Detection of Half-Open (Dropped) Connections判断掉线半开连接

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TCP设计为有弹性和高效的.这个设计使得它能从网络插拔和路由重启中恢复过来。例如,一个客户端连着服务器,如果中间的路由重启了,当路由恢复后,原来的链接是仍然存在的(除非在路由宕机的时候发送数据)。因为这种高效设计,使得不需要发送“polling"包 来检查连接是否依然完好(减少了网络通讯负载)。


这导致了一个半开连接场景("half-open connection")。假设一个场景,在某一时刻,如果发送端和接收端之间的路由突然重启了,接收方继续等待消息到来,发送方继续发送数据,而发送方会受到一个错误,表示连接断开了。因此端口的连接可以被发送方通过发送数据检测到,而接收方会一直等下去。这个半开连接场景也因此得名。












略掉 作者例子和错误示例(即不要用 第二个socket去解决这个问题;不要用ping来解决,协议不同);






2)添加一个keepalive消息到真实的应用协议中,他添加了新的空消息(null message)到应用协议中。

优点:如果应用协议使用非正式消息帧系统。这种情况方法1 也不能被使用。


3)定时器检测。设置一个超时定时器,有数据到复位,如果超时则认为连接断开了。http 服务器即是用这种方式。



4)修改tcp/ip keepalive包的设置。这是一个高级解决方案,需要修改一系列参数。在 stevens的书第23章中有讨论(。结果导致tcp/ip 栈 因为应用程序的缘故去定时发送keepalive 包。


缺点:RFC1122协议第4.2.3.6章节 表明 TCP keepalive的没有数据的响应不能被路由可靠传输;这可能导致有效链接被中断。另外 TCP/IP栈并不要求一定要支持keepalive协议(特别是嵌入式设备上),所以这个方案有其局限性。


4)1)设置 SocketOptionName.KeepAlive 参数,MSDN文档没有明确,默认可能是2小时。通过注册表键值可以被修改,但这是全局的参数,意味着所有系统上的应用都会受影响。这种修改方式是过去传统的实现方法。

4)2)设置 per-connection keepalives.  Keepalive 参数可以设置 per-connection 仅win2000及以后的系统。通过修改socket的io控制实现:通过随着Socket.IOControl传递 IOControlCode.KeepAliveValue值,这在.net 文档中没有描述,但在WSAIoctl (SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS)中有记载。(


Experimental and numerical study on detection of sleeve grouting defect with impact-echo method Abstract: The impact-echo method is widely used for the non-destructive testing of concrete structures. However, the detection of sleeve grouting defects with this method remains challenging. In this study, a series of experiments were conducted to investigate the feasibility of using the impact-echo method for detecting sleeve grouting defects. A numerical model was also developed to simulate the wave propagation and reflection in the sleeve grouting system. Results show that the impact-echo method can effectively detect sleeve grouting defects with a relatively high accuracy. The numerical simulation results were consistent with the experimental results. The developed numerical model can be used to optimize the impact-echo testing parameters and assist in the interpretation of experimental data. Keywords: impact-echo method; sleeve grouting defect; non-destructive testing; numerical simulation Introduction: Sleeve grouting is widely used in the construction of concrete structures to improve the load-bearing capacity and stability of the structures. However, defects in the sleeve grouting can lead to the failure of the structure, and it is difficult and expensive to repair the defects after the structure is built. Therefore, it is important to develop effective non-destructive testing methods to detect the defects in the sleeve grouting. The impact-echo method is a widely used non-destructive testing method for concrete structures. It is based on the generation and detection of stress waves in the concrete structure using an impact source and a sensor. The method has been successfully used for the detection of various defects in concrete structures, such as cracks, voids, and delamination. However, the detection of sleeve grouting defects with the impact-echo method remains challenging. The sleeve grouting system consists of a steel sleeve, grout, and concrete. The steel sleeve has a higher acoustic impedance than the grout and concrete, which makes it difficult for stress waves to penetrate the steel sleeve and reach the grout and concrete. In addition, the grout and concrete have different material properties, which can lead to multiple reflections and scattering of stress waves. In this study, a series of experiments were conducted to investigate the feasibility of using the impact-echo method for detecting sleeve grouting defects. A numerical model was also developed to simulate the wave propagation and reflection in the sleeve grouting system. The objective of this study is to develop an effective non-destructive testing method for sleeve grouting defects, which can be used to improve the safety and reliability of concrete structures. Experimental setup: The experimental setup is shown in Figure 1. The steel sleeve was embedded in the concrete specimen with a diameter of 100 mm and a height of 200 mm. The steel sleeve had an outer diameter of 50 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm. The grout was injected into the annular gap between the steel sleeve and the concrete specimen. The grout had a compressive strength of 50 MPa and a density of 2,300 kg/m3. An impact source and a sensor were used to generate and detect stress waves in the concrete specimen. The impact source was a steel ball with a diameter of 16 mm, which was dropped from a height of 50 mm onto the steel sleeve. The sensor was a piezoelectric transducer with a frequency response of 50 kHz to 1 MHz. The sensor was placed on the surface of the concrete specimen opposite to the impact source. Figure 1 Experimental setup Experimental results: The experimental results are shown in Figure 2. The time-domain signals and frequency-domain spectra of the stress waves were analyzed to detect the sleeve grouting defects. The experimental results show that the impact-echo method can effectively detect sleeve grouting defects with a relatively high accuracy. The amplitude and frequency of the stress waves were affected by the presence and location of the defects. Figure 2 Experimental results: (a) time-domain signals; (b) frequency-domain spectra Numerical simulation: A numerical model was developed to simulate the wave propagation and reflection in the sleeve grouting system. The model was based on the finite element method and the acoustic-structure interaction theory. The steel sleeve, grout, and concrete were modeled as three-dimensional solid elements. The impact source and sensor were modeled as point sources and receivers. The numerical simulation results were compared with the experimental results to validate the model. The numerical simulation results were consistent with the experimental results, which indicates that the developed model can be used to optimize the impact-echo testing parameters and assist in the interpretation of experimental data. Conclusion: In this study, a series of experiments were conducted to investigate the feasibility of using the impact-echo method for detecting sleeve grouting defects. A numerical model was also developed to simulate the wave propagation and reflection in the sleeve grouting system. Results show that the impact-echo method can effectively detect sleeve grouting defects with a relatively high accuracy. The numerical simulation results were consistent with the experimental results. The developed numerical model can be used to optimize the impact-echo testing parameters and assist in the interpretation of experimental data.




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