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原创 6-1 二分查找 (10 分)
本题要求实现二分查找算法。函数接口定义:Position BinarySearch( List L, ElementType X );其中List结构定义如下:typedef int Position;typedef struct LNode *List;struct LNode { ElementType Data[MAXSIZE]; Position Last; /* 保存线性表中最后一个元素的位置 */};L是用户传入的一个线性表,其中ElementType元素可以
2021-12-02 09:09:47 548
原创 6-1 String Factory I (10 分)
You got a job in String Factory. In String Factory, there are n kinds of raw materials(as strings), which can be processed into products(also as strings). To make perfect products, cutting and splicing are necessary.Your job is making raw materials into p
2021-11-12 10:57:37 110
原创 6-1 Deque (20 分)
6-1 Deque (20 分)A “deque” is a data structure consisting of a list of items, on which the following operations are possible:Push(X,D): Insert item X on the front end of deque D.Pop(D): Remove the front item from deque D and return it.Inject(X,D): Inser
2021-10-16 11:12:51 145
原创 6-6 删除单链表偶数节点 (10 分)
6-6 删除单链表偶数节点 (10 分)本题要求实现两个函数,分别将读入的数据存储为单链表、将链表中偶数值的结点删除。链表结点定义如下:struct ListNode { int data; struct ListNode *next;};函数接口定义:struct ListNode *createlist();struct ListNode *deleteeven( struct ListNode *head );函数createlist从标准输入读入一系列正整数,按照读
2021-09-28 11:48:44 636
原创 6-5 Reverse Linked List (15 分)
6-5 Reverse Linked List (15 分)Write a nonrecursive procedure to reverse a singly linked list in O(N) time using constant extra space.Format of functions:List Reverse( List L );where List is defined as the following:typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;typ
2021-09-26 11:01:19 510 1
原创 6-4 Add Two Polynomials (15 分)
6-4 Add Two Polynomials (15 分)Write a function to add two polynomials. Do not destroy the input. Use a linked list implementation with a dummy head node. Note: The zero polynomial is represented by an empty list with only the dummy head node.Format of fu
2021-09-26 10:23:49 385
原创 6-3 带头结点的链式表操作集 (20 分)
6-3 带头结点的链式表操作集 (20 分)本题要求实现带头结点的链式表操作集。函数接口定义:List MakeEmpty(); Position Find( List L, ElementType X );bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P );bool Delete( List L, Position P );`其中List结构定义如下:typedef struct LNode *PtrToLNode;struct LNode
2021-09-25 09:57:05 1450 1
原创 6-2 线性表元素的区间删除 (12 分)
6-2 线性表元素的区间删除 (12 分)给定一个顺序存储的线性表,请设计一个函数删除所有值大于min而且小于max的元素。删除后表中剩余元素保持顺序存储,并且相对位置不能改变。函数接口定义:List Delete( List L, ElementType minD, ElementType maxD );其中List结构定义如下:typedef int Position;typedef struct LNode *List;struct LNode { ElementType Da
2021-09-24 21:31:48 417
原创 6-1 顺序表操作集 (20 分)
6-1 顺序表操作集 (20 分)本题要求实现顺序表的操作集。函数接口定义:List MakeEmpty();Position Find( List L, ElementType X );bool Insert( List L, ElementType X, Position P );bool Delete( List L, Position P );其中List结构定义如下:typedef int Position;typedef struct LNode List;struct LN
2021-09-24 21:05:29 158
原创 MySQL小白学习笔记
MySQL小白学习笔记(1)1.基本语法:select 查找元素from 查询元素所在表where 筛选条件2.select1.后面是你要查找的元素,字段,常量,表达式等,可以是一个也可是多个,用*指代所有字段。2.字段字符型和日期型常量要用单引号引起来,数值型不需要。3.去重:select distinct 字段名,出来的就是不重复的了。但只能单字段查询,不能一次查两个或多个,容易引起表格不齐。4.与其他高级编程语言不同,‘+’在MySQL中只能进行数字运算不能进行字符串拼接。sel
2021-08-30 11:12:58 94
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