初涉USB,初学者USB入门总结(2) 设备固件程序



 uchar test[100];//100长度的变量,记录过程

uchar conters=0;//记录计数值,




void EXT_int(void)//USB中断响应函数



          Check interrupt status register to know interrupt





    {   /* USB bus reset */

        /*  for USB Rev.1.1

                     After USB bus reset released, 10msec recoverly time we have.

                     Follwing request must be processed normally.



        CLR_BUS_RESET_STATE();  /* USB bus reset status clear */



           Endpoint0 setting


        /* Tx/Rx payload size setting */

        /* Rx payload is fixed as 8-byte or 32-byte, therefor the

           setting has no meaninig */


        SET_PAYLOAD_EPn(EP0RX, device_deor.bMaxPacketSize0);

        SET_PAYLOAD_EPn(EP0TX, device_deor.bMaxPacketSize0);

        /* Stall bit, the value undefined after reset, cleared */




           Misceronous status variable initialization


        usb_status.configuration = NULL;

        usb_status.remote_wakeup = 0;

        usb_status.address = 0;

        usb_status.dvcstate = DEFAULT_STATE;    /* Device state :DEFAULT */

        usb_status.stall_req = 0;

               #ifdef Debug






           Callback to application layer




    else if (SUSPENDED_INT())

    {   /* suspended state */

        /* for USB Rev.1.1

                     Transit to suspended state after detect the USB line has kept idle over 3msec.

                     After resume detected, end suspend state in 3msec to be able to respond

                     the host request.



                     #ifdef Debug







    else if (AWAKE_INT())

    {   /* Deveice awake state */

        /* AWAKE procedure */


        CLR_AWAKE_STATE();          /* Request clear */

                     #ifdef Debug






    else if (USB_BUSRESET_DES_INT())

    {   /* USB bus reset deassert */

        /* Procedure for USB bus reset de-assert */


        CLR_BUS_RESET_DES_STATE();  /* Request clear */

                     #ifdef Debug







    else if (SOF_INT())

    {   /* SOF interrupt status */


               #ifdef Debug




       /* SOF interrupt status clear */

    }   /* SOF interrupt status */


    if (SETUP_RDY_INT())

    {   /* setup ready */

                  #ifdef Debug








    else if(EP1_PKTRDY_INT())

    {   /* EP1 packet ready */    



    else if (EP2_PKTRDY_INT())

    {   /* EP2 packet ready */





    else if (EP0_RXPKTRDY_INT())

    {   /* EP0 receive packet ready */



    else if (EP0_TXPKTRDY_INT())

    {   /* EP0 transmit packet ready */








程序中蓝色字是中断类型的判断,其对应的宏定义就不列出来了。如果是这个中断就会执行相应的中断操作。并且一次中断只有一种中断类型,我们在每个中断响应中加一段红色字的程序,是为了保存每次中断的状态,比如刚插上设备,来了一次BUSRESET总线复位中断,就会进入相应的中断操作,完了后记录状态test[conters]='!'; conters++;意思是进入了这个中断就在这一组数的当前位置设成'!'并且位置记录的变量加一,以便下一次记录到下一个位置。这样USB的过程我们就记录了下来,

     下面看一下记录结果 (其中的数字和字母是响应标准请求时的程序产生的这里不罗列程序了)。
AN039 - USB Firmware Programmer's Guide v1.1 Last updated 16 JUL 2003 To exercise the example firmware: 1. Extract the contents of the AN039.zip file (if using WinZip, use the "Extract" function to retain sub-directory information). 2. Open the Cygnal IDE (v1.72 or later). 3. From IDE menu Options->Debug Interface, select Cygnal 2-Wire. 4. Connect to the target C8051F32x device (Alt+C, or IDE menu Debug->Connect). 5. From the Project menu, select "Open Project" (a warning dialogue may appear; this is expected). 6. Browse to directory \AN039\Firmware and select file FirmwareProgramGuide.wsp. 7. Through IDE menu Project->Tool Chain Integration, select the path to your compiler and linker. The default is C:\Cygnal\IDEFiles\C51\Bin\. 8. Build the project (F7, or through IDE menu Project->Build/Make Project). 9. Download the firmware (Alt+D). 10. Connect a USB cable between the target device and the host PC. 11. Run (F5, or IDE menu Debug->Go). 12. When Windows detects the device and the driver installation wizard opens: a. Choose "Search for a suitable driver for my device", and click Next. b. Check the box "Specify a location", and click Next. c. Browse to directory \AN039\Application and select the file CygnalInt.inf, and click OK. d. Follow the dialogue to finish driver installation. 13. After the driver has been installed, run the USBTest.exe application from directory \AN039\Application. Notes: - Firmware works with the Cygnal IDE v1.71 or later and the Keil C51 tool chain. Project and code modifications will be necessary for use with different tool chains. - Compiler optimization emphasis is selected as "favor small code". This selection is necessary for the project to be compiled with the trial version of the Keil C51 Compiler (under 4k code space). - If using the C8051F320TB target board, jumper J2 should be installed if the board is wall-powered; jumper J11 should be installed if bus-powered. - Windows application and driver supports Win2K and XP only.




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