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原创 Java Lambda

Java LambdaJava Lambda 筛选 filterJava Lambda 截断流 limitJava Lambda 去重流 distinctJava Lambda 跳过流 skipJava Lambda 映射 mapJava Lambda 映射扁平化流 flatMapJava Lambda 查找 findAny findFirstJava Lambda 匹配 anyMatch allMatch noneMatchJava Lambda 归约 reduce

2022-03-11 12:35:31 59752 11

原创 java jsoup 网络爬虫 jsoup解析html Java爬虫 Jsoup爬虫 jsoup例子

java jsoup 网络爬虫java jsoup 网络爬虫 学习例子(一)抓取豆瓣电影名称+推荐星级 java jsoup 网络爬虫 学习例子(二)只抓取豆瓣电影5星(力荐)电影名称 java jsoup 网络爬虫 学习例子(三)抓取豆瓣电影海报图片 下载到本地 java jsoup 网络爬虫 学习例子(四)抓取网页连接插入mysql数据库 java ...

2016-05-06 08:03:28 184112 26

原创 java jsoup 多线程爬虫Miner

java jsoup多线程爬虫Miner需要配置项:1、URL包含关键字。2、存储方式:DB-数据库存储;FILE-文件存储。3、爬取页面最大深度。4、下载页面线程数。5、分析页面线程数。6、存储线程数。-------------------------------------------程序中用到的表:CREATE TABLE `miner` (...

2016-04-25 19:53:21 185253 5

原创 为了几两碎银


2024-07-23 19:30:40 83 3

原创 位置参数参


2024-07-18 14:34:39 293 1

原创 比较两个已排过序的文件的命令comm

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-07-07 15:24:30 475 1

原创 逐行比较两个文本文件,列出其不同之处的命令diff

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-07-07 15:17:12 434 1

原创 清除屏幕上信息的命令clear

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-07-07 15:05:16 151 1

原创 显示近期用户登录情况的命令last

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-07-07 15:01:42 231 1

原创 将缓冲文件写到磁盘中的命令sync

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-07-07 14:49:18 186 1

原创 显示系统已经运行时间的命令uptime

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-07-07 14:43:39 135 1

原创 周三了加油加油加油


2024-07-03 07:28:58 349 1

原创 真的好难过呀


2024-06-26 12:00:55 137 1

原创 题目:回答结果(结构体变量传递)

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:52:05 251 2

原创 题目:两个字符串连接程序

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:51:03 255 1

原创 题目:判断一个素数能被几个9整除

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:49:49 333 1

原创 题目:一个偶数总能表示为两个素数之和。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:48:46 205 1

原创 题目:求0—7所能组成的奇数个数。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:47:40 223 1

原创 题目:八进制转换为十进制

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:45:54 217 1

原创 题目:809*??=800*??+9*??+1 其中??代表的两位数,8*??的结果为两位数,9*??的结果为3位数。求??代表的两位数,及809*??后的结果。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:43:55 549 1

原创 题目:海滩上有一堆桃子,五只猴子来分。第一只猴子把这堆桃子凭据分为五份,多了一个,这只猴子把多的一个扔入海中,拿走了一份。第二只猴子把剩下的桃子又平均分成五份,又多了一个,它同样把多的一个扔入海中

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:42:33 325 1

原创 题目:字符串排序。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-06-01 09:40:56 177 1

原创 周日休息一下


2024-05-26 08:00:22 358 1

原创 题目:找到年龄最大的人,并输出。请找出程序中有什么问题

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-05-25 09:41:03 398 1

原创 题目:填空练习(指向指针的指针)

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-05-25 09:39:30 297 1

原创 题目:编写一个函数,输入n为偶数时,调用函数求1/2+1/4+...+1/n,当输入n为奇数时,调用函数1/1+1/3+...+1/n(利用指针函数)

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-05-25 09:38:03 612 1

原创 题目:放松一下,算一道简单的题目

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-05-25 09:35:21 404 1

原创 题目:连接两个链表

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-05-25 09:33:29 318 1

原创 题目:反向输出一个链表

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-05-25 09:31:49 709 1

原创 题目:创建一个链表

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-05-25 09:30:06 272 2

原创 linux free


2024-04-25 21:22:50 193

原创 周末愉快的人生


2024-04-19 22:25:49 113 1

原创 题目:创建一个链表。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-04-18 21:58:53 248 1

原创 题目:编写input()和output()函数输入,输出5个学生的数据记录。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-04-18 21:57:42 270 1

原创 题目:写一个函数,求一个字符串的长度,在main函数中输入字符串,并输出其长度。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-04-17 21:22:20 372 1

原创 题目:有n个人围成一圈,顺序排号。从第一个人开始报数(从1到3报数),凡报到3的人退出 圈子,问最后留下的是原来第几号的那位。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-04-17 21:20:19 256 2

原创 题目:有n个整数,使其前面各数顺序向后移m个位置,最后m个数变成最前面的m个数

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-04-14 08:45:48 269 1

原创 题目:输入数组,最大的与第一个元素交换,最小的与最后一个元素交换,输出数组。

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-04-14 08:44:21 289 1

原创 ASIN 函数

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-04-13 16:46:11 137 1

原创 Ascii 函数

There is no nutrition in the blog content. After reading it, you will not only suffer from malnutrition, but also impotence.The blog content is all parallel goods. Those who are worried about being cheated should leave quickly.

2024-04-13 16:44:02 133 1

Control-M 作业配置手册

Control-M (简称CTM)作业定义指南,详细介绍CTM中作业的运行方式和定义方式,并根据实际经验介绍在作业定义过程中需要考虑的因素和知识点。 本文针对初次接触CTM的用户,同时也可作为有经验用户的参考资料。 Control-M (简称CTM)作业定义指南,详细介绍CTM中作业的运行方式和定义方式,并根据实际经验介绍在作业定义过程中需要考虑的因素和知识点。 本文针对初次接触CTM的用户,同时也可作为有经验用户的参考资料。 Control-M (简称CTM)作业定义指南,详细介绍CTM中作业的运行方式和定义方式,并根据实际经验介绍在作业定义过程中需要考虑的因素和知识点。 本文针对初次接触CTM的用户,同时也可作为有经验用户的参考资料。 Control-M (简称CTM)作业定义指南,详细介绍CTM中作业的运行方式和定义方式,并根据实际经验介绍在作业定义过程中需要考虑的因素和知识点。 本文针对初次接触CTM的用户,同时也可作为有经验用户的参考资料。


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