alignment //对齐方式
firstLineHeadIndent //首行缩进
headIndent //缩进
tailIndent //尾部缩进
lineBreakMode //断行方式
maximumLineHeight //最大行高
minimumLineHeight //最低行高
lineSpacing //行距
paragraphSpacing //段距
paragraphSpacingBefore //段首空间
baseWritingDirection //句子方向
lineHeightMultiple //可变行高,乘因数。
hyphenationFactor //连字符属性
NSString *const NSForegroundColorAttributeName;//值为UIColor,字体颜色,默认为黑色。
NSString *const NSBackgroundColorAttributeName;//值为UIColor,字体背景色,默认没有。
NSString *const NSLigatureAttributeName;//值为整型NSNumber,连字属性,一般中文用不到,在英文中可能出现相邻字母连笔的情况。0为不连笔;1为默认连笔,也是默认值;2在ios 上不支持。
NSString *const NSKernAttributeName;//值为浮点数NSNumber,字距属性,默认值为0。
NSString *const NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName;//值为整型NSNumber,可取值为
enum {
NSUnderlineStyleNone = 0×00,
NSUnderlineStyleSingle = 0×01,
NSString *const NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName;//同上。设置下划线。
NSString *const NSStrokeColorAttributeName;//值为UIColor,默认值为nil,设置的属性同ForegroundColor。
NSString *const NSStrokeWidthAttributeName;//值为浮点数NSNumber。设置比画的粗细。
NSString *const NSShadowAttributeName;//值为NSShadow,设置比画的阴影,默认值为nil。
NSString *const NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName;//值为整型NSNumber,0为水平排版的字,1为垂直排版的字。
NSDictionary *attributes = @{ NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [ UIColorredColor
NSFontAttributeName : [ UIFont fontWithName : @"Zapfino" size : 16.0]
NSString *strDisplayText = @"This is an attributed string."
NSAttributedString *attributedText = [[ NSAttributedString alloc ] initWithString:strDisplayText attributes
self . lblInfo . attributedText = attributedText;
NSDictionary *attributes1 = @{
NSBackgroundColorAttributeName : [ UIColor orangeColor ],
NSFontAttributeName : [ UIFont fontWithName : @"Zapfino" size : 22.0 ],
NSKernAttributeName : @- 1.0
} ;
NSString *strDisplayText1 = @"Orange Background" ;
NSAttributedString *attributedText1 = [[ NSAttributedString alloc ] initWithString:strDisplayText1 attributes :attributes1];
self . lblInfo1 . attributedText = attributedText1;
NSShadow *shadow = [[ NSShadow alloc ] init ];
shadow. shadowColor = [ UIColor greenColor ];
shadow. shadowBlurRadius = 5.0 ;
shadow. shadowOffset = CGSizeMake ( 1.0 , 1.0 );
NSDictionary *attributes2 = @{
NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName : @1 ,
NSShadowAttributeName : shadow
} ;
NSString *strDisplayText2 = @"Shadow Font" ;
NSAttributedString *attributedText2 = [[ NSAttributedString alloc ] initWithString:strDisplayText2 attributes :attributes2];
self . lblInfo2 . attributedText = attributedText2;
NSDictionary *subStrAttribute1 = @{
NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [ UIColor redColor ],
NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName : @2
} ;
NSDictionary *subStrAttribute2 = @{
NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [ UIColor greenColor ]
} ;
NSString *strDisplayText3 = @"Red and Green" ;
NSMutableAttributedString *attributedText3 = [[ NSMutableAttributedString alloc ]initWithString :strDisplayText3];
[attributedText3 setAttributes :subStrAttribute1 range : NSMakeRange ( 0 , 3 )];
[attributedText3 setAttributes :subStrAttribute2 range : NSMakeRange ( 8 , 5 )];
self . lblInfo3 . attributedText = attributedText3;
NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraph = [[ NSMutableParagraphStyle alloc ] init
alignment = NSTextAlignmentJustified;
firstLineHeadIndent = 20.0;
paragraphSpacingBefore = 10.0;
lineSpacing = 5;
hyphenationFactor = 1.0;
NSDictionary *attributes4 = @{ NSForegroundColorAttributeName : [ UIColorredColor
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName : paragraph };
NSString *strDisplayText4 = @“iPad inspires creativity and ……”
NSAttributedString *attributedText4 = [[ NSAttributedString alloc ] initWithString : strDisplayText4 attributes :attributes4];
self . lblInfo4 . attributedText = attributedText4;