
function foo(){
    var aInput = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
    for (var i = 0 ; i < aInput.length ; i++ ){
        if(aInput[i].name == 'isPlusAndOnlineAccount' && aInput[i].checked == true){
            return true;
    return false;

function checkBlank(field,id,msg)
    var formName = document.forms['/ICARD/icardApplicationNewContext'];
    if(document.getElementById(field) != null)
        if(document.getElementById(field).value =='')
            if(document.getElementById(id.toString()) != null)
            if(document.getElementById(id.toString()) != null)

function checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters(field,id,msg)
    var flag="0";
    var valid=" '-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    var fvalue =document.getElementById(field).value;
    for (var i=0; i<fvalue.length; i++)
        temp = "" + fvalue.substring(i,i+1);
        if (valid.indexOf(temp) < 0)

function checkEmail2(obj) {
    var emailStr=document.getElementById(obj).value;
    var valid = true;
    var emailPat=/^(.+)@(.+)$/
    var specialChars="\\(\\)<>@,;:\\\\\\\"\\.\\[\\]"
    var validChars="\[^\\s" + specialChars + "\]"
    var quotedUser="(\"[^\"]*\")"
    var atom=validChars + '+'
    var word="(" + atom + "|" + quotedUser + ")"
    var userPat=new RegExp("^" + word + "(\\." + word + ")*$")
    var domainPat=new RegExp("^" + atom + "(\\." + atom +")*$")
    var atIndex = emailStr.lastIndexOf('\@');
    var dotIndex = emailStr.lastIndexOf('.');
    if(atIndex == -1 || dotIndex == -1|| (atIndex > dotIndex) ){
        valid = false;

    var matchArray=emailStr.match(emailPat)
    if (matchArray==null)
        valid = false;
    } else

        var user=matchArray[1]
        var domain=matchArray[2]

        // See if "user" is valid
        if (user.match(userPat)==null)
            valid = false;

        // Domain is symbolic name
        var domainArray=domain.match(domainPat)
        if (domainArray==null)
            valid = false

    if (!valid)
        return false;
    return true;

function validateEmail(field,id,msg){
    var flag="0";

    if((document.getElementById("emailAddress")!=null && document.getElementById("emailAddress").value!='') ) {
        if (document.getElementById(field).value!= ""){
            if (!checkEmail2(field)){

function handleMotherMaidenName()
    checkBlank('motherMaidenName','err_msg_mot_maid_blank',"Please enter your mother\'s maiden name");
    checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('motherMaidenName','err_msg_mot_maid_alpha','Please check your mother\'s name entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');

function handleNationality()
    checkBlank('nationality','nationality_blank',"Please enter your nationality");
    checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('nationality','nationality_alpha',"Please check your nationality entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.");

function handleTFN1()
    checkBlank('TFN1','TFN1_blank',"Please enter your TFN1");
    checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('TFN1','TFN1_alpha','Please check your TFN1 entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');

function handleTFN2()
    checkBlank('TFN2','TFN2_blank',"Please enter your TFN2");
    checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('TFN2','TFN2_alpha','Please check your TFN2 entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');

function handleTFN3()
    checkBlank('TFN3','TFN3_blank',"Please enter your TFN3");
    checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('TFN3','TFN3_alpha','Please check your TFN3 entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');

function handleEMAIL()
    checkBlank('emailAddress','emailAddress_blank',"Please enter your Email");
    validateEmail('emailAddress',"emailAddress_alpha","Please enter your email address in the following format: user@domain.com");

function handleException()
    checkBlank('exception','exception_blank',"Please select the exception");
    checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('exception','exception_alpha','Please select the exception. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');

<!--validation for isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc -->

function handleisNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc()
    checkBlank('isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc','isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc_blank',"Please select the isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc");
    //checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc','isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc_alpha','Please select the isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');

//validate the Form

function validateField(field){
        if(field.name == "nationality"){
                if(field.value ==''){
                    checkBlank('nationality','nationality_blank',"Please enter your nationality");
                    return 1;
                    checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('nationality','nationality_alpha',"Please check your nationality entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.");
                    return 2;
        if(field.name == "TFN1"){
                if(field.value == ''){
                checkBlank('TFN1','TFN1_blank',"Please enter your TFN1");
                return 1;
                checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('TFN1','TFN1_alpha','Please check your TFN1 entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');
                return 2;
        if(field.name == "TFN2"){
                if(field.value == ''){
                checkBlank('TFN2','TFN2_blank',"Please enter your TFN2");
                return 1;
                checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('TFN2','TFN2_alpha','Please check your TFN2 entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');
                return 2;
        if(field.name == "TFN3"){
                if(field.value == ''){
                checkBlank('TFN3','TFN3_blank',"Please enter your TFN3");
                return 1;
                checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('TFN3','TFN3_alpha','Please check your TFN3 entered. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');
                return 2;
        if(field.name == "emailAddress"){
                if(field.value == ''){
                checkBlank('emailAddress','emailAddress_blank',"Please enter your Email");
                return 1;
                validateEmail('emailAddress',"emailAddress_alpha","Please enter your email address in the following format: user@domain.com");
                return 2;
        if(field.name == "exception"){
                if(field.value == ''){
                checkBlank('exception','exception_blank',"Please select the exception");
                return 1;
                checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('exception','exception_alpha','Please select the exception. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');
                return 2;
        if(field.name == "isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc"){
            checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc','isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc_alpha','Please select the isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc.');
                return 1;
                checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc','isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc_alpha','Please select the isNonResORClaimExcORNoQuoteExc. Please enter only alphabetic characters in this field.');
                return 2;
        if(field.name == 'isPlusAndOnlineAccount'){
                //alert("choose one ");
                return 1;
                //alert("choose nothing!");
                checkAlphaWithSpecialCharacters('isPlusAndOnlineAccount','isPlusAndOnlineAccount_alpha','Please select the account type.');
                return 2;

function validateForm(){
    var errorCounter = 0;
        case 0:break;
        case 1:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 2:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 0:break;
        case 1:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 2:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 0:break;
        case 1:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 2:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 0:break;
        case 1:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 2:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 0:break;
        case 1:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 2:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 0:break;
        case 1:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 2:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 0:break;
        case 1:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 2:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 0:break;
        case 1:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
        case 2:errorCounter = errorCounter + 1;break;
    if(errorCounter == 0){
        return true;
        return false;

function submitEntry()
    alert("Please indicate you agree with the Terms and Conditions!");

    alert("Please indicate you agree with the Terms and Conditions!");







当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


