
1       配置和启动时容器和提供者之间的协议
本章定义配置和启动时对Java EE容器和持久化提供者的要求。
1.1     Java EE配置
配置在Java EE容器中的每一个持久化单元有一个persistence.xml文件、任意数量的映射文件和任意数量的类文件组成。
1.1.1 容器的责任
1.1.2 持久化提供者的责任
持久化提供者必须实现PersistenceProvider SPI并能够处理传给它的元数据,这些元数据在调用createContainerEntityManagerFactory方法时被传入。使用PersistenceUnitInfo元数据来创建EntityManagerFactory的实例。然后将工厂返回给容器。
在Java SE环境下,持久化提供者必须根据persistence_1_0.xsd验证persistence.xml文件并报告所有的验证错误。
1.1.3 Javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
在Java EE环境下,它被容器调用。在Java SE环境下,它被javax.persistence.Persistence类调用。应用不能使用javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider的实现。
在Java SE环境下,在createEntityManagerFactory方法中使用的属性在6.1.3.1章节中作进一步的描述。
package javax.persistence.spi;
* Interface implemented by the persistence provider.
* This interface is used to create an EntityManagerFactory.
* It is invoked by the container in Java EE environments and
* by the Persistence class in Java SE environments.
public interface PersistenceProvider {
 * Called by Persistence class when an EntityManagerFactory
 * is to be created.
 * @param emName The name of the persistence unit
 * @param map A Map of properties for use by the
 * persistence provider. These properties may be used to
 * override the values of the corresponding elements in
 * the persistence.xml file or specify values for
 * properties not specified in the persistence.xml
 * (and may be null if no properties are specified).
 * @return EntityManagerFactory for the persistence unit,
 * or null if the provider is not the right provider
public EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory(StringemName, Map map);
 * Called by the container when an EntityManagerFactory
 * is to be created.
 * @param info Metadata for use by the persistence provider
 * @return EntityManagerFactory for the persistence unit
 * specified by the metadata
 * @param map A Map of integration-level properties for use
 * by the persistence provider (may be null if no properties
 * are specified).
 public EntityManagerFactory createContainerEntityManagerFactory(PersistenceUnitInfo info, Map map);
l Javax.persistence.provider——对应于persistence.xml中的provider元素。参见5.2.1.4。
l Javax.persistence.transactionType——对应于persistence.xml中的transaction-type元素。参见5.2.1.2章节。
l Javax.persistence.jtaDataSource——对应于persistence.xml中的jta-data-source元素。参见5.2.1.5章节。
l Javax.persistence.nonJtaDataSource——对应于persistence.xml中的non-jta-data-source元素。参见5.2.1.5章节。
1.1.4 Javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitInfo接口
import javax.sql.DataSource;
 * Interface implemented by the container and used by the
 * persistence provider when creating an EntityManagerFactory.
public interface PersistenceUnitInfo {
 * @return The name of the persistence unit.
public String getPersistenceUnitName();
 * @return The fully qualified name of the persistence provider
 * implementation class.
 * Corresponds to the <provider> element in the persistence.xml
 * file.
public String getPersistenceProviderClassName();
 * @return The transaction type of the entity managers created
 * by the EntityManagerFactory.
 * The transaction type corresponds to the transaction-type
 * attribute in the persistence.xml file.
public PersistenceUnitTransactionType getTransactionType();
 * @return The JTA-enabled data source to be used by the
 * persistence provider.
 * The data source corresponds to the <jta-data-source>
 * element in the persistence.xml file or is provided at
 * deployment or by the container.
public DataSource getJtaDataSource();
 * @return The non-JTA-enabled data source to be used by the
 * persistence provider for accessing data outside a JTA
 * transaction.
 * element in the persistence.xml file or provided at
 * deployment or by the container.
public DataSource getNonJtaDataSource();
 * @return The list of mapping file names that the persistence
 * provider must load to determine the mappings for the entity
 * classes. The mapping files must be in the standard XML
 * mapping format, be uniquely named and be resource-loadable
 * from the application classpath.
 * Each mapping file name corresponds to a <mapping-file>
 * element in the persistence.xml file.
public List<String> getMappingFileNames();
 * Returns a list of URLs for the jar files or exploded jar
 * file directories that the persistence provider must examine
 * for managed classes of the persistence unit. Each URL
 * corresponds to a named <jar-file> element in the
 * persistence.xml file. A URL will either be a file:
 * URL referring to a jar file or referring to a directory
 * that contains an exploded jar file, or some other URL from
 * which an InputStream in jar format can be obtained.
 * @return a list of URL objects referring to jar files or
 * directories.
public List<URL> getJarFileUrls();
 * Returns the URL for the jar file or directory that is the
 * root of the persistence unit. (If the persistence unit is
 * rooted in the WEB-INF/classes directory, this will be the
 * URL of that directory.)
 * The URL will either be a file: URL referring to a jar file
 * or referring to a directory that contains an exploded jar
 * file, or some other URL from which an InputStream in jar
 * format can be obtained.
 * @return a URL referring to a jar file or directory.
public URL getPersistenceUnitRootUrl();
 * @return The list of the names of the classes that the
 * persistence provider must add it to its set of managed
 * classes. Each name corresponds to a named <class> element
 * in the persistence.xml file.
public List<String> getManagedClassNames();
 * @return Whether classes in the root of the persistence
 * unit that have not been explicitly listed are to be
 * included in the set of managed classes.
 * This value corresponds to the <exclude-unlisted-classes>
 * element in the persistence.xml file.
public boolean excludeUnlistedClasses();
 * @return Properties object. Each property corresponds
 * to a <property> element in the persistence.xml file
public Properties getProperties();
 * @return ClassLoader that the provider may use to load any
 * classes, resources, or open URLs.
public ClassLoader getClassLoader();
 * Add a transformer supplied by the provider that will be
 * called for every new class definition or class redefinition
 * that gets loaded by the loader returned by the
 * PersistenceUnitInfo.getClassLoader method. The transformer
 * has no effect on the result returned by the
 * PersistenceUnitInfo.getNewTempClassLoader method.
 * scope, regardless of how many persistence units they may be
 * a part of.
 * @param transformer A provider-supplied transformer that the
 * Container invokes at class-(re)definition time
public void addTransformer(ClassTransformer transformer);
 * Return a new instance of a ClassLoader that the provider
 * may use to temporarily load any classes, resources, or
 * open URLs. The scope and classpath of this loader is
 * exactly the same as that of the loader returned by
 * by this class loader will be visible to application
 * components. The provider may only use this ClassLoader
 * within the scope of the createContainerEntityManagerFactory
 * call.
 * @return Temporary ClassLoader with same visibility as current
 * loader
public ClassLoader getNewTempClassLoader();
Theenum javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceUnitTransactionType de?nes
whether the entity managers created by the factory will be JTA or resource-local entity managers.
public enum PersistenceUnitTransactionType {
 * A persistence provider supplies an instance of this
 * interface to the PersistenceUnitInfo.addTransformer
 * method. The supplied transformer instance will get
 * called to transform entity class files when they are
 * loaded or redefined. The transformation occurs before
 * the class is defined by the JVM.
public interface ClassTransformer {
 * Invoked when a class is being loaded or redefined.
 * The implementation of this method may transform the
 * supplied class file and return a new replacement class
 * file.
 * @param loader The defining loader of the class to be
 * transformed, may be null if the bootstrap loader
 * @param className The name of the class in the internal form
 * of fully qualified class and interface names
 * @param classBeingRedefined If this is a redefine, the
 * class being redefined, otherwise null
 * @param protectionDomain The protection domain of the
 * class being defined or redefined
 * @param classfileBuffer The input byte buffer in class
 * file format - must not be modified
 * @return A well-formed class file buffer (the result of
 * the transform), or null if no transform is performed
 * @throws IllegalClassFormatException If the input does
 * not represent a well-formed class file
byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader,
                 String className,
                 Class<?> classBeingRedefined,
                 ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
                 byte[] classfileBuffer)
throws IllegalClassFormatException;
1.2     在Java SE环境下启动
在Java SE环境下,应用使用Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory方法来创建一个实体管理器工厂(注:在Java EE环境内可以支持使用这些Java SE的启动API;但是不要求支持这种用法)。
l 它的实现类已经在persistence.xml的provider元素中指定。
l 传入createEntityManagerFactory的Map中包含了javax.persistence.provider属性,并且这个属性的值是提供者的实现类。
l 在persistence.xml或属性map中没有为持久化单元指定提供者。
1.2.1 Javax.persistence.Persistence类
package javax.persistence;
import java.util.*;
 * Bootstrap class that is used to obtain an
 * EntityManagerFactory.
public class Persistence {
 * Create and return an EntityManagerFactory for the
 * named persistence unit.
 * @param persistenceUnitName The name of the persistence unit
 * @return The factory that creates EntityManagers configured
 * according to the specified persistence unit
public static EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory(String persistenceUnitName) {...}
 * Create and return an EntityManagerFactory for the
 * named persistence unit using the given properties.
 * @param persistenceUnitName The name of the persistence unit
 * @param props Additional properties to use when creating the
 * factory. The values of these properties override any values
 * that may have been configured elsewhere.
 * @return The factory that creates EntityManagers configured
 * according to the specified persistence unit.
public static EntityManagerFactory createEntityManagerFactory(String persistenceUnitName, Map properties) {...}
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