
.转载自该前辈的博客:Net中的打印A4纸如何实现(以C#为例)——VB中的Printer.Print在.Net中如何实现 - MaoBisheng - 博客园 (cnblogs.com)



Public Function PrintReport(Pallet_ID As String)    ''''+++++++++++++打印Report 
    Dim totalqty As String
    Dim sStartRS As String, sEndRS As String
    Dim NewLine2 As String, strsql As String
    Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset, rs1 As New ADODB.Recordset
    strsql = "select No, PR.Box_ID, PR.SN, mfg_line , PR.Part_Num as work_order " & _
             ",boxqty from PackingRpt_ForSpareParts PR where pallet_id=" & squote(Pallet_ID) & " order by no"
    rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    If rs.State = 1 Then rs.Close
    rs.Open strsql, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
    If Not rs.EOF Then
        strsql = "select sum(cast(boxqty as int)) as qty from packingrpt_forspareparts where pallet_id='" & Pallet_ID & "'"
        Set rs1 = conn.Execute(strsql)
        If rs1.EOF = False Then totalqty = rs1("qty")

        Printer.PaperSize = vbPRPSA4 'A4纸大小
        Printer.Orientation = vbPRORPortrait '纵向打印
        Printer.FontName = "Courier New"
        Printer.FontBold = True
        Printer.FontSize = 24
        Printer.Print "               FQA Report"
        Printer.FontSize = 18
        Printer.Print "Pallet ID:" & Pallet_ID
        Printer.FontBold = False
        Printer.FontSize = 24
        Printer.FontName = "3 of 9 Barcode"
        Printer.Print "*" & Pallet_ID & "*"
        Printer.FontSize = 12
        Printer.FontName = "Courier New"
        Printer.FontSize = 16
        Printer.Print "   Date :" & Now
        Printer.Print "   Line :" & Trim(rs("Mfg_Line"))

        Printer.FontSize = 10
        Printer.FontBold = False
        NewLine2 = String(100, " ")
        Mid(NewLine2, 1, 3) = "NO#"
        Mid(NewLine2, 6, 30) = "System S/N"
        Mid(NewLine2, 36, 20) = "BOX_ID"
        Mid(NewLine2, 58, 18) = "QTY/BOX"

        Mid(NewLine2, 76, 100) = "Part Number"

        Printer.Print NewLine2
        Printer.Print String(100, "-")
        While Not rs.EOF
            If CInt(rs!No) = 1 Then sStartRS = Trim(rs!SN)
            sEndRS = Trim(rs!SN)
            NewLine2 = String(100, " ")
            Mid(NewLine2, 1, 5) = Trim(rs("No"))
            Mid(NewLine2, 6, 20) = Trim(rs("SN"))
            Mid(NewLine2, 36, 20) = "" & Trim(rs("sn"))
            Mid(NewLine2, 58, 18) = "" & Trim(rs("BOXQTY"))
            Mid(NewLine2, 76, 100) = Trim(rs("Work_Order"))
            Debug.Print NewLine2
            Printer.Print NewLine2

        Printer.FontSize = 12
        Printer.Print sStartRS
        Printer.FontName = "3 of 9 Barcode"
        Printer.FontSize = 12
        Printer.Print "*" & sStartRS & "*"

        Printer.FontName = "Courier New"
        Printer.Print sEndRS

        Printer.FontName = "3 of 9 Barcode"
        Printer.FontSize = 12
        Printer.Print "*" & sEndRS & "*"

        Printer.FontName = "Courier New"
        Printer.FontSize = 10
        Printer.Print String(100, "-")
        Printer.Print " Total Q'ty.= " & totalqty & " Box Q'ty.= " & rs.RecordCount
        Printer.Print String(100, "=")
        Printer.Print ""
        Printer.Print ""
        Printer.Print ""
        Printer.FontBold = False
    End If

    Set rs = Nothing
    Set rs1 = Nothing


    Exit Function

    Set rs = Nothing
    Set rs1 = Nothing
End Function



"Visual Basic 6.0 中的 Printer 物件在 Visual Basic .NET 中是由 PrintDocument 组件取代。两者的行为不同,但在多数情况下可复制功能。下表将列出 Visual Basic 6.0 属性 (Property)、方法及事件与其 Visual Basic .NET 对等用法。如果没有直接的对等用法,则会提供连结以取得其它信息。除非另外注明,否则所有的对象都是在 System.Drawing 命名空间中。"

第一感觉是,在.Net中有比这更好用的打印功能,而且功能更强大,于是开始翻书,上网找例子,花了好长时间后,终于在网上找到了两个例子,跟教科书(C#高级编程第四版第25章,VB 2005入门经典第7章)里的例子差不多,例子中都是要先打开文档,LoadFile后,然后计算中共有多少行,然后设置一些属性等等,虽然功能强大,但是极其复杂,不能直接拿来用....

 public void PrintReport()
            txtMessage.Text = "";//清空txtMessage信息
            this.printPreviewDialog1.UseAntiAlias = true;
            this.printPreviewDialog1.Document = this.printDocument1;//设置要预览的文档
        private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
                string strPalletID = Convert.ToString(dgvPacking.Rows[0].Cells["Pallet_id"].Value.ToString());//要打印的pallet_ID信息
                DataSet ds = DBAccessPub.FindPalletID("PrintItem", strPalletID);//存放要打印的信息,资料从DB中获取,表一位为要打印的item,表二为TotalQty信息
                string beginBoxID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Box_ID"].ToString(); ;//用于记录该PalletID所对应的NO为1的BOX_ID
                string endBoxID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1]["Box_ID"].ToString(); ;//用于记录该PalletID所对应最后一个no号的BOX_ID
                string TotalQty = ds.Tables[1].Rows[0]["Qty"].ToString();//用于该PalletID所对应的BoxQty的总数
                string BoxQty = dgvPacking.RowCount.ToString();//用于记录该pallet上存放的机器数,一个机器算作1
                string strLine;//用于存放当前行打印的信息            
                //float leftMargin = (e.MarginBounds.Left) * 3 / 4;   //左边距
                float leftMargin = (e.MarginBounds.Left) / 4;   //左边距
                float topMargin = e.MarginBounds.Top * 2 / 3;       //顶边距
                float verticalPosition = topMargin;                 //初始化垂直位置,设为顶边距
                //int lineNo = 0;     //存放当前要打印行的行号
                //int lineQty = 0;    //存放总共要打印的行数,可以是一个估算值,略大于实际行数
                //int printingPageNo = 0; //当前打印的页号
                Font mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 10);//打印的字体
                int linesPerPage = (int)(e.MarginBounds.Height * 1.05 / mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics));

                #region  //Format of this DocReport
                if (printingPageNo == 0) //打印第一页时,需要打印以下头信息
                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 24, FontStyle.Bold);
                    strLine = String.Format("{0,24}", "FQA Report");
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 18, FontStyle.Bold);
                    //strLine = "Pallet ID:" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Pallet_ID"].ToString();
                    strLine = "Pallet ID:" + strPalletID;
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("3 of 9 Barcode", 24);
                    //strLine = "*" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Pallet_ID"].ToString() + "*";
                    strLine = "*" + strPalletID + "*";
                    //e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin * 4, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 16);
                    strLine = "Date :" + DateTime.Now;
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    strLine = "Line :" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Mfg_Line"].ToString();
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    #region //打印具体的SN,BoxID,PalletID等列表
                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 10);
                    //strLine = "NO#"+
                    strLine = String.Format("{0,-15}", "NO#") +
                        String.Format("{0,-21}", "System S/N") +//25
                        String.Format("{0,-21}", "BOX_ID") +
                        String.Format("{0,-15}", "QTY/BOX") +
                       String.Format("{0,-21}", "Part Number");
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("-".PadLeft(95, '-'), mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    //e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), leftMargin, verticalPosition, e.MarginBounds.Right, verticalPosition);
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    //linesPerPage:经过实验上面的头信息预计占的行数(为11),因此第一页还能打印(linesPerPage - 11)行。当设置的值大于11时会出现第一张纸有空白。若小于11可能会造成结尾页信息不显示
                    linesPerPage = linesPerPage - 11;

                    lineQty = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count + 11;

                int count = 0;  //当前页的行数计数
                if (printingPageNo != 0)
                    linesPerPage = (int)(e.MarginBounds.Height / mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics));
                mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 10);
                while (count < linesPerPage && lineNo < lineQty)
                    if (lineNo < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count) //由于lineNo用于表中的下标值,因此需要加上该判断
                        //endBoxID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[lineNo]["Box_ID"].ToString();
                        //string strLineTemp = ds.Tables[0].Rows[lineNo]["NO"].ToString()+
                        string strLineTemp = String.Format("{0,-15}", ds.Tables[0].Rows[lineNo]["NO"].ToString()) +
                        String.Format("{0,-21}", ds.Tables[0].Rows[lineNo]["SN"].ToString()) +
                        String.Format("{0,-21}", ds.Tables[0].Rows[lineNo]["BOX_ID"].ToString()) +
                        String.Format("{0,-15}", ds.Tables[0].Rows[lineNo]["BoxQty"].ToString()) +
                            //String.Format("{0,-25}", ds.Tables[0].Rows[lineNo]["Pallet_ID"].ToString());
                        String.Format("{0,-21}", ds.Tables[0].Rows[lineNo]["Work_Order"].ToString());

                        e.Graphics.DrawString(strLineTemp, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                        verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);
                        count++; //注意:这句要放到If中,否则,如果实际只有一页的话,尾信息会跑到第二页去

                if (lineQty > lineNo)
                    e.HasMorePages = true;
                    printingPageNo++; //页号加一

                    lineNo = 0;     //存放当前要打印行的行号
                    lineQty = 0;    //存放总共要打印的行数,可以是一个估算值,略大于实际行数
                    printingPageNo = 0; //当前打印的页号
                    e.HasMorePages = false;

                #region  //打印结尾信息
                if (!e.HasMorePages)
                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 12);
                    strLine = String.Format("{0,-7}", beginBoxID);
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("3 of 9 Barcode", 12);
                    strLine = String.Format("{0,-10}", "*" + beginBoxID + "*");
                    //e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin * 4, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 12);
                    strLine = String.Format("{0,-7}", endBoxID);
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("3 of 9 Barcode", 12);
                    strLine = String.Format("{0,-10}", "*" + endBoxID + "*");
                    //e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin * 4, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 10);
                    //e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), leftMargin, verticalPosition, e.MarginBounds.Right, verticalPosition);//画一条线
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("-".PadLeft(95, '-'), mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());//画一条虚线线
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 10);
                    strLine = "Total Q'ty.=" + TotalQty + " " + "Box Q'ty.=" + BoxQty;
                    e.Graphics.DrawString(strLine, mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);

                    mainFont = new Font("Courier New", 10);
                    //e.Graphics.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Black), leftMargin, verticalPosition, e.MarginBounds.Right, verticalPosition);//画一条线
                    e.Graphics.DrawString("=".PadLeft(95, '='), mainFont, Brushes.Black, leftMargin, verticalPosition, new StringFormat());//画两条虚线
                    verticalPosition = verticalPosition + mainFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error(PubParameter.appInfo.AppName + " Printlabel  Fail:" + ex.Message);
                //this.txtMessage.Text = ex.Message;






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