; Simple PIC 16F877X Program to drive Serial LCDs.
; Assumes 1MHZ CPU clock, 2400 baud rate for the LCD.
LIST p=16F874
#include "P16F874.INC"
; Counter variables for delay
cblock 0x20
; Vector for normal start up.
org 0
goto start
org 4
goto inthlr
; Main program starts here:
start clrw ; Clear W.
movwf PORTA ; Ensure PORTA is zero before we enable it.
movwf PORTB ; Ensure PORTB is zero before we enable it.
; Set up ports:
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0
bsf RCSTA,SPEN ; Enable USART.
bsf RCSTA,CREN ; Enable Receeive
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1
clrw ; Set W to mask for all outputs.
movwf TRISA ; Set TRISA register as outputs.
movwf TRISB ; Set TRISB register as outputs.
movlw 0x19 ; BRG value for 2400 baud @ 1MHz
movwf SPBRG ; Write it to register.
movlw 0xA4 ; CSRC/TXEN (Internal clock, 8 bit mode, Async operation, High Speed)
movwf TXSTA ; Write to TX control register.
movlw 80
call delay
movlw 'M' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'i' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'l' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'f' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'o' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'r' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'd' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw ' ' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'L' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'C' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'D' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw ' ' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'D' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'e' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'm' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 'o' ; Value to transmit.
call putc
movlw 0xC0 ; Move cursor to row two
call wrcmd
movlw 0x0D ; Show the cursor
call wrcmd
loop call getc
movwf char
sublw 0d
btfsc STATUS,Z
goto cls
movf char,w
sublw 08
btfsc STATUS,Z
goto bspace
movf char,W
call putc ; Send the character straight thru
goto loop
cls movlw 0x01 ; Send command prefix
call wrcmd
goto loop
bspace movlw 0x10 ; Send command prefix
call wrcmd
goto loop
hang clrwdt ; Clear WDT in case it is enabled.
goto hang
;Subroutine to sent a command
wrcmd movwf cmd ; Store the command
movlw 0xFE ; Write the command prefix
call putc
movf cmd,W ; Write the command code
goto putc
;Subroutine to wait and receive a byte
;Returns character in W
getc bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0.
getc1 btfss PIR1,RCIF ; Skip if RC int flag set
goto getc1 ; Try again
movf RCREG,W ; Read the character
bcf PIR1,RCIF ; Clear the interrupt flag
;Subroutine to transmit a byte and wait
;W = Character
putc bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0.
movwf TXREG ; Write it!