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原创 [GitHub][2014-05-17 22:00:18]IMClipboard

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/IMClipboard IMClipboard A Clipboard Image Transmit Tool # The WebSite is Big Storage

2014-05-17 21:58:25 594

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-17 12:00:07]forgithub

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/forgithub forgithub some source for github 怎么获取这些代码? 如果你只是想简单的使用这些代码的话你可以把它当作一个压缩包下载到你的电脑上,点击右边的“Download ZIP”: 如果你喜欢这些代码,那么你可以加星: 如果你觉得这些代码还有很多

2014-05-17 11:56:54 824

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-16 18:00:13]flexbison

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/flexbison flexbison some flex & bison demo 说明 环境说明 目前整个项目都是在Windows上面开发的 Windows 上面所需的flex bison gcc 可以去这下载 结构说明 通用 make.bat 生成exe并做测试用的脚本 clean.bat

2014-05-16 17:58:22 630

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-16 16:00:14]FAST-FW

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/FAST-FW FAST-FW FAST FW系列路由器的操作封装

2014-05-16 15:57:03 526

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-16 14:00:07]eqq-python

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/eqq-python eqq-python eqq python version

2014-05-16 13:56:57 584

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-16 10:00:18]django-example

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/django-example Django on OpenShift This git repository helps you get up and running quickly w/ a Django installation on OpenShift. The Django project name used in

2014-05-16 09:57:04 886

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-16 02:00:58]django

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/django Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Thanks for checking it out. All documentation is i

2014-05-16 01:57:39 708

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-16 00:00:12]ckeditor-dev

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/ckeditor-dev CKEditor 4 - The best browser-based WYSIWYG editor Development Code This repository contains the development version of CKEditor. Attention: The co

2014-05-15 23:56:53 655

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-15 22:00:11]BuluBuluBuluz

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/BuluBuluBuluz BuluBuluBuluz The source code of BuluBuluBuluz website (http://bulubulubuluz.sinaapp.com). 该代码使用web.py框架,在SAE上测试通过,微信公众平台上的接口设置如下: URL:http://bu

2014-05-15 21:56:52 614

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-15 20:00:09]BigStorage

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/BigStorage BigStorage Big Storage

2014-05-15 19:56:50 682

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-15 16:00:10]AppShare

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/AppShare AppShare A tool to share you app on Android platform. The Web Server is support by SinJavaWeb. v1.1 1.某些版本的Android无法下载或者下载之后找不到打开方式的bug; 2

2014-05-15 15:56:51 420

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-15 00:00:08]angular.js

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/angular.js AngularJS AngularJS lets you write client-side web applications as if you had a smarter browser. It lets you use good old HTML (or HAML, Jade and f

2014-05-14 23:58:07 583

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-14 22:00:17]65ca

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/65ca 65ca A 6502CPU Assembler. 一个6502系列处理器的汇编程序。 说明 环境说明 目前整个项目都是在Windows上面开发的 Windows 上面所需的flex bison gcc 可以去这下载 大部分自动工具都使用Python编写,如果需要运行请安装Python 2.x (推荐2

2014-05-14 21:58:18 591

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-14 20:00:05]AndroidDemos

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/AndroidDemos AndroidDemos Same Android Demos From Sin.

2014-05-14 19:56:47 577

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-14 16:00:09]Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code Adafruit's Raspberry-Pi Python Code Library Here is a growing collection of libraries and example python scripts for controlling

2014-05-14 15:58:09 662

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-14 10:00:08]MultiWaveView

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/MultiWaveView MultiWaveView C#实现的多波形实时显示解决方案(基于VS2005环境) 使用介绍 首先需要引入MultiWaveView.dll(如果直接通过源代码集成则不用)。 两个类,一个为MultiWaveView,是主要的波形控件,用于显示波形。另一个为WaveProperty,是

2014-05-14 09:56:50 804

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-14 04:00:06]mark-sweep

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/mark-sweep This is the sample code for this article. 中文译文请戳这里。

2014-05-14 03:58:07 632

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-13 22:00:08]Just-a-Page

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/Just-a-Page Just-a-Page See More Information

2014-05-13 21:58:07 479

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-13 18:01:56]jfinal

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/jfinal JAVA 极速WEB+ORM框架 JFinal JFinal 是基于 Java 语言的极速 WEB + ORM 框架,其核心设计目标是开发迅速、代码量少、学习简单、功能强大、轻量级、易扩展、Restful。在拥有Java语言所有优势的同时再拥有ruby、python等动态语言的开发效率!为您节约更多时间,去陪恋人

2014-05-13 17:58:38 602

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-13 14:00:24]JavaPlot

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/JavaPlot JavaPlot A Matlab上plot功能类似的Java实现,基于swing组件,方便Java绘制波形。 API说明 所有的绘图api均封装在Plot类下,使用和Matlab类似的函数名称。 figrue() 创建一个绘图面板 hold_on() 开启绘图保持,用于将多个绘图对象绘制到同一

2014-05-13 13:57:06 1901

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-13 06:00:39]JavaDsp

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/JavaDsp JavaDsp 数字信号处理(DSP)方面的Java封装,包含常用的一些处理方法,如滤波、信号变换等等。 该类库是我本科毕业设计中的一部分,绝大部分都是我自己写实现的,很少部分算法有我另外几个朋友参与讨论和实现,在此表示感谢。 说明 架构(管道风格) 考虑到信号处理都是数据(信号)的输入和输出,为了

2014-05-13 05:58:39 935

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-12 22:00:13]IMClipboard

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/IMClipboard IMClipboard A Clipboard Image Transmit Tool # The WebSite is Big Storage

2014-05-12 21:58:13 680

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-12 06:00:42]forgithub

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/forgithub forgithub some source for github 怎么获取这些代码? 如果你只是想简单的使用这些代码的话你可以把它当作一个压缩包下载到你的电脑上,点击右边的“Download ZIP”: 如果你喜欢这些代码,那么你可以加星: 如果你觉得这些代码还有很多

2014-05-12 05:57:24 601

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 23:20:17]flexbison

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/flexbison flexbison some flex & bison demo 说明 环境说明 目前整个项目都是在Windows上面开发的 Windows 上面所需的flex bison gcc 可以去这下载 结构说明 通用 make.bat 生成exe并做测试用的脚本 clean.bat

2014-05-11 23:16:58 904

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 23:19:44]FAST-FW

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/FAST-FW FAST-FW FAST FW系列路由器的操作封装

2014-05-11 23:16:25 867

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 18:34:13]eqq-python

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/eqq-python eqq-python eqq python version

2014-05-11 18:30:58 605

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 18:00:21]django-example

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/django-example Django on OpenShift This git repository helps you get up and running quickly w/ a Django installation on OpenShift. The Django project name used in

2014-05-11 17:58:20 841

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 12:37:00]django

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/django Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Thanks for checking it out. All documentation is i

2014-05-11 12:33:46 652

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 11:34:17]ckeditor-dev

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/ckeditor-dev CKEditor 4 - The best browser-based WYSIWYG editor Development Code This repository contains the development version of CKEditor. Attention: The co

2014-05-11 11:32:17 567

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 11:33:05]BuluBuluBuluz

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/BuluBuluBuluz BuluBuluBuluz The source code of BuluBuluBuluz website (http://bulubulubuluz.sinaapp.com). 该代码使用web.py框架,在SAE上测试通过,微信公众平台上的接口设置如下: URL:http://bu

2014-05-11 11:31:06 494

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 11:32:51]BigStorage

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/BigStorage BigStorage Big Storage

2014-05-11 11:30:53 404

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 11:31:27]AppShare

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/AppShare AppShare A tool to share you app on Android platform. The Web Server is support by SinJavaWeb. v1.1 1.某些版本的Android无法下载或者下载之后找不到打开方式的bug; 2

2014-05-11 11:29:28 601

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 11:27:39]angular.js

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/angular.js AngularJS AngularJS lets you write client-side web applications as if you had a smarter browser. It lets you use good old HTML (or HAML, Jade and f

2014-05-11 11:25:40 908

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-11 11:25:28]65ca

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/65ca 65ca A 6502CPU Assembler. 一个6502系列处理器的汇编程序。 说明 环境说明 目前整个项目都是在Windows上面开发的 Windows 上面所需的flex bison gcc 可以去这下载 大部分自动工具都使用Python编写,如果需要运行请安装Python 2.x (推荐2

2014-05-11 11:23:30 2391

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-10 21:24:10]AndroidDemos

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/AndroidDemos AndroidDemos Same Android Demos From Sin.

2014-05-10 21:20:52 440

原创 [GitHub][2014-05-10 21:23:30]Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code

GitHub: https://github.com/sintrb/Adafruit-Raspberry-Pi-Python-Code Adafruit's Raspberry-Pi Python Code Library Here is a growing collection of libraries and example python scripts for controlling

2014-05-10 21:20:11 789



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