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原创 Windows PowerShell Commands

IntroThis page records some Windows PowerShell commands.Print the full path name of specific fileWe can get the full path name with "ls" fullname command. Here are the command and command output...

2018-11-28 12:24:11 431 1

原创 /Qspectre option causes “LNK1104 cannot open file ‘MSVCRTD.lib‘“ error in VS2017

IntroThis page records twoways to fix the"LNK1104 cannot open file 'MSVCRTD.lib'" with Spectre in VS2017.The Spectre mitigation for VS2017https://aka.ms/Ofhn4cWarning MSB8038 Spectre mitig...

2018-11-26 20:19:34 2037 1

原创 Information about setupapi.dev.log

IntroThis page record information about setupapi.dev.log.Format of a Text Log Section BodyEvent_category field strings: SetupAPI operation "ndv: " New device wizard "dvi: " Device ins...

2018-11-18 18:56:58 861

原创 Step by step: Install macOS, Windows 10 and Ubuntu on Macmini

IntroductionThis page introduce how to install macOS, Windows 10 and Ubuntu on Macmini.Device and software informationDevice information:Macmini (Late 2012):Model Identifier: Macmini6,2...

2018-04-08 15:07:52 1324

原创 WinDBG technologies

IntroThis page collect some technologies related to WinDBG.sxe command to break before specific driver loaded0: kd> sxe ld:mpadsys2: kd> kn # Child-SP RetAddr Call Si...

2015-04-20 13:14:36 653

原创 Fix a Dualboot issue for Mac Mini Ubuntu+OSX

Ubuntu installed GRUB over rEFIt

2014-08-27 15:19:14 1090

原创 Howto: 用USB Disk在UEFI Mode和Legacy BIOS mode机器上安装Windows 8.1

Legacy  BIOS mode机器上安装新的 Windows

2014-07-31 13:45:36 2005

原创 一个Windows 8.1 多系统启动问题的原因和解决办法

问题:系统已经有一个Windows 8.1系统,

2014-07-29 15:41:09 1054

原创 Linux BASH command

IntroThis page records some bash command.Build logs show in console and record in file$ make 2>&1 | tee log.txtPrintf to convert hexadecimal and decimal integer numbers$ printf "...

2014-07-03 12:54:46 1482

原创 Memo on fix Microsoft.Media.AdaptiveStreamingClient reference error in VS2012

On the fresh Windows 8 + VS2012 machine, Hunter opened a javsscript VS2012 project that referenced to "Microsoft.Media.AdaptiveStreamingClient, Version=1.0" . The project's References to "Microsoft.Me

2013-02-10 17:39:40 1720

原创 Grub2 Update Memo

重装系统,将分区列表更新后Grub的启动列表不再正确。由于Ubuntu系统版本太低,将Grub2卸载之后重装失败。只好单独下载grub的deb包安装。这个过程走了不少弯路。在这做一下简单的记录。1. What I have: Windows 7 X86, Windows 7 X64, Ubuntu 10.10 on Notebook. Windows 8 X86 CD. Ubunt

2013-01-27 13:35:46 805

原创 Linux支持IAD的最早内核版本:kernel2.6.21.3

Linux内核支持IAD的最低版本是kernel2.6.21.3http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-usb-devel@lists.sourceforge.net/msg55683.htmlhttp://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/linux-usb-devel/2007/6/9/338506更早版本的Linux ker

2012-05-09 17:29:36 1084

转载 Disable Internet Explorer Enhanced Security on Windows 2008 Server

http://forums.techarena.in/tips-tweaks/1177920.htmOpen Server Manager / Security Information / Config IE SEC to disable Explorer Enhanced Security.Or download the FTM from: http://transf

2012-05-07 10:45:29 655

原创 Macbook Pro 密码设置

需要将机器借给同事做测试,所以想吧密码设成空密码。在设置空密码过程中,没有细看系统提示(抽时间我会在去试一遍),直接回车修改完成。杯具发生了,重新登录系统的时候,空密码不生效;更惨的是,旧的密码系统也不认了!由于机器很新,没有系统备份,也没有系统盘。于是就有了以下的恢复过程。1. 修改SUDOERS. 参考: http://www.macobserver.com/t

2012-02-02 17:23:12 3170

原创 Manage Linux ISO image files.

Mount ISO image file:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountIso~/temp$ mkdir test~/temp$ sudo mount -o loop cd.iso ./test/~/temp$

2011-08-11 11:09:09 618

原创 多内核,多版本Linux操作系统测试机的安装过程

我们的设备在 FC11下碰到问题,需要验证并寻求解决方案。所以,大夯计划在同一台机器上安装两个一样的 FC11操作系统。这样,一个系统保留原样作为测试对比,另一个操作系统可以自由升级,寻找解决方案。

2010-07-23 18:31:00 856

原创 Windows HID 的一些信息

这篇博客并不完整。我也不知道什么时候会将完成她。先在这放部分内容。    Driver stack for mouse:Figure of driver stack for mouse: Figure of driver stack for vendor defined HID collectionsVendor defined collection I

2010-05-25 18:47:00 2504

原创 Change the grub boot sequence:

1. Edit grub (/etc/default/grub)ruilin@ruilin:~$ gksudo gedit /etc/default/grubChange: GRUB_DEFAULT=0To: GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda2)"2. Update grub.cfg (/boot/grub/grub.cfg

2010-04-11 14:01:00 788

原创 Running Sudo Graphically with gksudo or kdesu


2010-04-11 14:00:00 698

原创 Ubuntu Black screen after boot splash

OS: Ubuntu 9.10 - the Karmic KoalaKernel: 2.6.31-14-genericProblem: Ubuntu goes into blank screen during boot upSolution:1. Edit grub (/etc/default/grub) to close splash ruilin@ruilin:~$ g

2010-04-11 13:52:00 742



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