.showEmpty = true
        } else {
          $this.showEmpty = false
        $.fn.zTree.init($('#main-treePro'), $this.setting, this.testdata)
        $this.subtext = this.testdata[0].CodeName
        $this.subtexts = this.testdata[0].CodeName
        $this.showDatalist = [{
          value: this.testdata[0].StartCount,
          name: '启动考核'
          value: this.testdata[0].TargetCount,
          name: '制定目标'
          value: this.testdata[0].IndexCount,
          name: '业绩考评'
          value: this.testdata[0].QualityCount,
          name: '素质考评'
          value: this.testdata[0].InterviewCount,
          name: '绩效面谈'
          value: this.testdata[0].PersonCount,
          name: '个人总结'
        $this.showDatalists = [{
          value: this.testdata[0].S,
          name: 'S'
          value: this.testdata[0].A,
          name: 'A'
          value: this.testdata[0].B,
          name: 'B'
          value: this.testdata[0].C,
          name: 'C'
          value: this.testdata[0].D,
          name: 'D'
        $this.showLoading = false

    addDetailItem (treeId, treeNode) {
      var spaceWidth = 13
      var checkObj = $('#' + treeNode.tId + '_check')
      var aObj = $('#' + treeNode.tId + '_a')
      var switchObj = $('#' + treeNode.tId + '_switch')
      var icoObj = $('#' + treeNode.tId + '_ico')
      var spanObj = $('#' + treeNode.tId + '_span')
      aObj.attr('title', '')
      var li_body = ''
      if (treeNode.children == null) {
        li_body += '<table class="mainTable mainTable-Child">'
      } else if (treeNode.getParentNode() == null) {
        li_body += '<table class="mainTable mainTable-Root firstroot">'
      } else {
        li_body += '<table class="mainTable mainTable-Root">'

      li_body += '<tr class="trtest">'
      li_body += '<td class="mainTable-colTitle">'
      if (treeNode.children == null) {
        let num = 0
        for (let i = this.keyIndex2; i < this.keyIndex3; i++) {
          num += parseInt(treeNode[this.keyarr[i]])
        if (num > 0) {
          // li_body += checkObj[0].outerHTML
        } else {
          // li_body +=
          //     '<span style="height:1px;display: inline-block;width:24px"></span>'
          // treeNode.hideCheck = true
      } else {
        // li_body += checkObj[0].outerHTML

      li_body +=
        '<span style="height:1px;display: inline-block;width:' +
        (spaceWidth * treeNode.level + 6) +
      li_body += switchObj[0].outerHTML
      if (treeNode.children == null) {
        if (treeNode['ID'] !== treeNode['ParentID'] // && // treeNode['ParentID'].indexOf('合计') === -1
        ) {
          li_body +=
              '<span class="mainTable-code">' + '' + '</span>'
      } else {
      li_body += spanObj[0].outerHTML
      li_body += '</td>'
      let className = ''
      for (let i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
        // if (i == this.keyIndex2) {
        //   if (this.keyHistory !== '') {
        //     li_body +=
        //       '<td class="' +
        //       this.classarr[i - 3] +
        //       '">' +
        //       this.ttknoa.toFinancial(treeNode[this.keyHistory], 0, '') +
        //       '</td>'
        //   }
        // }
        className = this.classarr[i]
        // if (treeNode[this.keyarr[i]] != parseFloat(treeNode[this.keyarr[i]])) {
        //   className += ' mainTable-colWarp'
        // }
        li_body +=
            '<td class="' +
            className +
            '">' +
            this.ttknoa.toFinancial(treeNode[this.keyarr[i]], 0, '0') +
      // 加一列空
      li_body += '</tr>'
      li_body += '</table>'
    searchChildren (keyword, children) {
      if (children == null || children.length == 0) {
        return false
      for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        var node = children[i]
        if (node['专辑名称'].indexOf(keyword) != -1) {
          return true
        // 递归查找子结点
        var result = this.searchChildren(keyword, node.children)
        if (result) {
          return true
      return false
    searchParent (keyword, node) {
      if (node == null) {
        return false
      if (node['ParentID'].indexOf(keyword) != -1) {
        return true
      // 递归查找父结点
      return this.searchParent(keyword, node.getParentNode())
    searchData: function () {
      var ztreeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj('main-treePro')
      // 显示上次搜索后隐藏的结点
      // 查找不符合条件的结点
      // 返回true表示要过滤,需要隐藏,返回false表示不需要过滤,不需要隐藏
      let $this = this
      function filterFunc (node) {
        var keyword = $this.filterText
        // 如果当前结点,或者其父结点可以找到,或者当前结点的子结点可以找到,则该结点不隐藏
        if (
          $this.searchParent(keyword, node) ||
            $this.searchChildren(keyword, node.children)
        ) {
          return false
        return true
      // 获取不符合条件的叶子结点
      this.hiddenNodes = ztreeObj.getNodesByFilter(filterFunc)
      // 隐藏不符合条件的叶子结点
    // myself () {}
    // 切换考核类别
    selectPart (key) {
    seldatesok (key) {
      this.seldates = key
    // 获取周期
    getDates () {
      apiGet.taskresult.getDates().then(response => {
        if (response.Code === 200) {
          let tempdates = response.Content
          let tmpseldates = []
          for (let i in tempdates) {
            for (let j in tempdates[i].children) {
              tempdates[i].children[j].value = tempdates[i].children[j].periodID
              if (tempdates[i].children[j].IsNow) {
                tmpseldates = [tempdates[i].value, tempdates[i].children[j].value]
          this.assessDates = tempdates
          this.seldates = tmpseldates
    // 导出数据
    downloadData () {
      window.location.href = '/api/hrmanage/PA_Man/Download_Man_Report?accesstoken=' + this.ttknoa.getCookie('TTKNOA.SSO.V1.0.0') + '&UserID=' + this.ttknoa.user().ID + '&PeriodID=' + this.seldates[1]
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


