
// ArrayBasedLists.h  by hubo
// 6/22/2014
// Description:
//  The class specifies the members to implement the basic properties
//  of array-based lists.

namespace DataStructure
 // class template ArrayListType.
 template<typename ElemType>
 class ArrayListType
  //1. Type definition or declaration.
  using value_type = ElemType;
  //2. The definition of data member.
  value_type* m_pElem;
  int m_iSize;
  int m_iCapacity;
  //3. Constructor.
  ArrayListType(int defaultSize = 100);

  //deep copy.
  ArrayListType(const ArrayListType<value_type>& otherList);

  ArrayListType(ArrayListType<value_type>&& otherList);

  //4. Destructor.

  //5. Assignment.
  ArrayListType<value_type>& operator=(const ArrayListType<value_type>& otherList);

  ArrayListType<value_type>& operator=(ArrayListType<value_type>&& otherList);

  //6. Interface.
  //Function: Clear all elements in the list.
  //Precondition: The list exists. m_pElem != nullptr.
  //Postcondition: Return true if succeeds. m_iSize = 0. otherwise, return false.
  bool clearList();

  //Function: Determine whether the list is empty.
  //Precondition: The list exists. m_pElem != nullptr.
  //Postcondition: According to the truth of m_iSize equals or not equals 0, return true if m_iSize = 0; otherwise, 
  //    return false.
  bool isEmpty() const;

  //Function: Determine whether the list is full.
  //Precondition: The list exists. m_pElem != nullptr.
  //Postcondition: According to the truth of m_iSize equals or not equals m_iCapacity, return true 
  //    if m_iSize = m_iCapacity; otherwise, return false.
  bool isFull() const;

  //Function: Determine the number of elements in the list.
  //Precondition: The list exists. m_pElem != nullptr.
  //Postcondition: Return the value of m_iSize.
  int listSize() const;

  //Function: Determine the capacity of the list.
  //Precondition: The list exists. m_pElem != nullptr.
  //Postcondition: Return the capacity of the list.
  int listCapacity() const;

  //Function: Determine whether the item is the same as the item in the list at the position specified by location.
  //Precondition: The list exists, m_pElem != nullptr, and is not empty, and the value of location 
  //    fall into [0,m_iSize).
  //Postcondition: Return ture if list[location] is the same as the item; otherwise, return false.
  bool isItemAtEqual(int location, const value_type& item) const;

  //Function: Insert an item in the list at the position specified by location.
  //Precondition: The list exists, m_pElem != nullptr, and is not full, and the value of location fall into [0,m_iSize].
  //Postcondition: Return true if succeeds; otherwise, return false. list[location] = Item, ++m_iSize.
  bool insertAt(int location, const value_type& item);

  //Function: Insert an item at the end of the list.
  //Precondition: The list exists, m_pElem != nullptr, and is not full.
  //Postcondition: Return true if succeeds; otherwise, return false. list[m_iSize] = item, ++m_iSize.
  bool insertEnd(const value_type& item);

  //Function: Remove an item in the list at the position specified by location.
  //Precondition: The list exists, m_pElem != nullptr, and is not empty, the value of location fall into [0,m_iSize).
  //Postcondition: Return true if succeeds; otherwise, return false. --m_iSize.
  bool removeAt(int location);

  //Function: Replace an item in the list at the position specified by location.
  //Precondition: The list exists, m_pElem != nullptr, and is not empty, and the value of location fall into [0,m_iSize).
  //Postcondition: Return true if secceeds; otherwise, return false. list[location] = item.
  bool replaceAt(int location, const value_type& item);

  //Function: Retrieve an item in the list at the position specified by location.
  //Precondition: The list exists, m_pElem != nullptr, and is not empty, and the value of location fall into [0,m_iSize).
  //Postcondition: Return true if secceeds; otherwise, return false. item = list[location].
  bool retrieveAt(int location, value_type& item) const;

  //Function: Search the list for a given item.
  //Precondition: The list exists , m_pElem != nullptr, and is not empty.
  //Postcondition: If the item is found, returns the location in the array where the item is found;
  //    otherwise, returns -1.
  int seqSearch(const value_type& item) const;

  //Function: Insert the item specified by the parameter item.
  //Precondition: The list exists , m_pElem != nullptr, and is not full.
  //Postcondition: If the item specified by the parameter item doesn's exist in the list, insert the item at
  //    the end of the list, return true. list[m_iSize] = item, ++m_iSize. otherwise, return false.
  bool insert(const value_type& item);

  //Function: Remove the item specified by the parameter item.
  //Precondition: The list exists, m_pElem != nullptr, and is not empty.
  //Postcondtion: If the item specified by the parameter doesn's exist in the list, return false; otherwise, 
  //    return true, --m_iSize.
  bool remove(const value_type& item);

  //Function: Resize the capacity of the list.
  //Postcondition: Return true, if succeeds. m_iCapacity = size. otherwise, return false.
  bool resize(int size);

  //7. Help Function.
  //Function: Expand the capacity of the list.
  //Postcondition: Return the address of allocated memory.
  value_type* expand(int size);

 }; // class template ArrayListType
} // DataStructure
#include "ArrayBasedLists.inl"

// ArrayBasedLists.inl  by hubo
// 6/22/2014
// Description:
//  The implement to class template ArrayListType.

namespace DataStructure
 template<typename ElemType>
 ArrayListType<ElemType>::ArrayListType(int defaultSize/* 100 */)
  m_pElem = new value_type[defaultSize];
  m_iCapacity = defaultSize;
  m_iSize = 0;

 template<typename ElemType>
 ArrayListType<ElemType>::ArrayListType(const ArrayListType<value_type>& otherList)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   delete[] m_pElem;

  m_iCapacity = m_iCapacity;
  m_pElem = new value_type[m_iCapacity];
  m_iSize = otherList.m_iSize;

  for (int i = 0; i < m_iSize; ++i)
   *(m_pElem + i) = *(otherList.m_pElem + i);

 template<typename ElemType>
 ArrayListType<ElemType>::ArrayListType(ArrayListType<value_type>&& otherList)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   delete[] m_pElem;

  m_pElem = otherList.m_pElem;
  m_iSize = otherList.m_iSize;
  m_iCapacity = otherList.m_iCapacity;

  otherList.m_pElem = nullptr;
  otherList.m_iSize = 0;
  otherList.m_iCapacity = 0;

 template<typename ElemType>
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   delete[] m_pElem;

 template<typename ElemType>
 ArrayListType<ElemType>& ArrayListType<ElemType>::operator=(const ArrayListType<value_type>& otherList)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   delete[] m_pElem;

  m_iSize = otherList.m_iSize;
  m_iCapacity = otherList.m_iCapacity;
  m_pElem = new value_type[m_iCapacity];

  for (int i = 0; i < m_iSize; ++i)
   *(m_pElem + i) = *(otherList.m_pElem + i);

 template<typename ElemType>
 ArrayListType<ElemType>& ArrayListType<ElemType>::operator=(ArrayListType<value_type>&& otherList)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   delete[] m_pElem;

  m_pElem = otherList.m_pElem;
  m_iSize = otherList.m_iSize;
  m_iCapacity = otherList.m_iCapacity;

  otherList.m_pElem = nullptr;
  otherList.m_iSize = 0;
  otherList.m_iCapacity = 0;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::clearList()
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   m_iSize = 0;
   return true;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::isEmpty() const
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (m_iSize == 0)
    return true;
    return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::isFull() const
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (m_iSize >= m_iCapacity)
    return true;
    return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 int ArrayListType<ElemType>::listSize() const
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   return m_iSize;

  return -1;

 template<typename ElemType>
 int ArrayListType<ElemType>::listCapacity() const
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   return m_iCapacity;

  return -1;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::isItemAtEqual(int location, const value_type& item) const
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (location >= 0 && location < m_iSize)
    if (m_pElem[location] == item) return true;
    else return false;
   return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::insertAt(int location, const value_type& item)
  if (m_pElem != false)
   if (!isFull())
    if (location >= 0 && location <= m_iSize)
     for (int i = m_iSize; i > location; --i)
      m_pElem[i] = m_pElem[i - 1];

     m_pElem[location] = item;
     return true;

    return false;

   return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::insertEnd(const value_type& item)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (!isFull())
    m_pElem[m_iSize] = item;
    return true;
   return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::removeAt(int location)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (!isEmpty())
    if (location >= 0 && location < m_iSize)
     for (int i = location; i < m_iSize - 1; ++i)
      m_pElem[i] = m_pElem[i + 1];

     return true;

    return false;

   return false;

  return false;
 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::replaceAt(int location, const value_type& item)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (!isEmpty())
    if (location >= 0 && location < m_iSize)
     m_pElem[location] = item;
     return true;

    return false;

   return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::retrieveAt(int location, value_type& item) const
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (!isEmpty())
    if (location >= 0 && location < m_iSize)
     item = m_pElem[location];
     return true;

    return false;

   return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 int ArrayListType<ElemType>::seqSearch(const value_type& item) const
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (!isEmpty())
    for (int i = 0; i < m_iSize; ++i)
     if (m_pElem[i] == item) return i;

    return -1;

   return -1;

  return -1;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::insert(const value_type& item)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (!isFull())
    for (int i = 0; i < m_iSize; ++i)
     if (m_pElem[i] == item) return false;

    m_pElem[m_iSize] = item;
    return true;

   return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::remove(const value_type& item)
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   if (!isEmpty())
    for (int i = 0; i < m_iSize; ++i)
     if (m_pElem[i] == item)
      for (int j = i; j < m_iSize - 1; ++j)
       m_pElem[j] = m_pElem[j + 1];
      return true;

    return false;

   return false;

  return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 bool ArrayListType<ElemType>::resize(int size)
  if (expand(size))
   return true;
   return false;

 template<typename ElemType>
 auto ArrayListType<ElemType>::expand(int size)->value_type*
  void* pElem = nullptr;
  if (m_pElem != nullptr)
   pElem = new value_type[size];
   for (int i = 0; i < m_iSize; ++i)
    pElem[i] = m_pElem[i];
   delete[] m_pElem;
   m_iCapacity = size;
   if (size < m_iSize) m_iSize = size;
   return pElem;
   m_pElem = new value_type[size];
   m_iSize = 0;
   m_iCapacity = size;
   return pElem;
} // DataStructure






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