Divide a number by 3 without using *, /, +, -, % operators

原帖: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11694546/divide-a-number-by-3-without-using-operators


This question has been asked in an Oracle interview.

How would you divide a number by 3 without using */+-%, operators?

The number may be signed or unsigned.


There is a simple function I found here. but it's using the + operator, so you have to add the values with the bit-operators:

// replaces the + operator
int add(int x, int y) {
    int a, b;
    do {
        a = x & y;
        b = x ^ y;
        x = a << 1;
        y = b;
    } while (a);
    return b;

int divideby3 (int num) {
    int sum = 0;
    while (num > 3) {
        sum = add(num >> 2, sum);
        num = add(num >> 2, num & 3);
    if (num == 3)
        sum = add(sum, 1);
    return sum; 

As Jim commented this works because:

  • n = 4 * a + b
  • n / 3 = a + (a + b) / 3
  • So sum += an = a + b, and iterate.
  • When a == 0 (n < 4)sum += floor(n / 3); i.e. 1if n == 3, else 0


Idiotic conditions call for an idiotic solution:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    FILE * fp=fopen("temp.dat","w+b");
    int number=12346;
    int divisor=3;
    char * buf = calloc(number,1);
    int result=fread(buf,divisor,number,fp);
    printf("%d / %d = %d", number, divisor, result);
    return 0;

If also the decimal part is needed, just declare result as double and add to it the result offmod(number,divisor).

Explanation of how it works

  1. The fwrite writes number bytes (number being 123456 in the example above).
  2. rewind resets the file pointer to the front of the file.
  3. fread reads a maximum of number "records" that are divisor in length from the file, and returns the number of elements it read.

If you write 30 bytes then read back the file in units of 3, you get 10 "units". 30 / 3 = 10


log(pow(exp(number),0.33333333333333333333)) /* :-) */


Using cloud computing :D

Google Search: 30 divided by 3

// 这个太威武了! 哈哈......


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    int num = 1234567;
    int den = 3;
    div_t r = div(num,den); // div() is a standard C function.
    printf("%d\n", r.quot);

    return 0;


Use inline assembler: (also works for negative numbers now)

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  int dividend = -42, divisor = 3, quotient, remainder;

  __asm__ ( "movl   %2, %%edx;"
            "sarl  $31, %%edx;"
            "movl   %2, %%eax;"
            "movl   %3, %%ebx;"
            "idivl      %%ebx;"
          : "=a" (quotient), "=d" (remainder)
          : "g"  (dividend), "g"  (divisor)
          : "ebx" );

  printf("%i / %i = %i, remainder: %i\n", dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder);


Use itoa to convert to base 3 string. Drop last trit and convert back to base 10.

// Note: itoa is non-standard but actual implementations
// don't seem to handle negative when base != 10
int div3(int i) {
  char str[42];
  sprintf(str, "%d", INT_MIN); // put minus sign at str[0]
  if (i>0) str[0] = ' ';       // remove sign if positive
  itoa(abs(i), &str[1], 3);    // put ternary absolute value starting at str[1]
  str[strlen(&str[1])] = '\0'; // drop last digit
  return strtol(str, NULL, 3); // read back result


The request says "a number", not "any number", so:

  1. Check if the number is 3.
  2. If so, return 1.
  3. If not, report an invalid input.

Job done, but for extra marks, you could implement a dictionary of commonly requested multiples of three.


(note: see Edit 2 below for a better version!)

This is not as tricky as it sounds, because you said "without using the [..] + [..] operators". See below, if you want to forbid using the + character all together.

unsigned div_by(unsigned const x, unsigned const by) {
  unsigned floor = 0;
  for (unsigned cmp = 0, r = 0; cmp <= x;) {
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < by; i++)
      cmp++; // that's not the + operator!
    floor = r;
    r++; // neither is this.
  return floor;

then just say div_by(100,3) to divide 100 by 3.

Edit: You can go on and replace the ++ operator as well:

unsigned inc(unsigned x) {
  for (unsigned mask = 1; mask; mask <<= 1) {
    if (mask & x)
      x &= ~mask;
      return x & mask;
  return 0; // overflow (note that both x and mask are 0 here)

Edit 2: Slightly faster version without using any operator that contains the +,-,*,/,% characters.

unsigned add(char const zero[], unsigned const x, unsigned const y) {
  // this exploits that &foo[bar] == foo+bar if foo is of type char*
  return (int)(uintptr_t)(&((&zero[x])[y]));

unsigned div_by(unsigned const x, unsigned const by) {
  unsigned floor = 0;
  for (unsigned cmp = 0, r = 0; cmp <= x;) {
    cmp = add(0,cmp,by);
    floor = r;
    r = add(0,r,1);
  return floor;

We use the first argument of the add function because we cannot denote the type of pointers without using the* character, except in function parameter lists, where the syntax type[] is identical to type* const.

FWIW, you can easily implement a multiplication function using a similar trick to use the 0x55555556 trick proposed by AndreyT:

int mul(int const x, int const y) {
  return sizeof(struct {
    char const ignore[y];


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void SOSC_init_8MHz(void) { SCG->SOSCDIV = 0x00000101; /* SOSCDIV1 & SOSCDIV2 =1: divide by 1 */ SCG->SOSCCFG = 0x00000024; /* Range=2: Medium freq (SOSC between 1MHz-8MHz)*/ // SCG->SOSCCFG = 0x00000034; /* Range=3: High freq (SOSC between 8MHz-40MHz)*/ /* HGO=0: Config xtal osc for low power */ /* EREFS=1: Input is external XTAL */ while(SCG->SOSCCSR & SCG_SOSCCSR_LK_MASK); /* Ensure SOSCCSR unlocked */ SCG->SOSCCSR = 0x00000001; /* LK=0: SOSCCSR can be written */ /* SOSCCMRE=0: OSC CLK monitor IRQ if enabled */ /* SOSCCM=0: OSC CLK monitor disabled */ /* SOSCERCLKEN=0: Sys OSC 3V ERCLK output clk disabled */ /* SOSCLPEN=0: Sys OSC disabled in VLP modes */ /* SOSCSTEN=0: Sys OSC disabled in Stop modes */ /* SOSCEN=1: Enable oscillator */ while(!(SCG->SOSCCSR & SCG_SOSCCSR_SOSCVLD_MASK)); /* Wait for sys OSC clk valid */ } void SPLL_init_160MHz(void) { while(SCG->SPLLCSR & SCG_SPLLCSR_LK_MASK); /* Ensure SPLLCSR unlocked */ SCG->SPLLCSR = 0x00000000; /* SPLLEN=0: SPLL is disabled (default) */ SCG->SPLLDIV = 0x00000302; /* SPLLDIV1 divide by 2; SPLLDIV2 divide by 4 */ SCG->SPLLCFG = 0x00180000; /* PREDIV=0: Divide SOSC_CLK by 0+1=1 */ /* MULT=24: Multiply sys pll by 4+24=40 */ /* SPLL_CLK = 8MHz / 1 * 40 / 2 = 160 MHz */ while(SCG->SPLLCSR & SCG_SPLLCSR_LK_MASK); /* Ensure SPLLCSR unlocked */ SCG->SPLLCSR = 0x00000001; /* LK=0: SPLLCSR can be written */ /* SPLLCMRE=0: SPLL CLK monitor IRQ if enabled */ /* SPLLCM=0: SPLL CLK monitor disabled */ /* SPLLSTEN=0: SPLL disabled in Stop modes */ /* SPLLEN=1: Enable SPLL */ while(!(SCG->SPLLCSR & SCG_SPLLCSR_SPLLVLD_MASK)); /* Wait for SPLL valid */ }




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