China‘s Housing Market & Economy Is Crumbling

Evergrandes: The Evergrande Group    n. 恒大集团

collapse /kəˈlæps/    v./n. 崩溃,崩塌

rapidly    adv. 快速地,迅速地

Evergrandes Collapse Is Spreading Rapidly!

crumble /ˈkrʌmbl/    v. 粉碎,消亡

China's Housing Market & Economy Is Crumbling

a turning point    n. 转折点

Look this is a turning point.


This is where China has decided it does not want future growth to depend on real estate.

output    n. 产出


You know it's 15 of output and it's also 80 of Chinese people's wealth and it's all very very highly leveraged.


It's no secret that the housing market in China constitutes a huge chunk of their GDP.

integral /ˈɪntɪɡrə/    adj. 完整的,必须的

Therefore it is an integral part of their economy and finacial system.

be reliant on    依赖于

profit    v. 收益于

The government has been heavily reliant on its ability to make the land a commodity, profiting from the enterprise.

stance    n. 态度,立场

subsidize /ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz/     v. 以津贴补助,以金钱收买

Its initial stance in the 1990s was to create a scheme that benefited individuals by encouraging house purchases that were heavily subsidized.

propell /prəˈpeld/    v. 推动

This propelled the demand for real estateas.

purchase property    p. 购买房产
any adult working    n.任何正在工作的成年人

It became attractive to purchase property to any adult working, Chinese local.

be meant to    p. 意图,打算

spiral /ˈspaɪrəl/    v. 螺旋上升

i.e    abbr. that is...

While these actions were meant to subsidize housing for Chinese people, they became the beginning of a problem that spiraled into today, i.e China's housing bubble.

Many predict that evergrande was just the first of many companies that would suffer from Chinese housing collapse.

So in the video, we will look at how China's real estate market got so bad.

portfolio /pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ/    n. 证券投资

Will it end up like 2008 U.S real estate market and how will all this affect your portfolio.

sound    adj. 合理的,明智的

Before we begin please take a few seconds to invest in that like button. I promise the like button market isn't in a bubble so your investment will be safe and sound.

the China Banking Regulatory Commission    n. 中国银监会
the State Council /ˈkaʊnsl/    n. 国务院
Arms of Ministry    n. 武装部???
over ten measures and notices    n. 十多项措施和公告
bank interest rates    n. 银行利率
lending standards    n. 贷款标准
reserve ratios    n. 存款准备金率
land supply    n. 土地供应
affordable housing    n. 经济适用房

The central government of China, which includes the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the State Council and Arms of Ministry, published, in 2005, 2006, over ten measures and notices on bank interest rates, lending standards and reserve ratios, land supply and the policies of affordable housing.


That was not it.

kept a firm watch over the housing market    p. 严格关注房地产市场

additional constructions in monetary and macro    n. 货币和宏观建设

macro /ˈmækrəʊ/    n. 宏观

The government kept a firm watch over the housing market and, in 2007, there were additional constructions in monetary and macro in those same areas.

restrictive /rɪˈstrɪktɪv/    adj. 限制性的

country-wide adj. 全国普及的

steady /ˈstedi/    v. 使稳定

As well as restrictive administrative measures, this was executed country-wide and generally the measures had the positive effect of steadying the housing market.

far-reaching    adj. 深远的

mortgage crunches /ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ ˈkrʌntʃɪz/    n. 抵押贷款危机

Market transactions in major cities cooled off, but the far-reaching policies also resulted in the decline of home values and regional mortgage crunches in ghost cities.

tremor /ˈtremə(r)/    n. 战栗,震动

sinking less popular regions    p. 使受欢迎的地区(房价)下降

The outcome was that the Chinese government had not foreseen this tremor and they started rethinking their policies that were sinking less popular regions like wins show.

commodity housing /kəˈmɒdəti/    n. 商品房

revenue /ˈrevənjuː/    n. 税收

developer    n. 开发商

In the 2008 housing bubble, there was a rapid development in commodity housing, due to the Chinese government's tendency of gaining revenue through supplying land to developers.

residential mortgage n.    住房抵押贷款

the major vehicle of housing n.    住房的主要载体

Furthermore, it became a trend to have a residential mortgage which was the major vehicle of housing.

mortgage finance    n. 抵押贷款融资

in most households    n. 在大多数家庭中

constituted the largest portion of their expenses    p. 构成了他们的花费的最大一部分

House ownership through mortgage finance became the norm and in most households their mortgage constituted the largest portion of their expenses.

Real estate then grew to become one of the major components of the Chinese economy.

speculation    n. 投机买卖

With the housing boom in 2008, the housing markets overheated in major cities and speculation in the market started.

rein in /reɪn/    v. 放慢,制止

issue    v. 发布

The central government tried to rein in price growth through regulatory measures that they issued, which shaped the style of the Chinese government's housing regulations for the next decade.

intervention    n. 介入,干涉

short-term    adj. 短期的

When the government noticed that their financial policies and administrative interventions were effective in organizing and directing the housing market, they started to rely on short-term price controls.

auction    n. 拍卖会

puppeteer    v. 操纵(木偶)

implement    v. 实施

sustain    v. 维持

Controlling how and when the land was supplied and at what auction prices, they continued to puppeteer the market rather than preparing and implementing a long-term systematic that would sustain the economy in the long run.

scenario    n. 场景

out of the frying pan and into the fire    p. from a bad situation to one that is worse

Their stance seemed like the typical scenario of out of the frying pan and into the fire.

immidiate    adj. 立刻的,当前的

One thing was clear, immidiate results, and they wanted to ride that train until it gave out and eventually it did.

stark    adj. 完全的

Several cities suffered from stark local housing declines and residential prices falling by more than 30 percent.

foreclosure /fɔːˈkləʊʒə(r)/    n. 丧失抵押品赎回权

This was later followed by continual foreclosures.

go into its arsenal of short-term controls    p. 进入它的短期控制的武器库

arsenal /ˈɑːsənl/    n. 兵工厂

fiscal    adj. 财政的

issued economic stimulus programs commonly termed the 4 trillion    p. 发布了通常称为4万亿的经济刺激计划

stimulus /ˈstɪmjələs/    n. 刺激物

The government responded by going into its arsenal of short-term controls, using fiscal and monetary policies and issued economic stimulus programs commonly termed the 4 trillion.

relaxed monetarty policies    n. 宽松的货币政策

reduced reserve rations    n. 储备粮下降

accompanied this with administrative measures    p. 同时采取了行政措施

encourage growth in the housing market    p. 鼓励房地产市场的增长

With relaxed monetarty policies and reduced reserve rations, the government accompanied this with administrative measures to encourage growth in the housing market.

securitization /sɪˌkjʊrətəˈzeɪʃən/    n. 证券化

residential mortgage finance    n. 住宅性抵押贷款融资

They also launched programs aimed at securitization in support of residential mortgage finance.

By 2009 the housing market had largely recovered nationwide.

interest rates    n. 利率

reserve ratios    n. 存款准备金率

resort to    v. 采取,求助于,依靠

Since the first bubble in 2008 the Chinese government has realized that managing their policies, interest rates and reserve ratios has a significant impact on the market and has continually resorted to these measures.

tier n. 等级,层次

the Chinese housing market is also divided into tiers.

initial full economic scale property policies    n. 最初的全面经济规模的房地产政策

holistically     adv. 整体地,全面地

on a national level    p. 在国家层面上

After the initial full economic scale property policies, the Chinese government quickly realized that it may not be entirely effective to give housing policies holistically on a national level.

have since resorted to implementing different housing policies    p. 从那以后采取不同的住房政策

The government has since resorted to implementing different housing policies for each tier, which addresses the issues that can be seen in each area.

one-size-fits-all 一体适用的,一刀切的

They no longer take a one-size-fits-all approach after the impact of their policy controls in 2008

Ironically in any given Chinese real estate bubble    p. 具有讽刺意味的是,在中国的房地产泡沫中

ironically /aɪˈrɒnɪkli/    adv. 嘲讽地,挖苦地

given    adj. 指定的,特定的,习惯的

certain real estate areas    p. 某些房地产领域

slump    n. 大幅暴跌

Ironically in any given Chinese real estate bubble, certain real estate areas can be in a slump at the same time, making the Chinese housing market unique to the rest of the world.


macroeconomic    adj. 宏观经济的

burst    v. 爆破,爆炸

As I said, China has a unique housing market and its features make it challenging to evaluate the macroeconomic extent of bursting bubbles.


accommodation    n. 住宿模式

pattern    n. 品样,方式

Because the government sets land supply and its prices, the residential accommodation patterns are different to the rest of the world.

address housing market concerns    p. 解决住房市场担忧

China ghost towns complicate the ability of traditional macroeconomic policies to address housing market concerns.

public agency    n. 公共机构

state-owned enterprise    n. 国有企业

soes: state-owned enterprise    abbr. 国有企业的缩写

After 2008, public agencies and state-owned enterprises, soes, stopped providing new housing units as a way to manage the housing bubble.

demand wane    p. 需求减弱

wane /weɪn/    v. 衰落,结束

the market constrict    p. 市场紧缩

constrict    v. 压缩,紧缩

Corresponding to this policy change, demand waned and the market constricted.

focal    adj. 焦点的

thoroughly    adv. 彻底地,完全地

an investment vehicle    n. 投资工具

China's real estate market continues to be a focal point of the economy and has thoroughly been exhausted as an investment vehicle by both private households and companies.

appreciation     n. 欣赏,升值

collateral /kəˈlætərəl/    n. 担保物

raise finances    n. 筹集资金

While individuals invest for stability and appreciation, companies have continued to use real estate as collateral in raising finances through the local government financing platform, lgfp.

sales revenue    n. 销售收入

The government itself views land as a source of sales revenue.

private and public sectors    n. 私营部门和公共部门

Everyone in both private and public sectors has an interest in it which causes speculation.

receptive    adj. 可接受的

Recently the real estate market has become less receptive to the policies implemented by the government and the success of regulatory measures has been reduced.

volatility /ˌvɒləˈtɪlɪti/    n. 挥发性,反复无常

speculative    adj. 投机性

valuation    n. 估值

The volatility of policies intended to control the market has led to speculative valuation and purchases in the property market.

constraint    n. 限制,约束

In the face of Beijing's strict constraints on purchasing and selling homes, Beijing's property prices have not been affected but continue to rise.

All this can be seen in the current bubble, which has been exposed through Evergrand's housing scheme.

The property developers, residential units have continued to rise in value so much so that even in the face of government policies, the property prices continue rising.

the average working adult    n. 普通的在职成年人

crushing debt    n. 压倒性债务

The units are valued so high that it makes the average working adult unable to cover their mortgage and creates crushing debt that cannot be repaid in their lifetime.

festering /ˈfestərɪŋ/    adj. 化脓,溃烂

wound /waʊnd/    n. 伤口

band-aid    n. 临时措施,治标不治本

Evergrand units have exposed a festering wound in the Chinese market that has been casually covered by a band-aid of short-term monetary, fiscal and administrative policy.

With all of this in place    p. 所有这些都到位了

critical factor    n. 关键因素

With all of this in place, it seems the Chinese government forgot to notice one critical factor in housing valuations.

The wildfire of speculation    n. 投机的野火

evade    v. 逃避

The wildfire of speculation and its ability to evade logic.

alter the trend of sharp growth in prices    p. 改变价格急剧上涨的趋势

squeeze out the last drop    p. 挤出了最后一滴

National policies, including monetary policies, have had limited effect and have not altered the trend of sharp growth in prices and China's government may have squeezed out the last drop, they will have to consider alternative measures.

let the market forces fight it    p. 让市场力量对抗它

spare only policies that are integral to the structures of the economy    p. 只保留与经济结构不可分割的政策

through a weaning process    p. 通过断奶的过程

Some have argued that China should let the market forces fight it out and spare only policies that are integral to the structures of the economy through a weaning process.

But is the Chinese government ready to do this?


unconventional    adj. 非传统的,非常规的

Others have argued that the market is too important to be left alone to its own devices and that the expectation of a free market where the market is left to decide its own property prices via the operation of supply and demand is too unconventional for China as the government is the one that controls supply and this could lead to disaster.


the effects that are being felt in the economy now    n. 目前在经济中感受到的影响

the shocks left behind by a speedy imposition of policies from the boom of 2008    n. 2008年繁荣时期迅速实施政策所留下的冲击

imposition    n. 加强,被迫接受,税收

One thing is sure China needs a different approach that looks at the long-term impact because the effects that are being felt in the economy now are the shocks left behind by a speedy imposition of policies from the boom of 2008.

dichotomy /daɪˈkɒtəmi/    n. 一分为二

economic pattern    n. 经济模式

general preferences    n. 普遍偏好

The dichotomy of the housing market reflects the economic pattern and general preferences of Chinese people.

distressed    adj. 烦恼的,痛苦的

redistribute    v. 重新分配

With overheated markets and distressed markets happening in China, at the same time China might need to create policies that redistribute the extreme housing market between major cities with bubbles and ghost towns with declining market values.

restoration /ˌrestəˈreɪʃn/    n. (规章制度的)恢复

predictability /prɪˌdɪktə'bɪləti/    n. 可预测性

prodding residential prices to soar    p. 推动住房价格飙升

prod /prɒd/    v. 刺激,促使...行动

soar /sɔː(r)/    n. 高飞,剧增

The restoration of the housing market's stability and predictability will calm the waters of speculation that are prodding residential prices to soar.

inelastic /ˌɪnɪˈlæstɪk/    adj. 无弹性的,不能适应的

The supply of land is managed by the government, making it inelastic through policy controls.

deficiency n. 缺乏,不足

constitutional restraint n. 宪法限制

award the government at all levels with great leverage to make policy and change rules very quickly    p. 授予各级政府巨大的杠杆来迅速制定政策和改变规则

the government at all levels    n. 各级政府

Consequently this deficiency of constitutional restraint has awarded the government at all levels with great leverage to make policy and change rules very quickly.

intervention    n. 介入,干预

nearsighted risk enhancing    p. 短视风险增加

disruptive of market predictability    p. 破坏市场可预测性

disruptive    adj. 引起混乱的

The government's ability to quickly respond with interventions, in response to market developments, has led to more frequent interventions, which have had some criticisms being called nearsighted risk enhancing and disruptive of market predictability.

shortages of capital and finance    n. 资本和资金短缺

However, such regulatory power realized such an advantageous effect in China's early stage of development, particularly when the country faced shortages of capital and finance.

capitalize    v. 使资本化,估值

public sector    n. 公共部门

private sector    n. 私营部门,企业

Stated-owned land was capitalized through its supply and it provided credit both for developers and consumers, leading to heavy economic reliance on both the public sector and the private sector.

maturity /məˈtʃʊərəti/    n. 成熟,完备

called into question the familiar actions of the government    p. 对政府熟悉的行为提出质疑

call sth. into question    p. 对...提出质疑

But with the development of the housing market, its maturity called into question the familiar actions of the government.

reactionary    adj. 保守的,反动的

the changing market sentiment    n. 市场情绪变化

sentiment    n. 感情,情绪

Such reactionary policies needed adapt to the changing market sentiment and they were best left for the history books.

The crux of the problem is    p. 问题的核心是

crux /krʌks/    n. (问题的)中心

the unintentional impact of government actions    n. 政府行动的无意影响

the outlooks of participants in the market    n. 市场参与者的前景

The crux of the problem is the unintentional impact of government actions on the outlooks of participants in the market.

be construed as inelastic    p. 被解释为无弹性的

construe    v. 分析,解释

inelastic /ˌɪnɪˈlæstɪk/    adj. 无弹性的

With the supply of land being managed and controlled by the government, it can be construed as inelastic.

restrictions imposed by the government to disturb potential bubbles    n. 政府为干扰潜在泡沫而实施的限制措施

be interpreted in the market    p. 在市场上被解读为指标

a desirable venture    n. 令人向往的冒险

Nonetheless if the demand for housing remains steady, restrictions imposed by the government to disturb potential bubbles may only be interpreted in the market as indicators that housing, as an investment, is a desirable venture for both companies and individuals.

cease to manage the price    p. 停止管控价格

The policies then cease to manage the price and the driver becomes speculation.


While the power of speculation remains ignored, unaccounted for and unmanaged, this may not be the last bubble that China sees in its housing market.


financial returns    n. 财务报告

profitable    adj. 有益的,可赚钱的


Great video. But let me talk about something important, I see many young and old make mistakes that I think should not be. I believe that everyone, young or old, should have an investment plan that increases their financial returns from three figures to six figures. The investment can be your retirement plan or future plan, depending on what you want, but what matters most is that you have an investment that is profitable.

forex    n. 外汇

crypto currencies    n. 加密货币

Elizabeth Manny

I have tried to invest in forex, cryptocurrencies and stocks and I keep losing, do you have any advice or help for me?


investing in forex cryptocurrency market needs a professional to guide you to avoid losses because the signals are not really easy to read that is why you need to invest with an expert to get a better profit

lease    n. 租赁,租约

option to extend the lease    p. 可以选择延长租约

Timothy McGee

Funny you didn’t mention that one can actually NOT own land and property in China, yes you “buy it and pay mortgage” for it but in reality you’re buying a lease-77 years maximum lease (option to extend the lease if you can afford it)

nest    v. 筑巢,巢居


There's an old saying, 'Homes are for nesting, not investing'.

on the trail   p. 跟踪追击,在路上

repercussion /ˌriːpəˈkʌʃn/    n. 反响;(间接的)影响;恶果

infrastructure /ˈɪnfrəstrʌktʃə(r)/    n. 基础设施,基础建设

Kiki on the Trail

It'll be interesting to see if this has repercussions for infrastructure projects financed by China in Cambodia and Lao in particular. Time will tell.

as is evident with    p. 随着...而更加明显

property flipper    n. 房地产投资公司

the remainder of 2021    n. 2021剩余的时间

their principle source on income    n. 他们的主要收入来源

the past due interest payment    n. 支付逾期未付的利息

the past due interest    n. 逾期未付的利息

bond holders    n. 债券持有人

a drop in the proverbial bucket    p. 谚语中的“水桶中的一滴水”

proverbial /prəˈvɜːbiəl/    adj. 谚语的,谚语表达的

staggering /stæɡərɪŋ/    adj. 惊人的,难以置信的

Michael Dusso

The worst is yet to come for EV. The global housing market is beginning a major decline, as is evident with U.S. property flipper ZILLOW GROUP announcing that they are putting a complete STOP on their home purchases for the remainder of 2021 (their principle source on income). The past due interest payment that EV just made to bond holders is a drop in the proverbial bucket, when compared to their staggering 300 BILLION+ debt, especially when one considers that their home sales have now DROPPED a staggering 97% !!

Alessandro Tempo

Every year I heard the same story.. and yet I'm been in China 12 years and nothing happened..

I learned that the system and the way how China works it's very different from the rest of the world; the comparison is pointless.

eddy j

We should be careful on money usage,if you are not spending to earn back,then stop spending.

venture into business    p. 创业


Apparently my view on the solution is to venture into business .

forest trade    n. 森林贸易

cryptosystem    n. 加密系统

cynthia moore,,

😍I do real estate,stock market ,forest trade, cryptosystem.


Nathalie Lazo

Hey YOU, beautiful person reading this...The truth is you are confident and good enough already with who you are, where you are at and what you have right now to have the success you want in life. Don't let others define what “success” is for you. Get up, learn that skill and go after it! I believe in you so much! Have an awesome day! - Love, Nat ❤️

a wonderful sense of achievement and wellbeing    n. 一种幸福感和成就感

Laurence von Winkenburger

Take a coffee enema. It will give you a wonderful sense of achievement and wellbeing.


Stuart Stalter

We shall see how such a volatile situation plays out, but things aren't looking good in Chinese real estate. That's for sure.

Old Bullhead City    n. A city in U.S.

Arizona /ˌærɪˈzoʊnə/    n. A state in the Western United States( 亚利桑那州)

Colorado River /ˌkɒləˈrædoʊ/    n. A river in the Southwestern United States.(科罗拉多河)

Harrah's Entertainment    n. An American casino and hotel company founded in Reno, Nevada.

Laughlin /ˈlɔːf.lɪn/    n. A town in Clark County, Nevada, United States.

Nevada /nəˈvɑːdə/    n. A state in the Western region of the United States.(内华达州)

a double Commercial lot /kəˈmɜːʃl/    n. 双商业地段

foot    n. 英尺

Ave.    n. (用于书面地址)大街

between 2nd and 3rd Streets    p. 在第二街区与第三街区之间

a commercial launch ramp    n. 商业发射坡道,好像是用来开船的

an outlet on Long and First streets    p. 在Long和First街道上有个出口

outlet /ˈaʊtlet/    n. 出口

completion set for summer of 202    p. 2022年夏季竣工

are still dirt cheap    p. 仍然非常便宜

Art Tagger

Interested in investment property?

Recently listed in Old Bullhead City, AZ., straight across the Colorado River from Harrah’s casino in Laughlin, NV., is a double Commercial lot (100ft. X 100ft.) for 118,000 on Long Ave. between 2nd and 3rd Streets. Great investment, the only thing better is Commercial lots between 1st and 2nd streets on Long Ave. Reason? The City of Bullhead are building a commercial launch ramp with an outlet on Long and First streets, completion set for summer of 2022. Development in progress, prices are still dirt cheap in comparison to other over priced states.

piper /ˈpaɪpə(r)/    n. 吹笛人,信口雌黄的人

Nicky Yap

Who told you real estate will not crash. It can happen in any country. Just buy what you can handle. Don't let the Pipe Pipers lead you buy more than you can handle by telling you beautiful story.


China GDP for 2021 still be around 7.2% growth so not sideways at all.

debt wealth    n. 债务财富

Tuomas Holo

I wouldn’t exactly call mortgage debt wealth.

foundation of future currency    n. 未来的货币基础

Dushyant Giri

Evergrandes is getting a crypto loans (tether) if yes and works then tether would become foundation of future currency.. This would be first big interaction between physical asset wrt to virtual asset..

Lee Price

It's going to be way worse than the US 2008 drop.

Those cash purchases of US properties this last year. China investors trying to protect their money. Just like Japan did in the 1980's overpaying for US properties because when they eventually sell the property it will be worth something.

I see no reason why    p. 我看不出为什么...

keep fluctuating financially    p. 在经济上不断波动



Emily Bellamy

I see no reason why people keep fluctuating financially. Being rich has it principle, no one is ready to Invest there money in irrelevant firms.

I earn even in pandemic period.

You don't have to grow old before making investment. Even as a student you can earn weekly in crypto trading. The world today is advancing no one is ready to suffer, but want more stream of income..I'll advice those who are really serious to look for a good broker and invest with..

Jimmy Fisher

Investing in stock and crypto which is better

a profit based platform    n. 基于利润的平台

Theorde Smith

Cryptocurrency investment is the best when you are on a profit based platform

Detroit /dɪˈtrɔɪt/    n. A city in U.S.(底特律)

Michigan /ˈmɪʃəgən/    n. A state in the Western region of the United States.(密歇根)

crypto trader    n. 加密货币交易员

Jenny Powell

Ok I've been hearing of Oliviaryker investment, here in Detroit Michigan, she's a crypto trader I was thinking if any of you knows her.

Wainda Youngthain

It’s my opinion on the grand merchant not the ways of China government 🧐. It’s not the capital one of massive family business growth in social life living 😊. So the grand group is individually together for their own ways . Please consider . If’s it’s falling it’s the business man is .

stay prepared

China do not need to pay anything. Period. China military is strong.

increasingly growing    p. 日益增长

trading market    n. 交易市场

is capable of coping with similiar event involving bankrupcies    p. 能够应对涉及破产的类似事件

bankruptcy /ˈbæŋkrʌptsi/    n. 破产

marginal /ˈmɑːdʒɪnl/    adj. 微不足道的

finacial meltdown    n. 金融崩溃

Lehmann Brothers /ˈleɪmən/    n. Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. was a global financial services firm founded in 1847.

documentary /ˌdɒkjuˈmentri/    n. 纪录片

ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/    adj. 陈旧的,古代的


Chinease increasingly growing, profitable and obsvously dominant trading market is capable of coping with similiar event involving bankrupcies, evergrande is marginal and meaningless in the global market compared to the finacial meltdown in 2008 caused by investment banker like Lehmann Brothers, this documentary is one week old and already acient and lacks of impact

NASDAQ /ˈnæzdæk/    n. 纳斯达克,美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统

Volatility Index    n. 波动率指数

volatility /ˌvɒləˈtɪlɪti/    n. 波动



Yes, everything is crashing. Bitcoin is crashing NASDAQ is crashing. VIX is at all time high. Interest rate has risen significantly. Evergrande has collapsed. ☠️ what else??

bias /ˈbaɪəs/    n. 偏见;adj. 偏心的

inflection /ɪnˈflekʃn/    n. 语调的抑扬变化



The way this guy speaks makes the info unwatchable, He is so Bias and the inflection in his words make me dislike this video. Even if the info was accurate his delivery makes it less acceptable.

clown /klaʊn/    n. 小丑


Everytime this clown says CRASH - BUY and you will get rich!

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