【C++ primer】第3章 字符串、向量和数组 (3)

Part I: The Basics
Chapter 3. Strings, Vectors, and Arrays

3.5 数组




unsigned cnt = 42;          // not a constant expression 
constexpr unsigned sz = 42; // constant expression
int arr[10];             // array of ten ints 
int *parr[sz];           // array of 42 pointers to int 
string bad[cnt];         // error: cnt is not a constant expression 
string strs[get_size()]; // ok if get_size is constexpr, error otherwise


const unsigned sz = 3; 
int ia1[sz] = {0,1,2};        // array of three ints with values 0, 1, 2 
int a2[] = {0, 1, 2};         // an array of dimension 3 
int a3[5] = {0, 1, 2};        // equivalent to a3[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 0} 
string a4[3] = {"hi", "bye"}; // same as a4[] =  {"hi", "bye", ""} 
int a5[2] = {0,1,2};          // error: too many initializers


char a1[] = {'C', '+', '+'};       // list initialization, no null 
char a2[] = {'C', '+', '+', '\0'}; // list initialization, explicit null 
char a3[] = "C++";                 // null terminator added automatically 
const char a4[6] = "Daniel";       // error: no space for the null!


int a[] = {0, 1, 2}; // array of three ints 
int a2[] = a;        // error: cannot initialize one array with another 
a2 = a;              // error: cannot assign one array to another

编译器扩展(compiler extension):由特定编译器添加到语言的功能。依赖于编译器扩展的程序无法轻松移至其他编译器。一些编译器允许数组赋值作为编译器扩展。最好不要使用非标准特性!


int *ptrs[10];            //  ptrs is an array of ten pointers to int 
int &refs[10] = /* ? */;  //  error: no arrays of references 
int (*Parray)[10] = &arr; //  Parray points to an array of ten ints
int (&arrRef)[10] = arr;  //  arrRef refers to an array of ten ints



当使用变量表示数组下标时,通常应定义该变量的类型为 size_tsize_t 是机器特定的无符号类型,可以保证足以表示内存中任何对象的大小。
size_t 类型定义在 cstddef 头文件中,该头文件是 C 库中 stddef.h 标头的 C++ 版本。


// count the number of grades by clusters of ten: 0--9, 10--19, ... 90--99, 100 
unsigned scores[11] = {}; // 11 buckets, all value initialized to 0 
unsigned grade; 
while (cin >> grade) {    
	if (grade <= 100)
		++scores[grade/10]; // increment the counter for the current cluster 

使用范围 for 语句遍历数组元素

for (auto i : scores)      // for each counter in scores
	cout << i << " ";      // print the value of that counter cout << endl;


string nums[] = {"one", "two", "three"};  // array of strings 
string *p = &nums[0];   // p points to the first element in nums


string *p2 = nums;      // equivalent to p2 = &nums[0]


int ia[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // ia is an array of ten ints 
auto ia2(ia); // ia2 is an int* that points to the first element in ia 
ia2 = 42;     // error: ia2 is a pointer, and we can't assign an int to a pointer

auto ia2(&ia[0]);  // now it's clear that ia2 has type int*

注意:使用 decltype 关键字不会发生上述转换。

// ia3 is an array of ten ints 
decltype(ia) ia3 = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
ia3 = p;    // error: can't assign an int* to an array 
ia3[4] = i; // ok: assigns the value of i to an element in ia3


int arr[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; 
int *p = arr; // p points to the first element in arr 
++p;          // p points to arr[1] 
int *e = &arr[10]; // pointer just past the last element in arr
for (int *b = arr; b != e; ++b)
	cout << *b << endl; // print the elements in arr

C++11标准:库函数 begin 和 end

int ia[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // ia is an array of ten ints 
int *beg = begin(ia); // pointer to the first element in ia 
int *last = end(ia);  // pointer one past the last element in ia

// pbeg points to the first and pend points just past the last element in arr 
int *pbeg = begin(arr),  *pend = end(arr); 
// find the first negative element, stopping if we've seen all the elements 
while (pbeg != pend && *pbeg >= 0) 


constexpr size_t sz = 5; 
int arr[sz] = {1,2,3,4,5}; 
int *ip = arr;     // equivalent to int *ip = &arr[0] 
int *ip2 = ip + 4; // ip2 points to arr[4], the last element in arr

// ok: arr is converted to a pointer to its first element; p points one past the end of arr 
int *p = arr + sz; // use caution -- do not dereference! 
int *p2 = arr + 10; // error: arr has only 5 elements; p2 has undefined value

两指针相减的结果的类型是一个名为 ptrdiff_t 的库类型,定义在 cstddef 头文件,是带符号整型。

auto n = end(arr) - begin(arr); // n is 5, the number of elements in arr


int *b = arr, *e = arr + sz; 
while (b < e) {
	// use *b

int i = 0, sz = 42; 
int *p = &i, *e = &sz; 
// undefined: p and e are unrelated; comparison is meaningless! 
while (p < e) 


int ia[] = {0,2,4,6,8}; // array with 5 elements of type int 
int last = *(ia + 4); // ok: initializes last to 8, the value of ia[4]
last = *ia + 4;  // ok: last = 4, equivalent to ia[0] + 4


int ia[] = {0,2,4,6,8};  // array with 5 elements of type int
int *p = &ia[2];  // p points to the element indexed by 2 
int j = p[1];     // p[1] is equivalent to *(p + 1), p[1] is the same element as ia[3] 
int k = p[-2];    // p[-2] is the same element as ia[0] 

C 风格字符串

虽然 C++ 支持 C风格字符串,但 C++ 程序最好不要使用它。C风格字符串很难使用,并且有很多 bug,是许多安全问题的根本原因。

表3.8 C风格字符串函数

strlen(p)返回 p 的长度,最后面的空字符不计算在内
strcmp(p1, p2)比较 p1 和 p2 的相等性。如果 p1 == p2,返回 0;如果 p1 > p2,返回正值;如果 p1 < p2,返回负值
strcat(p1, p2)将 p2 加到 p1 的后面,返回 p1
strcpy(p1, p2)将 p2 拷贝到 p1,返回 p1

上述函数定义在 cstring 头文件(C 语言头文件 string.h 的 C++ 版本)中。

char ca[] = {'C', '+', '+'};  // not null terminated 
cout << strlen(ca) << endl;   // disaster: ca isn't null terminated

上面程序的结果是不确定的。此调用最可能的结果是 strlen 将继续查看 ca 之后的内存,直到遇到空字符为止。


string s1 = "A string example"; 
string s2 = "A different string"; 
if (s1 < s2)  // false: s2 is less than s1

在 C风格字符串上使用这些运算符,比较的是指针值,而不是字符串本身:

const char ca1[] = "A string example"; 
const char ca2[] = "A different string"; 
if (ca1 < ca2)  // undefined: compares two unrelated addresses

要比较字符串而不是指针值,可以调用 strcmp。

if (strcmp(ca1, ca2) < 0) // same effect as string comparison s1 < s2


// disastrous if we miscalculated the size of largeStr 
strcpy(largeStr, ca1);     // copies ca1 into largeStr 
strcat(largeStr, " ");     // adds a space at the end of largeStr 
strcat(largeStr, ca2);     // concatenates ca2 onto largeStr

上面的代码容易出错,经常导致严重的安全漏洞。问题是错误计算 largeStr 所需的空间。


混合库 string 对象和 C风格字符串

string s("Hello World");  // s holds Hello World

如果程序的某处需要使用 C风格字符串,无法使用 string 对象替代它。

char *str = s; // error: can't initialize a char* from a string 
const char *str = s.c_str(); // ok

无法保证 c_str 函数返回的数组一直有效。如果后续操作改变了 s 的值,可能让该数组无效。
如果程序需要继续访问 str() 返回的数组的内容,则程序必须复制 c_str 返回的数组。

使用数组初始化 vector 对象

int int_arr[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; 
// ivec has six elements; each is a copy of the corresponding element in int_arr 
vector<int> ivec(begin(int_arr), end(int_arr));
// copies three elements: int_arr[1], int_arr[2], int_arr[3] 
vector<int> subVec(int_arr + 1, int_arr + 4);

建议: 现代 C++程序应使用 vector 和迭代器,而不是内置的数组和指针;使用字符串,而不是 C风格的基于数组的字符串。

3.6 多维数组



int ia[3][4] = {    // three elements; each element is an array of size 4    
	{0, 1, 2, 3},   // initializers for the row indexed by 0    
	{4, 5, 6, 7},   // initializers for the row indexed by 1    
	{8, 9, 10, 11}  // initializers for the row indexed by 2 

// equivalent initialization without the optional nested braces for each row 
int ia[3][4] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11}; 

// explicitly initialize only element 0 in each row 
int ia[3][4] = {{ 0 }, { 4 }, { 8 }};

// explicitly initialize row 0; the remaining elements are value initialized 
int ix[3][4] = {0, 3, 6, 9};

使用范围 for 语句处理多维数组

size_t cnt = 0; 
for (auto &row : ia)        // for every element in the outer array    
	for (auto &col : row) { // for every element in the inner array        
		col = cnt;          // give this element the next value        
		++cnt;              // increment cnt    

for (const auto &row : ia)  // for every element in the outer array    
	for (auto col : row)    // for every element in the inner array        
		cout << col << endl;


for (auto row : ia)
	for (auto col : row)


注意: 若要在范围 for 中使用多维数组,除最里面的数组之外,其他所有数组的循环控制变量都必须是引用。


int ia[3][4];     // array of size 3; each element is an array of ints of size 4 
int (*p)[4] = ia; // p points to an array of four ints 
p = &ia[2];       // p now points to the last element in ia

// print the value of each element in ia, with each inner array on its own line
// p points to an array of four ints 
for (auto p = ia; p != ia + 3; ++p) {    
	// q points to the first element of an array of four ints; that is, q points to an int
	for (auto q = *p; q != *p + 4; ++q)
		cout << *q << ' ';
	cout << endl; 

// p points to the first array in ia   
for (auto p = begin(ia); p != end(ia); ++p) {       
	// q points to the first element in an inner array       
	for (auto q = begin(*p); q != end(*p); ++q)
		cout << *q << ' ';   // prints the int value to which q points
	cout << endl; 


using int_array = int[4]; // new style type alias declaration
typedef int int_array[4]; // equivalent typedef declaration
// print the value of each element in ia, with each inner array on its own line
for (int_array *p = ia; p != ia + 3; ++p) {    
	for (int *q = *p; q != *p + 4; ++q)
		cout << *q << ' ';    
	cout << endl;

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