






public class FrameLayout extends ViewGroup {
    private static final int DEFAULT_CHILD_GRAVITY = Gravity.TOP | Gravity.START;

    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "measurement")
    boolean mMeasureAllChildren = false;

    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding")
    private int mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0;

    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding")
    private int mForegroundPaddingTop = 0;

    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding")
    private int mForegroundPaddingRight = 0;

    @ViewDebug.ExportedProperty(category = "padding")
    private int mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0;

    private final ArrayList<View> mMatchParentChildren = new ArrayList<>(1);

    public FrameLayout(@NonNull Context context) {

    public FrameLayout(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    public FrameLayout(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs,
            @AttrRes int defStyleAttr) {
        this(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, 0);

    public FrameLayout(@NonNull Context context, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs,
            @AttrRes int defStyleAttr, @StyleRes int defStyleRes) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(
                attrs, R.styleable.FrameLayout, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);
        saveAttributeDataForStyleable(context, R.styleable.FrameLayout,
                attrs, a, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

        if (a.getBoolean(R.styleable.FrameLayout_measureAllChildren, false)) {


     * Describes how the foreground is positioned. Defaults to START and TOP.
     * @param foregroundGravity See {@link android.view.Gravity}
     * @see #getForegroundGravity()
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#View_foregroundGravity
    public void setForegroundGravity(int foregroundGravity) {
        if (getForegroundGravity() != foregroundGravity) {

            // calling get* again here because the set above may apply default constraints
            final Drawable foreground = getForeground();
            if (getForegroundGravity() == Gravity.FILL && foreground != null) {
                Rect padding = new Rect();
                if (foreground.getPadding(padding)) {
                    mForegroundPaddingLeft = padding.left;
                    mForegroundPaddingTop = padding.top;
                    mForegroundPaddingRight = padding.right;
                    mForegroundPaddingBottom = padding.bottom;
            } else {
                mForegroundPaddingLeft = 0;
                mForegroundPaddingTop = 0;
                mForegroundPaddingRight = 0;
                mForegroundPaddingBottom = 0;


     * Returns a set of layout parameters with a width of
     * {@link android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams#MATCH_PARENT},
     * and a height of {@link android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams#MATCH_PARENT}.
    protected LayoutParams generateDefaultLayoutParams() {
        return new LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT);

    int getPaddingLeftWithForeground() {
        return isForegroundInsidePadding() ? Math.max(mPaddingLeft, mForegroundPaddingLeft) :
            mPaddingLeft + mForegroundPaddingLeft;

    int getPaddingRightWithForeground() {
        return isForegroundInsidePadding() ? Math.max(mPaddingRight, mForegroundPaddingRight) :
            mPaddingRight + mForegroundPaddingRight;

    private int getPaddingTopWithForeground() {
        return isForegroundInsidePadding() ? Math.max(mPaddingTop, mForegroundPaddingTop) :
            mPaddingTop + mForegroundPaddingTop;

    private int getPaddingBottomWithForeground() {
        return isForegroundInsidePadding() ? Math.max(mPaddingBottom, mForegroundPaddingBottom) :
            mPaddingBottom + mForegroundPaddingBottom;

    protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
        int count = getChildCount();
        final boolean measureMatchParentChildren =
                MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec) != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY ||
                MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec) != MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;

        int maxHeight = 0;
        int maxWidth = 0;
        int childState = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final View child = getChildAt(i);
            if (mMeasureAllChildren || child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
                measureChildWithMargins(child, widthMeasureSpec, 0, heightMeasureSpec, 0);
                final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
                //父View的宽 = 子View宽 + 左外边距 + 右外边距
                maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth,
                        child.getMeasuredWidth() + lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin);
                maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight,
                        child.getMeasuredHeight() + lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin);
                childState = combineMeasuredStates(childState, child.getMeasuredState());
                if (measureMatchParentChildren) {
                    if (lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT ||
                            lp.height == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {

        // 父View的宽,还要加上父View对子View的内边距
        maxWidth += getPaddingLeftWithForeground() + getPaddingRightWithForeground();
        maxHeight += getPaddingTopWithForeground() + getPaddingBottomWithForeground();

        // 如果设置了最小宽高,那么还要和最小宽高比较
        maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, getSuggestedMinimumHeight());
        maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, getSuggestedMinimumWidth());

        // 是否存在背景,是的话,还要跟背景的宽高比较
        final Drawable drawable = getForeground();
        if (drawable != null) {
            maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, drawable.getMinimumHeight());
            maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, drawable.getMinimumWidth());
        setMeasuredDimension(resolveSizeAndState(maxWidth, widthMeasureSpec, childState),
                resolveSizeAndState(maxHeight, heightMeasureSpec,
                        childState << MEASURED_HEIGHT_STATE_SHIFT));
        count = mMatchParentChildren.size();
        if (count > 1) {
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                final View child = mMatchParentChildren.get(i);
                final MarginLayoutParams lp = (MarginLayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

                final int childWidthMeasureSpec;
                //子View宽 = 父View宽 - 外边距 - 内边距
                if (lp.width == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                    final int width = Math.max(0, getMeasuredWidth()
                            - getPaddingLeftWithForeground() - getPaddingRightWithForeground()
                            - lp.leftMargin - lp.rightMargin);
                    childWidthMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                            width, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
                } else {
                    childWidthMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(widthMeasureSpec,
                            getPaddingLeftWithForeground() + getPaddingRightWithForeground() +
                            lp.leftMargin + lp.rightMargin,

                final int childHeightMeasureSpec;
                if (lp.height == LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT) {
                    final int height = Math.max(0, getMeasuredHeight()
                            - getPaddingTopWithForeground() - getPaddingBottomWithForeground()
                            - lp.topMargin - lp.bottomMargin);
                    childHeightMeasureSpec = MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(
                            height, MeasureSpec.EXACTLY);
                } else {
                    childHeightMeasureSpec = getChildMeasureSpec(heightMeasureSpec,
                            getPaddingTopWithForeground() + getPaddingBottomWithForeground() +
                            lp.topMargin + lp.bottomMargin,
                child.measure(childWidthMeasureSpec, childHeightMeasureSpec);

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        layoutChildren(left, top, right, bottom, false /* no force left gravity */);

    void layoutChildren(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, boolean forceLeftGravity) {
        final int count = getChildCount();
        final int parentLeft = getPaddingLeftWithForeground();
        final int parentRight = right - left - getPaddingRightWithForeground();

        final int parentTop = getPaddingTopWithForeground();
        final int parentBottom = bottom - top - getPaddingBottomWithForeground();

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            final View child = getChildAt(i);
            if (child.getVisibility() != GONE) {
                final LayoutParams lp = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();

                final int width = child.getMeasuredWidth();
                final int height = child.getMeasuredHeight();

                int childLeft;
                int childTop;
                int gravity = lp.gravity;
                if (gravity == -1) {
                    gravity = DEFAULT_CHILD_GRAVITY;

                final int layoutDirection = getLayoutDirection();
                final int absoluteGravity = Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(gravity, layoutDirection);
                final int verticalGravity = gravity & Gravity.VERTICAL_GRAVITY_MASK;

                switch (absoluteGravity & Gravity.HORIZONTAL_GRAVITY_MASK) {
                       //子view左坐标 = 父左坐标 + (父宽-子宽)的一半 + 左外边距 - 右外边距
                    case Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL:
                        childLeft = parentLeft + (parentRight - parentLeft - width) / 2 +
                        lp.leftMargin - lp.rightMargin;
                    case Gravity.RIGHT:
                        if (!forceLeftGravity) {
                            childLeft = parentRight - width - lp.rightMargin;
                    case Gravity.LEFT:
                        childLeft = parentLeft + lp.leftMargin;
                switch (verticalGravity) {
                    case Gravity.TOP:
                        childTop = parentTop + lp.topMargin;
                    case Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL:
                        childTop = parentTop + (parentBottom - parentTop - height) / 2 +
                        lp.topMargin - lp.bottomMargin;
                    case Gravity.BOTTOM:
                        childTop = parentBottom - height - lp.bottomMargin;
                        childTop = parentTop + lp.topMargin;
                child.layout(childLeft, childTop, childLeft + width, childTop + height);

     * Sets whether to consider all children, or just those in
     * the VISIBLE or INVISIBLE state, when measuring. Defaults to false.
     * @param measureAll true to consider children marked GONE, false otherwise.
     * Default value is false.
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_measureAllChildren
    public void setMeasureAllChildren(boolean measureAll) {
        mMeasureAllChildren = measureAll;

     * Determines whether all children, or just those in the VISIBLE or
     * INVISIBLE state, are considered when measuring.
     * @return Whether all children are considered when measuring.
     * @deprecated This method is deprecated in favor of
     * {@link #getMeasureAllChildren() getMeasureAllChildren()}, which was
     * renamed for consistency with
     * {@link #setMeasureAllChildren(boolean) setMeasureAllChildren()}.
    public boolean getConsiderGoneChildrenWhenMeasuring() {
        return getMeasureAllChildren();

     * Determines whether all children, or just those in the VISIBLE or
     * INVISIBLE state, are considered when measuring.
     * @return Whether all children are considered when measuring.
    public boolean getMeasureAllChildren() {
        return mMeasureAllChildren;

    public LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(getContext(), attrs);

    public boolean shouldDelayChildPressedState() {
        return false;

    protected boolean checkLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams p) {
        return p instanceof LayoutParams;

    protected ViewGroup.LayoutParams generateLayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp) {
        if (sPreserveMarginParamsInLayoutParamConversion) {
            if (lp instanceof LayoutParams) {
                return new LayoutParams((LayoutParams) lp);
            } else if (lp instanceof MarginLayoutParams) {
                return new LayoutParams((MarginLayoutParams) lp);
        return new LayoutParams(lp);

    public CharSequence getAccessibilityClassName() {
        return FrameLayout.class.getName();

    /** @hide */
    protected void encodeProperties(@NonNull ViewHierarchyEncoder encoder) {

        encoder.addProperty("measurement:measureAllChildren", mMeasureAllChildren);
        encoder.addProperty("padding:foregroundPaddingLeft", mForegroundPaddingLeft);
        encoder.addProperty("padding:foregroundPaddingTop", mForegroundPaddingTop);
        encoder.addProperty("padding:foregroundPaddingRight", mForegroundPaddingRight);
        encoder.addProperty("padding:foregroundPaddingBottom", mForegroundPaddingBottom);

     * Per-child layout information for layouts that support margins.
     * See {@link android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_Layout FrameLayout Layout Attributes}
     * for a list of all child view attributes that this class supports.
     * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_Layout_layout_gravity
    public static class LayoutParams extends MarginLayoutParams {
         * Value for {@link #gravity} indicating that a gravity has not been
         * explicitly specified.
        public static final int UNSPECIFIED_GRAVITY = -1;

         * The gravity to apply with the View to which these layout parameters
         * are associated.
         * <p>
         * The default value is {@link #UNSPECIFIED_GRAVITY}, which is treated
         * by FrameLayout as {@code Gravity.TOP | Gravity.START}.
         * @see android.view.Gravity
         * @attr ref android.R.styleable#FrameLayout_Layout_layout_gravity
                name = "layout_gravity",
                valueType = InspectableProperty.ValueType.GRAVITY)
        public int gravity = UNSPECIFIED_GRAVITY;

        public LayoutParams(@NonNull Context c, @Nullable AttributeSet attrs) {
            super(c, attrs);

            final TypedArray a = c.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.FrameLayout_Layout);
            gravity = a.getInt(R.styleable.FrameLayout_Layout_layout_gravity, UNSPECIFIED_GRAVITY);

        public LayoutParams(int width, int height) {
            super(width, height);

         * Creates a new set of layout parameters with the specified width, height
         * and weight.
         * @param width the width, either {@link #MATCH_PARENT},
         *              {@link #WRAP_CONTENT} or a fixed size in pixels
         * @param height the height, either {@link #MATCH_PARENT},
         *               {@link #WRAP_CONTENT} or a fixed size in pixels
         * @param gravity the gravity
         * @see android.view.Gravity
        public LayoutParams(int width, int height, int gravity) {
            super(width, height);
            this.gravity = gravity;

        public LayoutParams(@NonNull ViewGroup.LayoutParams source) {

        public LayoutParams(@NonNull ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams source) {

         * Copy constructor. Clones the width, height, margin values, and
         * gravity of the source.
         * @param source The layout params to copy from.
        public LayoutParams(@NonNull LayoutParams source) {

            this.gravity = source.gravity;


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