Oracle 例题 三篇




create table qq (
  course_id varchar2(20) default null, --课程id
  course_name varchar2(20) default null, --课程名
  tea_id varchar2(20) default null  --任课老师 

insert  into qq values('01','语文','1003');
insert  into qq values('02','数学','1001');
insert  into qq values('03','英语','1004');
insert  into qq values('04','体育','1002');
insert  into qq values('05','音乐','1002');

create table ww(
  stu_id varchar2(20) default null, --学生id
  course_id varchar2(20) default null, --课程id
  course number default null --成绩

insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
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insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 
insert  into ww values 

create table ee (
  stu_id varchar(20) default null, --学生
  stu_name varchar(20) default null, --学生姓名
  birthday date default null, --出生日期
  sex varchar(20) default null --性别

insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 
insert  into ee values 

create table rr (
  tea_id varchar(20) default null, --'老师id'
  tea_name varchar(20) default null --'老师姓名'

insert  into rr values 
insert  into rr values 
insert  into rr values 
insert  into rr values 

select * from qq 
select * from ww
select * from ee
select * from rr

1. 查询姓名中带"冰"的学生名单
select stu_name from ee where stu_name like'%冰%'
2. 查询姓"王"的老师的个数
select count(*) from rr where tea_name like'王%'
3. 检索课程编号为"04"且分数小于60的学生学号,结果按分数降序排列
select stu_id from ww where course_id=04 and course<60 order by course desc
4. 查询数学成绩不及格的学生和其对应的成绩
select stu_name,course from ww,ee where ww.stu_id=ee.stu_id
 and course_id=(select course_id from qq where course_name='数学'
) and course<60
5. 查询课程编号为"02"的总成绩
select sum(course) from ww where course_id=02
6. 查询参加考试的学生个数
select count(*) from (select distinct stu_id from ww
7. 查询各科成绩最高和最低的分数,以如下的形式显示:课程号,最高分,最低分
select course_id,max(course),min(course) from ww group by course_id
8. 查询每门课程有多少学生参加了考试(有考试成绩)
select course_id,count(course_id) from ww group by course_id
9. 查询男生、女生人数
select sex,count(sex) from ee group by sex
10. 查询平均成绩大于60分学生的学号和平均成绩
select stu_id,avg(course) from ww group by stu_id having avg(course)>60 
11. 查询至少选修两门课程的学生学号
select stu_id from ww group by stu_id having count(stu_id)>=2
12. 查询同姓(假设每个学生姓名的第一个字为姓)的学生名单并统计同姓人数
select substr(stu_name,1,1),count(*) from ee group by substr(stu_name,1,1) having count(*)>1

13. 查询每门课程的平均成绩,结果按平均成绩升序排序,平均成绩相同时,按课程号降序排列
select course_id,avg(course) from ww group by course_id order by avg(course) asc,course_id desc
14. 统计参加考试人数大于等于15的学科
select course_id from ww group by course_id having count(course_id)>=15
15. 查询学生的总成绩并进行排名
select stu_id,sum(course) from ww group by stu_id order by sum(course) desc 
16. 查询平均成绩大于60分的学生的学号和平均成绩
select stu_id,avg(course) from ww group by stu_id having avg(course)>60
17. 查询一共参加两门课程且其一门为语文课程的学生的id和姓名
select st.stu_id,st.stu_name,count(*) countscore from ee st
        left join ww sc
        on st.stu_id = sc.stu_id
        right join 
         (select * from ww where course_id = (select course_id from qq where course_name = '语文')) b
        on sc.stu_id = b.stu_id
        group by st.stu_id,st.stu_name
        having count(*) = 2

18. 查询所有课程成绩小于60分的学生的学号、姓名

select stu_id,stu_name from ee where stu_id in(select a.a from (select stu_id a,count(course_id) b from ww group by stu_id
) a,(select stu_id a,count(course_id) b from ww where course<60 group by stu_id
) b where a.a=b.a and a.b=b.b)
19. 查询出只选修了两门课程的全部学生的学号和姓名
select ee.stu_id,ee.stu_name from ee,ww where ee.stu_id=ww.stu_id group by ee.stu_id,ee.stu_name having count(ww.stu_id)=2

20. 查询两门以上不及格课程的同学的学号 及其平均成绩

select stu_id,avg(course) from ww where stu_id in(select stu_id  from ww where course<60 group by stu_id having count(course_id) >2
) group by stu_id

21. 查询所有学生的学号、姓名、选课数、总成绩
select a.*,ee.stu_name from (select stu_id,count(stu_id),sum(course) from ww group by stu_id
) a left join ee on a.stu_id=ee.stu_id  

22. 查询平均成绩大于85的所有学生的学号、姓名和平均成绩

select a.*,ee.stu_name from (select stu_id,avg(course) from ww group by stu_id having avg(course)>85
) a left join ee on a.stu_id=ee.stu_id 
23. 查询学生的选课情况:学号,姓名,课程号 ,课程名称
select ww.stu_id,stu_name,ww.course_id,course_name from ww,ee,qq where 
ww.stu_id=ee.stu_id and ww.course_id=qq.course_id 

24. 查询出每门课程的及格人数和不及格人数

select a.*,b.及格 from (select course_id 课程,count(course_id) 不及格 from ww where course<60 group by course_id
) a left join (select course_id 课程,count(course_id) 及格 from ww where course>=60 group by course_id
) b on a.课程=b.课程

25. 检索"01"课程分数小于60,按分数降序排列的学生信息
select ee.* from ww,ee where ww.stu_id=ee.stu_id and course<60 and course_id=01 order by course desc

26. 查询任何一门课程成绩在70分以上的学生的姓名、课程名称和分数
select stu_name,course_name,course from qq,ww,ee where ww.stu_id=ee.stu_id and ww.course_id=qq.course_id and course>70
27. 查询两门及以上不及格课程的同学的学号,姓名及其平均成绩

select a.*,ee.stu_name from (select stu_id,avg(course) from ww where stu_id in(select stu_id  from ww where course<60 group by stu_id having count(course_id) >2
) group by stu_id) a left join ee on a.stu_id=ee.stu_id
28. 查询不同课程成绩相同的学生的学生编号、课程编号、学生成绩
select a.stu_id,a.course_id,a.course from ww a,ww b where  a.course_id<>b.course_id and a.course=b.course



create table u (
  id number not null primary key, -- '主键id',
  name varchar2(255) default null, -- '名字 默认为空',
  age number default null, -- '年龄 默认为空',
  salary number(10) default null, -- '工资 默认为空',
  leader number default null ,-- '领导 默认为空',
  menpai varchar2(255) default null --'门派 默认为空',

insert into u values(1,'张3丰',25,10000,0,'武当');
insert into u values(2,'张无忌',25,8000,0,'华山');
insert into u values(3,'岳不群',25,6500,0,'嵩山');
insert into u values(4,'东方不败',25,12000,0,'日月神教');
insert into u values(5,'令狐葱',25,4000,0,'武当');
insert into u values(6,'景天',25,2000,0,'华山');
insert into u values(7,'龙葵',25,10000,0,'嵩山');
insert into u values(8,'茂茂',25,10000,0,'日月神教');
insert into u values(9,'白豆腐',25,6500,0,'长白山');
insert into u values(10,'Farke',25,10000,0,'武当');
insert into u values(11,'Alex',25,10000,0,'Java');

create table i(
d_id number not null  primary key, -- '主、外键',
d_name varchar2(255) not null,  -- '部门名字',
adress varchar2(255) not null -- '地址',

insert into i values(1,'武当','河南');
insert into i values(2,'华山','湖北');
insert into i values(3,'嵩山','深圳');
insert into i values(4,'日月神教','广州');
insert into i values(5,'长白山','乌鲁木齐');
insert into i values(6,'雇佣兵','新疆');

select * from u 
select * from i

1.update set 根据id修改age
update u set age=27 where id=2;
update u set age=28 where id=3;
update u set age=23 where id=4;
update u set age=29 where id=5;
update u set age=30 where id=6;
update u set age=28 where id=7;
update u set age=28 where id=8;
update u set age=26 where id=9;
update u set age=23 where id=10;

select * from u
select name,age from u
select * from u where age=28
select * from u where age<60
select * from u where salary>8000 and age>27
select * from u where name like'张%'
8.查询哪些人员属于 武当/华山/嵩山
select * from u where menpai in('武当','华山','嵩山')
9.查询工资在 5000-8900 的人员有哪些
select * from u where salary between 5000 and 8900
select * from u order by salary desc 
select leader as 领导 from u where name='令狐葱'
select max(salary) from u
select min(salary) from u

select avg(salary) from u

select sum(salary) from u

select count(*) from u
17.查询当前武林中有哪些门派 (去重显示)
select distinct menpai from u 
18.查询 武当派 最高工资是谁
select name from u where menpai='武当' and salary=(select max(salary) from u where menpai='武当'
select menpai,avg(salary) from u group by menpai
20.查询当前武林中有哪些门派的平均工资大于8000 并按工资倒序排列
select menpai,avg(salary) from u group by menpai having avg(salary)>8000
order by avg(salary) desc

select * from (select rownum a,u.* from u where rownum<=7
)  where a>=3
select d_name from i where d_name not in(select  menpai from u
23.查询 各门派 的 工资总和 按正序排列
select menpai,sum(salary) from u group by menpai order by sum(salary)
24.将武当派 张3丰 修改为 张三丰
update u set name='张三丰' where name='张3丰'
update u set salary = salary+salary*0.1 where  name !='Alex';

select DISTINCT adress,d_name from u,i where menpai=d_name
select a.*,i.adress from (select distinct menpai from u)
 a left join i on a.menpai=i.d_name
select u.* from u,i where menpai=d_name and adress='湖北'
select u.* from u,i where menpai=d_name and adress='河南' and salary<5000 and age>20

delete from u where id in( (select id from u where salary in(select salary from u group by salary having count(*)>1)
  and age not in (select max(age) from u group by salary having count(*)>1)));


create table j (
  goods_id number primary key ,   --产品的编号
  goods_name varchar2(120) not null,  --产品的名字
  cat_id number  not null,     --档目
  brand_id number  not null,   
  goods_sn varchar2(150) not null ,
  goods_number number  not null,  -- 该店商品的数量
  shop_price number  not null ,   -- 该店商品的价格
  market_price number  not null, --市场价格
  click_count number  not null    --点击量
) ;
insert into j values(1,'kd876',4,8,'ecs000000',1,1388.00,1665.60,9);
insert into j values(4,'诺基亚n85原装充电器',8,1,'ecs000004',17,58.00,69.60,0);
insert into j values(3,'诺基亚原装5800耳机',8,1,'ecs000002',24,68.00,81.60,3);
insert into j values(5,'索爱原装m2卡读卡器',11,7,'ecs000005',8,20.00,24.00,3);
insert into j values(6,'胜创kingmax内存卡',11,0,'ecs000006',15,42.00,50.40,0);
insert into j values(7,'诺基亚n85原装立体声耳机hs-82',8,1,'ecs000007',20,100.00,120.00,0);
insert into j values(8,'飞利浦9@9v',3,4,'ecs000008',1,399.00,478.79,10);
insert into j values(9,'诺基亚e66',3,1,'ecs000009',4,2298.00,2757.60,20);
insert into j values(10,'索爱c702c',3,7,'ecs000010',7,1328.00,1593.60,11);
insert into j values(11,'索爱c702c',3,7,'ecs000011',1,1300.00,0.00,0);
insert into j values(12,'摩托罗拉a810',3,2,'ecs000012',8,983.00,1179.60,13);
insert into j values(13,'诺基亚5320 xpressmusic',3,1,'ecs000013',8,1311.00,1573.20,13);
insert into j values(14,'诺基亚5800xm',4,1,'ecs000014',1,2625.00,3150.00,6);
insert into j values(15,'摩托罗拉a810',3,2,'ecs000015',3,788.00,945.60,8);
insert into j values(16,'恒基伟业g101',2,11,'ecs000016',0,823.33,988.00,3);
insert into j values(17,'夏新n7',3,5,'ecs000017',1,2300.00,2760.00,2);
insert into j values(18,'夏新t5',4,5,'ecs000018',1,2878.00,3453.60,0);
insert into j values(19,'三星sgh-f258',3,6,'ecs000019',12,858.00,1029.60,7);
insert into j values(20,'三星bc01',3,6,'ecs000020',12,280.00,336.00,14);
insert into j values(21,'金立 a30',3,10,'ecs000021',40,2000.00,2400.00,4);
insert into j values(22,'多普达touch hd',3,3,'ecs000022',1,5999.00,7198.80,16);
insert into j values(23,'诺基亚n96',5,1,'ecs000023',8,3700.00,4440.00,17);
insert into j values(24,'p806',3,9,'ecs000024',100,2000.00,2400.00,35);
insert into j values(25,'小灵通/固话50元充值卡',13,0,'ecs000025',2,48.00,57.59,0);
insert into j values(26,'小灵通/固话20元充值卡',13,0,'ecs000026',2,19.00,22.80,0);
insert into j values(27,'联通100元充值卡',15,0,'ecs000027',2,95.00,100.00,0);
insert into j values(28,'联通50元充值卡',15,0,'ecs000028',0,45.00,50.00,0);
insert into j values(29,'移动100元充值卡',14,0,'ecs000029',0,90.00,0.00,0);
insert into j values(30,'移动20元充值卡',14,0,'ecs000030',9,18.00,21.00,1);
insert into j values(31,'摩托罗拉e8 ',3,2,'ecs000031',1,1337.00,1604.39,5);
insert into j values(32,'诺基亚n85',3,1,'ecs000032',4,3010.00,3612.00,9);

create table k (
    cat_id number primary key, --档目
    cat_name varchar2(90) not null,  --名称
    parent_id  number 

insert into k values(1,'手机类型',0);
insert into k values(2,'CDMA手机',1);
insert into k values(3,'GSM手机',1);
insert into k values(4,'3G手机',1);
insert into k values(5,'双模手机',1);
insert into k values(6,'手机配件',0);
insert into k values(7,'充电器',6);
insert into k values(8,'耳机',6);
insert into k values(9,'电池',6);
insert into k values(11,'读卡器和内存卡',6);
insert into k values(12,'充值卡',0);
insert into k values(13,'小灵通/固话充值卡',12);
insert into k values(14,'移动手机充值卡',12);
insert into k values(15,'联通手机充值卡',12);

select * from j
select * from k


select * from j where goods_id=32
select * from j where cat_id<>3
select * from j where shop_price>3000
select * from j where shop_price<=100
select * from j where cat_id in(4,11)
select * from j where market_price between 100 and 500
7:取出不属于第3栏目且不属于第11栏目的商品(and,或not in分别实现)
select * from j where cat_id not in(3,11)
select * from j where cat_id<>3 and cat_id<>11
select * from j where shop_price between 100 and 300 or market_price between 4000 and 5000
select * from j where (shop_price >3000 and click_count>5) or (shop_price <1000 and click_count>5)
select * from k where cat_id=1
select * from j where goods_name like'诺基亚%'
select * from j where goods_name like'诺基亚n__'
select * from j where goods_name not like'诺基亚%'
14:取出第3个栏目下面该店价格在<1000或者>3000,并且点击量>5 "诺基亚"开头的系列商品
select * from j where  (shop_price >3000 and click_count>5 and goods_name like'诺基亚%') or (shop_price <1000 and click_count>5 and goods_name like'诺基亚%')

15:把goods表中商品名为'诺基亚xxxx'的商品,改为'HTCxxxx' (要产品id和改后的名字)
select  goods_id,concat('HTC',substr(goods_name,4))
from j where goods_name like '诺基亚%';
16:这个店积压的货款 (总钱数)
select sum(goods_number*shop_price) from j 
select * from j where  market_price-shop_price>200
select cat_id,sum(goods_number*shop_price) from j group by cat_id
19:查询该店每个栏目下挤压的货款 > 20000
select cat_id,sum(goods_number*shop_price) from j group by cat_id
having sum(goods_number*shop_price)>20000
select cat_name from k where cat_id =(select cat_id from j where goods_id=19





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


