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原创 openslide windows install instruction
1.加入os path 2.在lowlevel.py里面加入 import os os.environ['PATH'] = "D:\\programs\\openslide-win64-20180618-nightly\\bin" + ";" + os.environ['PATH'] 用"\\" 不是\ 这一步不做会有无法定位dll的问题 3.pip install openslide...
2019-05-02 23:32:24 350 3
原创 Vscode bug?
Sometimes, the window of vscode are covered by some screen part of the program, such as a picture (like a screenshot) of part of the output region covering the editor region, but when I click ("termin...
2018-08-23 21:46:00 421
原创 yolo3 opencv cuda ubuntu18.04配置
因为实验室的原因,需要用yolo,在这里记录一下自己一周来配置环境的经历配置 i7-6700hq 16G ubuntu18.04 nvidia-390.48 opencv3.4(compile with cuda) Gtx106M一些命令:使用gcc-6替换gcc-7,否则无法进行opencv编译将gcc-6加入cuda软链接 sudo ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-6 /usr/...
2018-05-09 17:14:30 1447
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