

原代码在NCl官网MJO板块可以找到:NCL: Madden Julian Oscillation Climate Variability






; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"  
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"  
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" 

; User specifications
   NC      = True                            ; create netCDF?       
   PLOT    = True                             ; sample plots?

   ymdStrt = 20000101                         ; start yyyymmdd
   ymdLast = 20191231                         ; last  
   yrStrt  = ymdStrt/10000
   yrLast  = ymdLast/10000
   nhar    = 4                                ; number of fourier comp      

   var     = "olr"                            ; name of file                   
   vName   = "OLR"                            ; name for plots

  ;diri    = "/project/cas/shea/CDC/"         ; input directory   
  ;diri    = "/Users/shea/Data/AMWG/"         ; input directory   
   diri    = "/mnt/c/project/MJO/data/"                             ; new input directory
   fili    = ""               ; input file       

   if (NC) then
       diro= "/mnt/c/project/MJO/data/"         ; output dir
      ;filo= var+""          ; output file  
       filo= vName+".day.anomalies."+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast+".nc"  ; output file  
   end if

   if (PLOT) then
       wksType = "png"                        ; send graphics to PNG file
       wksName = "mjoclivar"                  ; "mjo."+yrStrt+"_"+yrLast
   end if

; Read user specified time and create required yyyyddd                    
   f       = addfile (diri+fili , "r")                          

   time    = f->time                          ; all times on file
   ymd     = cd_calendar(time, -2)            ; yyyymmdd
   iStrt   = ind(ymd.eq.ymdStrt)              ; index start
   iLast   = ind(ymd.eq.ymdLast)              ; index last 

; Read user specified time and create required yyyyddd                    
   time    = f->time(iStrt:iLast)             ; time:units = "hours since"
   TIME    = cd_calendar(time, 0)             ; type float 
   year    = floattointeger( TIME(:,0) )
   month   = floattointeger( TIME(:,1) )
   day     = floattointeger( TIME(:,2) ) 
   ddd     = day_of_year(year, month, day) 
   yyyyddd = year*1000 + ddd                  ; needed for input

; Read data: short2flt                                     
   x       =  short2flt( f->$var$(iStrt:iLast,:,:) )    ; convert to float 
   printVarSummary( x ) 

; Compute daily climatology: raw and then 'smoothed'  
   xClmDay = clmDayTLL(x, yyyyddd)     ; daily climatology at each grid point

; Compute smoothed daily climatology using 'nhar' harmonics
   xClmDay_sm = smthClmDayTLL(xClmDay, nhar)

; Compute daily anomalies using raw and smoothed climatologies
    xAnom      = calcDayAnomTLL (x, yyyyddd, xClmDay)     
    printMinMax(xAnom, True)

    xAnom_sm   = calcDayAnomTLL (x, yyyyddd, xClmDay_sm)     
    xAnom_sm@long_name = "Anomalies from Smooth Daily Climatology"
    printMinMax(xAnom_sm, True)

    delete( x )    ; no longer needed

; Create netCDF: convenience use 'simple' method

    dimx   = dimsizes(xAnom)
    ntim   = dimx(0)
    nlat   = dimx(1)
    mlon   = dimx(2)

    if (NC) then

        lat    = f->lat
        lon    = f->lon

        system("/bin/rm -f "+diro+filo)      ; rm any pre-exist file, if any
        fnc    = addfile (diro+filo, "c")

        filAtt = 0
        filAtt@title         = vName+": Daily Anomalies: "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast  
	filAtt@source_file   = fili
        filAtt@creation_date = systemfunc("date")
        fileattdef( fnc, filAtt )         ; copy file attributes  

        varNC      = vName+"_anom"
        varNC_sm   = vName+"_anom_sm"

        dimNames = (/"time", "lat", "lon"/)  
	dimSizes = (/ -1   ,  nlat,  mlon/) 
	dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False/)   

        filevardef(fnc, "time"  ,typeof(time),getvardims(time)) 
        filevardef(fnc, "lat"   ,typeof(lat) ,getvardims(lat)) 
        filevardef(fnc, "lon"   ,typeof(lon) ,getvardims(lon))
        filevardef(fnc, varNC   ,typeof(xAnom)   ,getvardims(xAnom))    
        filevardef(fnc, varNC_sm,typeof(xAnom)   ,getvardims(xAnom))    

        filevarattdef(fnc,"time"  ,time)                    ; copy time attributes
        filevarattdef(fnc,"lat"   ,lat)                     ; copy lat attributes
        filevarattdef(fnc,"lon"   ,lon)                     ; copy lon attributes
        filevarattdef(fnc,varNC   ,xAnom)                

        fnc->time       = (/time/)     
        fnc->lat        = (/lat/)
        fnc->lon        = (/lon/)
        fnc->$varNC$    = (/xAnom   /)
        fnc->$varNC_sm$ = (/xAnom_sm/)
    end if

; plotting parameters
    if (PLOT) then
        LAT   = (/ 60, 45,  5,  -5, -45, 60 /)
        LON   = (/270, 30, 90,  90, 180,  0 /)
        nPts  = dimsizes( LAT )

        plot  = new ( nPts, graphic)
        data  = new ( (/2,366/), typeof(xClmDay), getFillValue(xClmDay))

        wks   = gsn_open_wks (wksType,wksName)    

        res                   = True                      ; plot mods desired
        res@gsnDraw           = False
        res@gsnFrame          = False
        res@trXMinF           =   1
        res@trXMaxF           = 366
       ;res@tiMainString      = ""
        res@xyLineThicknesses = (/1.0, 2.0/)              ; make 2nd lines thicker
        res@xyLineColors      = (/"blue","red"/)          ; change line color
        res@xyMonoDashPattern = True                      ; all solid

        do np=0,nPts-1 
           data(0,:) = xClmDay(:,{LAT(np)},{LON(np)})
           data(1,:) = xClmDay_sm(:,{LAT(np)},{LON(np)})
           res@gsnCenterString = "lat="+LAT(np)+"  lon="+LON(np)
           plot(np)  = gsn_csm_y (wks,data,res) ; create plot
        end do
        resP                     = True                ; modify the panel plot
        resP@gsnPanelMainString  = vName+": Raw/Smooth Daily Climatology: "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast
        resP@gsnMaximize         = True
        resP@gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"
        gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/(nPts/2),2/),resP)               ; now draw as one plot

       ; Plot anomalies for an arbitrarily selected near equatorial location
       ; Time: Oct 1, 1996 to April 1,1997  [arbitrary selection]
        LATX    = 0
        LONX    = 90

        yyyymmdd  = cd_calendar(time, -2)
      ;;yrfrac    = yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac (yyyymmdd, 0)

        xAnom@long_name    = "Anomalies from Raw"   ; short labels for plot
        xAnom_sm@long_name = "Anomalies from Smooth"

        ntBegin   = ind(yyyymmdd.eq.19961001)
        ntEnd     = ind(yyyymmdd.eq.19970401)
        monthLabels    = (/1,4,7,10/)
        monNam = (/"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun" \
                  ,"Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" /)
        xVal   = new(ntim, typeof(xAnom&time) , "No_FillValue") ; bigger than
        xLab   = new(ntim, "string", "No_FillValue")        ; needed
        xValm  = new(ntim, typeof(xAnom&time) , "No_FillValue") ; bigger than

        ntm            = -1
        cr             = inttochar(10)                     ; carriage return
        do nt=ntBegin,ntEnd
         if (day(nt).eq.1) then
             ntm       = ntm + 1
             xVal(ntm) = xAnom&time(nt)
             xLab(ntm) = monNam(month(nt)-1)
             if (month(nt).eq.1) then
                 xLab(ntm) = xLab(ntm) + cr +sprinti("%0.4i", year(nt))
             end if
         end if
        end do

        rxy  = True      
        rxy@gsnDraw     = False
        rxy@gsnFrame    = False
        rxy@gsnYRefLine = 0.0                    ; create a reference line   
        rxy@gsnAboveYRefLineColor = "red"        ; above ref line fill red
        rxy@gsnBelowYRefLineColor = "blue"       ; below ref line fill blue
        rxy@xyLineThicknessF  = 2.0                                               
        rxy@vpHeightF  = 0.4                     ; resize            
        rxy@vpWidthF   = 0.8                  
        rxy@tmXBMode   = "Explicit"
        rxy@tmXBValues = xVal(0:ntm)
        rxy@tmXBLabels = xLab(0:ntm)

        plot(0)                  = gsn_csm_xy (wks,time(ntBegin:ntEnd) \
        plot(1)                  = gsn_csm_xy (wks,time(ntBegin:ntEnd) \
        resP@gsnPanelMainString  = vName+": Anomalies: (0,90E)"

    end if


由于我的uv文件lon lat精度是360*181,代码里需要的精度是144*181,所以需要对uv文件进行插值。我这里用的是ubuntu,已经装好了cdo,可以进行数据切片等操作。

  cdo griddes 你的文件名称.nc > mygrid
  sed -i "s/generic/lonlat/g" mygrid
  cdo setgrid,mygrid 你的文件名.nc 输出文件名.nc
也可解决 cdo转换经度-180~180 为0~360时出现报错:cdo sellonlatbox: Unsupported grid type: generic的问题

更改分辨率 cdo remapbil,r100x100




; mjoclivar_14.ncl
; Combined EOFs
; Latest Update: July, 2016: Eun-Pa Lim; Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
;;      The following are automatically loaded from 6.2.0 onward
;;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"  
;;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"  
;;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" 

function read_rename(f[1]:file, varName[1]:string       \
                    ,iStrt[1]:integer, iLast[1]:integer \
                    ,latS[1]:numeric , latN[1]:numeric  )
; Utility to force specific named dimensions
; This is done for historical reasons (convenience) 
   work    = f->$varName$(iStrt:iLast,{latS:latN},:)   ; (time,lat,lon)
   work!0  = "time"                                    ; CAM model names
   work!1  = "lat"
   work!2  = "lon"
; =========================>  MAIN  <==============================
   neof    =  2

   latS    = -15
   latN    =  15

   ymdStrt = 20000101                         ; start yyyymmdd
   ymdLast = 20191231                         ; last  

   yrStrt  = ymdStrt/10000
   yrLast  = ymdLast/10000

   pltDir  = "/mnt/c/project/MJO/mjo14/"; plot directory
   pltType = "png" 
   pltName = "mjoclivar"   

   diri    = "/mnt/c/project/MJO/data/"; input directory

   filolr  = ""
   filu200 = ""
   filu850 = ""

; create BandPass Filter
  ihp      = 2                             ; bpf=>band pass filter
  nWgt     = 201
  sigma    = 1.0                           ; Lanczos sigma
  fca      = 1./100.
  fcb      = 1./20.
  wgt      = filwgts_lanczos (nWgt, ihp, fca, fcb, sigma );计算lanczos滤波器的权重系数

; Find the indices corresponding to the start/end times
   f       = addfile (diri+filolr , "r")                         
   TIME    = f->time                          ; days since ...

   YMD     = cd_calendar(TIME, -2)            ; entire (time,6) ;转换为公历日期

   iStrt   = ind(YMD.eq.ymdStrt)              ; index start
   iLast   = ind(YMD.eq.ymdLast)              ; index last 
   delete([/ TIME, YMD /])

; Read anomalies

   work0    = read_rename(f,"OLR_anom",iStrt,iLast,latS,latN) ; (time,lat,lon) 
   OLR     = dim_avg_n_Wrap(work0, 1)                         ; (time,lon);计算数组work0第1维的平均值

   f       = addfile (diri+filu850 , "r")                         
   work1    = read_rename(f,"U850_anom",iStrt,iLast,latS,latN) ; (time,lat,lon) 
   U850    = dim_avg_n_Wrap(work1, 1)          ; (time,lon)

   f       = addfile (diri+filu200 , "r")                         
   work2    = read_rename(f,"U200_anom",iStrt,iLast,latS,latN) ; (time,lat,lon) 
   U200    = dim_avg_n_Wrap(work2, 1)          ; (time,lon)

   dimw    = dimsizes( work0 ) ;返回维数
   ntim    = dimw(0) ;第0维的维数 1826
   nlat    = dimw(1) ;第1维的维数 13
   mlon    = dimw(2) ;第2维的维数 144

   lon     = OLR&lon                                          
   time    = OLR&time                         
   date    = cd_calendar(time, -2)            ; yyyymmdd
; Apply the band pass filter to the original anomalies
   olr   = wgt_runave_n_Wrap ( OLR, wgt, 0, 0) ; (time,lon);对数组olr第0维以wgt为权重进行滑动平均
   u850  = wgt_runave_n_Wrap (U850, wgt, 0, 0)
   u200  = wgt_runave_n_Wrap (U200, wgt, 0, 0)

; remove temporal means of band pass series: *not* necessary ;删除带通序列的时间平均值
   olr   = dim_rmvmean_n( olr, 0)              ; (time,lon);计算olr数组第0维的距平
   u850  = dim_rmvmean_n(u850, 0)                          ;   u850
   u200  = dim_rmvmean_n(u200, 0)                          ;   u200

; Compute the temporal variance at each lon;计算每个lon的时间方差
   var_olr  = dim_variance_n_Wrap( olr, 0)     ; (lon)
   var_u850 = dim_variance_n_Wrap(u850, 0)
   var_u200 = dim_variance_n_Wrap(u200, 0)

; Compute the zonal mean of the temporal variance
  zavg_var_olr  = dim_avg_n_Wrap( var_olr , 0) ;计算时间方差的平均值    
  zavg_var_u850 = dim_avg_n_Wrap( var_u850, 0)
  zavg_var_u200 = dim_avg_n_Wrap( var_u200, 0)

; Normalize by sqrt(avg_var*);规范化:开平方
  olr   =  olr/sqrt(zavg_var_olr )          ; (time,lon)
  u850  = u850/sqrt(zavg_var_u850)
  u200  = u200/sqrt(zavg_var_u200)
; Combine the normalized data into one variable;将规范化的数据合并为一个变量
  cdata     = new ( (/3*mlon,ntim/), typeof(olr), getFillValue(olr));new(维数,数值类型,缺测值的数值)
  do ml=0,mlon-1
     cdata(ml       ,:) = (/  olr(:,ml) /)
     cdata(ml+  mlon,:) = (/ u850(:,ml) /)
     cdata(ml+2*mlon,:) = (/ u200(:,ml) /)
  end do

; Compute **combined** EOF; Sign of EOF is arbitrary;计算**组合**EOF;EOF的符号是任意的
  eof_cdata    = eofunc(cdata   , neof, False)      ; (neof,3*mlon);经验函数正交分解?neof之前赋值为2;计算前2个主要模态
  printMinMax(eof_cdata, True)

  eof_ts_cdata = eofunc_ts(cdata,eof_cdata,False)   ; (neof,3*ntim);再计算前两个模态所对应的时间序列
  printMinMax(eof_ts_cdata, True)

; For clarity, explicitly extract each variable. Create time series ;显式提取每个变量。创建时间序列

  nvar = 3  ; "olr", "u850", "u200"
  ceof = new( (/nvar,neof,mlon/), typeof(cdata), getFillValue(cdata))

  do n=0,neof-1
     ceof(0,n,:) = eof_cdata(n,0:mlon-1)      ; olr
     ceof(1,n,:) = eof_cdata(n,mlon:2*mlon-1) ; u850
     ceof(2,n,:) = eof_cdata(n,2*mlon:)       ; u200
  end do

  ceof!0   = "var" ;ceof的第零维命名为var
  ceof!1   = "eof"
  ceof!2   = "lon"  
  ceof&lon =  olr&lon ;ceof的lon坐标变量

  ceof_ts        = new( (/nvar,neof,ntim/), typeof(cdata), getFillValue(cdata))
  ceof_ts(0,:,:) = eofunc_ts_Wrap( olr(lon|:,time|:),ceof(0,:,:),False)   ; (0,neof,ntim)
  ceof_ts(1,:,:) = eofunc_ts_Wrap(u850(lon|:,time|:),ceof(1,:,:),False)   ; (1,neof,ntim)
  ceof_ts(2,:,:) = eofunc_ts_Wrap(u200(lon|:,time|:),ceof(2,:,:),False)   ; (2,neof,ntim)
; Add code contributed by Marcus N. Morgan, Florida Institute of Technology; Feb 2015
; Calculate % variance (pcv_ )accounted for by OLR, U850 and U200 ;计算olr u850 u200引起的方差百分比

    pcv_eof_olr  = new(neof,typeof(ceof))
    pcv_eof_u850 = new(neof,typeof(ceof))
    pcv_eof_u200 = new(neof,typeof(ceof))
    do n=0,neof-1
       pcv_eof_olr(n)  = avg((ceof(0,n,:)*sqrt(ceof@eval(n)))^2)*100
       pcv_eof_u850(n) = avg((ceof(1,n,:)*sqrt(ceof@eval(n)))^2)*100
       pcv_eof_u200(n) = avg((ceof(2,n,:)*sqrt(ceof@eval(n)))^2)*100
     ;;print("pcv: neof="+(n+1)+":  "+pcv_eof_olr(n)+"  "+pcv_eof_u850(n)+"  "+pcv_eof_u200(n))
    end do

; Change sign of EOFs for spatial structures of PC1 and PC2 
; to represent convection over the tropical Indian Ocean and the tropical western Pacific Ocean, respectively 
; (Ad hoc approach) 
  imax_olr_eof1   = maxind(ceof(0,0,:))  ;返回数组ceof中第一个最大值的下标变量  (?)       
  imax_olr_eof2   = maxind(ceof(0,1,:))    

  lonmax_eof1 = ceof&lon(imax_olr_eof1)      ; longitude of max value (i.e. suppressed convection)
  lonmax_eof2 = ceof&lon(imax_olr_eof2)

  if ( .and. then  ; Change the sign of EOF1 
      ceof(:,0,:)       = -ceof(:,0,:)                  ; if OLR is positive
      ceof_ts(:,0,:)    = -ceof_ts(:,0,:)               ;  over the tropical Indian Ocean
      eof_cdata(0,:)    = -eof_cdata(0,:)
      eof_ts_cdata(0,:) = -eof_ts_cdata(0,:)
  end if

  if ( .and. then  ; Change the sign of EOF2
      ceof(:,1,:)       = -ceof(:,1,:)                   ; if OLR is positive 
      ceof_ts(:,1,:)    = -ceof_ts(:,1,:)                ; over the tropical western Pacific Ocean
      eof_cdata(1,:)    = -eof_cdata(1,:)
      eof_ts_cdata(1,:) = -eof_ts_cdata(1,:)
  end if

  printMinMax(eof_cdata, True)

; Compute cross correlation of each variable's EOF time series at zero-lag :计算零滞后条件下每个变量EOF时间序列的互相关
  r_olr_u850  = escorc(ceof_ts(0,:,:) , ceof_ts(1,:,:) )  ; (neof)
  r_olr_u200  = escorc(ceof_ts(0,:,:) , ceof_ts(2,:,:) ) ;计算x最右边维和y最右边维的同时线性相关系数
  r_u850_u200 = escorc(ceof_ts(1,:,:) , ceof_ts(2,:,:) )

  do n=0,neof-1
     print("neof="+n \
          +"  r_olr_u850=" +sprintf("%4.3f",r_olr_u850(n))  \
          +"  r_olr_u200=" +sprintf("%4.3f",r_olr_u200(n))  \
          +"  r_u850_u200="+sprintf("%4.3f",r_u850_u200(n)) )
  end do

; Compute cross correlation of the multivariate EOF; EOF 1 vs EOF 2 ;计算多元EOF的互相关;EOF 1与EOF 2

  mxlag     = 25
  rlag_01   = esccr(eof_ts_cdata(0,:),eof_ts_cdata(1,:), mxlag)   ; (N,mxlag+1) 计算x最右边维和y最右边维的交叉相关系数
  rlag_10   = esccr(eof_ts_cdata(1,:),eof_ts_cdata(0,:), mxlag)   ; (N,mxlag+1)
  ccr_12    = new ( (/2*mxlag+1/), float)    

  ccr_12(mxlag:)    = rlag_10(0:mxlag)   
  ccr_12(0:mxlag)   = rlag_01(::-1)       ; reverse order

; Normalize the multivariate EOF 1&2 component time series 归一化多元EOF 1和2分量时间序列
; Compute (PC1^2+PC2^2): values > 1 indicate "strong" periods;计算(PC1^2+PC2^2):值>1表示“强”周期
  eof_ts_cdata(0,:) = eof_ts_cdata(0,:)/stddev(eof_ts_cdata(0,:));stddev:计算数组x中所有数值的标准差
  eof_ts_cdata(1,:) = eof_ts_cdata(1,:)/stddev(eof_ts_cdata(1,:))

  mjo_ts_index      = eof_ts_cdata(0,:)^2 + eof_ts_cdata(1,:)^2 
  mjo_ts_index_smt  = runave(mjo_ts_index, 91, 0) ; 91-day running mean 对数组x的第0维等权重滑动平均

  nGood   = num(.not.ismissing(mjo_ts_index))     ; # non-missing
  nStrong = num(mjo_ts_index .ge. 1.0)
  print("nGood="+nGood+"   nStrong="+nStrong+"   nOther="+(nGood-nStrong))

; Write PC results to netCDF for use in another example.将PC结果写入netCDF,以便在另一个示例中使用
  mjo_ts_index!0    = "time"
  mjo_ts_index&time = time 
  mjo_ts_index@long_name = "MJO PC INDEX" 
  mjo_ts_index@info      = "(PC1^2 + PC2^2)" 

  PC1           = eof_ts_cdata(0,:)
  PC1!0         = "time"
  PC1&time      =  time
  PC1@long_name = "PC1"
  PC1@info      = "PC1/stddev(PC1)"

  PC2           = eof_ts_cdata(1,:)
  PC2!0         = "time"
  PC2&time      =  time
  PC2@long_name = "PC2"
  PC2@info      = "PC2/stddev(PC2)"

  diro = "/mnt/c/project/MJO/mjo14/"
  filo = ""
  system("/bin/rm -f "+diro+filo)   ; remove any pre-existing file 删除任何预先存在的文件
  ncdf = addfile(diro+filo,"c")     ; open output netCDF file
                                    ; make time an UNLIMITED dimension 让时间成为无限的维度
  filedimdef(ncdf,"time",-1,True)   ; recommended  for most applications
                                    ; output variables directly 直接输出变量
  ncdf->MJO_INDEX = mjo_ts_index    
  ncdf->PC1       = PC1     
  ncdf->PC2       = PC2     

; PLOTS ;绘图

  yyyymmdd = cd_calendar(time, -2)
  yrfrac   = yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac(yyyymmdd, 0.0)
  delete([/ yrfrac@long_name, lon@long_name /])

  day      = ispan(-mxlag, mxlag, 1) ;创造一维的等差数列,公差为1,/-25 -24...24 25/
 ;day@long_name = "lag (day)"

  pltPath = pltDir+pltName

  wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType,pltPath) ;建立一个图形文件
  gsn_define_colormap(wks,"default")  ;更换默认色板
  plot = new(3,graphic)                

; Multivariate EOF plots 多变量EOF图
  rts           = True
  rts@gsnDraw   = False       ; don't draw yet
  rts@gsnFrame  = False       ; don't advance frame yet
  rts@gsnScale  = True        ; force text scaling               

  rts@vpHeightF = 0.40        ; Changes the aspect ratio
  rts@vpWidthF  = 0.85
  rts@vpXF      = 0.10        ; change start locations
  rts@vpYF      = 0.75        ; the plot
  rts@xyLineThicknesses = (/2, 2, 2/)
  rts@xyLineColors      = (/"black","red","blue"/)
  rts@gsnYRefLine       = 0.                  ; reference line   
  rts@trXMaxF           = max(lon)
  rts@trXMinF           = min(lon)

  rts@pmLegendDisplayMode    = "Always"            ; turn on legend
  rts@pmLegendSide           = "Top"               ; Change location of 
  rts@pmLegendParallelPosF   = 1.16                ; move units right
  rts@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.50               ; move units down
  rts@pmLegendWidthF         = 0.15                ; Change width and
  rts@pmLegendHeightF        = 0.15                ; height of legend.
  rts@lgLabelFontHeightF     = 0.0175

  rtsP                       = True                ; modify the panel plot
;  rtsP@gsnMaximize           = True                ; large format
  rtsP@gsnPanelMainString     = "Multivariate EOF: 15S-15N: "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast 
  do n=0,neof-1
    rts@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"OLR: "+sprintf("%4.1f", pcv_eof_u200(n)) +"%" \
                                  ,"U850: "+sprintf("%4.1f", pcv_eof_u850(n))+"%" \
                                  ,"U200: "+sprintf("%4.1f", pcv_eof_olr(n))+"%" /)
    rts@gsnLeftString  = "EOF "+(n+1)
    rts@gsnRightString = sprintf("%3.1f",ceof@pcvar(n))  +"%"
    plot(n) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,lon,ceof(:,n,:),rts)
  end do
  gsn_panel(wks,plot(0:1),(/2,1/),rtsP)     ; now draw as one plot

; The following doesn't work with some older versions of NCL 以下内容不适用于一些旧版本的NCL
; With old versions, the user must delete each individually. 对于旧版本,用户必须单独删除每个版本
  delete([/ rts@xyExplicitLegendLabels, rts@pmLegendDisplayMode \
          , rts@xyLineThicknesses     , rts@gsnLeftString       \
          , rts@gsnRightString        , rts@xyLineColors        \
          , rts@trXMaxF               , rts@trXMinF             /] )

  lag                        = ispan(-mxlag,mxlag,1)
  lag@long_name              = "lag (days)"

  plot(0)                    = gsn_csm_xy (wks, lag ,ccr_12,rts)
  rtsP@gsnPanelMainString    = "Cross Correlation: Multivariate EOF: 15S-15N: " \
                   +  yrStrt+"-"+yrLast 
  rtsP@gsnPaperOrientation   = "portrait"        ; force portrait
  gsn_panel(wks,plot(0),(/1,1/),rtsP)     ; now draw as one plot

; MJO "strong" index 
  rts@gsnYRefLine        = 1.0
  rts@gsnYRefLineColor   = "black"
  rts@xyMonoDashPattern  = True
  rts@xyLineColors       = (/"black", "blue"/)
  rts@xyLineThicknesses  = (/1, 2/)
  rts@pmLegendDisplayMode    = "Always"            ; turn on legend
  rts@pmLegendWidthF         = 0.12                ; Change width and
  rts@pmLegendHeightF        = 0.10                ; height of legend.
  rts@pmLegendParallelPosF   = 0.86                ; move units right
  rts@pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.40               ; move units down
  rts@xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"daily", "91-day runavg" /)

  mjo_ind_plt = new ( (/2,ntim/), typeof(mjo_ts_index))
  mjo_ind_plt(0,:) = mjo_ts_index
  mjo_ind_plt(1,:) = (/ mjo_ts_index_smt /)
  plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy(wks, yrfrac,mjo_ind_plt,rts)

  rtsP@gsnPanelMainString   = "MJO Index: (PC1^2+ PC2^2) : 15S-15N: "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast 
  gsn_panel(wks,plot(0),(/1,1/),rtsP)     ; now draw as one plot




; mjoclivar_16.ncl
; Generate life cycle composites based upon daily phase space
; If the MJO_INDEX is < 1.0 it is not included
; Source: Eun-Pa Lim: Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
; July, 2016
; These files are loaded by default in NCL V6.2.0 and newer
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"  
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"  
; load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" 

   latS    = -20
   latN    =  20

   ymdStrt = 20000101                         ; start yyyymmdd
   ymdLast = 20191231                         ; last  

   yrStrt  = ymdStrt/10000
   yrLast  = ymdLast/10000

   pltSubTitle = "Anomalous: OLR, U850, V850"

   pltDir= "/mnt/c/project/MJO/mjo16/"  ; plot directory
   pltType= "png"                            ; send graphics to PNG file
   pltName= "mjoclivar"                      ; yrStrt+"_"+yrLast
   diro= "/mnt/c/project/MJO/data/" ; output directory   
   diri= "/mnt/c/project/MJO/data/" ; input directory   


; create BandPass Filter
  ihp      = 2                             ; bpf=>band pass filter
  nWgt     = 201
  sigma    = 1.0                           ; Lanczos sigma
  fca      = 1./100.
  fcb      = 1./20.
  wgt      = filwgts_lanczos (nWgt, ihp, fca, fcb, sigma );计算滤波器的权重系数

; Find the indicies (subscripts) corresponding to the start/end times 查找与开始/结束时间相对应的标记(下标)

   f       = addfile (diri+filu , "r")                         
   TIME    = f->time                          ; days since ...
   YMD     = cd_calendar(TIME, -2)            ; entire (time,6)

   iStrt   = ind(YMD.eq.ymdStrt)              ; index start
   iLast   = ind(YMD.eq.ymdLast)              ; index last 
   delete(YMD )

   time    = f->time(iStrt:iLast)             ; days since ...
   u       = f->U850_anom(iStrt:iLast,{latS:latN},:) 
; Read anomalies frpm other fields 读取其他字段的异常
   f       = addfile (diri+filv , "r")                         
   v       = f->V850_anom(iStrt:iLast,{latS:latN},:)

   f       = addfile (diri+filo , "r")                         
   x       = f->OLR_anom(iStrt:iLast,{latS:latN},:) 

   dimx    = dimsizes( x )
   ntim    = dimx(0)
   nlat    = dimx(1)
   mlon    = dimx(2)
; Apply the band pass filter to the original anomalies
  a   = wgt_runave_leftdim (x, wgt, 0);对数组x第0维滑动平均?(leftdim是啥
  u   = wgt_runave_leftdim (u, wgt, 0)
  v   = wgt_runave_leftdim (v, wgt, 0)

; Open PC components file created in 'mjo_14.ncl'
  dirMJO  = "/mnt/c/project/MJO/mjo14/"                             ; input directory   
  fMJO    = ""                ; created in mjo_14.ncl
  f       = addfile (dirMJO+fMJO, "r")

; Find the indices corresponding to the start/end times 查找与开始/结束时间对应的索引
  TIME    = f->time                          ; days since ...
  YMD     = cd_calendar(TIME, -2)            ; entire (time,6)

  iStrt   = ind(YMD.eq.ymdStrt)              ; index start
  iLast   = ind(YMD.eq.ymdLast)              ; index last 
  delete(YMD )

; Read the data for the desired period 读取所需时间段的数据
  pc1     = f->PC1(iStrt:iLast)
  pc2     = f->PC2(iStrt:iLast)
  mjo_indx= f->MJO_INDEX(iStrt:iLast)

  time    = pc1&time 

  ymdhms  = cd_calendar(time, 0)

  imon    = floattoint( ymdhms(:,1) )   ; convenience
  iday    = floattoint( ymdhms(:,2) )   ; subscripts must be integer

; Place each array into an appropriate array 将每个阵列放入适当的阵列中
  nPhase      = 8
  angBnd      = new( (/2,nPhase/), "float")
  angBnd(0,:) = fspan(  0,315,nPhase)
  angBnd(1,:) = fspan( 45,360,nPhase)

  r2d         = 180./(4.*atan(1.0))
  ang         = atan2(pc2,pc1)*r2d     ; phase space 

  nn          = ind(

  ang(nn)     = ang(nn) + 360          ; make 0 to 360

; 0 <= ang < 45 --> MJO Phase 5 (i.e. +ve PC1 & +ve PC2)
;  print(pc1(:19)+"  "+pc2(:19)+"  "+ang(:19))

  nDays       = new (nPhase, "integer")
  pLabel      = "P"+ispan(1,nPhase,1)+": "

  ; pltPath = pltDir+pltName+"_rv_16"
  pltPath = pltDir+pltName
  wks  = gsn_open_wks(pltType,pltPath)
  plot = new(nPhase,graphic)              ; create graphic array

  res                      = True         
  res@gsnDraw              = False        ; don't draw yet
  res@gsnFrame             = False        ; don't advance frame yet
  res@mpFillOn             = False        ; turn off map fill
  res@mpMinLatF            = latS         ; zoom in on map
  res@mpMaxLatF            = latN
  res@mpCenterLonF         = 210.
  res@cnFillOn             = True         ; turn on color fill
  res@cnFillPalette        = "ViBlGrWhYeOrRe" ; set color map
  res@cnLinesOn            = False        ; True is default
  res@cnLineLabelsOn       = False        ; True is default
  res@lbLabelBarOn         = False        ; turn off individual lb's
  res@gsnScalarContour     = True         ; contour 3rd array 
  res@gsnMajorLatSpacing   = 15
  res@gsnMajorLonSpacing   = 60
  res@tmXBLabelFontHeightF = 0.01
  res@tmYLLabelFontHeightF = 0.01

                                          ; common contours 
 ;mnmxint = nice_mnmxintvl( min(x) , max(x), 16, False)
  res@cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
  res@cnMinLevelValF       =  -40         ; -100; mnmxint(0)
  res@cnMaxLevelValF       =   40         ;   80; mnmxint(1)
  res@cnLevelSpacingF      =    5         ;   20; mnmxint(2)

  res@vcMinDistanceF            = 0.01            ; thin the vector density
  res@vcRefMagnitudeF           = 2.0             ; define vector ref mag
  res@vcRefLengthF              = 0.025           ; define length of vec ref
  res@vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF   = -1.0            ; move ref vector
  res@vcRefAnnoArrowLineColor   = "black"         ; change ref vector color
  res@vcRefAnnoArrowUseVecColor = False           ; don't use vec color for ref

                                          ; panel plot only resources
  resP                     = True         ; modify the panel plot
  resP@gsnMaximize         = True         ; large format
  resP@gsnPanelLabelBar    = True         ; add common colorbar
  resP@lbLabelFontHeightF  = 0.01
  resP@gsnPanelBottom      = 0.05         ; add some space at bottom
  resP@pmLabelBarWidthF    = 0.8          ; label bar width
  resP@pmLabelBarHeightF   = 0.05
  resP@gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF = 0.0125  ; bit larger than default
 ;resP@pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = 0.015   ; move labelbar up a bit

  txres                  = True             
  txres@txFontHeightF    = 0.01
  txid = gsn_create_text(wks, pltSubTitle, txres)

  amres                  = True 
 ;amres@amParallelPosF   =  0.575  
  amres@amOrthogonalPosF =  0.75  
  amres@amJust           = "CenterCenter"
 ;amres@amResizeNotify   = True

; Loop over each phase
 res@gsnLeftString               = ""
 res@gsnRightString              = ""
 do nSeason=1,2
    if (nSeason.eq.1) then
        resP@gsnPanelMainString  = yrStrt+"-"+yrLast+": May to Oct"
        resP@gsnPanelMainString  = yrStrt+"-"+yrLast+": Nov to Apr"
    end if

  do n=0,nPhase-1

    na = n+4             ; temporary adjustment for 0 <= ang < 45 represents MJO phase 5 not MJO phase 1 
    if( then
      na = na - 8
    end if
;    print(na)

     if (nSeason.eq.1) then
         nt = ind(    .and.                     \
                 (          .and. imon.le.10).and.    \
        ,n) .and.,n))
         nt = ind(    .and.                     \
                 (         .or.  imon.le. 4).and.    \
        ,n) .and.,n))
     end if
     if (.not.all(ismissing(nt))) then
         xAvg = dim_avg_Wrap( x(lat|:,lon|:,time|nt) )
         uAvg = dim_avg_Wrap( u(lat|:,lon|:,time|nt) )
         vAvg = dim_avg_Wrap( v(lat|:,lon|:,time|nt) )
         nDays(na) = dimsizes(nt)

         res@tmXBLabelsOn         = False    ; do not draw lon labels
         res@tmXBOn               = False    ;             lon tickmarks
         if (n.eq.(nPhase-1)) then           ; 
             res@tmXBLabelsOn     = True     ; draw lon labels
             res@tmXBOn           = True     ;          tickmarks
         end if

         plot(na) = gsn_csm_vector_scalar_map(wks,uAvg,vAvg,xAvg,res)
     end if
     delete(nt)                  ; will change next iteration
  end do

  resP@gsnPanelFigureStrings= pLabel+nDays
  gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/nPhase,1/),resP)     ; now draw as one plot
 end do


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