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Computer Organization and Design - The Hardware-Software Interface
Computer technology has made incredible progress in the past half century. In 1945, there were no stored-program computers. Today, a few thousand dollars will purchase a personal computer that has more performance, more main memo- ry, and more disk storage than a computer bought in 1965 for $1 million. This rapid rate of improvement has come both from advances in the technology used to build computers and from innovation in computer design. While technological improvements have been fairly steady, progress arising from better computer architectures has been much less consistent. During the first 25 years of elec- tronic computers, both forces made a major contribution; but beginning in about 1970, computer designers became largely dependent upon integrated circuit tech- nology. During the 1970s, performance continued to improve at about 25% to 30% per year for the mainframes and minicomputers that dominated the industry. The late 1970s saw the emergence of the microprocessor. The ability of the microprocessor to ride the improvements in integrated circuit technology more closely than the less integrated mainframes and minicomputers led to a higher rate of improvement—roughly 35% growth per year in performance.
Project 2016项目管理自学经典
本书以案例为主,由浅入深、图文并茂地介绍了Project 2016项目管理的基础知识和应用技巧。全书共分
为18章,内容涵盖了项目管理基础、初识Project 2016、创建新项目、建立项目任务、建立项目资源、分配项
分析财务进度、协调多项目、安装Project Server 2016、设置Project Server服务器、沟通与协作管理、
不仅可以掌握Project 2016的知识点,还可以将本书中的经典案例应用到实际工作中。本书简单易懂、内容丰
This book is intended to be a comprehensive and thorough treatment of the OAuth 2.0 protocol and many of its surrounding technologies, including OpenID Connect and JOSE/JWT. We want you to come away from this book with a deep understanding of what OAuth can do, why it works the way that it does, and how to deploy it properly and securely in an unsafe internet.
The target reader for this book is someone who’s probably used OAuth 2.0, or at least heard of it, but doesn’t really know how it works or why it works that way. Maybe you’ve even developed one or more OAuth 2.0 components, such as a client to talk to a specific API, but you’re curious about other kinds of clients, or other parts of the OAuth 2.0 ecosystem. Perhaps you wonder, “What’s the authorization server doing when you go ask for that authorization code, anyway?” Or perhaps you’re tasked with protecting an API and you want to know if OAuth 2.0 is really going to do the job, and if so, how are you supposed to manage that? Maybe in your day job you’re building a client, but you want to know what the protected resource does with that token you sent it. Or maybe you’re building and protecting an API, but you want to know what the authorization server you’re talking to does to get those tokens into the right place. We want you to understand what the tool, OAuth 2.0, is really good at and how you can wield it effectively.
We’re going to assume you know the basics of how HTTP works, and at least understand the utility of encrypting connections using TLS, if not the intimate details of how it works. Our code is all in JavaScript, but this isn’t a book about JavaScript, and so we’ve done our best to explain the abstractions and functional- ity that the code itself represents so that you can apply it to your own platform and
Node Cookbook, Second Edition.pdf
The principles of asynchronous event-driven programming are perfect for today's Web, where
efficient, high-concurrency applications are essential for good user experience and a company's
bottom line.
The use of Node for tooling and server-side logic with a browser-based client-side UI leads to
a full-stack unilingual experience—everything is JavaScript. This saves developers, architects,
project leads, and entire teams the cognitive energy of context-switching between languages,
and yields rapid, fluid development cycles.
With a thriving community and success stories from major organizations (such as Groupon,
PayPal, and Yahoo), Node.js is relevant to enthusiasts, start-ups, and enterprises alike.
Node Cookbook Second Edition shows you how to transfer your JavaScript skills to server-side
programming. With simple examples and supporting code, this book takes you through various
server-side scenarios, often saving you time, effort, and trouble by demonstrating best practices
and showing you how to avoid security mistakes.
The second edition comes with an additional chapter (Chapter 5, Employing Streams) and
has been updated for the latest version of Node along with the most recent versions of the
modules and frameworks discussed. In particular, the very latest versions of the popular
Express and Socket.IO frameworks have extensive coverage.
Beginning with making your own web server, the practical recipes in this cookbook are designed
to smoothly help you progress to make full web applications, command-line applications, and
Node modules. Node Cookbook Second Edition takes you through interfacing with various
database backends, such as MySQL, MongoDB, and Redis, working with web sockets, and
interfacing with network protocols, such as SMTP. Additionally, there are recipes on handling
streams of data, security implementations, writing your own Node modules, and different ways
to take your apps live.
Git in Practice
Git in Practice is not a comprehensive guide of every single command and feature avail- able with Git. A book that covered this would be considerably longer than the one you find before you, and you’d learn a lot of unnecessary information. Instead, this book provides a detailed understanding of all the features of Git that are useful when you’re using Git to manage source code for software projects. I decided on the contents by looking at my Terminal shell history and prioritizing commands based on how much I use them. I also discuss workflows and best practices used in the real world to organize software projects when using Git.
This book isn’t written for every software developer but, as an In Practice book, aims at the intermediate to advanced level. To get the most out of this book, you should be able to relate to or exceed the knowledge of one of these target readers:
■ Software developer who uses Git and knows enough to interact with a Git repos- itory but lacks understanding of any features beyond those provided by other version control systems
■ Software developer with advanced Subversion knowledge (able to branch, merge, and set/get Subversion metadata variables) who wishes to learn how to use Git
■ Software developer who wishes to learn Git best practices to contribute to open source projects on GitHub
■ Trainer with Git experience who wants to learn about more conceptual topics, commands they may have missed, and workflows, and who wants a resource to help coach others about using Git
Spring Microservices in Action consists of 10 chapters and two appendixes:
Chapter 1 introduces you to why the microservices architecture is an important and relevant approach to building applications, especially cloud-based applications.
Chapter 2 walks you through how to build your first REST-based microservice using Spring Boot. This chapter will guide you in how to look at your microser- vices through the eyes of an architect, an application engineer, and a DevOps engineer.
Chapter 3 introduces you to how to manage the configuration of your microser- vices using Spring Cloud Config. Spring Cloud Config helps you guarantee that your service’s configuration information is centralized in a single repository, versioned and repeatable across all instances of your services.
Chapter 4 introduces you to one of the first microservice routing patterns: ser- vice discovery. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to use Spring Cloud and Net- flix’s Eureka service to abstract away the location of your services from the clients consuming them.
Chapter 5 is all about protecting the consumers of your microservices when one or more microservice instances is down or in a degraded state. This chapter will demonstrate how to use Spring Cloud and Netflix Hystrix (and Netflix Ribbon) to implement client-side load balancing of calls, the circuit breaker pattern, the fallback pattern, and the bulkhead pattern.
Chapter 6 covers the microservice routing pattern: the service gateway. Using Spring Cloud with Netflix’s Zuul server, you’ll build a single entry point for all microservices to be called through. We’ll discuss how to use Zuul’s filter API to build policies that can be enforced against all services flowing through the ser- vice gateway.
Chapter 7 covers how to implement service authentication and authorization using Spring Cloud security and OAuth2. We’ll cover the basics of setting up an OAuth2 service to protect your services and also how to use JavaScript Web Tokens (JWT) in your OAuth2 implementation.
Chapter 8 looks at how you can introduce asynchronous messaging into your microservices using Spring Cloud Stream and Apache Kafka.
Chapter 9 shows how to implement common logging patterns such as log corre- lation, log aggregation, and tracing using Spring Cloud Sleuth and Open Zipkin. Chapter 10 is the cornerstone project for the book. You’ll take the services you’ve built in the book and deploy them to Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). We’ll also discuss how to automate the build and deployment of your microservices using tools such as Travis CI.
Appendix A covers how to set up your desktop development environment so that you can run all the code examples in this book. This appendix covers how the local build process works and also how to start up Docker locally if you want to run the code examples locally.
Appendix B is supplemental material on OAuth2. OAuth2 is an extremely flexi- ble authentication model, and this chapter provides a brief overview of the dif- ferent manners in which OAuth2 can be used to protect an application and its corresponding microservices.
Mastering OAuth 2.0
Chapter 1, Why Should I Care About OAuth 2.0?, introduces the OAuth 2.0 protocol, and discusses its purpose, prevalence, and importance.Chapter 2, A Bird's Eye View of OAuth 2.0, takes a high-level look at the OAuth 2.0 protocol and the different workfows it describes.Chapter 3, Four Easy Steps, enumerates the simple steps necessary to integrate with a service provider using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
Redis in Action
Redis is an innovative data tool that offers more flexibility than other available NoSQL key-value stores like Cassandra or DynamoDB. Because Redis accepts hashes, strings, lists, and other structures as values, you can expand the key-value idea to a wider range of use cases. Redis works with in-memory datasets to provide lightning-fast response times, and makes it easy to persist data to disk on the fly. It's free, open source, and easy to utilize from most standard programming languages., Redis in Action introduces Redis and walks you through examples that demonstrate how to use it effectively. You'll begin by getting Redis set up properly and then exploring the key-value model. Then, you'll dive into real use cases including simple caching, distributed ad targeting, and more. You'll learn how to scale Redis from small jobs to massive datasets. Experienced developers will appreciate chapters on clustering Redis and internal scripting to make programming for Redis it easier to use.
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