The Matrix-3 Revolutions Transcript

The Matrix-3 Revolutions


Table of Contents. 2

Chapter 1. 3

Chapter 2. 5

Chapter 3. 7

Chapter 4. 9

Chapter 5. 11

Chapter 6. 14

Chapter 7. 16

Chapter 8. 18

Chapter 9. 20

Chapter 10. 23

Chapter 11. 25

Chapter 12. 28

Chapter 13. 30

Chapter 14. 33

Chapter 15. 35

Chapter 16. 37

Index. 40



AK: I got nothing' sir. No sign of Niobe or Ghost. Nothin' but blue pills. Should we jack in and try to contact them?

Roland: Won't matter.  My gut says they're down.

Mauser: Then we should start back.

Roland: No. That ship can still fly and we need it.

Mauser: I was afraid you were going to say that.

Roland: Search every pipe, every hole, every crack we know. Sweep as wide as possible as fast as possible.

AK: Captain, these lines are crawling with calamari.

Roland: The sooner we find them the better.


Maggie: Any change?

Trinity: No. (pause) How is he?

Maggie: He's going to be fine, at least until he wakes up.

Trinity: What do you mean?

Maggie: Captain has some questions for him. He better have some good answers.  You see these cuts? I think they're self-inflicted.

Trinity: Why?

Maggie: DDT's maybe.  I don't know. But like I said, the answer better be good.


Morpheus: Roland, I'd like to run another search through the Matrix.

Roland: For what?

Morpheus: For Neo.

AK: How could he be in the Matrix, sir? He's not plugged in.

Morpheus: Please, for me.

Roland: (Nods)


Maggie: This is what keeps bothering me.

Trinity: What?

Maggie: His neural patterns don't read like someone who is in a coma. The strange this is I see these patterns all the time.

Trinity: Where?

Maggie: In someone jacked in.


AK: A big bupkus, nada. He's out of there.

Crewman 3: Sir, we got the projections.

Roland: How long?

Crewman 3: Based on point of entry and apparent speed, it looks like the machines will be in Zion in just under 20 hours.

AK: Jesus Christ.

Roland: All right, let's move with purpose. AK, get upstairs, I want you on holographics.  Mauser, I want forward and aft guns manned at all times.  Make sure we are running on as few pads as possible. 

Crewman 3: Yes, sir.

Link: Hey, hey. We got a call. Operator.  It's Seraph.

Seraph: I bring word from the Oracle. You must come at once.


Sati: Good morning.

Neo: Who are you?

Sati: My name is Sati, your name is Neo.  My papa says you're not supposed to be here.  He says you must be lost.  Are you lost, Neo?

Neo: Where am I?

Sati: This is the Train Station.

Neo: This isn't the Matrix.

Sati: That's where the train goes.  That's where we're going. But, you cannot go with us.

Neo: Why not?

Sati: He won't let you.

Neo: Who won't?

Sati: The Trainman. I don't like him. But my papa says we have to do what the Trainman says, or else he will leave us here forever and ever.




Oracle: Morpheus, Trinity.  Thank you for coming. One thing I've learned in all my years is that nothing ever works out just the way you want it to.

Trinity: Who are you?

Oracle: I'm the Oracle. I wish there was an easy way to get through this, but there ain't. I'm sorry this had to happen.  I'm sorry I couldn't be sitting here, like you remember me. But, it wasn't meant to be.

Trinity: What happened?

Oracle: I made a choice and that choice cost me more than I wanted it to.

Morpheus: What choice?

Oracle: To help you, to guide Neo.  Now, since the real test for any choice is how we make the same choice again, knowing full well what it might cost, I guess I feel pretty good about that choice, `cause here I am, at it again.

Trinity: Do you know what happened to Neo?

Oracle: Yes.  He is trapped in a place between this world and the machine world.  The link is controlled by a program called the Trainman. He uses it to smuggle programs in and out of the Matrix. If he finds out where Neo is before you get to him, then I'm afraid our choices are going to become difficult.

Trinity: Why?

Oracle: Because of who the Trainman works for.

Morpheus: The Merovingian.

Oracle: He has placed a bounty on your lives. You must be careful at all times.  Seraph knows how to find the Trainman.  He'll go with you.  For years he has protected me.  I hope he can do the same for you.

Seraph: Please, follow me.

Morpheus: Oracle...

Oracle: I know, Morpheus. I can see you are filled with doubt, clouded by uncertainty.

Morpheus: After everything that has happened, how can you expect me to believe you?

Oracle: I don't.  I've expected what I always expected: for you to make up your own damn mind. Believe me or don't.  All I can do is tell you that your friend is in trouble and he needs your help. He needs all our help.


Sati: Are you from the Matrix?

Neo: Yes. No.  I mean, I was.

Sati: Why did you leave?

Neo: I had to.

Sati: I had to leave my home, too.

Ram-Kendra: Sati, come here darling. Leave the poor man in peace.

Sati: Yes, Papa.

Ram-Kendra: I am sorry. She is still very curious.

Neo: I know you.

Ram-Kendra: Yes, from the restaurant of the Frenchman.  I am Ram-Kendra.  This is my wife Kamala, my daughter Sati. We are most honored to meet you.

Neo: You're programs.

Ram-Kendra: Oh, yes.  I am the power-plant systems manager for recycling operations.  My wife is an interactive software program.  She is highly creative.

Kamala: What are you doing here?  You do not belong here.

Ram-Kendra: Kamala! Goodness, I apologize. My wife can be very direct.

Neo: It's okay.  I don't have an answer. I don't even know where here is.

Ram-Kendra: This place is nowhere.  It is between your world and our world.

Neo: Who's the Trainman?

Ram-Kendra: He works for the Frenchman.

Neo: Why'd I know you were going to say that?

Ram-Kendra: The Frenchman does not forget and he does not forgive.

Neo: You know him?

Ram-Kendra: I know only what I need to know.  I know that if you want to take something from our world into your world that does not belong there, you must go to the Frenchman.

Neo: Is that what you're doing here?

Kamala: Rama, Please.

Ram-Kendra: I do not want to be cruel, Kamala.  He may never see another face the rest of his life.

Neo: I'm sorry.  You don't have to answer that question.

Ram-Kendra: No, I don't mind. The answer is simple.  I love my daughter very much. I find her to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But, where we are from, that is not enough.  Every program that is created must have a purpose. If it does not, it is deleted. I went to the Frenchman to save my daughter. You do not understand.

Neo: I just have never…

Ram-Kendra: ...Heard a program speak of love.

Neo: It is a human emotion.

Ram-Kendra: No, it is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies. I see that you are in love.  Can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection?

Neo: Anything.

Ram-Kendra: Then perhaps the reason you are here is not so different from the reason I am here.Neo: Why'd I know you were going to say that?

Ram-Kendra: The Frenchman does not forget and he does not forgive.

Neo: You know him?

Ram-Kendra: I know only what I need to know.  I know that if you want to take something from our world into your world that does not belong there, you must go to the Frenchman.

Neo: Is that what you're doing here?

Kamala: Rama, Please.

Ram-Kendra: I do not want to be cruel, Kamala.  He may never see another face the rest of his life.

Neo: I'm sorry.  You don't have to answer that question.

Ram-Kendra: No, I don't mind. The answer is simple.  I love my daughter very much. I find her to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But, where we are from, that is not enough.  Every program that is created must have a purpose. If it does not, it is deleted. I went to the Frenchman to save my daughter. You do not understand.

Neo: I just have never…

Ram-Kendra: Heard a program speak of love.

Neo: It is a human emotion.

Ram-Kendra: No, it is a word. What matters is the connection the word implies. I see that you are in love.  Can you tell me what you would give to hold on to that connection?

Neo: Anything.

Ram-Kendra: Then perhaps the reason you are here is not so different from the reason I am here.


Seraph: That's him.

rainman: Get away! Get away from me!

Seraph: We don't want trouble.

Trainman: Get the hell away from me!

Seraph: We need your help.

Trainman: I can't help you.  No one can help you.

Seraph: Oh, no.

Seraph: Damn it.


Neo: When is the train due?

Ram-Kendra: It's already late.  It's not like the trainman to be late.

Neo: You think it has something to do with me?

Ram-Kendra: I cannot say. Who knows such things? Only the Oracle.

Neo: You know the Oracle.

Ram-Kendra: Everyone knows the Oracle.  I consulted with her before I met with the Frenchman. She promised she would look after Sati after we said, ``goodbye".

Neo: Goodbye.  You're not staying with her?

Ram-Kendra: It is not possible. Our arrangement with the Frenchman was for our daughter only.  My wife and I must return to our world.

Neo: Why?

Ram-Kendra: It is our Karma.

Neo: You believe in Karma?

Ram-Kendra: Karma is a word, like love. A way of saying, `what I am here to do.' I do not resent my Karma.  I am grateful for it, grateful for my wonderful wife and my beautiful daughter.  They are gifts and so I do what I must do to honor them.

Sati: Papa, the train.

Ram-Kendra: Yes.  Find your bag.  Quickly.

Neo:   Can I carry that for you?

Ram-Kendra: Great.

Trainman: Hurry it up, I'm late. Who are you?

Ram-Kendra: He is a friend.

Kamala: Rama?

Trainman: I know you.  So, that's what they wanted.

Neo:   I need to get back. I'll pay you whatever you want.

Trainman: Oh.

Neo:   One way or another, I'm getting on this train.

Trainman: Oh, no, no, no, no, no.  You're going to stay right here until the Merovingian says different.  And if I know him, you're going to be here  for a long, long time.


Neo: I don't want to hurt you.

Trainman: You don't get it.  I built this place. Down here, I make the rules. Down here, I make the threats.  Down here, I'm God.  Get on the train or you're going to stay here, with him.

Ram-Kendra:  I understand.


Seraph: We should return to the Oracle.  She'll know what to do.

Trinity: No. We know what has to be done.


Goon #1: Gotta be kidding.

Goon #2: Holy shit, it's...

Goon #1: I get it. You must be ready to die.

Seraph: I need to speak with him.

Goon #1: The only way you're getting through this door is over my big, dead ass.

Seraph: So be it.

Seraph: There are no weapons allowed in the club.  At the bottom of this elevator, there is a coat check girl and if we are lucky, one man for checking weapons.

Trinity: And if we're unlucky?

Seraph: There will be many men.

Coat Check: Can I take your - my God.


Merovingian: What in the hell?  (laughs)  I don't believe this. Hey. Hey. Are you here for the bounty, Seraph? (laughs) Tell me, how many  bullets are there in those guns?  I don't know, but I don't think you have enough.

Seraph: We only want to talk.

Merovingian: Oh, yes. I'm sure you do. You have fought through hell to do so.  Yes.  I tell you what I'm going to do. Put down the guns and I will promise  you a safe passage out of here.

Seraph: All three of us.

Merovingian: Oh, yes, yes. Of course. Who could have guessed we'd all be seeing each other so soon. (to Trainman) You are just too kind. (to Seraph)  And since you, my little Judas, have brought them here, I can only surmise the fortune teller has found herself another shell. Disappointing, but not unexpected. I do hope, however, she has the good manners to learn her lesson and to remember that there is no action without consequence and if she takes something from me, you will pay the price.

Seraph: You know why we are here.

Merovingian: (laughs) Come, now. What kind of question is this? `Course I know.  This is my business to know.  Some might think this is a strange coincidence, but I do not. I am curious, though as to how this actually happened. Do you know?

Trinity: No.

Merovingian: No? I did not think so.  But it is always best to ask.

Morpheus: We want to make a deal.

Merovingian: Huh, huuuh. Always straight to business, eh Morpheus?  Okay. I have something you want. To make a deal, you must have something I want. Yes? It so happens there is something I want. Something I've wanted ever since I first came here. It's said it cannot be taken.  It can only be given.

Morpheus: What?

Merovingian: The eyes of the Oracle. (laughs)  I have told you before there is no escaping the nature of the universe.  It is that nature that has again brought you to me. Where some see coincidence, I see consequence. Where others see chance, I see cause.  Bring me the eyes of the Oracle and I will give you back your savior. It seems a perfectly fair and manageable deal to me. Yes? No?

Trinity: I don't have time for this shit. (fighting) You want to make a deal? How `bout this?  You give me Neo or we all die, right here, right now.

Merovingian: Interesting deal. You are really ready to die for this man?

Trinity: Believe it.

Persephone: She'll do it. If she has to, she'll kill every one of us.  She's in love.

Merovingian: It is remarkable how similar the pattern of love is to the pattern of insanity.

Trinity: Time's up.  What's it gonna be, Merve?


Neo: Shit!



Morpheus: Are you ready for us?

Link: Almost, sir. They've got some pretty ancient hacks, here. We're workin' them. But, you found Neo?

Morpheus: Can't you see him?

Link: No, sir. We're readin' somethin', but I couldn't tell what it was.

Neo: I can't leave, yet. I have to see her.

Trinity: Now?

Neo: It's my last chance.


Oracle: That's it, that's the secret. You've got to use your hands.

Sati: Why?

Oracle: Cookies need love, like everything does.

Sati: Neo!

Oracle: I was hoping to have these done before you got here. Sati, honey, now is the time for a tasting. Take the bowl to Seraph and find out if they're ready.

Sati: Okay. I'm glad you got out.

Neo: Me, too.

Oracle: So, do you recognize me?

Neo: A part of you.

Oracle: Yeah, that's how it works. Some bits you lose, some bits you keep. I don't yet recognize my face in the mirror, but I still love candy.

Neo: No, thank you.

Oracle: Remember what you were like when you first walked through my door? Jittery as a June bug, and now just look at you. You sure did surprise me, Neo, and you still do.

Neo: You gave me a few surprises, too.

Oracle: I hope I helped.

Neo: You helped me to get here, but my question is, why? Where is this going? Where does it end?

Oracle: I don't know.

Neo: You don't know or you won't tell me?

Oracle: I told you before. No one can see beyond a choice they don't understand, and I mean no one.

Neo: What choice.

Oracle: It doesn't matter. It's my choice. I have mine to make same as you have yours.

Neo: Does that include what things to tell me and what not to tell me?

Oracle: Of course not.

Neo: Then why didn't you tell me about the Architect? Why didn't you tell me about Zion , the ones before me? Why didn't you tell me the truth?

Oracle: Because it wasn't time for you to know.

Neo: Who decided it wasn't time?

Oracle: You know who.

Neo: I know. But, I think it's time for me to know a few more things.

Oracle: So do I.

Neo: Tell me how I separated my mind from my body without jacking in. Tell me how I stopped four sentinels by thinking it. Tell me just what the hell is happening to me.

Oracle: The power of the one extends beyond this world. It reaches from here, all the way back to where you came from.

Neo: Where?

Oracle: The source. That's what you felt when you touched those sentinels, but you weren't ready for it. You should be dead, but apparently you weren't ready for that either.

Neo: The Architect told me that if I didn't return to the source, Zion would be destroyed by midnight tonight.

Oracle: Please. You and I may not be able to see beyond our own choices, but that man can't see past any choice.

Neo: Why not?

Oracle: He doesn't understand them, he can't. To him they are variables and equations. One at a time each must be solved and counted. That's his purpose: to balance the equation.

Neo: What's your purpose?

Oracle: To unbalance it.

Neo: Why? What do you want?

Oracle: I want the same thing you want, Neo, and I'm willing to go as far as you are to get it.

Neo: The end of the war. Is it going to end?

Oracle: One way or another.

Neo: Can Zion be saved.

Oracle: I'm sorry I don't have the answer to that question. But, if there is an answer, there's only one place you're going to find it.

Neo: Where.

Oracle: You know where. And if you can't find the answer, then I'm afraid there may be no tomorrow for any of us.

Neo: What does that mean?


Oracle: Everything that has a beginning, has an end. I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading. I see death. And you are all that stands in his way.

Neo: Smith.

Oracle: Very soon he's going to have the power to destroy this world. But I believe he won't stop there, he can't. He won't stop until there's nothing left at all.

Neo: What is he?

Oracle: He is you, your opposite, your negative, the result of the equation trying to balance itself out.

Neo: And if I can't stop him.

Oracle: One way or another, Neo, this war is going to end. Tonight, the future of both worlds will be in your hands or in his.


Trinity: How are you feeling? Are you all right?

Neo: I need time.

Roland: That figures.

Maggie: Captain Roland

Roland: What's up, Maggie?

Maggie: Bane is, sir. He's conscious.

Roland: Good. Maybe he's got some answers.


Oracle: Mmmm, I love that smell. I sure will miss it.

Seraph: Phone call.

Oracle: I know, I know. Sati, honey, take a few cookies and go with Seraph.

Sati: Can I come back? I would like to come back.

Oracle: I would like that, too.

Sati: Then I'll see you tomorrow.

Oracle: I hope so, hon, I hope so.


Sati: I'm scared, Seraph.

Seraph: Come.


Sati: He's following us.

Smith: Well, well. It's been a long time. I remember chasing you is like chasing a ghost.

Seraph: I have beaten you before.

Smith: That's true, but as you can see things are a little different, now. (to Sati) And you must be the last exile.

Sati: The Oracle told me about you.

Smith: Really? What did she say about me?

Sati: That you were a bad man.

Smith: Oooh, I'm not so bad, once you get to know me.


Smith: The great and powerful Oracle. We meet at last. I suppose you've been expecting me. Right? The all-knowing Oracle is never surprised. How can she be? She knows everything. If that's true, why is she here, if she knew I was coming? Why wouldn't she leave? (throws plate of cookies at the wall) Maybe you knew I was going to do that, maybe you didn't. but if you did, that means that you baked those cookies and set that plate right there deliberately, purposefully. Which means that you're sitting there also deliberately, purposefully.

Oracle: What did you do with Sati?

Smith: Cookies need love, like everything does.

Oracle: You are a bastard.

Smith: You would know, Mom.

Oracle: Do what you're here to do.

Smith: Yes, Ma'am.

OracleSmith: (laughs maniacally)


Bane: I really wish I could help, but I just, I don't remember any of it.

Roland: What about the cuts on your arms? Those cuts are more than one day old.

Bane: Yeah, definitely. You're right about that, sir. They look like they might be self-inflicted. Why would I do something like that to myself? Unless, of course, I wasn't myself. But, if I'm not me, who am I?

Roland: Has this man been tested for VDT's?

Maggie: Yes, sir. It was negative. But, he is showing a lot of unusual neural activity. Some cross-synaptic firing as well as signs of recent trauma. With fresh rybotic scarring throughout the cortex.

Roland: I want the truth. I don't care what it takes. Make him remember.


Crewmember: Sir! We found her.

Roland: The Logos?

Crewman: Yes, sir.

Roland: It's about time we got some goddamn good news.

Morpheus: Are the thermals picking up any signs of life?

Crewmember: No, sir. Nothing, yet

Roland: What about the ship?

Crewmember: Well, holographic says the hull is still intact.

Roland: Get over there and command the men.

Crewmember: Yes, sir.

Roland: Get a full diagnostic on that ship as fast as humanly possible.


Crewmember: Careful, sir. These creatures are sneaky bastards, could be a trap.

Crewmember: What was that?

Niobe: Put that shit away boys, all she needs is a jump.

Morpheus: Niobe.

Niobe: Morpheus. Are you all right?

Morpheus: Yes, I'm fine. We didn't know what happened after . . . I'm sorry.

Niobe: It's okay. I'm happy to see you, too. Did you get Neo out?

Morpheus: Yes. How did you know about that?

Niobe: The Oracle.

Morpheus: You saw her?

Niobe: Just before the sentinels found us.

Morpheus: What did she tell you?

Niobe: The same thing she always does. Exactly what I needed to hear.


Lock: In less than 12 hours the machines will breach the dock walls. Every simulation we've run, we've seen that once the machines are inside the city the odds of our survival decrease dramatically. Thus our primary objective must be to destroy or disable the diggers inside the dock. If we can do that, perhaps we can prevent them from ever reaching the city. If not the only place we will be able to mount an effective defense will be at the entrance of the temple. It is small enough that it will force them into a bottleneck, allowing us to concentrate the remainder of our defense.

Councillor Dillard: We understand that you've requested additional volunteers.

Lock: That is correct.

Councillor West: Precisely what size force are you planning to commit to the primary dock objective?

Lock: Right now, the entire APU corps and half the infantry.

Councillor West: Half the infantry?

Lock: If it were up to me, Councillor, I'd take every man, woman and child, put a gun in their hand and march them straight into that dock.

Councillor Dillard: Perhaps it is best that it is not up to you.

Lock: Time will tell, Councillor.

Councillor Hamann: Commander, just one more question: Has there been word from the Nebuchadnezzar?

Lock: None and at this point there's no reason to expect that there ever will be.

Councillor Hamann: Perhaps, but we can hope.

Lock: I'm afraid hope is an indulgence I don't have time for.


Cass: Zee, what are you doing?

Zee: Making shells.

Cass: They're evacuating our level. We have to go.

Zee: I'm not going with you.

Cass: What?

Zee: They've called for volunteers to hold the dock.

Cass: Kids, stay here. I know how you feel Zee, but you can't do this.

Zee: I have to.

Cass: Why?

Zee: Because I love him. The same as he loves me. And if I were out there and he were here I know what he'd do.

Cass: But, you're going to get yourself killed. It's crazy, Zee.

Zee: Maybe it is. But ask yourself, if it were Dozer, and you knew the only chance you had to see him again was to hold the dock, what would you do?

Cass: Make shells.



Mifune: What the shit is going on over here?

Kid: An accident, sir. I didn't see... sorry.

Mifune: Who the hell are you?

Kid: Unit volunteer, sir.

Mifune: What's a pod born, pencil neck doing volunteering for my corps?

Kid: I want to do my part, SIR! We've gotta hold the dock.

Mifune: How old are you kid?

Kid: 18

Mifune: Should have said 16, I might have believed that.

Kid: 'Kay, I'm 16.

Mifune: Minimum age for the corps is 18, 16's too young.

Kid: The machines don't care how old I am. They'll kill me just the same.

Mifune: Ain't that the Goddamned truth.

Kid: Give me a chance, sir. I won't let you down.

Mifune: You do, and you'll find me and the machines have got something in common.


Crew member: Okay, charging niner.

Sparky: She lives again.

AK: You want us to charge the uplift to reload the operations software, Spark?

Sparky: Yeah, that'd be swell. And clean the windshield while you're at it.

AK: Uplifts replaced, I'm bringing her back on-line.

Sparky: Lookin' good, except uh... there's something wrong with the matrix.

AK: No, there's not. You're lookin' at what we're lookin' at. What the hell is going on in there.

Link: Whatever it is, it can't be good.


Roland: The machines have taken junction 21. The way I see it, if we drop down from broadcast here, near site 153, we might surprise them. We'll go first, hammer as deep as we can and blow our EMP and hopefully we can punch a hole big enough for you to get through. It ain't pretty, but the way I see it, it's the only way back.

Niobe: No, it's not. There's another way. The support line. It drops down right here, a thousand meters short of 21. If we're lucky, we may be able to slip down without them ever knowing.

Roland: That's a mechanical line. It's impossible, no one can pilot a mechanical.

Niobe: I can.

Roland: Bull shit.

Niobe: I've done it.

Morpheus: That was a long time ago, Niobe.

Niobe: I said I can do it.

Roland: So what? If you can, you'll be the only one that can, there's no way we can follow you.

Neo: Hi. I know time is always against us. I'm sorry that I took so long. But I wanted to be sure.

Trinity: Sure of what?

Neo: I know what I have to do.

Morpheus: What?

Neo: There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just say it. I have to take one of the ships.

Roland: What?

Morpheus: To go where?

Neo: To the machine city.

Roland: (laughs and shakes head)

Neo: I know it's difficult to understand.

Roland: No, it's not. You're out of your Goddamned mind.

Neo: I still have to go.

Roland: You'll never make it. In a hundred years no ship has been within a hundred kilometers of it. You'll never make it.

Neo: I have to try.

Morpheus: Is this what the Oracle has told you?

Neo: No.

Roland: This is asinine. If you want to kill yourself, go do it, but do it without wasting one of our ships.

Neo: You have to believe me, I have to go.

Roland: Bull shit!! I am captain of this ship. I say where it has to go. And believe me, this ship will go to hell long before I let you take it anywhere.

Niobe: He can take mine.

Roland: You can't do that.


Niobe: Don't even think of trying to tell me what I can or cannot do with my ship after that little speech.

Roland: But, for Christ's sake, Niobe.

Niobe: I will pilot this ship. He can take mine. If we leave inside the hour we should reach Zion as the machines do. That's as good a plan as any.

Roland: It's a waste, a goddamned waste.

Niobe: Two ships, two directions. Sounds like providence, doesn't it, Morpheus?

Morpheus: You've never believed in the One.

Niobe: I still don't.

Morpheus: Then why are you doing this?

Niobe: I believe in him.

Neo: Thank you.


Bane: What's that for?

Maggie: To help you relax. It'll make it easier for you to remember.

Bane: What if I don't want to remember?

Maggie: Why would you want that?

Bane: What if I blew that EMP? What if I did destroy those ships and I am responsible for the deaths of all those men? If I did that, it wouldn't be very safe for me, would it? Of course, it might not be very safe for you either.


Trinity: You ready?

Neo: Trinity. There's something I have to say, something you need to understand. I know I'm supposed to go, but beyond that, I don't know. . .

Trinity: I know. You don't think you're coming back. I knew it the moment you said you had to leave. I could see it in your face. Just like you knew the moment you looked at me that I was coming with you.

Neo: I'm scared, Trin.

Trinity: So am I. Took me ten minutes to buckle up one boot. But I'll tell you something. Six hours ago I told the Merovingian I was ready to give anything and everything for you. Do you know what's changed in the last six hours?

Neo: No.

Trinity: Nothing.



Roland: Get finished loading that ammunition.

Crewman: Just about, sir

Roland: Move it, we are out of time.

Niobe: You're not leaving them anything?

Roland: Said he didn't need it.



Link: I ain't sayin' goodbye. I'm saying good luck.

Trinity: Thank you.

Morpheus: I can only hope you know what your doing.

Neo: Me, too. It was an honor, sir.

Morpheus: No, the honor is still mine.



Crewman: Ready, sir.

Roland: About damned time. We're already late, Captain, so let's hit it and hit it hard.

Niobe: Bye, baby. Take good care of him.



Trinity: Ready? Engine stopped firing. Must be a fuse. I'll check it out.

Bane: I should have known he'd send his bitch first.

Trinity: Bane.

Bane: Nobody got away from me as many times as you did. Every time I thought it was the last time, I surely had you, but somehow you'd slip through our fingers. I really can't express just how aggravating that can be.

Trinity: What are you talking about?

Bane: I think I might enjoy killing you as much as killing him.

Trinity: Neo, it's Bane, he's psychotic.

Bane: You'll pay for that.



AK: Captain, we've got an emergency down here.

Roland: What is it, AK?

AK: It's Maggie, sir. She's dead, murdered. It was Bane.

Roland: Damn it.



Roland: I knew it. I knew he was out of his God-damned mind. He fired that EMP. Goddamn it. I should have beaten it out of him.

Crewman: We searched the whole ship, Captain. He ain't here.

Roland: I know where he is.

Morpheus: The Logos.

Crewman: Gotta go back.

Roland: Too late.

Link: You don't know that. What if they need our help?

Roland: It's too dangerous.

Link: Why?

Morpheus: Because, if he's killed them, he'll control another EMP.

Roland: At this point, they're on their own, just like us.



Bane: Mr. Anderson. I see you are as predictable in this world as you are in the other.

Neo: What?

Trinity: He's out of his mind.

Bane: It might appear that way to you, but Mr. Anderson and I know that appearances can be deceiving. Confused, Mr. Anderson? It'll all become clear in a moment. Now I'll thank you for bringing me the gun, set it down right there.

Trinity: Don't do it. Shoot. Shoot now.

Bane: Yes, shoot, fry us, burn us alive.

Trinity: Do it. If you don't, he'll kill us both.

Bane: Look at him. He knows he should do it, but he won't, can't.

Trinity: Do it.

Bane: Back away from the gun and turn around.

Neo: Let her go. Who are you?

Bane: Still don't recognize me. It admit it is difficult to even think, encased in this rotting piece of meat. The stink of it filling every breath, suffocating cloud you can't escape. Disgusting. How pathetically fragile it is. Nothing this weak is meant to survive.

Neo: What do you want?

Bane: I want what you want. Yes. That's it, Mr. Anderson. Look past the flesh, look through the gelatin of these soft cow eyes, see your enemy.

Neo: No.

Bane: Oh, yes, Mr. Anderson.

Neo: It can't be.

Bane: There's nowhere I can't go, there's no where I can't find you.

Neo: It's impossible.

Bane: Not impossible. Inevitable. Goodbye, Mr. Anderson.

Neo: (screams)

Trinity: Oh, no.

Bane: I wish you could see yourself, Mr. Anderson. Blind messiah. You're a symbol for all of your kind, Mr. Anderson. Helpless, pathetic, just waiting to be put out of your misery.

Neo: I can see you.

Bane: It's not over, Mr. Anderson, it's not over.

Neo: Trinity!

Trinity: Neo. Neo. Oh, no. Your eyes.

Neo: I'll be okay. I'm sorry, but I think you're going to have to drive.



Technician: Seismics are predicting 22 minutes to breach.

Lock: Can't help that we don't have any EMP's. They'll have to attack in waves. Concentrate our offense on the dickers. Order the AP unit to position.

Technician: Yes, sir.



Mifune: Allright, this is it. Now you all know me. I'm gonna say this as simple as I can. If it's our time to die, it's our time. All I ask is, if we have to give these basterds our lives, we give them hell before we do!



Zee: I'm scared, Charr...

Charra: I'm sure you are. I'm gonna make you a deal. You keep moving, I keep shooting.

Zee: Deal.



Technician: Oh Christ, look at that.

Roland: Quiet. How far to the opening?

Ghost: 1.4 kilometers.

Morpheus: Still generating too hot fields.

Niobe: Ghost, kill all auxilliary systems. Give me full manual and drop down four pions.

AK: It'll pop.

Roland: No...


Niobe: Easy baby...

Ghost: 700 meters

Niobe: If you'd just get close enough.

Ghost: 600 meters.

AK:  Yeah...

Niobe: Shit!

Ghost: Jigs up, here they come...

Niobe: Give me full power, full systems!

Roland: Man the gun turrets, every Goddamn one of them! Here they go! Go, go!

Niobe: Ghost, you're the best gunner we have, go with them. Morpheus, second place!

Link: I'm coming, baby.

Morpheus: Here they come.

Niobe: Hang on to your lunch, Roland, here we go.

Roland:  Oh Christ... Wish I could do that.


Officer Mattis: Breach, the dock is breached!



Mifune: Buckle up! Fire!



Charra: Shit. Come on, let's go.



Mifune: Buckle up!

APU fighter: Reload!

APU (Armored Personnel Unit) technician: Reload nine!

Fighter: Go, go, move, move!

Mifune: Buckle up, hull's gonna blow. Move on!

Technician: Oh my God.



Lock: Where the hell is my infantry? I want that Goddamn machine taken down.



Charra: Take this.

Zee: Oh shit!



Crew: Yeah!

Officer Mattis: What we do with the breach point?

Lock: Goddammit.



Niobe: Shit, she's got a fat ass.

Niobe: Keep them off me!

Roland: What is this shit load?

Crew member: Captain, see that?

Roland: We lost the radio, stop them!

Roland: Damn it.



Charra: Yeah. Got my beltback? Just gimme one clean shot... Damn it!

Zee: Oh...! Charr!



Technician: Commander Lock, I've got incoming!

Lock: We got a dock full of incoming!

Technician: Sorry sir, but this is different, sir.

Lock: Meaning what?

Technician: It went past that, sir.

Lock: That's impossible.

Technician: Holographics is trying to confirm, sir.

Lock: Contact them, I want access codes.

Technician: We tried sir, there's no response.

Lock: It's a trick. That's not one of ours, it can't be. That's a mechanical line. No one can pilot a mechanical...



Niobe: Four down, 30 degrees, 80 percent.

Morpheus: 30 degrees 80.

Niobe: Fore starboard, 60 degrees, 20 percent.

Morpheus: 60 degrees.

Niobe: Shit. Come on, keep up!

Morpheus: I'm trying!



Officer Mattis: Sir. Holographic confirms, it's the Hammer, sir.

Lock: How can it be?

Technician: The ship is under attack, sustaining heavy damage but under present velocity it will reach gate three in twelve minutes.

Technician: Sir, their EMP can take out every sentinel out there.

Lock: It can take out more than that, it'll wipe out our entire defense system. We blow the EMP system inside, they will lose the dock.

Technician: Sir, we already lost the dock.

Lock: Open the gate.

Technician: Gate three not responding, taking critical damage, sir. We've lost control, we can't open it!



Morpheus: There's the exit.

Niobe: On my mark. Give me full power 90 degrees, low left starboard.

Morpheus: Full power, 90 degrees.

Niobe: Now.

Niobe: Come on, do it, baby...

Roland: Oh damn, woman, you can drive.

Niobe: We ain't home yet. What about the gate?

Morpheus: Several sentinels inside the dock.

Niobe: Are we too late?



Lock: How many APU's in operation?

Technician: 13, sir.

Lock: Give me the one closest to gate 3.



Mifune: (roaring) Reload!

Technician: It's pacing metal. Go!

Mifune: Watch out! They're coming down.

Kid: Eww!

Mifune: Behind you!

Kid: Jammed!

Mifune: Forget it, kid, get out of here!

Kid: Got it!

Mifune: (roaring)

Kid: Captain Mifune... Oh, no...

Mifune: They're coming, they're coming...The Hammer...

Kid: What?

Mifune: You'll have to open that gate, cut the counter weights... You can do it... Hurry... there's no time...

Kid: Captain, I haven't finnished the training program...

Mifune: Neither did I...



Kid: Keep my weight forward. Light as a feather, as a feather...



Technician: Commander. Holographic reports. Captain Mifune's UPA is up and moving to gate three.



Kid: Don't oversqueeze trigger... Hwoom...


Technician: Captain Mifune's APU has just reached gate three.

Lock: How much time?

Technician: Two minutes to impact.

Lock: Captain Mifune, do you copy?

Technician: Captain Mifune is down, sir.

Lock: This is Lock. I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can...



Lock's voice on the receiver: ...the Hammer is two minutes away. We have two minutes, Captain... to get that gate open.

Zee: Link...



Roland: Get to the main deck, charge the EMP!



Zee: Do it, kid.

Kid: Neo, I believe.



Niobe: Yes...

Morpheus: Can we make it?

Niobe: We ain't come this far...

Link: Almost home, almost home...

Morpheus: Burn it, Link!

Morpheus: You did it...

Niobe: No, we did it.

Morpheus: you're one hell of a pilot.

Niobe: Some things in this world never change.

Morpheus: But some things do.

Niobe: Luckily... some things do.



Zee: Link!

Link: Zee...?

Zee: Link!

Link: Zee!

Zee: I knew you'd come, I knew it...

Link: I made a promise ...

Zee: You did wear it...

Link: You kidding?, I'm never gonna take it off...



Lock: Three captains, one ship. I assume the other ships were lost under equally pointless circumstances?

Niobe: Good to see you too, Jason.

Lock: Council's waiting to hear an explanation. You'll forgive me for not attending, but I have to try to salvage this debacle.

Roland: Did I miss something, Commander? I thought we just saved the dock.

Lock: That's the problem with you people. You can't think five minutes in front of your face. That EMP knocked out almost every piece of hardware and every APU. If I were the machines, I would send every sentinel I had here right now. Saved the dock, captain? You've just handed it to them on a silver plate.



Lock: Get that cable cut! I want that system back online.

Technician: Commander, it's the dock. We've got incoming.

Lock: Order everyone to fall back. Seal the shaft. Now.



Technician: Move it!



Technician: All clear.

Lock: Do it. Your move.



Councillor Dillard: So you gave them your ship.

Niobe: That is correct, Coucillor, I did.

Councillor: Knowing what they planned to do with it?

Councillor Hamann: And the Oracle said nothing of this.

Niobe: She told me Neo would need my help and when the time came I would choose to help him or not.

Councillor West: But what hope can a single vessel have against their entire defenses?

Roland: None. It is completely impossible. He wouldn't listen, he wouldnt even take any minution. He was totally out of his goddamned mind.

Morpheus: No, he wasn't. Neo is doing what he believes he must do. I don't know if what he's doing is right, I don't know if he'll reach the machine city, and if he does, I don't know what he can do to save us. But I do know that as long as there is a single breath in his body, he will not give up and neither can we.



Trinnity: Tempature's dropping. Here we go.

Neo: We're over the fields.

Trinnity: How do you know that?

Neo: I can feel.

Neo: Over there... There's some eh... Can you see it, three lines...

Trinnity: Power lines.

Neo: Follow them.



Woman: What are they doing?

Technician: I don't know. Lieutenant?

Lock: Goddammit

Technician: What do we do now, Commander?



Lock: It's now a matter of time. The machines will breach the walls of the city. I recommend the Council to join the rest of the non-militairy personal inside the temple.

Councillor: How long do we have?

Lock: Two hours, maybe less. My men have begun fortifying the entrance with enough artillery to make our last stand. Beyond that, there's isn't anything more I can do.

Councillor Dillard: Commander, do you think we that have any chance of surviving?

Lock: If I were you, Councillor, I wouldn't ask me that question, I would ask him.

Councillor Dillard: Why?

Lock: Because he's the one who believes in miracles.



Neo: There. Those mountains. That's it.

Trinnity: Do you see what's out there?

Neo: Yes.

Trinnity: If you tell me we'll make it, I'll believe you.

Neo: We'll make it. We have to.

Trinnity: Sentinels.

Neo: There's too many...

Trinnity: Ooh... Gotcha!

Trinnity: Come on! Neo! I need help here!

Neo: I can't beat them.

Trinnity: What do I do?


Neo: Go up, over them. The sky... it's the only way.

Trinnity: Then up we go.

Trinnity: Beautiful...

Neo: Pump the igniter, the ship will start.

Neo: Again, slowly.

Neo: Now!

Trinnity: Noooo...

Neo: Trin... Trinnity? Trinnity!?

Trinnity: I'm here...

Neo: Where?

Trinnity: Here...

Neo: We made it.

Trinnity: You said we would...

Neo: It's unbelievable. Trin... Light everywhere, like the whole thing was built with light. I wish you could see what I see.

Trinnity: You've already shown me so much...

Neo: What is it, Trinnity? What's wrong?

Trinnity: I can't go with you, Neo. I've gone as far as I can...

Neo: What? Oh no... No no no no...

Trinnity: It's alright. This time I've done all that I can do. Now you have to do the rest... You have to finnish it, to save Zion .

Neo: I can, but not without you...

Trinnity: Yes you can... You will. I believe... I always have...

Neo: Trinnity. Trinnity, you can't die, you can't... You can't...

Trinnity: Yes, I can. You brought me back once, but not this time... Do you remember on that roof just after you caught me? The last thing I said to you...

Neo: You said nothing but "I'm sorry".

Trinnity: I wish I had. That was my last thought... I wished I had one more chance to say what really mattered... To say how much I loved you... How grateful I was for every moment I was with you... But by the time I knew how to say what I wanted to... It was too late...

Neo: (sobbing)

Trinnity: But you brought me back, you gave me my wish... One more chance to say what I really wanted to say... Kiss me... once more, kiss me...



Lock: Get that damn thing mounting.

Lock: Hurry.

Technician: Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

Link: Neo, if you're going to do something, better do it quickly...



Neo: I only have come to say what I want to say. After that you can do what you want, no one will try to stop you.

Deus Ex Machina: Speak.

Neo: The program Smith has grown beyond your control. Soon he will spread through this city, as he spread through the matrix. You cannot stop him. But I can.

Deus Ex Machina: We don't need you! We can stop him!

Neo: If that's true, then I've made a mistake, and you should kill me now.

Deus Ex Machina: What do you want?

Neo: Peace.



Niobe: What are they doing? What are YOU doing?

Lock: Morpheus!



Deus Ex Machina: And if you fail?

Neo: I won't.



Niobe: Neo...

Morpheus: He fights for us.




Smith: Mr. Anderson, welcome back, we missed you. Do you like what I've done with the place?

Neo: It ends tonight.

Smith: I know it does, I've seen it. That's why the rest of me is just going to enjoy the show, because we already know that I'm the one that beats you.

Smith: Can you feel it Mr. Anderson? I'm closing in on you. Oh, I can. I really should thank you for it... After all it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life. The purpose of life is to end.

Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson, why? Why? Why do you do it? Why? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something, for more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom, or truth, perhaps peace? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson, vagaries of perception, temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. And all of them as artificial as the Matrix itself. Although... Only a human mind can invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it, Mr. Anderson, you must know it by now. You can't win, it is pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson, why, why you persist?

Neo: Because I choose to.

Smith: You...

Smith: This is my world! My world!

Smith: Wait... I've seen this... This is it, this is the end. Yes... You're laying right there, just like that. And I..., I..., I stand here, right here. I'm supposed to say something... I say... Everything that has a beginning has an end, Neo... What? What did I just say? No... no... This isn't right, this can't be right. Get away from me!

Neo: What are you afraid of?

Smith: It's a trick.

Neo: You were right, Smith. You're always right. It was inevitable.

Smith: Ugh... huh... Is it over?

Smith: Oh no, no, no... It's not fair...



Deus Ex Machina: It is done.


Technician: It doesn't make sense.

Morpheus: He did it.

Kid: He saved us, he saved us. It's over, he did it, he did it, he did it, it's over, it's over, he did it, he did it!

Councillor Hamann: What is it, what happened?

Kid: Sir, he did it, sir, Neo, he did it!

Councillor Hamann: Did what?!

Kid: He ended the war, the machines are gone! The war is over, sir, the war is over! Zion ! Zion ! Zion , it's over, it's over, the war is over, the war is over!

Morpheus: I imaginged this moment so long. Is this real?

Niobe: Neo. Thank you.



Black cat (Like the black cat in Neo's deja vu in Matrix 1): Miaow.

Sita: Good morning.



Oracle: Well now, ain't this a surprise.

The Architect: You played a very dangerous game.

Oracle: Change always is.

The Architect: Just how long do you think this peace is going to last?

Oracle: As long as it can. What about the others?

The Architect: What others?

Oracle: The ones that want out.

The Architect: Obviously they will be freed.

Oracle: I have your word?

The Architect: What do you think I am? Human?

Sati: Oracle! We were afraid we might never find you.

Oracle: Everything is ok now.

Sati: Look, look!

Oracle: Just look at that, beautiful... Did you that?

Sati: For Neo.

Oracle: That's nice. I know he'll love it.

Sati: Will we ever see him again?

Oracle: I suspect so, some day.

Seraph: Did you always know?

Oracle: Oh no... No, I didn't. But I believed... I believed.





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