

star=date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
echo $(date “+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”);

echo currency:$1;
currency= 1 ; e c h o " 1; echo " 1;echo"currency";
echo Platform:$2;
Platform= 2 ; e c h o " 2; echo " 2;echo"Platform";
echo Country:$3;
Country= 3 ; e c h o " 3; echo " 3;echo"Country";
echo Account:$4;
Account= 4 ; e c h o " 4; echo " 4;echo"Account";
echo SalesStaff:$5;
SalesStaff= 5 ; e c h o " 5; echo " 5;echo"SalesStaff";
echo type:$6;
type= 6 ; e c h o " 6; echo " 6;echo"type";
echo starttime:$7;
starttime= 7 ; e c h o " 7; echo " 7;echo"starttime";
echo endtime:$8;
endtime= 8 ; e c h o " 8; echo " 8;echo"endtime";
echo MarketingPromotion:$9;
MarketingPromotion= 9 ; e c h o " 9; echo " 9;echo"MarketingPromotion";
echo Warehouse: 10 ; W a r e h o u s e = {10}; Warehouse= 10;Warehouse={10};
echo “ W a r e h o u s e " ; e c h o b u y e r c o u n t r y : Warehouse"; echo buyer_country: Warehouse";echobuyercountry:{11};
buyer_country= 11 ; e c h o " {11}; echo " 11;echo"buyer_country”;

sql1=“where currency=‘CNY’”
echo “ s q l 1 " i f [ ! − n " sql1" if [ ! -n " sql1"if[!n"currency” ];then
echo “$currency”;
echo “currency is null”;
echo “currency not NULL”;

sql1="where currency='$1'";
echo "$sql1";


echo "$sql1"

sql=‘where 1=1’;
echo “ s q l " ; s q l 2 = " w h e r e 1 = 1 a n d T r a n s a c t i o n T y p e s = ′ 付 款 ′ " ; e c h o " sql"; sql2="where 1=1 and TransactionTypes='付款' "; echo " sql";sql2="where1=1andTransactionTypes=";echo"sql2”;
sql3=“where 1=1”;
sql4=“and 1=1”;

if [ ! -n “ P l a t f o r m " ] ; t h e n e c h o " Platform" ];then echo " Platform"];thenecho"Platform”;
echo “Platform is null”;
echo “Platform not NULL”;
sql="$sql and Platform in 2 " ; s q l 2 = " 2"; sql2=" 2";sql2="sql2 and Platform in 2 " ; s q l 3 = " 2"; sql3=" 2";sql3="sql3 and Platform in 2 " ; s q l 4 = " 2"; sql4=" 2";sql4="sql4 and Platform in 2 " ; f i e c h o " 2"; fi echo " 2";fiecho"sql";
echo “ s q l 2 " ; e c h o " sql2"; echo " sql2";echo"sql3”;
echo “$sql4”;

if [ ! -n “ C o u n t r y " ] ; t h e n e c h o " Country" ];then echo " Country"];thenecho"Country”
echo “Country is null”
echo “Country not NULL”
sql="$sql and Country in 3 " s q l 2 = " 3" sql2=" 3"sql2="sql2 and Country in 3 " s q l 3 = " 3" sql3=" 3"sql3="sql3 and Country in 3 " s q l 4 = " 3" sql4=" 3"sql4="sql4 and Country in 3 " f i e c h o " 3" fi echo " 3"fiecho"sql"
echo “ s q l 2 " e c h o " sql2" echo " sql2"echo"sql3”
echo “$sql4”;

if [ ! -n “ A c c o u n t " ] ; t h e n e c h o " Account" ];then echo " Account"];thenecho"Account”
echo “Account is null”
echo “Account not NULL”
sql="$sql and Account in 4 " s q l 2 = " 4" sql2=" 4"sql2="sql2 and Account in 4 " s q l 3 = " 4" sql3=" 4"sql3="sql3 and Account in 4 " s q l 4 = " 4" sql4=" 4"sql4="sql4 and Account in 4 " f i e c h o " 4" fi echo " 4"fiecho"sql"
echo “ s q l 2 " e c h o " sql2" echo " sql2"echo"sql3”
echo “$sql4”;

if [ ! -n “ S a l e s S t a f f " ] ; t h e n e c h o " SalesStaff" ];then echo " SalesStaff"];thenecho"SalesStaff”
echo “SalesStaff is null”
echo “SalesStaff not NULL”
sql="$sql and SalesStaff in 5 " s q l 2 = " 5" sql2=" 5"sql2="sql2 and SalesStaff in 5 " s q l 3 = " 5" sql3=" 5"sql3="sql3 and SalesStaff in 5 " f i e c h o " 5" fi echo " 5"fiecho"sql"
echo “ s q l 2 " e c h o " sql2" echo " sql2"echo"sql3”
echo “$sql4”;

if [ ! -n “ t y p e " ] ; t h e n e c h o " type" ];then echo " type"];thenecho"type”
echo “type is null”
sql=“ s q l a n d t y p e = 1 " s q l 4 = " sql and type = 1" sql4=" sqlandtype=1"sql4="sql4 and type = 1”
echo “type not NULL”
sql="$sql and type = 6 " s q l 4 = " 6" sql4=" 6"sql4="sql4 and type = 6 " f i e c h o " 6" fi echo " 6"fiecho"sql"
echo “ s q l 3 " e c h o " sql3" echo " sql3"echo"sql4”

if [ ! -n “ s t a r t t i m e " ] ; t h e n e c h o " starttime" ];then echo " starttime"];thenecho"starttime”
echo “starttime is null”
echo “starttime not NULL”
sql="$sql and day >= toDate(toDateTime(' 7 ′ ) ) " s q l 2 = " 7'))" sql2=" 7))"sql2="sql2 and SettlementTime >= toDate(toDateTime(‘ 7 ′ ) ) " s q l 3 = " 7'))" sql3=" 7))"sql3="sql3 and SettlementTime >= toDate(toDateTime(‘ 7 ′ ) ) " s q l 4 = " 7'))" sql4=" 7))"sql4="sql4 and day >= toDate(toDateTime(’$7’))"

echo "$sql" 
echo "$sql2"
echo "$sql3"
echo "$sql4";

if [ ! -n “ e n d t i m e " ] ; t h e n e c h o " endtime" ];then echo " endtime"];thenecho"endtime”
echo “endtime is null”
echo “endtime not NULL”
sql="$sql and day <= toDate(toDateTime(' 8 ′ ) ) " s q l 2 = " 8'))" sql2=" 8))"sql2="sql2 and SettlementTime <= toDate(toDateTime(' 8 ′ ) ) " s q l 3 = " 8'))" sql3=" 8))"sql3="sql3 and SettlementTime <= toDate(toDateTime(' 8 ′ ) ) " s q l 4 = " 8'))" sql4=" 8))"sql4="sql4 and day <= toDate(toDateTime(' 8 ′ ) ) " f i e c h o " 8'))" fi echo " 8))"fiecho"sql"
echo “ s q l 2 " e c h o " sql2" echo " sql2"echo"sql3”
echo “$sql4”;

if [ ! -n “ M a r k e t i n g P r o m o t i o n " ] ; t h e n e c h o " MarketingPromotion" ];then echo " MarketingPromotion"];thenecho"MarketingPromotion”
echo “MarketingPromotion is null”
echo “MarketingPromotion not NULL”
sql="$sql and MarketingPromotion =' 9 ′ " s q l 2 = " 9'" sql2=" 9"sql2="sql2 and MarketingPromotion =‘ 9 ′ " s q l 3 = " 9'" sql3=" 9"sql3="sql3 and MarketingPromotion =‘ 9 ′ " s q l 4 = " 9'" sql4=" 9"sql4="sql4 and MarketingPromotion =’$9’"

echo "$sql"
echo "$sql2"
echo "$sql3"
echo "$sql4";

if [ ! -n “ W a r e h o u s e " ] ; t h e n e c h o " Warehouse" ];then echo " Warehouse"];thenecho"Warehouse”
echo “Warehouse is null”
echo “Warehouse not NULL”
sql="$sql and Warehouse in 10 " s q l 2 = " {10}" sql2=" 10"sql2="sql2 and Warehouse in 10 " s q l 3 = " {10}" sql3=" 10"sql3="sql3 and Warehouse in 10 " s q l 4 = " {10}" sql4=" 10"sql4="sql4 and Warehouse in ${10}"

echo "$sql"
echo "$sql2"
echo "$sql3"
echo "$sql4";

if [ ! -n “ b u y e r c o u n t r y " ] ; t h e n e c h o " buyer_country" ];then echo " buyercountry"];thenecho"buyer_country”
echo “buyer_country is null”
echo “buyer_country not NULL”
sql="$sql and buyer_country in 11 " s q l 2 = " {11}" sql2=" 11"sql2="sql2 and buyer_country in 11 " s q l 3 = " {11}" sql3=" 11"sql3="sql3 and buyer_country in 11 " s q l 4 = " {11}" sql4=" 11"sql4="sql4 and buyer_country in ${11}"

echo “ s q l " ; e c h o " sql"; echo " sql";echo"sql1”
echo “ s q l 2 " e c h o " sql2" echo " sql2"echo"sql3”;
echo “$sql4”;

if [ ! -n “$Country” ];then

echo “$sql2”

echo “$Country”

echo “Country is null”


echo “$sql2”


echo “Country not NULL”

echo “$sql2”;

sql2="$sql2 and Country in $3"

echo “$sql2”;


echo “$sql2”

if [ ! -n “$Account” ];then

echo “$sql2”

echo “$Account”

echo “Account is null”


echo “$sql2”


echo “Account not NULL”

echo “$sql2”;

sql2="$sql2 and Account in $4"

echo “$sql2”;


echo “$sql2”

if [ ! -n “$SalesStaff” ];then

echo “$sql2”

echo “$SalesStaff”

echo “SalesStaff is null”


echo “$sql2”


echo “SalesStaff not NULL”

echo “$sql2”;

sql2="$sql2 and SalesStaff in $5"

echo “$sql2”;


echo “$sql2”

if [ ! -n “$starttime” ];then

echo “$sql2”

echo “$starttime”

echo “starttime is null”


echo “$sql2”


echo “starttime not NULL”

echo “$sql2”;

sql2="$sql2 and SettlementTime >= toDate(toDateTime(’$7’))"

echo “$sql2”;


echo “$sql2”

if [ ! -n “$endtime” ];then

echo “$sql2”

echo “$endtime”

echo “endtime is null”


echo “$sql2”


echo “endtime not NULL”

echo “$sql2”;

sql2="$sql2 and SettlementTime <= toDate(toDateTime(’$8’))"

echo “$sql2”;


echo “$sql2”

if [ ! -n “$MarketingPromotion” ];then

echo “$sql2”

echo “$MarketingPromotion”

echo “MarketingPromotion is null”


echo “$sql2”


echo “MarketingPromotion not NULL”

echo “$sql2”;

sql2="$sql2 and MarketingPromotion =’$9’"

echo “$sql2”;


echo “$sql2”

if [ ! -n “$Warehouse” ];then

echo “$sql2”

echo “$Warehouse”

echo “Warehouse is null”


echo “$sql2”


echo “Warehouse not NULL”

echo “$sql2”;

sql2="$sql2 and Warehouse in ${10}"

echo “$sql2”;


echo “$sql2”

if [ ! -n “$buyer_country” ];then

echo “$sql2”

echo “$buyer_country”

echo “buyer_country is null”


echo “$sql2”


echo “buyer_country not NULL”

echo “$sql2”;

sql2="$sql2 and buyer_country in ${11}"

echo “$sql2”;


echo “$sql”;

echo “$sql1”;

echo “$sql2”;

echo “销售人员计算”;
clickhouse-client -h localhost --port 9000 -u default -d ‘finance_new_result’ -q “CREATE TABLE if not EXISTS finance_new_result.xiaoshou_result(
SalesStaff Nullable(String) COMMENT ‘销售人员’,
number Int64 COMMENT ‘总订单数’,
GrossProfit Decimal(10,4) COMMENT ‘总毛利润’,
SalesRevenue Decimal(10,4) COMMENT ‘总销售额’,
GrossProfit_rating String COMMENT ‘毛利润率’,
RefundAmount Decimal(10,4) COMMENT ‘退款总额’,
RefundAmount_rating String COMMENT ‘退款率’
ENGINE = MergeTree()

clickhouse-client -h localhost --port 9000 -u default --query=“truncate table finance_new_result.xiaoshou_result”;

clickhouse-client -h localhost --port 9000 -u default --query=“insert into finance_new_result.xiaoshou_result
select SalesStaff,number,GrossProfit,SalesRevenue,concat(toString(GrossProfit_rating),’%’) GrossProfit_rating,RefundAmount,
concat(toString(RefundAmount_rating),’%’) RefundAmount_rating
from (
a.SalesStaff SalesStaff,
c.number number,
intDivOrZero(a.GrossProfit,b.exchange_rate) GrossProfit,
intDivOrZero(a.SalesRevenue,b.exchange_rate) SalesRevenue,
toDecimal64(intDivOrZero(GrossProfit,SalesRevenue)*100,2) GrossProfit_rating,
intDivOrZero(a.RefundAmount,b.exchange_rate) RefundAmount,
toDecimal64(intDivOrZero(-RefundAmount,SalesRevenue-RefundAmount)*100,2) RefundAmount_rating
(select SalesStaff,
any(Country) Country1,any(Site) Site,
any(Settlement_Currency) Settlement_Currency,
sum(GrossProfit) GrossProfit,
sum(Revenue) Revenue,
sum(Expenses) Expenses,
sum(SalesRevenue) SalesRevenue,
sum(ShippingRevenue) ShippingRevenue,
sum(RefundAmount) RefundAmount,
sum(PreferentialAmount) PreferentialAmount,
sum(OtherIncome) OtherIncome,
sum(TransactionCommission) TransactionCommission,
sum(FbaOperationFee) FbaOperationFee,
sum(PlatformOtherExpenses) PlatformOtherExpenses,
sum(PurchaseCost) PurchaseCost,
sum(LocalWarehouseFreight) LocalWarehouseFreight,
sum(OverseasWarehouseFreight) OverseasWarehouseFreight,
sum(ForwardFreight) ForwardFreight,
sum(ExchangeRateDepreciation) ExchangeRateDepreciation,
sum(OtherExpenseCost) OtherExpenseCost,
sum(TaxRevenue) TaxRevenue
from finance_new_result.profit_salesstaff_day_result $sql
group by SalesStaff) a
left join
(select name,exchange_rate,currency,‘CNY’ use from finance_new.base_currencys $sql1) b
on a.Settlement_Currency = b.use
left join
(select count(1) number,any(SalesStaff1) SalesStaff from (
select PlatformOrderNumber,any(SalesStaff) SalesStaff1 from finance_new_result.profit_result
$sql2 group by PlatformOrderNumber
) group by SalesStaff1) c
on a.SalesStaff=c.SalesStaff

echo “店铺维度计算”;
clickhouse-client -hlocalhost --port 9000 -u default -d ‘finance_new_result’ -q “CREATE TABLE if not EXISTS finance_new_result.dianpu_result(
Account String COMMENT ‘账号’,
number Int64 COMMENT ‘总订单数’,
GrossProfit Decimal(10,4) COMMENT ‘总毛利润’,
SalesRevenue Decimal(10,4) COMMENT ‘总销售额’,
GrossProfit_rating String COMMENT ‘毛利润率’,
RefundAmount Decimal(10,4) COMMENT ‘退款总额’,
RefundAmount_rating String COMMENT ‘退款率’,
SalesStaff_rating Nullable(String) COMMENT ‘人员占比’
ENGINE = MergeTree()
ORDER BY (Account,

clickhouse-client -h localhost --port 9000 -u default --query=“truncate table finance_new_result.dianpu_result”;

clickhouse-client -h localhost --port 9000 -u default --query=“insert into finance_new_result.dianpu_result
Account,number,GrossProfit,SalesRevenue,GrossProfit_rating,RefundAmount,RefundAmount_rating, --arrayStringConcat(a.SalesStaff_rating) as test,
arrayStringConcat(SalesStaff_rating, ’ ‘) SalesStaff_rating
from (
select Account,number,GrossProfit,SalesRevenue,GrossProfit_rating,RefundAmount,RefundAmount_rating,
groupArray(SalesStaff_rating) SalesStaff_rating from
select Account,number,GrossProfit,SalesRevenue,concat(toString(GrossProfit_rating),’%’) GrossProfit_rating,
RefundAmount,concat(toString(RefundAmount_rating),’%’) RefundAmount_rating,concat(SalesStaff,’:’,concat(toString(SalesStaff_rating),’%’)) SalesStaff_rating
from (
a.Account Account,
c.number number,
intDivOrZero(a.GrossProfit,b.exchange_rate) GrossProfit,
intDivOrZero(a.SalesRevenue,b.exchange_rate) SalesRevenue,
toDecimal64(intDivOrZero(GrossProfit,SalesRevenue)*100,2) GrossProfit_rating,
intDivOrZero(a.RefundAmount,b.exchange_rate) RefundAmount,
toDecimal64(intDivOrZero(-RefundAmount,SalesRevenue-RefundAmount)*100,2) RefundAmount_rating,
d.SalesStaff SalesStaff,
toDecimal64(intDivOrZero(SalesRevenue,d.SalesRevenue1)*100,2) SalesStaff_rating
(select Account,
any(Country) Country1,
any(Site) Site,
any(Settlement_Currency) Settlement_Currency,
sum(GrossProfit) GrossProfit,
sum(Revenue) Revenue,
sum(Expenses) Expenses,
sum(SalesRevenue) SalesRevenue,
sum(ShippingRevenue) ShippingRevenue,
sum(RefundAmount) RefundAmount,
sum(PreferentialAmount) PreferentialAmount,
sum(OtherIncome) OtherIncome,
sum(TransactionCommission) TransactionCommission,
sum(FbaOperationFee) FbaOperationFee,
sum(PlatformOtherExpenses) PlatformOtherExpenses,
sum(PurchaseCost) PurchaseCost,
sum(LocalWarehouseFreight) LocalWarehouseFreight,
sum(OverseasWarehouseFreight) OverseasWarehouseFreight,
sum(ForwardFreight) ForwardFreight,
sum(ExchangeRateDepreciation) ExchangeRateDepreciation,
sum(OtherExpenseCost) OtherExpenseCost,
sum(TaxRevenue) TaxRevenue
from finance_new_result.profit_store_day_result where Account in
(select Account from finance_new_result.profit_result $sql3 group by Account)
$sql4 group by Account) a
left join
(select name,exchange_rate,currency,‘CNY’ use from finance_new.base_currencys $sql1) b
on a.Settlement_Currency = b.use
left join
(select count(1) number,any(Account1) Account from (
select PlatformOrderNumber,any(Account) Account1 from finance_new_result.profit_result
$sql2 group by PlatformOrderNumber
) group by Account1) c
on a.Account=c.Account
left join
(select a.Account Account,intDivOrZero(a.SalesRevenue,b.exchange_rate) SalesRevenue1,a.SalesStaff SalesStaff from
(select sum(SalesRevenue) SalesRevenue,Account,any(Settlement_Currency) Settlement_Currency,SalesStaff from finance_new_result.profit_salesstaff_day_result
$sql group by Account,SalesStaff) a
left join
(select name,exchange_rate,currency,‘CNY’ use from finance_new.base_currencys $sql1) b
on a.Settlement_Currency = b.use
on a.Account=d.Account
) group by Account,number,GrossProfit,SalesRevenue,GrossProfit_rating,RefundAmount,RefundAmount_rating

echo “全部脚本完成”;

echo ( d a t e " + e n d = ‘ d a t e + ′ s t a r t s e c o n d s = (date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"); end=`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` start_seconds= (date"+end=date+startseconds=(date --date=" s t a r " + e n d s e c o n d s = star" +%s); end_seconds= star"+endseconds=(date --date=" e n d " + e c h o " 本 次 运 行 时 间 : " end" +%s); echo "本次运行时间: " end"+echo""((end_seconds-start_seconds))“s”;





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


