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原创 最近很忙啊
这个暑假算是没放了···每天 都要去上课 不过 还是挺开心的 能多学点东西毕竟是好 啊 想想这个课 还真是好漫长啊 我都学一年了 也才学了几门 还是老师太少 希望大学毕业能学完~ 现在就想赶紧把比赛弄完 创意真的是很重要啊 andr
2011-08-11 00:52:08 305
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005
还不错的书,要考证的可以看看~Written by a T-SQL guru, this thorough, hands-on reference for database developers and administrators focuses on language features and how they are interpreted and processed by the SQL Server execution engine.
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