[二] XJCO3221 并行计算 Parallel Computation (SMP)

1. Overview

Previous lecture

In the introductory lecture we saw:

Why technological limitations have led to multi-core CPUs.

Parallel architectures also present in high-performance clusters, and graphics processing units (GPUs).

Some general concepts:

  • Concurrency (more general than parallelism).
  • Shared versus distributed memory.
  • Potential performance issues related to communication.
  • Flynn’s taxonomy

This lecture

This lecture is the first of six on shared memory parallelism, relevant to multi-core CPUs.

  • The hardware architecture, including the memory cache.
  • Processes versus threads and the thread scheduler.
  • Languages and frameworks suitable for these systems.
  • How to set up and run OpenMP.

2. Anatomy of a multi-core CPU

2.1 Multi-core architecture

a. Multi-core CPUs

A core is a single processing unit that executes instructions:

  • Has components that fetch, decode etc. instructions.
  • Functional units for integer and floating point operations.
  • Other features such as instruction level parallelism

As its name suggests, multi-core processors contain more than one such unit.

  • MIMD in Flynn’s taxonomy (single cores are SISD).
  • Most common now are dual core, quad core and octa core.
  • High-performance chips can have many more, e.g. SW26010 (used in China’s Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer) has 260.

b. Simultaneous multithreading

Some chips employ simultaneous multithreading:

  • Two (or more) threads run on the same core.
  • If one thread stops execution (e.g. to wait for memory access), the other takes over.

Appears as two logical processors to the programmer, and only requires 5% increase in chip area.

  • Performance improvements only 15%-30%.

When interrogating a framework for the maximum number of available threads, you may get more than the number of cores

2.2 Memory caches

a. The processor-memory gap

Memory access rates are increasing far slower than processor performance (taking into account number of cores):

  • This is the processor-memory gap.

b. Single-core memory caches: A reminder

  • Small, fast, on-chip memory.
  • Accessing main memory returns a line to the cache (e.g. 64 bytes).
  • Subsequent accesses return the cache data (a cache hit - fast), or from main memory (a cache miss - slow).
  • Multiple caches levels (e.g. L1, L2, L3) arranged hierarchically.

c. Multi-core memory caches

Different manufacturers choose different ways to incorporate caches into multi-core designs.

Often use hierarchy:

  • Each core has its own L1 cache.
  • Share higher level caches.

For e.g. quad cores:

  • L1 for each core.
  • L2 for pairs.
  • L3 for all cores.

 d. Cache coherency

  1. Core 1 reads an address x, resulting in a line in its L1.
  2. Core 2 does the same, resulting in a line in its L1.
  3. Core 1 changes the value of x in its L1.
  4. Core 2 reads x from its L1, which still has the old value.

Maintaining consistent memory views for all cores is known as cache coherency

A common way to maintain cache coherency is snooping:

  • The cache controller detects writes to caches, and updates higher-level caches.

e. False sharing

Maintaining cache coherency incurs a performance loss.

  • If two cores repeatedly write to the same memory location, the higher level caches will be constantly updated.

However, if the cores write to nearby but different memory locations on the same cache line, updates will still occur.

  • i.e. hardware performance loss with no need.

This unnecessary cache coherency is known as false sharing

f. Potential benefit of cache sharing 

It is also possible for multiple cores to benefit from shared caches:

  1. Core 1 reads an address x from main memory.
  2. A line including x is read into L2, and the L1 for Core 1.
  3. Core 2 now tries to access an address y that is ‘near to’ x.
  4. If y is on the line just copied into L2, Core 2 will not need to access main memory.

It is therefore possible for fewer accesses to main memory overall, compared to the equivalent serial code.

This can result in parallel speed up more than the number of cores (known as superlinear speedup; cf. Lecture 4).

 2.3 Operating System

a. Processes versus threads

Control flows can be either processes or threads:


  • Executable program plus all required information.
  • Register, stack and heap memory, with own address space.
  • Explicit communication between processes (via sockets).
  • Expensive to generate (large heap memory).


  • Threads of one process share its address space.
  • Implicit communication via this shared memory.
  • Cheap to generate (no heap memory). 

b. Kernel versus user-level threads

The threads that execute on the core(s) are kernel threads.

  • Only the OS has direct control over kernel threads.

Programmers instead generate user-level threads.

  • Managed by a thread library.
  • Mapped to kernel threads by the OS scheduler

 3. Programming multi-core CPUS

3.1 Frameworks, libraries and languages\

a. Thread programming

The choice of programming framework/API/library/etc.

must be suitable for the architecture on which it will run.

  • Multi-core CPUs use SMP = Shared Memory Parallelism.

It is possible to program user threads directly:

  • Java supported threads early on, through the Thread class and Runnable interface.
  • The C library pthread implements POSIX threads.
  • C++11 has language-level concurrency support.
  • Python has a threading library, although need to work around its global interpreter lock to exploit multi-cores.

b. Higher-level threading support

Higher-level options that do not require explicit thread control also exist to reduce development times.

Java’s Concurrency library (in java.util).

The OpenMP standard (this module and next slides).

For C/C++, as well as OpenMP there are [see McCool et al. in Structured Parallel Programming (Morgan-Kaufman, 2012)].

  • Cilk Plus.
  • TBB (Threading Building Blocks).
  • ArBB (Array Building Blocks).
  • OpenCL, although primarily used for GPUs.

The first three are not (yet?) widely implemented in compilers.

3.2 The OpenMP standard 

a. OpenMP

For the SMP component of this module we will use OpenMP.

  • Portable standard devised in 1997 and widely implemented in C, C++ and FORTRAN compilers.
  • Maintained by the OpenMP Architecture Review Board.
  • Currently up to v5.2, although compilers may only support earlier versions

3.3 helloWorld.c

a. helloWorld.c

For this module we will use gcc (GNU Compiler Collection)1 :

  1. Compile with -fopenmp
  2. Must include omp.h
// Simple 'Hello World' program for OpenMP.
// Compile with '-fopenmp', i.e.: gcc -fopenmp <other options as usual>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>		// Required for run-time OpenMP library routines

int main()
	// Tells the compiler to parallelise the next bit; the scope after this pragma is in parallel
	#pragma omp parallel
		// Get the thread number, and the maximum number of threads which depends on the target architecture.
		int threadNum  = omp_get_thread_num ();
		int maxThreads = omp_get_max_threads();

		// Simple message to stdout
		printf( "Hello from thread %i of %i!\n", threadNum, maxThreads );

	return 0;

b. Compiling C: Reminder

If the source code is called helloWorld.c:

gcc -fopenmp -Wall -o helloWorld helloWorld.c


  • -fopenmp tells compiler to expect OpenMP pragmas.
  • -Wall turns on all warnings; recommended but not required.
  • -o helloWorld is the executable name (a.out by default).
  • helloWorld.c is the source code.
  • Sometimes need e.g. -lm for the maths library

c. #pragma omp parallel

#pragma directives provide information beyond the language.

All OpenMP pragmas start: #pragma omp ...

Here, #pragma omp parallel is telling the compiler to perform the next scope (i.e. the section of code between the curly brackets, from { to }) in parallel.

  • The code inside this scope is run by multiple threads.
  • Outside of this scope there is only one thread.

This is why the printf statement is repeated multiple times, even though it only appears once in code.

We will look at this in more detail next time

d. #include <omp.h>

Include omp.h to use OpenMP runtime library routines:

int omp max thread num():

  • Returns the maximum number of threads.
  • Defaults to hardware concurrency, e.g. the number of cores.
  • May exceed apparent core number with simultaneous multithreading (see earlier).

int omp get thread num():

  • Returns the thread number within the current scope.
  • 0 <= omp get thread num() < omp max thread num()

e. Setting the number of threads

If you don’t want to use the default number of threads:

void omp set num threads(int):

  • Will change the number of threads dynamically.
  • Can exceed hardware concurrency.

Alternatively, use shell environment variables:

  • For bash: export OMP NUM THREADS=<num>
  • Avoids the need to recompile.
  • List all environment variables using env.
  • To see all OMP variables: env | grep OMP

4. Summary and next lecture

Today we have started looking at shared memory parallelism (SMP):

  • Relevant to multi-core CPUs.
  • OS scheduler maps threads to cores.
  • Various languages, frameworks etc. support SMP.
  • OpenMP is commonly supported by C/C++ compilers.

Next time we will look in more detail at what is actually going on at the thread level, for a more interesting example.

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