查询关键字,in,exist,group by,order by, having。
create table student(
Sno int not null primary key,
Sname char(10)not null,
Ssex bit not null,
Sage tinyint not null,
Sdept char(20) not null)
create table course(
Cno int not null primary key,
Cname char(20)not null,
Cpno int not null,
Ccredit tinyint not null)
create table sc(
Sno int not null,
Cno int not null,
Grade tinyint not null
foreign key(Sno)references student(Sno)
foreign key(Cno)references course(Cno)
create database stu
use stu
create table S
sno char(6),
sname char(10),
age int,
sex char(2),
constraint PK_S primary key (sno),
constraint CK_age check(age>=0 and age<=150)
create table C
cno char(8),
cname char(16),
credit int,
constraint PK_C primary key (cno),
constraint CK_credit check (credit>=0)
create table SC
sno char(6),
cno char (8),
constraint PK_SC primary key (sno,cno),
constraint FK_s foreign key (sno) references S(sno),
constraint FK_c foreign key (cno) references C(cno)
insert into S values ('001','zhang',19,'男')
insert into S values('002','li',16,'女')
select * from S
seleCt top 1 S.sno,sname
from SC,S
where Cno='C2' and SC.sno=S.sno
order by grade desC;
seleCt sname,age
from Student,SC
where SC.sno not in(
seleCt SC.sno
from SC
where Cno='C2' )and SC.sno=S.sno;
seleCt sno, avg(grade) as average
from SC
group by sno
seleCt sno, avg(grade) ' average'
from SC
group by sno
delete from SC
where SC.sno in(
seleCt sno
from S
where sname='S5');
seleCt sname
from S
where sdept='英语'and sex='男';
seleCt SC.sno,avg(grade) as average
from S,SC
where S.sno=SC.sno
group by SC.sno;
select S.sname as 姓名 ,grade as 成绩 ,C.cname as 选修课程
from SC,S,C
where S.sno=SC.sno and SC.cno=C.cno and SC.cno in(
seleCt cno
from C
where cname='DB');
select TOP 1 sno as 学号,grade as 分数,cname as 课程名
from SC,C
where SC.cno=C.cno and cname='OS'
order by grade desc;
select Sname
from S
where not exists(
select *
from SC
where Sno=S.Sno and Cno=1);
select Sname
from S
where not exists(
select *
from C
where not exists(
select *
from SC
where Sno=S.Sno and Cno=C.Cno));
select distinct Sno
from SC,SCX
where not exists(
select *
from SC SCY
where SCY.Sno=95001 and
not exists(
select *
from SC SCZ
where SCZ.Sno=SCX.Sno and SCZ.Cno=SCY.Cno));
select top 3 Cno as 课程号, Sno
from SC
where Cno=1
order by Grade desc;