iOS locks

The presence of multiple threads in an application opens up potential issues regarding safe access to resources from multiple threads of execution. Two threads modifying the same resource might interfere with each other in unintended ways. For example, one thread might overwrite another’s changes or put the application into an unknown and potentially invalid state. If you are lucky, the corrupted resource might cause obvious performance problems or crashes that are relatively easy to track down and fix. If you are unlucky, however, the corruption may cause subtle errors that do not manifest themselves until much later, or the errors might require a significant overhaul of your underlying coding assumptions.

When it comes to thread safety, a good design is the best protection you have. Avoiding shared resources and minimizing the interactions between your threads makes it less likely for those threads to interfere with each other. A completely interference-free design is not always possible, however. In cases where your threads must interact, you need to use synchronization tools to ensure that when they interact, they do so safely.

OS X and iOS provide numerous synchronization tools for you to use, ranging from tools that provide mutually exclusive access to those that sequence events correctly in your application. The following sections describe these tools and how you use them in your code to affect safe access to your program’s resources.
Synchronization Tools

To prevent different threads from changing data unexpectedly, you can either design your application to not have synchronization issues or you can use synchronization tools. Although avoiding synchronization issues altogether is preferable, it is not always possible. The following sections describe the basic categories of synchronization tools available for you to use.
Atomic Operations

Atomic operations are a simple form of synchronization that work on simple data types. The advantage of atomic operations is that they do not block competing threads. For simple operations, such as incrementing a counter variable, this can lead to much better performance than taking a lock.

OS X and iOS include numerous operations to perform basic mathematical and logical operations on 32-bit and 64-bit values. Among these operations are atomic versions of the compare-and-swap, test-and-set, and test-and-clear operations. For a list of supported atomic operations, see the /usr/include/libkern/OSAtomic.h header file or see the atomic man page.
Memory Barriers and Volatile Variables

In order to achieve optimal performance, compilers often reorder assembly-level instructions to keep the instruction pipeline for the processor as full as possible. As part of this optimization, the compiler may reorder instructions that access main memory when it thinks doing so would not generate incorrect data. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for the compiler to detect all memory-dependent operations. If seemingly separate variables actually influence each other, the compiler optimizations could update those variables in the wrong order, generating potentially incorrect results.

A memory barrier is a type of nonblocking synchronization tool used to ensure that memory operations occur in the correct order. A memory barrier acts like a fence, forcing the processor to complete any load and store operations positioned in front of the barrier before it is allowed to perform load and store operations positioned after the barrier. Memory barriers are typically used to ensure that memory operations by one thread (but visible to another) always occur in an expected order. The lack of a memory barrier in such a situation might allow other threads to see seemingly impossible results. (For an example, see the Wikipedia entry for memory barriers.) To employ a memory barrier, you simply call the OSMemoryBarrier function at the appropriate point in your code.

Volatile variables apply another type of memory constraint to individual variables. The compiler often optimizes code by loading the values for variables into registers. For local variables, this is usually not a problem. If the variable is visible from another thread however, such an optimization might prevent the other thread from noticing any changes to it. Applying the volatile keyword to a variable forces the compiler to load that variable from memory each time it is used. You might declare a variable as volatile if its value could be changed at any time by an external source that the compiler may not be able to detect.

Because both memory barriers and volatile variables decrease the number of optimizations the compiler can perform, they should be used sparingly and only where needed to ensure correctness. For information about using memory barriers, see the OSMemoryBarrier man page.

Locks are one of the most commonly used synchronization tools. You can use locks to protect a critical section of your code, which is a segment of code that only one thread at a time is allowed access. For example, a critical section might manipulate a particular data structure or use some resource that supports at most one client at a time. By placing a lock around this section, you exclude other threads from making changes that might affect the correctness of your code.

Table 4-1 lists some of the locks that are commonly used by programmers. OS X and iOS provide implementations for most of these lock types, but not all of them. For unsupported lock types, the description column explains the reasons why those locks are not implemented directly on the platform.

Table 4-1 Lock types

Lock and Description

1. Mutex

A mutually exclusive (or mutex) lock acts as a protective barrier around a resource. A mutex is a type of semaphore that grants access to only one thread at a time. If a mutex is in use and another thread tries to acquire it, that thread blocks until the mutex is released by its original holder. If multiple threads compete for the same mutex, only one at a time is allowed access to it.

2. Recursive lock

A recursive lock is a variant on the mutex lock. A recursive lock allows a single thread to acquire the lock multiple times before releasing it. Other threads remain blocked until the owner of the lock releases the lock the same number of times it acquired it. Recursive locks are used during recursive iterations primarily but may also be used in cases where multiple methods each need to acquire the lock separately.

3. Read-write lock

A read-write lock is also referred to as a shared-exclusive lock. This type of lock is typically used in larger-scale operations and can significantly improve performance if the protected data structure is read frequently and modified only occasionally. During normal operation, multiple readers can access the data structure simultaneously. When a thread wants to write to the structure, though, it blocks until all readers release the lock, at which point it acquires the lock and can update the structure. While a writing thread is waiting for the lock, new reader threads block until the writing thread is finished. The system supports read-write locks using POSIX threads only. For more information on how to use these locks, see the pthread man page.

4. Distributed lock

A distributed lock provides mutually exclusive access at the process level. Unlike a true mutex, a distributed lock does not block a process or prevent it from running. It simply reports when the lock is busy and lets the process decide how to proceed.

5. Spin lock

A spin lock polls its lock condition repeatedly until that condition becomes true. Spin locks are most often used on multiprocessor systems where the expected wait time for a lock is small. In these situations, it is often more efficient to poll than to block the thread, which involves a context switch and the updating of thread data structures. The system does not provide any implementations of spin locks because of their polling nature, but you can easily implement them in specific situations. For information on implementing spin locks in the kernel, see Kernel Programming Guide.

6. Double-checked lock

A double-checked lock is an attempt to reduce the overhead of taking a lock by testing the locking criteria prior to taking the lock. Because double-checked locks are potentially unsafe, the system does not provide explicit support for them and their use is discouraged.

Note: Most types of locks also incorporate a memory barrier to ensure that any preceding load and store instructions are completed before entering the critical section.





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