
  • PPT
    • Chapter 4 Basic Probability ⭐⭐⭐
      • Learning Objectives
        • Basic probability concepts
        • Conditional probability
        • To use Bayes’ Theorem to revise probabilities
      • Basic Probability Concepts
        • Probability – the chance that an uncertain event will occur (always between 0 and 1)
        • Impossible Event – an event that has no chance of occurring (probability = 0)
        • Certain Event – an event that is sure to occur (probability = 1)
      • Assessing Probability (Uncertain Event)
        • 1. a priori -- based on prior knowledge of the process
        • 2. empirical probability
        • 3. subjective probability
      • Computing Joint and Marginal ProbabilitiesMarginal probability for event A Marginal probability for event A :@公式:@公式
        • @公式

      • General Addition Rule
        • @公式

      • Computing Conditional Probabilities
        • A conditional probability is the probability of one event, given that another event has occurred:@公式

      • Independence
        • Two events are independent if and only if:@公式

      • Multiplication Rules
        • @公式

      • Marginal Probability
        • Marginal probability for event A Marginal probability for event A :@公式:@公式

      • Bayes’ Theorem
        • @公式

    • Chapter 5 Discrete Probability Distributions 【离散概率分布】----@❓ :
      • Learning Objectives
        • The properties of a probability distribution
        • To calculate the expected value and variance of a probability distribution
        • To calculate probabilities from binomial and Poisson distributions
        • How to use the binomial and Poisson distributions to solve business problems
      • Definitions

        • Random Variables
          • A random variable represents a possible numerical value from an uncertain event.
        • Discrete random variables
          • produce outcomes that come from a counting process (e.g. number of courses you are taking this semester).
        • Continuous random variables
          • produce outcomes that come from a measurement (e.g. your annual salary, or your weight).
      • Probability Distribution For A Discrete Random Variable
        • A probability distribution for a discrete random variable is a mutually exclusive listing of all possible numerical outcomes for that variable and a probability of occurrence associated with each outcome.

        • Measuring
          • Expected Value (or mean)
            • @公式 加权平均

          • Variance
            • @公式

      • Binomial Probability Distribution(二项概率分布)
        • Example
          • head or tail in each toss of a coin
        • Possible Applications
          • A manufacturing plant labels items as either defective or acceptable
          • A firm bidding for contracts will either get a contract or not
          • A marketing research firm receives survey responses of “yes I will buy” or “no I will not”
          • New job applicants either accept the offer or reject it
        • The Binomial Distribution Counting Techniques
          • @公式

        • Binomial Distribution Formula 不同X事件发生的概率@❓
          • @公式

          • The Binomial DistributionShape
            • The shape of the binomial distribution depends on the values of π and n

        • Binomial Distribution Characteristics
          • Mean
            • @公式

          • Variance and Standard Deviation
            • @公式

      • The Poisson Distribution (泊松分布)
        • Definitions
          • You use the Poisson distribution when you are interested in the number of times an event occurs in a given area of opportunity.
            • An area of opportunity is a continuous unit or interval of time, volume, or such area in which more than one occurrence of an event can occur. @❓: 不是离散型概率的吗?怎么连续了?
            • Example
              • The number of scratches in a car’s paint
              • The number of mosquito bites on a person
              • The number of computer crashes in a day
          • Apply the Poisson Distribution when:
            • You wish to count the number of times an event occurs in a given area of opportunity
            • The probability that an event occurs in one area of opportunity is the same for all areas of opportunity
            • The number of events that occur in one area of opportunity is independent of the number of events that occur in the other areas of opportunity
            • The probability that two or more events occur in an area of opportunity approaches zero as the area of opportunity becomes smaller
            • The average number of events per unit is (lambda)

        • Poisson Distribution Formula
          • @公式

        • Poisson Distribution Characteristics
          • Mean
            • @公式

          • Variance and Standard Deviation
            • @公式

          • where (lambda) = expected number of events
        • Graph of Poisson Probabilities

        • 可以通过查表得知 不同X的对应的lamada值,不用具体计算
    • Chapter 6 The Normal Distribution 【连续性概率分布】
      • Learning Objectives
        • To compute probabilities from the normal distribution
        • To use the normal probability plot to determine whether a set of data is approximately normally distributed
      • Continuous Probability Distributions
        • A continuous random variable is a variable that can assume any value on a continuum (can assume an uncountable number of values)
          • thickness of an item
          • time required to complete a task
          • temperature of a solution
          • height, in inches
      • The Normal Distribution
        • Characteristics
          • ‘Bell Shaped’
          • Symmetrical
          • Mean, Median and Mode are equal!
            • The Mode
          • Location is determined by the mean, μ
          • Spread is determined by the standard deviation, σ
          • Shape

        • The Normal DistributionDensity Function
          • Formula @公式

        • The Standardized Normal
          • Need to transform X units into Z units
          • The standardized normal distribution (Z) has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1
        • The Standardized Normal Distribution--- “Z” distribution
          • Mean is 0
          • Standard Deviation is 1
          • @公式 Z-Score
            • Finding Normal Probabilities

        • Finding the X Value @公式

        • Evaluating Normality
          • The interquartile range 【四分位】of a normal distribution is 1.33 standard deviations.




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