

本篇主要讲解文件common.h 和 common.c,它们:

  • 提供了Samgr和外部模块的常用对象和函数。
  • 提供了简化的矢量容器和向下转换函数。



typedef void *MQueueId;
typedef void *MutexId;
typedef void *ThreadId;

// 计算T类型成员的偏移量
# define GET_OFFSIZE(T, member) (long)((char *)&(((T *)(0))->member))
#define GET_OBJECT(Ptr, T, member) (T *)(((char *)(Ptr)) - GET_OFFSIZE(T, member))
#define INVALID_INDEX (-1)

typedef void *(*VECTOR_Key)(const void *);
typedef int (*VECTOR_Compare)(const void *, const void *);

typedef struct SimpleVector {
    /** Maximum number of data records that can be stored. The initial value is <b>0</b>. */
    int16 max; //可存储的数据记录的最大数量,初始值为0
    /** Peak value of the number of stored data records. The initial value is <b>0</b>. */
    int16 top;//存储的数据记录数量的峰值,初始值为0
    /** Number of data records that have been released. The initial value is <b>0</b>. */
    int16 free;//没有被提交的最大数据记录数,初始值为0
    /** Data storage pointer */
    void **data;//数据存储指针
     * Converts a data element into a key for comparison. The key is provided by users, and the
     * default value is <b>NULL</b>.
     * 将数据元素转化成密钥加以比较,这个密钥由用户提供,默认值为空
    VECTOR_Key key;
     * Compares the sizes of key1 and key2, which are provided by users. The value <b>1</b>
     * indicates that key1 is greater than key2, the value <b>0</b> indicates that key1 is equal
     * to key2, and the value <b>-1</b> indicates that key1 is less than key2. The default value
     * is <b>NULL</b>.
     * 对比由用户提供的两个密钥的大小,1代表key1比key2要大,0代表二者一样大,-1代表key1小于key2,默认值为空
    VECTOR_Compare compare;
} Vector;


  • 数据存储记录的位置信息:max、top、free
  • 存储数据指针:**data
  • 向量密钥类型VECTOR_Key: key
  • 向量比较类型VECTOR_Compare: compare


 * @brief Creates or initializes a vector object.
 * 概述:创建或初始化一个向量类
 * This function is used to create or initialize a vector object. \n
 * @param key Indicates the pointer to the function provided by users for converting data elements
 * into key values. If this function is not provided, set it to <b>NULL</b>.
 * key代表有用户提供的函数指针用于转化数据元素为密钥值,如果功能函数没有给定,key先设为null
 * @param compare Indicates the pointer to the function for comparing the sizes of two elements.
 * If this function is not provided, set it to <b>NULL</b>.
 * compare代表对比两个元素大小的函数指针,如果功能函数没有给定,compare先设为null
 * @return Returns the vector right value object.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
Vector VECTOR_Make(VECTOR_Key key, VECTOR_Compare compare);

 * @brief Destruct a vector object.
 * This function is used to clear the memory applied by the vector after the temporary vector in
 * the stack is used. \n
 * @param vector Indicates the pointer to the vector to clear.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
void VECTOR_Clear(Vector *vector);

 * @brief Adds an element to the vector.
 * This function is used to add an element to the vector. \n
 * @param vector Indicates the <b>this</b> pointer to the vector.
 * @param element Indicates the element to add.
 * @return Returns the location of the element to be added if the operation is successful; returns
 * {@link INVALID_INDEX} if the operation fails.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0 */
int16 VECTOR_Add(Vector *vector, void *element);

 * @brief Obtains the number of elements in the vector, including elements that have been set to
 * <b>NULL</b>.
 * This function is used for full traversal. \n
 * @param vector Indicates the <b>this</b> pointer to the vector.
 * @return Returns the top value of the vector, which indicates the number of elements.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
int16 VECTOR_Size(Vector *vector);

 * @brief Obtains the number of valid elements in the vector, excluding elements that have been set
 * to <b>NULL</b>.
 * This function is used to check whether the number of elements reaches the upper limit. \n
 * @param vector Indicates the <b>this</b> pointer to the vector.
 * @return Returns the top - free value of the vector, which indicates the number of non-null
 * elements.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
int16 VECTOR_Num(Vector *vector);

 * @brief Obtains the element at a specified position.
 * This function is used to obtain the element at a specified position.
 * @param vector Indicates the <b>this</b> pointer to the vector.
 * @param index Indicates the subscript to be obtained.
 * @return Returns the element if obtained; returns <b>NULL</b> otherwise.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
void *VECTOR_At(Vector *vector, int16 index);

 * @brief Swaps the element at a specified position in a vector with another element.
 * This function is used to clear, sort, or update elements in the vector. \n
 * @param vector Indicates the <b>this</b> pointer to the vector.
 * @param index Indicates the position of the element to be swapped.
 * @param element Indicates the pointer to the new element.
 * @attention Before using this function, ensure that the index is valid. You can use
 * <b>VECTOR_Size</b> to obtain the upper limit of the index.
 * @return Returns the original element if the swapping is successful; returns <b>NULL</b>
 * if the swapping fails.
 * @see VECTOR_Size
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
void *VECTOR_Swap(Vector *vector, int16 index, void *element);

 * @brief Checks the position of an element.
 * This function is used to check whether a vector has a specified element. \n
 * @param vector Indicates the <b>this</b> pointer to the vector.
 * @param element Indicates the element to be checked.
 * @return Returns the index of the element that is not less than 0 if the check is successful;
 * returns {@link INVALID_INDEX} if the check fails.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
int16 VECTOR_Find(Vector *vector, const void *element);

 * @brief Checks the position of the element with a specified key.
 * This function is used to check an element based on its key value. \n
 * @param vector Indicates the <b>this</b> pointer to the vector.
 * @param key Indicates the pointer to the key value of the element to check.
 * @return Returns the index of the key element that is not less than 0 if the check is successful;
 * returns {@link INVALID_INDEX} if the check fails.
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
int16 VECTOR_FindByKey(Vector *vector, const void *key);



├── 向量的初始化操作
│ └── VECTOR_Make
│ └── VECTOR_Clear
│ └── VECTOR_Add
├── 向量位置定位操作
│ └── VECTOR_At
│ └── VECTOR_Find
│ └── VECTOR_FindByKey
├── 向量功能性函数
│ └── VECTOR_Swap
│ └── VECTOR_Size
│ └── VECTOR_Num


Vector VECTOR_Make(VECTOR_Key key, VECTOR_Compare compare)
    Vector vector = {0, 0, 0, NULL, key, compare};
    return vector;

void VECTOR_Clear(Vector *vector)
    if (vector == NULL) {
    if (vector->data == NULL) {
    vector->max = 0;
    vector->top = 0;
    vector->free = 0;
    vector->data = NULL;

int16 VECTOR_Add(Vector *vector, void *element)
    if (vector == NULL || element == NULL) {
        return INVALID_INDEX;

    if (vector->top >= vector->max) {
        int16 i;
        // use released data elements preferentially
        for (i = vector->top - (int16)1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (vector->data[i] == NULL) {
                vector->data[i] = element;
                vector->free--; //插入时要让有被提交的数据记录数-1
                return i;//成功插入后函数返回存入数据的位置i
        if (vector->max + GROW_STEP < 0) {
            return INVALID_INDEX;//返回无效索引

        void **data = (void **)SAMGR_Malloc(sizeof(void *) * (vector->max + GROW_STEP));
        if (data == NULL) {
            return INVALID_INDEX;

        if (vector->data != NULL) {
            // data's length is bigger than vector->data's length and only copy vector->data's length's memory;
            // no need to check return value
            (void)memcpy_s(data, sizeof(void *) * (vector->max + GROW_STEP),
                           vector->data, sizeof(void *) * vector->max);
        vector->data = data;
        vector->max += GROW_STEP;
    vector->data[vector->top] = element;
    return vector->top++;


void *VECTOR_At(Vector *vector, int16 index)
    if (vector == NULL || vector->top <= index || index < 0) {
        return NULL;

    return vector->data[index];

int16 VECTOR_Find(Vector *vector, const void *element)
    if (vector == NULL || element == NULL) {
        return INVALID_INDEX;
    return VECTOR_FindByKey(vector, (vector->key == NULL) ? element : vector->key(element));

int16 VECTOR_FindByKey(Vector *vector, const void *key)
    if (vector == NULL || key == NULL) {
        return INVALID_INDEX;

    int16 i;
    for (i = 0; i < vector->top; ++i) {
        if (vector->data[i] == NULL) {

        //如果向量对应的密钥为空则first为第i个位置的数据元素,否则first为第 i个向量数据元素的密钥
        void *first = (vector->key != NULL) ? vector->key(vector->data[i]) : vector->data[i];
        if (first == key) {
            return i;

        if (vector->compare == NULL || first == NULL) {

        if (vector->compare(first, key) == 0) {
            return i;
    return INVALID_INDEX;


void *VECTOR_Swap(Vector *vector, int16 index, void *element)
    if (vector == NULL || vector->top <= index || index < 0) {
        return NULL;
    if (element == NULL) {
    void *oldElement = vector->data[index];
    vector->data[index] = element;
    return oldElement; //返回旧元素地址(当前存放的是新元素)

int16 VECTOR_Size(Vector *vector)
    if (vector == NULL) {
        return INVALID_INDEX;
    return vector->top;

int16 VECTOR_Num(Vector *vector)
    if (vector == NULL) {
        return INVALID_INDEX;
    return vector->top - vector->free;



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