
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;

 *  基本功能描述:
 * 数据库连接池类 DatabaseConnectionPool.提供如下的方法:
 * 1.从池中取得一个打开的连接;
 * 2.将一个连接返回池中;
 * 3.在关闭时释放所有的资源,并关闭所有的连接.
 * 4.DatabaseConnectionPool 还处理连接失败,比如超时,通讯失败等错误,并且根据预定义的参数限制池中的连接数.

public class DatabaseConnectionPool extends Object {
 private String URL = null; //数据库URL
 private String user = null; //数据库登录名
 private String password = null; //数据库登录名
 private int capacityOfConnectionPool = 0; //数据库连接池最大连接数
 private int activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool = 0; //已经建立数据库连接的连接数

 private final int DEFAULT_CONNECTION_CAPACITY = 10;
 private final int DEFAULT_ACTIVE_CONNECTION = 1;
 private ObjectFIFOQueue idleGenericConnectionQueue = null; //空闲数据库连接队列
 private Connection[]  genericConnectionReferenceList = null; //所有已经建立连接的数据库连接引用列表,避免连接引用丢失(资源泄漏)
 public DatabaseConnectionPool(String driverName,String URL,String user,String password,
     int capacityOfConnectionPool,int activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool)
      throws Exception
  this.URL = URL;
  this.user = user;
  this.password = password;
  this.capacityOfConnectionPool = capacityOfConnectionPool;
  this.capacityOfConnectionPool = (this.capacityOfConnectionPool > 0)? this.capacityOfConnectionPool:DEFAULT_CONNECTION_CAPACITY;
  activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool = (activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool > 0)? activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool:DEFAULT_ACTIVE_CONNECTION;  
  activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool = (this.capacityOfConnectionPool >= activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool)? activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool:this.capacityOfConnectionPool;    
  System.out.println("DatabaseConnectionPool : capacityOfConnectionPool = " + capacityOfConnectionPool);
  System.out.println("DatabaseConnectionPool : activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool = " + activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool);
  System.out.println("DatabaseConnectionPool : this.activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool = " + this.activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool);
  if (!loadDriver(driverName))
   throw new Exception("Loading DataBase's Driver Failed.");
  idleGenericConnectionQueue = new ObjectFIFOQueue(capacityOfConnectionPool);
  genericConnectionReferenceList = new Connection[capacityOfConnectionPool];
  int lengthOfgenericConnectionReferenceList = genericConnectionReferenceList.length;
  for (int index = 0; index < lengthOfgenericConnectionReferenceList; index++)
   genericConnectionReferenceList[index] = null;
  for (int index = 0; index < activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool; index++)
   if (genericConnectionReferenceList[index] == null)
    //genericConnectionReferenceList[index] = getConnection(URL,user,password);
    genericConnectionReferenceList[index] = establishConnection(URL,user,password);
    if (genericConnectionReferenceList[index] == null)
     //this.activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool--;  //bug
     System.out.println("DatabaseConnectionPool : Initialize Active Connection Failed. Index = " + index);
     System.out.println("DatabaseConnectionPool : Initialize Active Connection OK. Index = " + index);
 private boolean loadDriver(String driverName)
  boolean flags = false;
   System.out.println("loadDriver : Driver Loading...");
   flags = true;
  catch (InstantiationException ex)
   flags = false;
  catch (IllegalAccessException ex)
   flags = false;
  catch (ClassNotFoundException ex)
   flags = false;
  catch (Exception ex)
   flags = false;
  return flags;
 private Connection establishConnection(String URL,String user,String password)
  Connection genericConnection = null;

   genericConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, user, password);
   System.out.println("establishConnection : Created a new Connection in DatabaseConnectionPool.");
  catch (SQLException ex)
   System.out.println("establishConnection : SQLException.");
   genericConnection = null;
  catch (Exception ex)
   System.out.println("establishConnection : Exception.");
   genericConnection = null;
  return genericConnection;
 //public synchronized Connection getConnection(String URL,String user,String password)
 public synchronized Connection getConnection()
       throws Exception

  Connection genericConnection = null;
  System.out.println("getConnection : capacityOfConnectionPool = " + capacityOfConnectionPool);
  System.out.println("DatabaseConnectionPool : this.activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool = " + this.activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool);
  if (activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool < capacityOfConnectionPool)
    if (idleGenericConnectionQueue.isQueueEmpty())
    System.out.println("getConnection : idleGenericConnectionQueue isQueueEmpty.");
     genericConnection = establishConnection(URL,user,password);
     System.out.println("getConnection : establishConnection Returned.");
     if (genericConnection != null)
      int lengthOfgenericConnectionReferenceList = genericConnectionReferenceList.length;
      for (int index = 0; index < lengthOfgenericConnectionReferenceList; index++)
       if (genericConnectionReferenceList[index] == null)
        System.out.println("getConnection : Creating Index = " + index);
        genericConnectionReferenceList[index] = genericConnection;

      System.out.println("getConnection : establishConnection Returned Null.");
     if (genericConnection != null)
      if (genericConnection.isClosed())
       System.out.println("getConnection : Creating -- genericConnection is Closed.");
    catch (SQLException ex)
    catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("getConnection : Returning New Connection.");
     return genericConnection;
  genericConnection = (Connection)idleGenericConnectionQueue.remove(); //block
   if (genericConnection.isClosed())
    System.out.println("getConnection : Getting -- genericConnection is Closed.");
  catch (SQLException ex)
  catch (Exception ex)
  System.out.println("getConnection : Returning Existing Connection.");
  return genericConnection;
 public synchronized void collectInvalidateConnection()
  int activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool = 0;
  int lengthOfgenericConnectionReferenceList = genericConnectionReferenceList.length;
  for (int index = 0; index < lengthOfgenericConnectionReferenceList; index++)
   if (genericConnectionReferenceList[index] != null)
     if (genericConnectionReferenceList[index].isClosed())
      genericConnectionReferenceList[index] = null;
      System.out.println("collectInvalidateConnection : Collecting... Index = " + index);
    catch (SQLException ex)
     System.out.println("collectInvalidationConnection : SQLException." );
    catch (Exception ex)
     System.out.println("collectInvalidationConnection : Exception." );
  this.activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool = activeConnectionsOfConnectionPool;
 public synchronized void freeConnection(Connection genericConnection)
               throws Exception
  System.out.println("freeConnection : Freeing Connection.");
 public synchronized void releaseDatabaseConnectionPool()
              throws Exception
  //release genericConnectionReferenceList
  int lengthOfgenericConnectionReferenceList = genericConnectionReferenceList.length;
  for (int index = 0;index < lengthOfgenericConnectionReferenceList;index++)
    if (genericConnectionReferenceList[index] != null)
     if (!genericConnectionReferenceList[index].isClosed())
      genericConnectionReferenceList[index] = null;
      System.out.println("releaseDatabaseConnectionPool : Index = " + index);
   catch (SQLException ex)
    System.out.println("releaseDatabaseConnectionPool : SQLException." );
   catch (Exception ex)
    System.out.println("releaseDatabaseConnectionPool : Exception." );
  if (genericConnectionReferenceList != null)
   genericConnectionReferenceList = null;
  //release idleGenericConnectionQueue
  if (!idleGenericConnectionQueue.isQueueEmpty())
  if (idleGenericConnectionQueue != null)
   idleGenericConnectionQueue = null;




下面的FIFO队列程序引自: Java Thread Programming (Sams)

import java.sql.Driver;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;


public class ObjectFIFOQueue extends Object { 
   private Object[] queue; 
     private int capacity; 
    private int size; 
       private int head; 
        private int tail; 
   public ObjectFIFOQueue(int cap) { 
    capacity = ( cap > 0 ) ? cap : 1; // at least 1 
   queue = new Object[capacity]; 
     head = 0; 
      tail = 0; 
         size = 0; 

   public int getCapacity() { 
      return capacity; 

   public synchronized int getSize() { 
          return size; 

      public synchronized boolean isQueueEmpty() { 
          return ( size == 0 ); 

     public synchronized boolean isFull() { 
       return ( size == capacity ); 
     public synchronized void add(Object obj)  
            throws InterruptedException { 
          queue[head] = obj; 
           head = ( head + 1 ) % capacity; 
        notifyAll(); // let any waiting threads know about change 

  public synchronized void addEach(Object[] list)  
          throws InterruptedException { 
  for ( int i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) { 

     public synchronized Object remove()  
         throws InterruptedException { 

     Object obj = queue[tail]; 
         queue[tail] = null;  

     tail = ( tail + 1 ) % capacity; 
      notifyAll(); // let any waiting threads know about change 
       return obj; 
     public synchronized Object[] removeAll()  
            throws InterruptedException { 
      Object[] list = new Object[size]; // use the current size 
       for ( int i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) { 
           list[i] = remove(); 
       // if FIFO was empty, a zero-length array is returned 
         return list;  
     public synchronized Object[] removeAtLeastOne()  
               throws InterruptedException { 

           waitWhileEmpty(); // wait for at least one to be in FIFO 
      return removeAll(); 
     public synchronized boolean waitUntilEmpty(long msTimeout)  
              throws InterruptedException { 

        if ( msTimeout == 0L ) { 
              waitUntilEmpty();  // use other method 
           return true; 
        // wait only for the specified amount of time 
       long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + msTimeout; 
       long msRemaining = msTimeout; 
         while ( !isQueueEmpty() && ( msRemaining > 0L ) ) { 
              msRemaining = endTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); 
        // May have timed out, or may have met condition,  
          // calc return value. 
        return isQueueEmpty(); 
     public synchronized void waitUntilEmpty()  
            throws InterruptedException { 
        while ( !isQueueEmpty() ) { 
       public synchronized void waitWhileEmpty()  
            throws InterruptedException { 
        while ( isQueueEmpty() ) { 
       public synchronized void waitUntilFull()  
             throws InterruptedException { 
          while ( !isFull() ) { 
     public synchronized void waitWhileFull()  
              throws InterruptedException { 
         while ( isFull() ) { 





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